The Daily Bongo
Big Brother All Stars: July
August News from Big Brother All-Stars
Monday, July 31, 2006 -- Early Evening
Boogie saved himself, and Diane was put up on the block in his place. Diane was telling James that she thinks she can get Will, Boogie, and Chicken George to vote against Erika. If James joined them, then she would have a tie and it would come down to Janelle. Chances are that she will vote against Diane.Sunday, July 30, 2006 -- Evening
There was a luxury competition going on at the same time as the show this evening. It seems that the houseguest were broken up into two teams, blue and red. The game was to see who could be the fastest pit team on a car because the luxury is to see the movie Talledega Nights which sounds like a stupid movie to me. But I guess seeing any movie is great when you are in a house for a month with no entertainment. It seems that the blue team won. James, Danielle, and Diane are definitely on the blue team. It looks like Howie, Marcellas, George and Erika were--surprise, surprise, on the losing team. Kaysar may have also been on the losing team. At least he is with the losers playing cards.Luxury
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Show recap
Big Brother All-Stars was on this evening. The show starts with Jase giving his farewell speech. Boogie said that it is better for Jase to leave, but that it was hard to see him go because he had fighting spirit. Kaysar said that Jase's was the hardest eviction. Danielle said that it was an ugly eviction and Jase should have stayed in the game. It is now Day 25 in the BB house. Diane said that it was hard to say good-bye to Jase, and Jase going out the door proved there wasn't a Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance. Will said that it was really silent after Jase left. Will said that James really backdoored Jase. James said that Jase wasn't backdoored. Will made comments about Jase being choked up. Will and Boogie are in the diary room, and Will says that he told everyone that he hated them, and no one even voted against him. Marcellas is the only one glad that Jase left. As he said, "good bye to bad rubbish." Marcellas tells the others that he asked Jase if his mother would approve of his behavior. James and Danielle both say that no one there has behavior that anyone's mother would like. Danielle wouldn't let them vilefy Jase, and gives a speech about remembered the good moments with Jase. James felt bad about shaking hands with Jase, but evicting him, but Jase did tell James that he was after Danielle and Janelle. Howie said that a strong threat left the game, and that they all need to remember that. We see Janelle win HOH with Howie thanking her. Janelle thinks that she dominates in this game and the BB6ers are steam rolling through the game. Marcellas was hoping that Janelle would throw the game his way, but she didn't. Will said that Chill Town is in trouble fighting against Janelle. Diane asks if America is enjoying Nerd Herd part II because she thinks that the BB6ers are as bad as the Nerd Herd. Will is sorry that he didn't take out Janelle in the first move instead of HOwie. Will felt that he could have a conversation and a strategy with Janelle. Janelle and Will are in the Kitchen and Janelle wants to see Will's body. We see alot of Janelle and Will together. Will thinks Janelle likes him. Janelle said that it is strategy to work Will over. Janelle keeps on telling Will that he is so hot. Janelle said that Will doesn't have a snappy comeback when she says something. Will tells Janelle that he can't take a bath with her because he has no attraction for her. It is now time to see Janelle's HOH room. Boogie said that he hates it when the whole group goes up to see the HOH room. Janelle's room is hot pink with fur furniture. Janelle said that she loves it and feels like a princess. Marcellas thinks that the room is a Pepto Bismal nightmare. Janelle loves the room. She is now alone with James and Howie. Janelle goes over number. She says that there are four of them, five floaters and two from Chill Town. James thinks that they should go after Chill Town. Kaysar thinks that they should take out of Diane and that Diane is the most dangerous player. James says that Diane is timid and no one goes against Will and Boogie who is always threatening them. Janelle said that she isn't scared of them, but wants to get rid of floaters. James said that if one of Chill Town wins HOH, they are putting up two BB6ers. James said that Boogie will go after Janelle, and James thinks it's just good strategy to get rid of Boogie.
James is outside with Diane and Danielle. James has a budding alliance and goes to Diane and tells her to do some damage control. James said that he and Howie don't want to see Diane go. James tells Diane to go and talk to Janelle from her heart about how she is not going to go after the BB6ers. Diane said that she likes James and he is looking out for her. Diane goes to talk to Janelle. Diane said that she is not a kiss-ass and hates to go there. Diane said that she thinks that the BB6ers are after her. Meanwhile Diane said that she isn't after the BB6ers at all. As Diane said, she is there by herself and that for some reason, no one trusts her. Diane tells Janelle that Chill Town wants to put up Janelle. Diane found it hard to plead her case, and thought it was retarded. Janelle said that if she doesn't nominate Diane will Diane see it as trust. They both say that they are glad that they talked. Will goes to the HOH room. Will asks if he can take a bath while James, Howie and Janelle are in the bedroom. Will said that he doesn't like baths, but went to talk to the people who have power. Will is in the bathtub with rubber duckies and says that he is going to do a puppet show. Boogie says that comedy breaks the ice. Will starts naming all the duckies. Will said that there is a beautiful pond with a beautiful lady duck and that it is really Fanelle's pond. Will says that Fanelle has feelings for Dr. McDreamy. Meanwhile all the ducks were just wanting to be with both sides. Will said that he was trying to give them a puppet how and then talk to them. Will tells them to nominate two floaters that Will and Boogie would not nominate the BB6ers. Will says that if the BB6ers burn them, they just go back to their lives. Howie tells Janelle that they are making a deal with the devil.
Chicken George is still eating the BB slop and says that it is terrible. He says that it gives you terrible gas. Kaysar said that it is eating away at George. George is trying to find spices and seasonings to put on the slop. Boogie said that he thinks Chicken George is losing his mind because he thought he could make bread. George tries to toast it in the toaster. Will tells him to keep his chin up. It is time for the food competition, and it is at night time. This is the competition that I missed on Friday night. There are all these mats in the yard, and James is hoping for dodge ball. But it is time for a food fight. Janelle tells them that they won't be fighting with food, but for their food. Everyone takes a position in the ring. Several balls will come raining down. They all have to compete for a ball with a star in it. The person who gets the ball wins food for the week. That person then has to eliminate someone who will be on slop for the rest of the week. George can compete, but still has to eat slop. Danielle said that her biggest concern is that there are three girls competing against all these really big men. Meanwhile the girls are small and thin. Danielle said that she will knock down a man. They all put on head gear. Will tells Howie that they won't put the other out and Howie agrees. Will was just testing Howie. Boogie jumped to get the starred ball, and jumped 27 feet to get it. Boogie put Marcellas on slop as pay back for eliminating Boogie in the HOH game. More balls, and Howie got the starred ball. Howie takes out Will. Will sees that he can't trust Howie. Howie wants to weaken the good Dr. More balls. Kaysar got the next starred ball, and kindly put Chicken George on slop who couldn't eat anyway. Kaysar said that there were alot of upset people. Janelle said that Kaysar has just been taking the safe way the entire game. The balls came out, and James got the ball. Danielle gave James a hard hit. James put Diane on slop. It's now down to Danielle and Erika. Danielle never won a food competition in BB history. The ball comes out, Erika took a dive for it, but Danielle got it. Erika is on slop. Danielle said that Erika doesn't eat much anyway. Marcellas cries on Will's shoulder asking why he has slop.
Janelle said that she feels like baking. Diane offers to help her. Howie got excited. Diane said that she like Janelle but wants to keep her enemies closer. Janelle said that putting the bananas on top of the frig and that makes it older. She says that is what she does. Diane doesn't know how to cook and says she can't make fun of Janelle. Diane and Howie thinks that you put baking soda in the bread. Janelle thinks that baking soda is for the frig and not cooking. Janelle says that they should show they are domestic goddesses. Will and Boogie tell Janelle and Howie that they should take out one of the floaters. Boogie says that is they get rid of a floater, they won't have the numbers to get rid of the BB6ers. Will assures Howie that they won't be after the BB6ers and that they need to get Kaysar and James on their side. Will says to tell the floaters that they will go up as pawns and see how they feel. Will says that he wouldn't mind going up against them, and that Chill Town trusts them. Boogie then says that the BB6ers are getting played. Howie and Janelle go upstairs to HOH. Janelle asks about the deal. Howie said that it sounds like a dumb deal and Janelle agrees. The thing that Janelle says is that you have five floaters who have numbers. Janelle said that she has to think of a way to do what is good for her and not ruin her future chances. Howie brings up James, and Janelle tells him that she doesn't trust the floaters because they can join together against the BB6ers. Janelle stupidly says that she trust Chill Town. James asks if she doesn't trust Danielle, Erika, and Marcellas. Janelle says that she trusts them this week, but not next week. James said that she has to put up the two strongest floaters then--Danielle and Marcellas. James said that the only two people with them are Danielle and Marcellas. James tells Janelle that Chill Town wants the BB6ers to go against floaters so they can get the floaters against the BB6ers. Chill Town comes up to sit outside and play chess and listen in. Howie agrees that Chill Town sucks. Janelle tells Will that people will be mad at her for not putting up Chill Town. Will says that whoever speaks last to Janelle will influence her. Janelle said that she can't put Will up and is thinking of putting up someone with Boogie. Janelle said that she doesn't want people mad at her. Will tells Janelle that James and Kaysar are cowards. Will tells them that the four are selfish and they each got parachutes. Will says to put up Erika and Danielle. Will tells Janelle to bring in him and Boogie as an alliance. Will tells Janelle that he will protect Janelle and will vote the way that Janelle wants as a sign of faith. Janelle said "what if you lying?" Will says to send him home. As Will said, Kaysar has Erika, James has Danielle, Janelle has Marcellas and Howie was the only one to jump without a parachute. will is right in what he says.
Diane is hoping she won't go up, but if she does it won't be a big shocker. Will is hoping that he got the charm on to get a floater on the block. Boogie said that he feels confident about Chill Town and that Janelle can trust them. Janelle said that the decision is difficult and doesn't know what to do. Erika feels pretty safe and doesn't think Janelle will nominate her. Janelle is hoping to do what is best for her alliance while going after people who will go after her. Janelle brings out the key box. Janelle said that she didn't know who to nominate and is hoping for the best. James' key is first. Then Marcellas, then Howie, then Kaysar, then Will, then Danielle, then Diane, and the last is George (whose mouth drops in shock). Janelle said that she nominated Boogie because he is after her, and she nominated Erika because she is well liked and no one will go after her. Janelle wants to get rid of a floater to dwindle down the floater alliance. Erika sees this as an opening to strike back. Boogie is hoping to make others feel comfortable and win the veto. Will said that Janelle met him halfway. Will said that it is fair of her to meet him half way, and thinks that Janelle likes him. They are going to be kept away with the wakeup calls every 15 minutes in the next show.
End of show recap
Sunday, July 30, 2006 -- Early Afternoon
The houseguests are all sleeping, except for Kaysar. He has been up praying, and is now reading the Koran. There will be another episode on television tonight, and we will get to see the food competition that I missed and the POV competition. I believe that it was a team like food competition and that Will was on the losing team. He was making slop granola yesterday which sounds like something a loser would do.Quiet time
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Saturday, July 29, 2006 -- Morning
The POV competition was last night, and it seems that Boogie won the Veto. Boogie cut his foot in the process of celebrating. The competition happened around 5 am ET. Of course, I was in bed, sleeping. The BB6ers are conspiring away on what they need to do. Kaysar and James are talking in one of the bedrooms about who should go up in Boogie's place and Kaysar thinks that they have to put up Will. Meanwhile in the HOH bedroom (a very pretty pink), Janelle, Marcellas, and Howie are in bed discussing the options ahead of them. Marcellas wants Will to be nominated. He explains to Janelle and Howie that their biggest problem last season was that they went after a waffler--James--who would have followed the power. What they should have done was to go after Maggie last year--but they didn't. As Marcellas explains to them, if they had, they would have had the numbers. Marcellas tells them that Will is their Maggie. If they targeted Maggie instead of James, the whole outcome of the game would have changed because the Sovereign Six would have had the numbers. But no, they didn't. Marcellas also explains to them what the viewers of the Diary Room conversations already know: Will and Boogie, despite their disclaimers that they want to leave, really want to stay. Janelle and Howie got out onto the balcony and talk about what they are going to do. Janelle says that she is so confused and afraid that she really screwed things up. Janelle said that she thought that the plan was to get rid of a floater. Howie agrees that he did not want to get rid of Will or Boogie this early in the game. I think from what Janelle was saying earlier that she really wants to target Diane because she feels a threat from Diane. Janelle says that she is getting pissed at Kaysar because he isn't giving them any direction on what to do, and is just sleeping on his "fat ass" all day.Plotting
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Friday, July 28, 2006 -- Late Evening
I didn't get a chance to check out the live feeds much today, but it appears that Boogie and Erika were nominated for eviction. Janelle's rationale was that she wanted to get rid of a member of Chill Town--or at least nominate one. Then if he is removed, the other could be put up in his place. So far, it seems that Erika is a pawn. Or at least that is how it appears now. Tomorrow is the POV competition. For extremely detailed coverage of the live feeds, check out Joker's Updates.Thursday, July 27, 2006 -- Evening
Show recapEviction night on Big Brother All-Stars. The show starts with Will telling them all that he hates them. Jase starts talking right the nomination. Jase tells them not to vote out Dr. Will because he doesn't like them either. Jase said that this game isn't his style. He was meant for Survivor. Will tells Boogie to chill and just make sure he gets a couple of votes and they will stay. Will whispers to Boogie that the target is off his back. Boogie said that he is extremely loyal to will and that is his best friend. Jase is talking to George and said his reason to stay is the same to leave. He wants to win for his girls back home, and yet he wants to leave for them. Jase asks George if he gets George's vote. George licks his fingers noisely and tells Jase to calm down and think of it. George thinks that he stands a better chance with Jase then Will because they are from the same state. Jase is going to try though. Then Boogie is called into the bubble bath with Erika and Janelle. Boogie asks the two girls if they would rather have Will than Jase who wants to crucify them? Jase says it's awesome to be in the tub with two gorgeous girls. Marcellas tells Jase to lay low and that folks are living in constant fear of what Jase will do next. Jase said that Will is doing the same thing. Marcellas said that he has mistaken how everyone is reading Jase's actions. Jase asks Diane and Danielle how many votes he can get. Danielle tells him that he needs five votes. Jase thinks that he has Danielle, Diane, and George, and that it seems like a long shot to get two votes from the BB6ers. James tells Jase that the deal will be that if Jase does not get voted out and gets HOH that he will nominate two floaters. Will tells Danielle, Boogie, and Jase that he is going after the BB6ers. Jase then goes to Boogie, Danielle, and Will and said that he made a deal to stay with the BB6ers and shook hands on it and put up floaters. NOw in the living room, Marcellas tells Julie that Kaysar looks even more good looking with the shaved head. Kaysar said that he has no regrets and that you just have to play your best. Will is asked about hating everyone. Will said that there were reasons that he said what he did and it worked out. Will says that everything is real calm in the house. George has been on slop for six days and has a really bad case of gas. George has a shirt with Mr. Fart on it. We then see video of the Boogieman with Boogie talking in his sleep. Boogie said that he just think he misses family and is saying hello in his own way. Now it is time for some comments from the houseguests. Danielle talks about Jase making a deal. Kaysar said that he can keep up with Will and beat him. Boogie said that Jase is his man, and that Chill Town needs to get into action. Kaysar said that he would keep Jase because that shows he can trust him, and that Jase is a gentle soul. Danielle said that she is going with her first decision.
James thinks Chicken George doesn't cut it as an all-star, but Julie thinks that he is a personality. Howie said that he was nervous about George being in the house. Boogie thinks that George got too many shocks. George said that he is trying to fit in and that he is just being himself. He said that the George here is the George you see on the street. George has three kids. George's wife told him to do it because he would regret it. George had to quit his job to go on BB. George said that he worked hard and everyone could use the money. George said how many people get that chance? He's here to stay and play the game. Marcellas said that Chicken George's veto speech inspired him. Those are the reasons to be there. George goes to HOH and talks to James, and James tells him that George made him tear up. Kaysar and James said that they think George did a great job, and that he stepped up. Kaysar's hat is off to George, and George gained his respect. James said that he thought George was just someone there who wanted to stay in the shadow. George said that he is there to play the game and he will not quit. James is in the HOH bedroom. Jase's backdoor speech did not get a rise out of James. James didn't want to nominate him, but since Danielle and Janelle are the number one targets, he had to go after them. James tells Julie, you know how BB is. James' true feelings about George is that George has more heart than anyone in there, although he didn't like him at the beginning. James said that he likes and respects George. James said that he is more loyal to the BB6ers and Danielle. James doesn't trust Boogie or Will, but will do what he can to get to the end. Howie said that he isn't directly threatened by Will. Diane said that Jase is more of a threat to be there and he makes the bulls-eye on her back bigger. Howie said that Jase could be on his side. Marcellas said that Jase tries to pretend to be a man with integrity.
Now on to Dr. Will. Will's younger brother, Ian Kirby said that Will's strategy would never work with lying. As Will said, he considers lying a sport. Shannon Michelle was having a "show-mance" with Will. As she said, his arrogance overwhelms you. Will said that his childish ways of playing with people take people by surprise. Ian said that Shannon was together with Will for a long time. Shannon said that she wouldn't go there again. Shannon said that she is outgoing and outspoken and that Will is more quiet and shy, and wants to play video games at home. Ian said that Will is his own buildboard. He is obsessed with his looks, and as Shannon said, he gave himself his own liposuction. Will is entirely different outside of the house, and is very nice to his patients. As Will says, he treats his patients as he would want to be treated himself. George said that it's even on who should stay. Janelle said that Will and Boogie are Chill Town and are going after BB6ers. Erika said that she thinks Jase is after her. Janelle said the same. She might be safe this week, but after that, Jase is going after her. George said that he doesn't know what to do with his vote.
It's time for eviction. Jase has his final word and said that he is not mad at anyone in the house and crazy people make poor decisions. He hates the way he is leavning the house because it kills him inside. He is close to tears and asks for only Danielle and Diane to take him to the door. Will said that he doesn't hate the folks in the house, but strongly dislikes, in fact feels disdain for everyone. By a vote of 9-0, Jase has been evicted. Everyone went against Jase. They all hugged him. Danielle and Diane went to the door with him and Jase said that he would be back in two weeks. Will says that Jase left early and didn't deserve that. Everyone else is quiet. Will said that it is weird that everyone is so upset. Will then says that seeing Jase get choked up got to him. Jase said that getting backdoored sucked and that it happened twice. Jase said that if he was on Survivor he would be okay. Jase is subdued! Jase said that he had a man to man with James about being backdoored. Jase didn't think that it would be himself. Jase said that he does do loyalty and that is something that he is good with. Jase said that the BB6 alliance wasn't really able to bond with either of the alliances. Jase said that he can't confirm or deny that they alligned before in there. Boogie tells Jase that he would be great friends with Jase. Howie said that once you lose trust it is hard to get back. Marcellas said that there was cool Jase and the one creating unneccessary angst. Diane said that she admired and respected him. Janelle said that she was sorry they couldn't take his deal, but they couldn't trust him. Danielle said that it was hard, but that she couldn't do it. Jase said that he hopes that he goes to a beach and then back into the house. We find out from Julie that there is an America's choice that is only open to mobile phones. Folks get to select the amount of time that the houseguests will be disturbed by the messages that people have been posting.
It is now time for the HOH competition. There will be competitions all week where the houseguests will be responsible for the fate of their fellow houseguests. The person who answers correctly can eliminate someone. If you have the wrong answer you are out. You have to get rid of someone and it can't be yourself. The questions will be about the words and definitions on the wall: loyalty, honesty, love, betrayal, deceit, and hate. Last houseguest standing is HOH. Which word's definition contains the word dislike? Answer: hate. Marcellas gets it and takes out Boogie. Which word's definition from the wall contains the word unfaithful? Kaysar answers betrayal, and eliminates Diane. Which word's definition contains the word integrity? Answer honesty. Will gets rid of Howie. Which word's definition contains upright? Will answers loyalty and is eliminated. Which word's definition from the wall contains enthusiasm? Erika eliminates George. Which word's definition from the wall contains dessert? Kaysar answers betrayal. He eliminates Erika. Which word's definition from the wall contains sneakiness? Janelle answers deceit and gets rid of Danielle. Which word's definition from the wall contains intense? Marcellas answers Hate and gets rid of Kaysar. It is down to Janelle and Marcellas. Which word's definition from the wall contains obligation? Answer is loyalty and Janelle wins HOH for the second time. The BB6ers are ruling the house.
In the living room, Janelle is congratulated. Will is asking about being there and feeling a disdain for everyone. Will said that he nominates himself this week.
End of show recap
Thursday, July 27, 2006 -- Early Evening
Very interesting few seconds on the live feeds just a few minutes ago--shortly before 6 pm ET. I was watching one of the feeds while doing something else, and I saw an HOH sign flash up. Then the HOH competition booths came on to the feed--with people in them. I could just react quickly enough to get a capture of the stand-in James before the feeds went to flame. Obviously they have a practice of the competition, and it is another one of those stupid question deals. I just wish that they would have some skill competition instead of these stupid questions. My question is why do they need to practice the competition? Wouldn't you think they already know how to do the lighting? Hmmm....Fake James

Tonight's episode will have the eviction and the HOH competition. I think that Jase will be voted out, but with these stupid question competitions, anyone could win.
Thursday, July 27, 2006 -- Late Morning
Alison from Big Brother All-Stars was not only dumped from the house, she was also dumped by her boyfriend. Meanwhile she was telling Julie Chen that it was true love. I suppose it wasn't true love. It has to be hard to have two huge disappointments at one time.Wednesday, July 26, 2006 -- Evening
Someone has done the math, and they figure that there will have to be two weeks with double evictions in order to finish the show on September 21. This could be very dangerous for the BB6ers. Everyone is still lusting after Kaysar, even after his head was shaved. The guy is hunk-alicious.Random pictures from July 26
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006 -- Evening
Show recapAn episode of Big Brother All-Stars was on this evening, with no news if you have access to the live feeds. Tonight was the Power of Veto competition. The show starts with the nomination ceremony. Day 19. James said that George is a floater and it forces the other floaters to take a side. Dr. Will can play the perfect pawn because he doesn't care if he goes home. George doesn't think it is good odds to go against Will. Janelle said that George is pulling everyone's leg by saying he doesn't know about the past seasons. It is a bunch of crock as she says. Howie tries to hug Dr. Will after the nomination, and he tells Howie to go hug Boogie. Will says that he likes to be nominated because it puts him at the forefront of things and he gets to compete in everything for the week, and gets to be the underdog. George says that Dr. Will doesn't want to go home, and that he is up against the Master what chance has he got. Howie gives George a backrub. George said that he got shot down. James said that if George isn't a strategic player, why should George be allowed to continue and just get a pass to win? George says that he and James are two completely different people and they don't mesh. Howie said that personally he loves George because the guy cooks and cleans for him. Howie said that he could feel sorry for him, but being sorry for people last year got him out. Will said that if he wins the veto he would take George off. Boogie says no. George looks so crushed about being nominated. Boogie is shocked that it was George against Will. Boogie says that it is sick and twisted to think that Will should be called the pawn (as the BB6ers do)--as the best player of the game. Danielle said that Chicken George is going home. She says George is cooked if the vote were today. Jase thanks James for not nominating him, and he said that he didn't come up the night before because he didn't want to kiss ass. James said that Alison and Nakomis went home before someone who was as worthless as George who doesn't play and just wants to breeze through. Jase said that he respects James' game and that they have the same sort of attitude. Jase wants to be strategic. Marcellas said that there is something appealing about every man in the house--and we see Marcellas grab Jase's hand as Jase stands in the bathroom only wrappped in a towel. Marcellas said that he can never be as desperate to go after George. Kaysar is a different story. We see Kaysar without a shirt, and then we see Marcellas in the afro. Marcellas said that he sat by Kaysar at one point, and Kaysar smelled, and Marcellas was trying to suck in his stinky smell. Marcellas then tells Janelle and Erika that he is falling in love with Kaysar. Marcellas said that it makes him insane. Marcellas says Kaysar is as fine as hell and calls him the Iraqi Peach. Marcellas could get married and be happy for the rest of his life with Kaysar. Kaysar and Erika are talking. Erika said that they have to decide between George and Will. Marcellas said that George should go. Marcellas said that George has to show like he can win something. Marcellas said that Chill Town needs to stay in as a buffer from the BB6ers. Marcellas said that they should get rid of the big player--aka Will.
James is brushing his teeth and Jase is rapping to the other houseguests. Will said that he was trying to get sleep. Diane said Kaysar is keeping the beats and Jase is rapping. They all say that they want Jase to get up chicken George. George said that he is sleeping. George is told that he has to get up and do his rap. George raps that he got voted off in week three and Will stayed in. He also says that James needs to go and makes a whole slew of really negative comments about James. Danielle tells Jase not to make the mirror face. Danielle calls him the Japanese anime because Jase has this really hot body, and then uses the flat iron on his head and spikes it just so. Danielle does the Jase face. Then we see will and Boogie doing the Jase face as Jase primps his hair. Howie and George are in the kitchen. George said that he is going to bed early because it is his last stand. George says that he has to get the power of veto really, really bad. Howie loves George and said that he would miss the guy. George said that he wishes the best for Howie. George tells Howie to watch who his friends are and to not let anyone tell him he can't do it because he can. Howie said "the apprentice teaches the master." George tells Howie to watch the snake. Howie tells George that he has been a great Jedi apprentice as they cheer with beer.
It is now time for the veto competition. It is time to pick the six. James, Will, and George have to pull a ball out of a bag with a players name. In addition to the ball with the player's name, there is a ball with the phrase "houseguest's choice". James picked first and got Kaysar. Kaysar wants to make sure that the veto falls in the right hands. Will picked his choice and picked Boogie. George picked Jase's name. Jase is glad of that because if someone comes off, he realizes that he would go up. The houseguests go out in the backyard. Diane sees six podiums and things covered in sheets. Janelle is the hostess. It is a competition to see who will go far enough to win. George feels like David against Goliath. The Big Brother thermometer is labelled with tasks. In order to stay in the game, each player must complete the task listed. As the games go on, the tasks become more challenging. If you refuse to do the task you are out. The player with the most tasks wins. James has to win the veto to secure his nominations. First up is Sloppy Surprise. They have to eat one bowl of slop. They all agreed. Danielle called it Satan's slop. They all had to clean their bowl. George said that the stuff was bad and he had the shakes. Will went out because he couldn't eat alittle slop. Kaysar finished it, and then Boogie pretended to throw up because the slop couldn't go down. James ate his, and so did Jase. George looked like he was going to puke, but he ate it. They then had to take off their shirt and pants and burn them. They call burned their clothes. Kaysar ripped off his shirt. Next task was Sign me up. The houseguests got to write on each their bodies. Jase said he hadn't done that since college. They all agreed to that. Next up was the option to dye themselves in blueberry stain. They all agreed to do it. George was first. James called George fat-ass smurf. They all were turned blue. The next task is no veto for you. If they choose this one, they can't compete in the following week's veto competition. James said he can't be in HOH or veto. James said he had no choice and had to give up on the competition. Jase also decided not to do it. George went for it, and Kaysar said that he had to do it because George was not getting picked off easily. The next one is the Hair today, gone tomorrow. They had to shave their heads. George asks Kaysar to cut him some slack because he is alot like George. Marcellas said there's beautiful Kaysar with no hair. George said that he would do anything to stay in the game. Howie shaves George while Kaysar looks on nervously. Marcellas tells Kaysar he could go out, and then he shaves Kaysar's head. Marcellas said that it was a huge sacrifice. They have to go to the tie breaker question. The question is how many days would they be willing to eat slop to win the veto. They have to pick the number of days they would do it. Kaysar took 15, and George said that he would eat slop for 60 days. James said that he didn't think about George winning the veto. He now has to think of another strategy.
James goes to the HOH room to clean up. He is really mad. As he said, everything he worked for is down the drain. He busted his ass. James said that it backfired and he is more hated than George. George said that he is back and that just shows how fast the game can change. Janelle and Howie come in to talk to Kaysar and James. Janelle said that it should be Jase. James doesn't want to backdoor Jase. James feels that he was going back on his word to put up Jase. James said that he should put up Boogie. Howie thinks Jase can win. Janelle said that Jase can go after them. James said that he is sticking to his word which is a good thing. Kaysar is worried about Jase too. Janelle thinks it would be a good move to get rid of Jase. Kaysar tells Jase that they can't trust Jase. Kaysar tells him they want to send Boogie home, but they can't do that, and they don't want to send Will home. Jase said that they keep Will and Boogie and he gets the raw deal. Jase said that he loves to be backdoored. Jase goes outside and starts throwing things around as everyone sits there quietly. Jase then says to James that he took the bitch route. James said that you have to put it to numbers. James said that it has to go to group numbers as opposed to individual scenarios. James said that Jase was going back and forth between them and Chill Town and that left a lasting impression. Jase said fine, but he hates to go like this. Jase said that he wouldn't backdoor James and that he feels that he is getting backdoored. Jase said that he thought James had integrity. James said you have to have integrity on every level, not just one. Jase said that he has integrity on every level. Howie said that Jase going between James and Will is great integrity? Jase said that Danielle knows to keep quiet and she does. Marcellas is not so good at keeping his mouth shut. Jase said that Marcellas doesn't leave the HOH room, and then tells Jase in the hammock that they have to break up season 6. Marcellas said that everyone knows they have to break up season 6 and he tells Janelle and James that all the time. Jase tells Marcellas not to go around kissing the ass of season 6 and then say you have to take them out next week. Marcellas said that Jase is working every single person in the house. Marcellas starts yelling at Jase that he didn't say that they had to bust up season 6 and for Jase to say that shows he has no integrity. Will and Boogie watch quietly with smiles on their faces. Marcellas said that James didn't even say who he was going to put up. As Marcellas said, no one even knew until Jase did his hissy fit and started throwing things. Marcellas said that Jase wants to call people out. Marcellas says that everyone is talking about the alliances, and who is grouped up and how they are grouped up--that's the game. Jase then tells James that they have the votes to get rid of Marcellas and that James knows it, and that next week Marcellas will group with Chill Town to vote James out. James just stares straight ahead. Then Marcellas said that he can see why people from season 5 hated Jase.
Everyone is quiet outside, and then George calls everyone in for the veto ceremony. The argument was right before the veto ceremony. Jase said he got angry because he knows that if he can compete, he can save himself, but being backdoored is awful and what gets him is the way the game is played. James said that Jase is playing two sides, and unfortunately, he teamed up with the side that is not in power. George says that this is the veto ceremony. George tells Will that he can give a speech on why he should stay in the house. Will stands and says traditionally the nominees have spoken to the veto holder individually, but Will would like to speak to the house as a group. He tells them all that it is an All-Star game, and that he has been asked why he hasn't been playing. Will said that in season 2 there were alot of people that he hated and that motivated him and gave him a reason to compete and to want to fight and remove people from the game. He thought it was because he liked everyone there but that it was the opposite of that. He said that he can't find an individual to hate because he hates them all. He is going to ask that they all remove him and that he will throw all HOH, veto, and food competitions. Will said that he will do everything to make sure that everyone eats slop. Will said that George is a bad-ass and needs to save himself. George said that he is honored to be there with all of them and that he wants to play the game. As George says at his time of life to be there with all of them, even with the Doc--who is a good guy--George pats Will's hand. George said that they have all been given a second chance and how many people get that chance. George said that he is going to play and is honored to be with each and everyone of them. George says that they are all All-Stars. George has chosen to use the veto on himself. James now has to pick another person to put in the chair. James tells them all that they went over all this outside, and asked Jase if he wouldn't mind. Will said that he made the target on his back so large it is invisible. James said that Jase shot himself in the foot and Will and Boogie shot him in the other foot. Jase said that he has been backdoored, but will come up with something to save himself.
End of show recap
Monday, July 24, 2006 -- Evening
It seems that Chicken George used the veto to save himself, and James up Jase in his place. Jase was talking to Will about how he feels backdoored, and Will told him that he can't be backdoored because the plan wasn't to actually put him up. I think that folks actually wanted Chicken George gone. The big question at this point is who will go: Jase or Will. And then who will win HOH on Thursday? James is talking on the live feeds with Marcellas, Erika, and Kaysar. James and Kaysar are telling Marcellas said that Boogie and Will wanted to target Marcellas. They all agree that Chill Town want to keep the girls because they think that they can manipulate the girls. Marcellas then says that he would have banged one of the Chill Town folks if that's what they wanted. James also mentions that today is Sarah's birthday, and that she is now 24. James really does seem to love Sarah. Finally I saw the shaved head Kaysar, and he is still quite an attractive man! Erika really has the hots for Kaysar and said that they would have beautiful children with dimples. The conflict would be muslim Kaysar and Jewish Erika. I'm sure that their family wouldn't agree to it.What a hottie!
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Monday, July 24, 2006 -- Afternoon
The veto ceremony occurred on in the Big Brother All-Stars house, but so far, I haven't been able to figure out who is up. It seems that Chicken George did use the veto to save his skin, but it isn't clear at this point if Boogie or Jase was put up in his place. James was talking to Kaysar and Janelle about how Jase should be the one to go and that the floaters would be stupid enough to vote Will out. I think that the houseguests in general don't want a floater to win just because the other alliances like the BB6ers and Chill Town get whacked.Sunday, July 23, 2006 -- Evening
Show recapAnother episode of Big Brother All-Stars was on this evening. The show starts with a recap of the eviction of Nakomis. Diane said that she is going to fight and win the game for Nakomis. Jase just sat on the couch and didn't do anything. Boogie is glad that Diane stayed because she is hot. Day 18 in the BB house. Will said that he can't believe they voted her out. He wanted everyone to know they did it. Jase said that he saw no reason to kiss Nakomis' ass because she isn't going to be in the jury. After all, as he said, Nakomis came up with the six finger plan. Diane said that Hell froze over and she is still in the house. Will said that he knew one was his, and wondered who was the other. Janelle was the other because she gave her word to Nakomis to vote for her. Will said that he thought it was someone from season six. James said that he voted for the person best for him and Howie. James knows that he is safe with Diane. Howie even says that it is better place for him without Nakomis. Howie ran to congratulate James. Will says that he gives credit to where it is due, and BB6ers are good. Howie said that he will continue to celebrate because everyone is after the BB6ers. Danielle said that she is going to kiss ass again this week. James is so happy to have finally won an HOH competition. Danielle said that the only thing she is concerned about is whether she is safe. Kaysar says that the BB6ers are a force to be reckoned with. Boogie thinks that James will call out Kaysar. Will thinks that James will nominate them. Boogie and Will agree that James is smart. Boogie said that it is difficult to figure out who James will nominate. Then we see Chicken George cleaning everything non-stop. Boogie said that George cooks, cleans and does the laundry. They call Chicken George the housemother. Kaysar said that Chicken George is always being kind and nice, but that he is always eavesdropping. James and Janelle came out of the storage room and found George right outside the door. George says that he just listens and hopes that will get him far in the game. James takes everyone to see his HOH room. The room is all red. Marcellas likes the fact that it changes every week. We hear that Sarah and James are still living together in Chicago. James said being in the HOH room is good because of what you get. Howie asks for a picture of Sarah because she is hot, and James said no. Jase said that he is getting sick of seeing BB6ers families. The BB6ers celebrate in the HOH room. James said that he needs to figure out who is different. Howie said that they have to take out some of the strong ones, but that they need to keep someone strong to keep the fire off of them. HOwie said that Georgie is horrible. James and Kaysar said that to take out Chicken George makes the rest of the floaters make a decision. James wants to call George up to talk to him, and wants to talk to others. James, Janelle, Howie, and Kaysar make plans to be the final four.
Boogie is working out and jumping rope. James asks Boogie where the inspiration is to get buff, and Boogie said that it is because of the really buff, good looking guys. Boogie tells Danielle that he is trying to slim down, but he has his mother's hips. Boogie is an exercise maniac. Will is going on and on about being bored. will asks why they put cabinets so high on the walls. No one knows why Will is always complaining. Kaysar said that Will complains because his mother didn't give him attention and that he is playing the game. Jase said that Will just talks all the time and it is not entertaining. Will said that he tries to demoralize the others, and that it really isn't that bad in the house. Diane said that Will just won't stop talking, and that Will must be planning to take everyone down with his complaints. Will goes to the HOH room to talk to James. James said that he would like to take out chicken George. James asks Will how he would feel about being put out. Will said that he would have the votes to keep Dr. Will. James wants to keep Dr. Will around to the end. Will tells James that he is more of a threat than the other three. James admits that Howie, Kaysar, and Janelle are a threesome. Will said that he would have to put up season six. Will said that James, Will, Boogie, and Danielle would be a solid four. Will said that the more people in Chill Town would be good for Will. Will admits that he and James have alot in common. Then we see Jase playing with the blow up innertube. Howie tries to play around with Jase up singing the song with him. Howie couldn't believe that Jase made up the "Blow Up Innertube song." Erika talks to James and she suggests Chicken George and Jase. She thinks everyone would vote against George. Marcellas said that James has a real problem with George, and so does everyone else. Danielle tells James that if Chicken George is his target, he is stupid. Danielle thinks that James should target Jase. Danielle thinks that it is personal, and thinks that it is going to backfire if he goes for George.
Danielle said that she would be better if she could put butter into it. James said that he feels beat down and that he is not getting the taste out of his mouth. We see Danielle, James, and Janelle stirring gruel. James said that he is close to losing it. It is now time for the food competition. Everyone pairs into teams of two. They play for a day in the week. If they get the ball to the top, they get food for that day and a catered dinner for that day. If the ball drops in one of the zones, they either eat slop (red), veggies and beer is yellow, kumquats and breads is next (second red), then meat and ice cream (green). If they land into a slop hole, they will eat slop that week. James and Erika went first. James said that they were baking and his hands were sweating. James and Erika got the feast for Monday. They get food and a feast. Diane and Boogie are up next. Boogie directs Diane. Diane made him stop because he was yelling alot at Diane. They got Tuesday's food and the feast. Will and Danielle went up, and they veggies and beer, bread and kumquats. Kaysar and Howie were next. Howie said that you have to have guidance from your partner. They got a feast for Thursday. Marcellas and Janelle are next. Marcellas was too wimpy. Marcellas said they based their team on looks and whether they will get along. Marcellas tells everyone else to shut up. Marcellas ruins it for the team, and they get veggies and beer. George and Jase are up for Saturday. Jase selected George. As he said that would be the one person he would make his friend. George was shaking like a leaf. George was sweating like a pig and had to rest to wipe the sweat. George collapses at the end, and is sitting on his ass. The others go to help George. They got food for the day and a feast. There is no slop on the board. Janelle and Marcellas whine about not being able to do well at the competition. Janelle tells Marcellas that he tried. Marcellas said that he would like to be like the boys and not be the gay guy who can't do anything. Janelle said that she likes sucking at the games makes everyone think she is a buxom, smart blonde.
Boogie is talking in his sleep. Janelle said that Boogie's sleep talking is unusual and it's scary. Boogie said that he has been a sleep talker. It bothers Janelle. Janelle said that she would ask him his strategy if she could get close to him. Janelle said that he was saying scary words and words taht didn't make sense. Then there is Chicken George with his snoring. Danielle admits that she is the first one up in the BB house. Danielle said that she is a super mom and can't sleep in. Danielle said that she was married with kids and that she is 34 but has a 17 year old. She was 16 when she had her first baby. She said that she struggled but she had to do what she had to do for the sake of her children. Kaysar is impressed that Danielle takes care of her responsibilities. Danielle wonders if her little girls miss her. She wants to hear them say they love her and that would be priceless. She cries. Janelle and James talk and they both talk about Danielle and Marcellas want Jase out. Janelle admits that Danielle and Marcellas are a nice sub alliance. As James said, in the words of Kaysar, if you want something done, do it as HOH.
Nomination time. James is making his decision. Jase said that James is the biggest liar of his season, but he doesn't care. Will will be shocked if his key doesn't come out of the box. James said that it is a whole new type of pressure for him. He is not afraid of the nominations. Boogie said that James' nominations are the biggest mystery so far. George thinks that they think he is holding back and that he is a strategist, but he isn't. Boogie thinks Chill Town might not have a problem this week. James said that Big Brother is not a team sport. The first key in the box is Erika's. Danielle is next Boogie is next, then Kaysar, Janelle is next, then Diane, then Jase, then Marcellas, and finally Howie. So George and Will are nominated. James said that he nominated Kind Dr. Will because he wanted to go home. He picked George because George is the nice guy running around, and then found George listening to one of his conversations. George says something about James going after the most strategic player. Will believes if they don't send him out that is a mistake. James said that Will thinks he is just a pawn, but James will work to get him evicted if that is what is needed. George says that he doesn't use people and that he doesn't feel cool with mud slinging. George said that James has been walking around like he is the rooster of the barnyard, but that the Colonel is around the corner waiting for him.
End of show recap
Saturday, July 22, 2006 -- Evening
Today was the Power of Veto competition. From listening to the live feeds afterwards, it appears that the contestants had to say if they would agree to do something. For example, one was to eat porridge for x number of days or to not compete for the veto in the next week. It seems that the folks who competed were James, Will, Chicken George, Jase, Boogie, and Kaysar. Shockingly, Chicken George won the competition. James, Janelle, and Howie were discussing the competition. The things that they had to do were eat porridge, burn your clothes, have someone write on you, blueberries, no competing for vetos, shaving your head, then x number of days on slop. It seems that Will and Boogie gave in on the first item which was to eat porridge. James and Jase went up to the point of not competing for the veto. It seems that Kaysar and Chicken George went to the point of a tie-breaker and that Chicken George won. This would be the sort of competition that they would have when Chicken George was up for nomination. It's the only competition that he could have won. The question becomes who to put up in Chicken George's place. Jase is afraid that it will be him, but Will, Boogie, and Jase were talking about putting up Marcellas. James also mentioned it to Janelle, but Janelle is really tight with Marcellas so it will be interesting to see what happens. James is moping in the HOH room because he is upset with how the whole competition will be portrayed on the tv show because it will look like he was ganging up on the poor stupid family man, and thinks that there was something suspicious about the way that the competition was setup. James thinks that BB setup the competition specifically to get George to win. James said that at least he gets to be with the most beautiful women (Janelle, Diane, Danielle, and Erika). James also believes that George will win HOH next week because BB is setting him up to go to the end. All the girls and James are uphappy at the thought that George might make it to the end.Mope
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To show how boring things can be on the live feeds, before the meeting in the HOH room, Marcellas was showing Danielle how to fold towels in the backyard. Several minutes were spent on towel folding.
This is how you do it...
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James is really upset over the fact that Will and Boogie wouldn't even try to eat oatmeal. Danielle is assuring James that she is going to try to keep James safe from Chicken George if George gets the HOH. James is really convinced that George is going to get the HOH next time. James has alot of issues about the things that Will and Boogie have done. Such as Boogie cheating in the food competition by using his hand to push Diane into the slop when they weren't allowed to use their hands. James thinks that he has to compete against the houseguests and BB who he thinks is out to get him. It is very obvious that Danielle and James are in cahoots. I got some captures of chicken George with his shaved head. I have been hoping to see Kaysar, but he might have a problem with his ear (ear ache) and is laying down in the bed with his shaved head. Things are getting more interesting in the house.
Shaved heads are ugyl
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Finally, even though it is incredibly hot in California, Marcellas, Will, Howie, and Danielle have a badminton game.
Sweating to the birdie
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Friday, July 21, 2006 -- Late Evening
It is going to be an interesting week. From the things that folks are saying on the live feeds, it seems that James nominated Will and Chicken George for eviction. It seems that James called out Chicken George for listening in at doors and that George is upset about getting nominated. As James told them all out by the pool, George says that he wants to play the game and this gives him the chance. I think that George hoped to lay low, and just breeze into sequester. The thing that I like is that the folks this time seem to be targeting the floaters, and getting rid of the people who are not very competitive. James is telling Diane about how he caught George listening at the door of the storage room as James and Janelle were talking who to keep Nakomis or Diane. In the house, Howie asks Marcellas if Marcellas would do House Calls, and he said that he would. He is also interested in who is actually hosting the show. We get flames as Marcellas explains to Howie how House Calls came into being. Howie and James go to the HOH room and talk to Janelle. We find out then that after listening in at the storage room door, Chicken George went to Howie and told him that James and Janelle were out to get Howie. So when James put the keys in the nomination box, he put Howie's in last to play mind games with George.Random pictures from July 21
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Friday, July 21, 2006 -- Early Evening
The houseguests competed in a food competition today. Basically they all competed for food for all of them by playing for days of the week. The goal of the game was to have one player on each side of a tilted board filled with holes. The two players had to work as a team with a thick pole to push a bowling ball up the board without having the ball fall into the holes. The houseguests were able to get food for every day except Wednesday and Friday. Marcellas and Janelle were one of the teams who couldn't get the ball up the board. Marcellas seemed particularly bad at the game. In my opinion, Marcellas has been the biggest dude of the group. I think that he thinks too much of himself. He is boring, and not very good at any of the games so far. We'll have to see if he gets any better. It also appears that James made an alliance with Will, Boogie, and Danielle prior to the show. Some of the folks at caught Will, James, and Boogie discussing their alliance.Second food competition
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Thursday, July 20, 2006 -- Evening
Show recapAnother Big Brother All-Stars episode. Day 18. Nakomis and Diane haven't campaigned against each other and tonight is eviction night. Diane wasn't surprised that Erika didn't use the veto because alot of people don't have spines. Nakomis wants to stay in the house and grind everyone else into the ground. She wants to use the money. Will is disappointed that the veto wasn't used and that he didn't go up. Howie gives Will a neck rub, and Howie says that Howie is creepy and that he is being sexually harrassed by him. Nakomis and Diane do their Boo-Hoo Betty routine. Erika said that she tried, but that she could only take one of them out without putting someone in her place. Diane called it a cop-out. Diane gave Nakomis the right to campaign to stay in. Nakomis gets teary eyed and said that she is going home. Diane said that there are so many people that she wants out of the game. Erika is leaning towards keeping Nakomis. Danielle said that BB6ers want to keep Nakomis. Jase said that Diane makes dumb moves and that Nakomis is more laid back, but always thinking. We get to see Marcellas and Janella in the bathtub. Janelle said that the longer she stays in, the longer Marcellas stays in. Marcellas said that he can control Diane. Marcellas tells Janelle that whoever goes after her, she has to take them out. Marcellas wants to take Janelle to the end because it would be so aesthetically pleasing. Diane is smoking the hooka outside, and Nakomis is inside the house campaigning to stay in with the aid of the BB6ers. Diane plots with Will and Boogie to be the girl who breaks up BB6. Nakomis wants to go with them to get Chill Town. Nakomis thinks that she has the BB6ers. Kaysar said that they are busting their butt to keep Nakomis in, and that they have Erika, but aren't sure of Marcellas. In the live show, George is covered in aluminum foil and talk goes on about how George is an apprentice Jedi under Howie's tutalage. George said that he is having a hard time adapting to being the oldest in the house. Marcellas is asked about being on Big Brother slop. Marcellas said that he hasn't eaten anything since being on the slop. It seems the folks who are eating aren't being nice to the guys who aren't eating. Diane said that it was tough because she was never on the block before. Howie is asked about getting Botox and if he will see Dr. Will to get the work done. Howie said that he trusts Dr. Will and that Dr. Will isn't evil outside of the house and thinks that Will will make him look better and younger. It is now time to hear what the houseguests think of Nakomis and Diane. Danielle said that people think Diane is weak, but she is a fighter. Howie thinks that Diane is gunning for BB6. Boogie said that he would love to keep Diane because he is attracted to her. He thinks Diane is a tomcat. Danielle said that when Nakomis said that she will do something she will. Boogie said that Nakomis is cunning and a chameleon. He votes to evict Nakomis.
Julie Chen looks into Kaysar's beliefs as a devout Muslim. We see Kaysar doing his prayers. Kaysar said that he came into the house to find out about people who were different. His sister Dalia said that Kaysar is the first Muslim to be in a reality show. At the Islamic center of Southern California, one of the women said that Kaysar shows everyone what it is like to be a muslim, and how the praying to God is a time to think about family and others. Dalia thinks that Kaysar's faith keeps him strong. Danielle said that Kaysar is very cute--the muslim Brad Pitt. Dalia thought that it was funny to Erika flirting with Kaysar. Marcellas said that he is falling in love with Kaysar. Dalia said that Kaysar is used to not having women and alcohol. Kaysar's life outside the house is the same as inside the house his friends and family say. Dalia doesn't like people betraying him in the house. Kaysar is trying to be honest in the house. They think that Kaysar is playing the game, and that he is doing a tremendous job of showing others that Iraqis are human too. Kaysar is now talking in the HOH room. Kaysar is asked about Will and Boogie. He said that he isn't a wimp, and that he has refined his strategy. He wants to create a big target to take the pressure off of BB6. Kaysar said that Diane and Nakomis are strong players. Kaysar said that Will is just trying to egg him on with the offer to go up, but he wasn't tempted. Kaysar thinks the BB6 alliance is very strong. They are there to win--while also having fun. Will said that it doesn't matter who stays because neither is the glue that holds them together. George said that Diane asked him to stay in the game. Erika said that Diane reminds her of Alison. George said that you can't help not going on personal feelings. Will votes to evict Diane. That is a shock.
Now, are Jase and Diane secretly working together? The houseguests are on high alert. Diane and Jase are sitting by the pool together, and Danielle has a theory that Jase and Diane are together and that it is a Mr. and Mrs. Smith deal. Danielle spreads the word and tells other about the thoughts of the alliance. Danielle thinks that Jase has such a strong Brad Pitt thing. Jase also said something about Diane being Angelina Jolie. when Jase is confronted about it, he got nervous and started talking in circles. Janelle thinks that she has caught Jase in it. She thinks that everyone thinks that Jase and Diane are working together. Jase tells Janelle and James that Nakomis is a better game player. Janelle said that means Jase is dead set on keeping Diane because he wants to get rid of Nakomis. Jase says the people are crazy--or are they? Diane tells Jase to pretend he hates her. Janelle said that she wants to keep Nakomis because the others are frightened of her. Jase said that Nakomis is overrated. James said that he is voting for what is best for him and Howie. Marcellas thinks the wrong people are up. Jase says Diane is dynamic. Janelle says that Big Brother is not a charity case, and doesn't like Diane whining about money. Janelle votes to evict Diane, and surprise of surprise, James votes to evict Nakomis.
It is getting close to the time to get rid of the evicted houseguest. By a vote of eight to two, Nakomis has been evicted. That means that only Janelle and Will voted for Nakomis. Everyone hugs her and sends her on her way. Everyone gives Diane a hug while Jase just sits on the couch smirking at them all. Nakomis gets to talk to Julie Chen. Nakomis made it to the final four in her season, but just was blindsided by things in this house. Nakomis said that her head is in the game. Nakomis said that there are alot of people who are afraid of her in the house. Nakomis said that she was under the radar because of the big personalities of the others. Nakomis said that Kaysar was wishy-washy. Nakomis thinks that Kaysar made a horrible mistake by not putting up Will and Boogie because they are manipulators. Word is, according to Nakomis, that Kaysar made a deal with Will and Boogie to save himself. Everyone is gathered in the living room. Tonight's HOH competition is called Pay Attention. Earlier today on the memory wall were pictures from competition this season. They have to pay attention to everything they see as the pictures are shown. They are showing video of the various competitions for HOH, veto, and food competitions. Everyone now has to go out to the backyard for the competition. It is supposed to be the most challenging HOH competition.
Time for the HOH competition. The houseguests will answer A or B to the questions that are asked them about the four earlier competitions. "When Will rode the meteor? What did the sign behind Diane say? A. Big Brother All-Stars B. HOH. Answer is B and Howie and George are out. "Falling Stars competition: how many points were on the star in the center?" A. 7 B. 5. Answer: A. Jase, Erika, Will, Boogie and Diane are out. "When Danielle gets dumped on, what was the color of the bucket?" A. Red B. Blue. Answer B. Marcellas is out. "When George searched the dump with the hockey stick what was on the medal cage?" A. Devil Duck or B. a gnome. Answer is B. Everyone got it right. "When Boogie fell during the meteor competition, how many players on the pedestal were topless? A.3 or B. 4. Answer: A. Janelle is out. It is down to James and Danielle. "When Nakomis feel during the meteor competition which foot was the last to leave the pedestal?" A. Left B. Right. Answer: A. Both got it right. Tie breaker question--the one who comes closest to the number without going over wins. If both go over, the closest one wins. "How many seconds did it take for Janelle to win the Big Brother Dump veto competition?" James said 421. Danielle said 480. Answer was 379 seconds. James is the new HOH. This is the first time that James has won the HOH!
End of show recap
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 -- Evening
Nothing very exciting happening in the BB house today. Wednesday's are usually a quiet day because it is voting day, and folks are trying to prepare for the live show on Thursday and the HOH competition. The BB6ers are worried about their status if someone other than their group wins the HOH competition.Tuesday, July 18, 2006 -- Evening
Marcellas had his huge Afro wig in the house, and put it on his head. Well, earlier in the day (or last night), Kaysar had chopped up his hair. It looked like a weed whacker had attacked it. So Kaysar asked to wear the wig, and he looked really hot. Marcellas asked why Kaysar had to take all of his stuff and why he had to look good in everything. I think that Marcellas still has the hots for Kaysar. I think that Kaysar really was a wuss for not putting up Chill Town (Boogie and Will), and I think that it might come back to bite him in the butt this week. The only hope is that one of the BB6ers or one of their supporters wins the HOH this coming week.Hair Baby
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Another Big Brother All-Stars episode. We start with the nomination ceremony from Sunday. Day 12 in the BB house. Diane said that it sucks to be nominated. Marcellas is not happy with Kaysar's nominations because it should have been Boogie and Will. Kaysar doesn't want Boogie and Will coming after him. Will said that Kaysar bought himself a few weeks by putting up Nakomis and Diane. Nakomis said that she is the least threatening. Kaysar said that Nakomis is a strong player and stealth. Kaysar said that he is scared of Diane because she can rally the troops. Diane starts crying and Kaysar feels bad and tries to make her feel better. Kaysar said that it was very difficult to make the decision. Kaysar doesn't want to cause either discomfort, but it is a game and someone has to go home. We get to see Diane cry, and Nakomis said that Diane is her friend and the only person that she trusts in the game. Diane continues the Boo-Hoo Betty act. Marcellas and Nakomis sit with her. Nakomis starts crying because Diane is crying. Nakomis said that Diane has a knack for feeling sorry for her. As Nakomis said, who would want to kick out the girl who got her feelings hurt. Boogie said that he didn't have a deal with Kaysar. Boogie tells Diane that Kaysar said that he was going after floaters. Diane said that she is going for the veto. Boogie tries to console Diane. Boogie said that he has enjoyed getting to know Diane. Will and Boogie talk in the storage room. Will wanted to be nominated. Will and Boogie have a talk in the Diary Room and mock Kaysar for not nominating him. Will said that when he wins, Boogie wins. Boogie says that he and Will will win up together. The houseguests look at the tarantulas in the wall. They come up with names for them. Bunky is the name for the hairiest and Lisa is the prettiest, Cowboy is the smallest, and Monica is the ugliest. Jase said that he is over it--immaturity. He asks James how old he is, and James said 30. Jase said in the last show he was the single guy who would never get married, and now he is the guy who tucks Callie (his little girl) into bed every night. As he says, he is Callie's dad even though it is not biological. He is Daddy Jase. He has been dating her mom for over a year, and Callie is three. Will tells everyone that Season 6 is totally together and that the next HOH has to put up two BB6ers. Will wants the group to attack them. Jase tells them all that when he was joint HOH that he knew that he wasn't part of the sesason 6 group. Erika likes the BB6ers but thinks she is the odd man out and has to probably go to the other side at some point. Chicken George said that he is always the outsider, and isn't as hot about getting at BB6ers, although he knows that the BB6ers came in as a group and need to be knocked off.
Kaysar is listening to music in the HOH room while Howie showers in his bathroom. Howie forgot his towel, and is now stuck in the shower. He tries to get Kaysar's attention and can't. He then says that it's freezing out there, and little Howie is getting smaller and smaller. Howie knows that he is trapped and after not getting Kaysar's attention, he goes out to get the towel. Diane is whining again about getting booted out of the house, and not having money. Diane feels that she is letting her family down by not being that strong. Diane thinks that she will have to go back home, and live in a room with her sister. As Diane said, the money was important and was hoping to find a rich boyfriend in California. We then get to see Nakomis dying her hair flaming red or orange. Jase and Boogie are shocked. Boogie said that her hair is like the flames from hell. Marcellas said that it was a courageous choice, but a bad one--as with most of the choices she makes with her outside. Howie said that it is not the color of the hair, it is the face that is ugly. Nakomis said, so what if she has orange and yellow hair. Inside she is a cool person. Marcellas and Janella are walking in the dark on their way to bed. They start chatting about how the pictures on Memory Wall look like people from a soap opera. That's when they started creating characters for all of them. Diane is the trashy girl from the south. Howie is the perverted guy. Boogie is the guy who is so straight that he is gay. Janelle said that George can be the janitor. Janelle tells Howie and James that Kaysar made a deal with Chill Town. James thinks that Kaysar made a deal for Chill Town to not go after only Kaysar. James said that Kaysar's plan was a dumb idea because Will and Boogie don't keep promises. Janelle said that Kaysar is a complete pansy. Janelle said that Kaysar made no one happy except Chill Town. Janelle said that if she won the veto, she might just have to change one of Kaysar's nominations.
It is time to pick players for the veto competition. Diane is hoping that it lands on Chicken George because he sucks. Nakomis doesn't want anyone from the BB6ers in the veto competition. Kaysar spins and gets Will. Diane spins and gets Erika. Nakomis spins and gets James. Kaysar picks Chicken George as the host. Boogie said that the backyard was turned into a BB country club. It was a huge golf field. Nakomis said that if she doesn't get the veto, she goes home. Diane also wants to win the veto. One at a time, they will tee off with an overside golf club. The farther you land from the hole, the more veto balls you put in the tube. Once you get seven balls, you are out. If you land in the give one, you get to give someone else a veto ball. Nakomis and Diane both wind up in the water and have to put three balls in their tube. James winds up in the sand and has to put in three balls. So does Kaysar. Will doesn't play golf, and he has to put in three balls. Erika does play golf and has beaten her boyfriend. She has only two balls. Nakomis has to add another three. Then Diane also goes off the course and gets three more balls. James who is trying not to win, also gets three balls. Kaysar also gets three balls. Will is next and he only has to take two balls. Erika gets in the give one ball area. Erika gives it to Nakomis and knocks her out. At the end of round two, Nakomis is eliminated, and Diane, James, and Kaysar have six. Diane needs to get it close, and goes right over the hill, and she is out. James got one ball and was eliminated. Kaysar gets to give one and is eliminated. Dr. Will gets one more ball and is eliminated. Erika gets to give one ball, and eliminates Kaysar. Erika is the winner of the POV. Diane said that it sucks to be on the block with Nakomis. Diane has been praying every day that she will be okay. Nakomis said that she doesn't like losing and doesn't feel comfortable in the house. Erika is trying to figure out if she can use the veto for her advantage.
Nakomis said that it sucks. Danielle said that it is awful to make it to the Thursday chair. Diane and Nakomis don't think that Erika will use the veto because she is buddies with Kaysar. Diane and Nakomis aren't going to campaign against each other and wants others to make their own decisions. It is Boogie's birthday party. There was sushi, champagne and chocolate cake, and Happy Birthday Boogie on Erika's thighs. Boogie licked it off. Boogie said the whipped cream tasted phenomenal. Boogie said that it was great that half the house couldn't eat the food. Boogie ate the food and made noises. Will kept on taunting Howie with the food. Howie said that they were rubbing it in his face. The others didn't take it as well. Marcellas was complaining and said that he would not have had the party. Janelle tells Kaysar and Marcellas that she doesn't like Boogie. Marcellas said that Erika should use the veto and Will or Boogie needs to go up. James comes in to tell them that Will and Boogie are actively getting everyone to go against the BB6ers. Diane said that it is like an insult and a slap in the face. Diane said that she feels that she is in there with Charles Manson and his crew. Will said that they should call Kaysar down and tell him what they think to his face. Jase goes up to get Kaysar, and Kaysar said that he doesn't want to play that game. Will says that they don't want to send Diane or Nakomis home and it should be someone else. Kaysar said that there is no way to bring another person into the house. Kaysar said that if you want to imply that someone else should go up, he wanted to hear it. Will didn't say anything and Kaysar said to think about it. Will then tells Erika to use the veto and put him up. Kaysar tells Will to stop trying to be the hero. Will is trying to rally the troops and send them up against the BB6ers. Kaysar tells the others in the HOH room about the conversation. Marcellas said that Erika should use the veto and Boogie should go up and get sent home. Marcellas said that Will threw down the gauntlet.
Erika said that it is a very difficult decision to choose whether to use the POV. Erika said that it is a hard decision and will be hard every week. James hopes that Erika uses the veto and Kaysar puts up one of the Chill Town guys. Nakomis said that it is a personal and strategic decision and that it is Erika's decision. Diane said that the All-Star game that people forget that you have to play for yourself and not for others. Diane wants someone to take a chance and change up the game. Erika said that she gave it so much consideration and loves both of them, and would love to have both stay in the game. Erika then doesn't use the veto. Erika said that there are way more advantages to not use the veto. She is not there to stir it up but to win. Diane hopes that she gets to stay and crush them all. Nakomis said that it is on, and is going to play the game to the fullest and everyone will be sad when she whomps them. Marcellas said Nakomis is strong and should go and Diane is weak and should stay. Janelle thinks that Diane is emotional and needs to go. Will says that Kaysar wounldn't put him up because he is scared and is afraid of retribution. Who will go and who will be HOH next?
End of show recap
Monday, July 17, 2006 -- Evening
The most interesting scene on the live feeds this evening was Marcellas and Janelle taking a bubble bath together. Janelle was talking about how she doesn't want to spend time with the others and doesn't like them trying to force her to spend time with them. In the meantime, Marcellas is talking about the coming eviction and how the BB6ers will be targeted. Janelle tells him it will be Kaysar, her, James, and finally Howie. While they were talking Kaysar walks in, and is taken aback that they are taking a bubble bath together. Both assure him that they have underwear and bathing suits on. Earlier in the evening, Kaysar was saying that it was obvious that Marcellas supported Diane, and that he wasn't sure of Marcellas and thinks he has a deal with her.Bubble, bubble, toil, and trouble
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Monday, July 17, 2006 -- Late Afternoon
The veto ceremony is over, and Diane and Nakomis are moping in one of the bedrooms. Erika didn't use the veto, so the nominations will stand as they are. Nakomis is sure that she is going home, and I think that Kaysar hasn't been campaigning against her so it looks like that might be the case--that Nakomis is the next to go. Nakomis and Diane are bemoaning their fate together in one of the bedrooms and counting off who will vote for whom. Nakomis just looks so sad--boo hoo!Boo-Hoo Betties
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Monday, July 17, 2006 -- Afternoon
The ratings for Sunday's showing of Big Brother All-Stars 7 were down over last year's ratings. It seems the show was in third place for its time slot. It was slightly higher with 2.1 rating than last summer's average Saturday rating of 1.9, but still isn't doing well. I think that part of the issue is that it is the beginning of the season and people aren't getting into it yet. Or it could be that there is just a small group of loyal fans and the show will be cancelled after this year. All I know is that I enjoy watching it.Sunday, July 16, 2006 -- Evening
Today was Boogie's birthday, and the producers threw a party for him. He has sushi and champagne. The issue was that the folks on the food restrictions were not allowed to lift the restriction to share the feast. They all knew that it was BB trying to make them hate each other so the non-eaters supposedly don't hold it against the eaters. Howie was the only of the non-eaters who hung around the party. Everyone else just sat outside moping. Erika let Will put Happy Birthday in whipped cream on her legs and laid up on the table with the food. When Boogie came in, he licked the cream off of Erika's legs. Everyone said afterwards that Erika was a good sport to go along with it. Erika just had a cartilage problem with her ribs. A doctor checked her out and nothing is broken, but she is feeling sore whenever she makes sudden movements or sneezes.Boogie's party
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Show recap
At the end of the show on Thursday, Kaysar won HOH. Jase said that he didn't say goodbye to Alison because he doesn't give a crap about anyone. Janelle said that she feels safe now knowing that the one person against her is now gone. Danielle said, one week down and 11 more to go and the others don't realize she is still in the house. Marcellas said that the BB6ers told him they would go after Danielle next. Janelle said that she is on very good terms with Danielle. Janelle tells Danielle that the two who voted for Alison were Diane and she is not sure of the other. Danielle thanks Janelle. Diane said that everyone would realize that it was her and Nakomis who voted for Alison. Jase said that dumbass Howie jumped around to celebrate with Kaysar. Janelle also celebrated with Kaysar. As she said, everyone knows that she is friends with Kaysar--why hide it. James said that he purposefully didn't do that. Kaysar said that everyone is walking around like someone died. Janelle and Howie talk to Kaysar about Nakomis and how she needs to be out of the house. Howie said that they made mistakes last time and have to not make the same mistake again. Boogie said that the last person he wanted to win was Kaysar. Will said that he is probably going to be nominated and he hasn't talked to Kaysar in 10 days--why should it change now? Will is talking to everyone about Botox. Will thinks Howie needs Botox in his forehead. Kaysar says that you can't have facial expressions after that. Will admits that he does Botox on himself. Will tells Kaysar said that Kaysar makes his goatee look a certain way--and why should Will stop someone from looking a certain way with plastic surgery. Will says that he doesn't care what Kaysar thinks. Will said that he would be willing to help anyone who came to him saying they wanted to look better. Kaysar calls everyone in to see his HOH room. The room is actually different and all the furniture is changed, and the colors are different. Howie tells Will to bring his fat ass up. Marcellas likes that Kaysar has a cashmire sweater. Nakomis wants to get HOH to see what the place would look like for her. Will doesn't care even though everyone else has an opinion of what they would like--Janelle pink, Boogie disco. Kaysar thinks that Nakomis should go out. Howie thinks that Will and Boogie should be nominated. Janelle and Kaysar don't believe that the others are out to get her, even though Howie tells them that the others are against them. James tells the other three that he hangs out with everyone. James tells them that Janelle won't believe that Jase is just playing them. James says that Nakomis is the person who is really strong. James agrees that putting up the one person from the Diane/Nakomis alliance and the other from the Will/Boogie alliance would be the way to go when Janelle suggests that.
Kaysar tells Erika that he is into blondes or brunettes. Kaysar said that you have to judge the woman by her personality. Erika said that she loved Kaysar when she and her mother were watching his season. She said that she enjoys talking to him and really likes him. She knows that she is Jewish and he is Muslim, but she could see them getting together. Erika thinks that Kaysar is very caring. They get into some very deep conversations about kissing and not wanting to get hurt. Erika recently broke up with Josh whom she dated for five years. As she said, it's been hard. Erika cries to Kaysar and they have a nice conversation about starting over. Erika says that Kaysar will make a nice guy for some girl. Erika tells Kaysar about her dog dying two months ago and then her boyfriend breaking up with her. Kaysar said that he was surprised that Erika opened up to him. Diane and Nakomis wonder together if they are safe. Diane said that she trusts Nakomis the most. Nakomis said that she doesn't think that Kaysar sees either of them as threats. Diane agrees. Howie asks Will about being so pale and in the sun. Well Will has sun block on. Dr. Will says pale is the new tan. Will doesn't understand Howie's obsession with him. Will said that Howie is a one trick pony, and it gets on one's nerve over time. Will said that normally having two brain cells is okay, but Howie's argue all the time. Will talks about the number of wrinkles on Howie's forehead. Will said that everyone is against Howie and wants to send him out. Will said it wouldn't be fair to get in a battle of wits with Howie because Howie is unarmed. James said that it isn't fun with the picking on Howie and it should go back to fun. Will talks to Boogie and Jase about making a deal with Kaysar. Jase doesn't want to be too strongly aligned with anyone. Jase said that if the BB6ers Will and Boogie for three weeks that will be the sign of faith. Jase goes back and tells Will and Boogie about talking to Janelle, but doesn't give all the details. Will thinks Jase is really cool.
It is now time for the food competition. Everyone has to divide into two teams. Will said that the folks broke up based on where they sat in the living room. All the BB6ers were on one side and the "cool" folks on the other. They all have bib overalls and bandanas. Marcellas liked how Jase looked in his overalls. The backyard is made up to look like a farm yard. It is feeding time in the BB barnyard. There will be no more peanut butter and jelly. The food is going to be Big Brother slop. Will said it looked and smelled bad. There are rats in the slop. They will have one leg each put together and a hand behind the back each. Once each has found a rat, they have to run it back. The winning team will have 12 rats. Danielle said that she has to win because she can't eat the slop because it is like vomit. Boogie and Diane were a pair. James and Nakomis were together on their team. Will was with Erika. They had to get the rats in their mouth and drop them. Diane wound up picking up her bandana instead of a rat. Nakomis had to go back to get the rat. Jase got his, but Chicken George had problems. Marcellas and Janelle were together. Marcellas said that wasn't a good facial. Howie and Danielle were a pair. Marcellas said it was no joke because it was eating for a week. The Red team (Will and company) are ahead by two rats. Boogie grabbed Diane by the ass and moved her head throught the slop because of Boogie helping Diane. Chicken George said they rocked. Marcellas blames his team's lost on Nakomis for having a bandana instead of a rat. Janella said that it reminded her of prison food. Jase said that PB and J is one thing, but slop all day is something else. When they come back into the house, there is a pot of slop for them. Danielle said that she won't eat the slop until her body says that she has to eat it. Janelle said that she doesn't want to eat slop. Slop is just oatmeal. I love oatmeal. Howie said that the slop diet will help him to lose some weight.
Howie said that a Jedi gets his power from his ability to control the force. He practices his Jedi moves. Howie said that the force will help you. Chicken George agrees to be Howie's apprentice. Howie said that having the force means to let go of hostility and to be content. George said that Howie has a good heart. Howie tells George that pain means nothing to a Jedi, and George says it depends on how much pain. Howie does say that chicks are allowed into the Jedi group. Howie is funny, and says that Erika has a great rack as he and George practice. After the food competition, Kaysar calls Boogie and Will into the HOH room. Kaysar tells them that they may go up, but they may not. Kaysar thinks that they should weed out the stragglers. Boogie doesn't like people who just hang on. Kaysar said that if they go for floaters this week, if Boogie and Will go for floaters if they get HOH. Boogie asks if his team is cool with it. Boogie said that he and Will will be excited if they have keys in the box. Will says that the lines of communication are open. Kaysar is stupid to believe Will and Boogie and he admits that he can't trust the "Chill Town" (Will and Boogie's alliance).
Will said that he will be sorely disappointed if he is not nominated and takes it personally. Boogie trusts Kaysar more than the other BB6ers, but doesn't know. Diane doesn't think that Kaysar would want to put her up, but anything can make you a target. Nakomis doesn't think she is a big threat, and wants to stay quiet and be in the background if it keeps her a spot in the house. Kaysar thinks that the household is uneasy and that he wants to deliver a crushing blow. George said that he would be surprised if his key came out of the box because he doesn't know Kaysar. Kaysar wants to stir things up and see where everyone's loyality lies. It is time for the nomination ceremony. First key is Howie. Then Jase, then James, then Janelle, then Marcellas, then Erika, then Danielle, then Boogie (Will looks shocked), then Will (he looks perplexed), and finally Chicken George. Nakomis and Diane are nominated. Kaysar says that he has nominated Diane because she is a good player and he respects her game. He says the same applies to Nakomis and says her reputation precedes her. The meeting is adjourned. Diane isn't crying in the Diary Room. Kaysar said that nominations aren't worth anything if they don't serve as a catalyst. Nakomis said that she played the game sloppy and that she hasn't been playing her cards right. Boogie said that Kaysar should have nominated the strongest alliance in the household and that it was awesome.
End of show recap
Saturday, July 15, 2006 -- Evening
The Power of Veto competition was today. Friday and Saturday are the busiest days on the live feed with the food and veto competitions and the nominations. The other days are then just quiet, boring scheming days. It would be entertaining if there was more scheming, but this group is pretty bland with the scheming. Erika won the POV. I'm not sure if she would use it to save either Nakomis or Diane. After all, if she uses it, who else would be nominated. I would image that nominations will stand as they are, and that Nakomis will be voted off.Friday, July 14, 2006 -- Evening
The houseguests don't have to eat peanut butter and jelly this time when they lose the food competition. It seems that they get to eat oatmeal. That wouldn't be so bad every now and again, but I don't know about eating nothing but oatmeal for a week. The nomination ceremony was this afternoon too. It seems that Diane and Nakomis were nominated for eviction, and Diane has been crying up a storm. She was just talking on the live feeds about how she is trying to get the crying out of her system so she won't cry on the live show. Nakomis appears to be taking the nomination much better. Meanwhile Erika seems to be having alot of pain from her injured rib. There isn't any word that I've heard that says if she was told that her rib was broken. I am assuming that it is just badly bruised. That still makes things like breathing painful. Kaysar also got his hooka. Chicken George found it in the storage room. Diane is very excited that Kaysar got his hooka because she wants to smoke. It seems that she hasn't smoked a cigarette in 7 months, but wants to smoke now because she is stressed over the eviction nomination. Dr. Will nominates them of the evils of smoking, but Kaysar tells him that the hooka filters out the tar even though it is high in nicotine. After hearing how much Dr. Will has made from selling stuff on the Internet, Jase sends a message to his mom to get a web site immediately and start selling his stuff.Glum Diane and the arrival of the hooka
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Friday, July 14, 2006 -- Afternoon
They finally had a food competition at the Big Brother house. They split up into two teams--Red and Blue, and had to grovel in pig troughs filled with slop and pull out rubber rats with their teeth. They worked in pairs with their inner legs tied together and one hand behind their backs. They had to shove their heads into the slop--it looked really gross. Here are some screen caps of the events. The Red team won. It looked like Will, Boogie, Erika, Chicken George, Diane, and Jase. It's hard to tell with the crap all over their heads. It also seems that Dr. Will accidentally slammed Erika into the trough, and she may have left the BB house for x-rays. When the feeds came back on, Will was telling the BB folks that she needed x-rays even though he is just a dermatologist and not an internist.Food competition
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Thursday, July 13, 2006 -- Evening
Show recapTonight is live eviction night on Big Brother All-Stars 7. Alison said that she wasn't surprised that Janelle didn't use the veto on her. Alison said that she is the most vengeful bitch in the house. Danielle said that she is still playing the game and trying to play it as clean as possible. Danielle talks to Chicken George, and tries to find out if he will vote for her. She said that she would give him her vote, and George said that she didn't know that. George implied that he would vote for her. Alison talked to Nakomis about whether folks were campaigning against her. Nakomis and Diane have an alliance with Alison. Danielle tells Janelle that she isn't going after the BB6 folks. Janelle tells her that the BB6ers are going to vote for Danielle, but Alison doesn't know who is going to vote for her. Boogie, Will, and Jase think that Alison would take out Janelle in a cat fight. Jase tells Alison that she has him, Diane, Nakomis, Will and Boogie. Diane tells her that Marcellas will vote for her. Alison thinks she needs to get James and she approaches him for a vote. Alison admits that she is going after Erika, Howie, and Kaysar. James is shocked that Alison doesn't realize that he is with the BB6ers--he thinks that she is stupid. James asks her if she has the others and if she is sure. James talks to Boogie about Alison being scared and dangerous. Alison listens in at the door. Boogie thinks that any person the BB6ers pushes for is dangerous, especial James and he is pushing for Danielle. Danielle talks to Nakomis about folks not asking where she is at. Danielle has the bad rap because of what she did in BB3. Danielle cries in the Diary Room and said that she risked so much for her family and her husband--to bring home the money for her family. Erika, Marcellas and Janelle are in the HOH room talking. Marcellas said that he can't vote for Danielle, and Erika can't vote for Alison. Marcellas said how do you choose between gonorrhea and the clap. Everyone is in the living room. Howie has a "Thanks Julie" shirt. Julie asks Howie about being smitten with Dr. Will. Howie said that Dr. Will is the greatest looking guy. Howie said that the Dr. is not as menacing this year. Will is asked about Chicken George and his snoring. They then show the film of Chicken George snoring. Dr. Will said that Chicken George is going to snore him out of the house. Now for some comments from voters: Marcellas said that the reason to keep Danielle is the reason to get rid of her because she would cut your heart out. Erika would keep Danielle in because she isn't against Erika. Diane said that she doesn't want to vote for Danielle because she doesn't talk to her. Marcellas says that Alison is a competitor. Erika said the same. Diane said that she would keep Alison in the house, only to get rid of her in the next eviction. Diane votes for Danielle to be evicted.
Now a segment on Jase. Julie comments on Jase being liked by his housemates. Jase said that he learned more about himself in the BB house. Jase said that he is more of a refined player. He says that there are some big players in All-Stars, and he just has to wait for them to implode. this time he is playing a smarter game. He can win when he needs to, but he can coast. Jase said that he was fooling around in BB5 with Holly, but now he is committed to his girlfriend. Last time he quickly created an alliance, but this time he is laying low. Jase tells Nakomis and Diane that is in with them, and then tells the BB6ers he is in with them. He said that he is riding the whole house like a mechanical bull. Julie talks to Jase first. Jase says that he turned 30 and his woman in his life calmed him down. He is a family man. Jase thought having a dual HOH worked amazingly for him. Jase said that he is the lone horseman and will ride into victory. Jase sais that he is gunning for Janelle and thinks she is hardcore. Jase thinks that he is a big threat, but that there are alot of crafty folks in the house now. James said that it is a no-brainer, that Alison has to go. Boogie said that Alison is a loose cannon. Chicken George said that Danielle won't nominate him. James said that Danielle isn't against BB6. Boogie wants to get rid of Danielle for her alliance with BB6. George said that Alison is a good player and that is one reason to get rid of her. George votes to get rid of Alison.
Julie talks to Janelle now. Janelle is asked about having Jase as co-HOH> Janelle said that she was nervous about suggesting names, and it was strange because you couldn't go with what you wanted. Janelle is asked about the BB6 alliance. She said that it is the strongest. Janelle said that she trusts Howie and Kaysar the most, and trust James a little bit. Alison's integrity is questioned, and Julie talks to her boyfriends. Justin said that Alison is an all-star. She exploited all the things she is good for. Jason said that he heard Allie was very flirtatous but that is not how she is. Justin said that Alison has gotten into bed with almost all the guys. Alison shapes her body to have it as a weapoin. Jason, said that Alison has to do certain things and not do certain things. Alison said that she would let Howie squeeze her boobs for a vote. Justin thinks that everything Alison says is a big of crock. Justin said that is Alison stops and thinks and doesn't give up on her morals she will win. Justin, her current boyfriend, thinks Alison could be the next President of the US. Howie said that it is a toss up between the two. Dr. Will said that Danielle is a great player who is angry. Nakomis said that Alison will take alot of the attention off of them. Kaysar said that both are master manipulators. Dr. Will would like to keep Alison around to go after Janelle. Howie said the only reason to keep Alison is because of her body. Kaysar said that it is a vote against the lesser of two evils. Kaysar votes to evict Alison and Nakomis votes to evict Danielle.
After 11 days, one of the two will be leaving the house. Danielle said that she is honored to be there with the all-stars. She said that it wasn't easy for her, and that respects and loves all the guys. Alison is also honored to be an all-star and is flattered to be sitting next to Danielle. It is now time to reveal the vote. By a vote of eight to two, Alison is voted out. Obviously not that many people supported Alison. Alison says good-bye to everyone. Diane and Nakomis were the only two who voted against Danielle. Alison goes to talk to Julie while the others watch her leave the house on video which turns to the familiar live feed flames. Julie asks Alison if she is her own worse enemy. Alison said that now she is older she lost her evil touch. Alison didn't flirt with the guys because she found the guy that she is totally in love with and wants to be with forever. Alison is called on her comments about Janelle, "I'm going to pull her out by her fake boobs and fake hair and drown her in the pool." Alison said that Janelle is a great person and great competitor and apologizes for her comments. James said that he will sleep better if Alison isn't in the house. Howie calls her hot. Danielle said "an eye for an eye." Boogie tried to get the group together, but wasn't able to pull it off. Nakomis said that she should have kept her mouth shut and that Alison told a bunch of lies. Erika is crying because she felt that she had to have some sense of getting her back. Erika wishes her luck and good-bye. Alison is speechless about Erika, but that she doesn't hate her. Alison said that it was a smart move to do what she did.
It's now time for the HOH competition. This week there will only be one HOH. It is a quiz competition again. This one is called Alison Rules, and it will be questions about her in true and false questions about the houseguests. The answers are what Alison answered. "Alison believes Howie is smarter than Will." Answer: False. Everyone got it right. "Alison thinks the all-star most likely to wear a peanut butter bathing suit is Kaysar." Answer: False. Everyone got it right. "Prior to entering the house, Alison believed her toughest competition was Erika." Answer: True. Everyone except for Nakomis and Kaysar got it wrong. "The person Alison believes will gain the most weight in the house is Janelle." Answer: True. Both got it right. "Alison believes the all-star most likely to seek revenge by using someone's toothbrush in the toilet is Will." Answer: False. Kaysar wins. Julie almost wanted to give the HOH to Nakomis because she is a do-do. But it all got cleared up. Kaysar won. BB6ers rule. Alison said that it wasn't what she wanted to see Kaysar win. she wanted Danielle to win because she might be up on the block again. What is up for everyone now that Kaysar is HOH?
Kaysar said that it feels good because it is one more week of safety. Daneille said that it feels good, but that it is kinda scary, but she feels good.
End of show recap
Thursday, July 13, 2006 -- Afternoon
For some reason, there were flames on the Big Brother feeds for over an hour. It started around 3:00 pm ET. Eventually, the flames turned into quiz questions. I did a screen capture of the questions and answers just for entertainment value. There were a series of 27 questions, and it appears to be on an endless loop. I'll keep an eye on it as long as I can to make sure there aren't any new questions. So far, the questions have only been about seasons 1 and 2. The ironic thing is that the trivia quiz is more fun than some of the boring live feeds that we have been watching lately. Tonight is the eviction and HOH competition, so the feeds should get more lively over the next few days.Wednesday, July 12, 2006 -- Evening
It was another booooring day in the Big Brother house. Jase and Janelle were given a camera to record their time as HOH and that resulted in some entertaining photos.Photo shoot
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It looks like Alison is going to be the person who gets voted out. The houseguests aren't supposed to talk about how they vote, but there has been enough gossip going on that it seems Alison is going to leave. She spent the late afternoon and evening packing today and deciding what she was going to wear to the live taping tomorrow. The weird story about Alison is that she crawled into a huge pot near the stairs near the kitchen. Those stairs lead to a balcony that overlooks the kitchen. Well, it appears that she was there for a few hours trying to spy on the others to find out if she was being voted out or if there were secret alliances. So during the photo session, James had Alison reenact her foolhardiness.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006 -- Evening
Will is talking to the other houseguests about skin issues, and tells them that he would only charge other BB contestants cost to do things for them. So he says that he will remove Erika's spider veins for free because there really isn't any cost with it. Dr. Will also gives them all a lecture on the evils of sun exposure and skin cancer. It really seems that it might be up in the air over which of the two nominees will go. They are also all talking about the HOH competition. Nakomis said that if it is a skill competition, they give you the game to practice. Its really not clear who is going to vote for whom. The only thing that is sure is that everyone else is gunning for the season six folks. Marcellas and Nakomis seem to be leaning towards getting rid of Danielle and keeping Alison.Random pics from July 11
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There was an episode of Big Brother All-Stars 7 tonight. We had the usual recap of what happened last week with Jase and Janelle as HOH and Danielle and Alison nominated for eviction. It is Day 3 in the BB house, and Alison is threatening to inflict pure misery on Janelle. Meanwhile this is the first time that Danielle was ever nominated. Janelle says that the two are up because of their campaigning. alison said that she likes, respects and admires Danielle. Danielle said that she is the smartest player to not win the game, and there she is nominated. Danielle is going to keep her mouth shut and hope that Alison's mouth gets her into trouble. Alison wants to confront Jase and Janelle to find out if it was a mutual decision. Jase was napping, and Alison and Danielle get him with Janelle. Jase said that they were going to nominate Chicken George when everyone came to them and let them know what was happening. Danielle said that she only told Alison, and then Alison went around and told everyone. Danielle said that she just threw out a scenario and Alison ran with it. Danielle tells them that Alison told her that she had everyone behind her. Jase said that Alison approached him. Jase and Janelle talk about how they both came in together, and then Danielle stayed behind to explain herself and foist the blame on Alison. Alison admits that she has to be nice. So Alison goes back up to the HOH room and says that it was only Danielle that hatched the idea and that BB6 guys should be targeted. Janelle says that the BB6 folks don't have an alliance. Jase says that they are both blaming the other person. Called out. Next, Will is working out on the treadmill, and Howie comes up and checks him out. Will realizes that Howie is obsessed with him. Will said that he and Howie have one thing in common, they both are in love with Will. Will says that now he has a retarded friend. Howie said that if Will were a woman, he would love him with his black mane and piercing eyes. Will says that Howie is stalking him and he just can't get away from him. Will is hoping that he can infiltrate the season 6 alliance on Howie's back. Alison goes to talk to Jase and Janelle and asks if she can listen to one of their music cds. Alison goes to the HOH room to spy on Jase and Janelle, and tells Janelle not to eat so much as she watches Janelle go into the frig. Alison whispers that Janelle is lucky this week, and calls her bitch behind her back while being friendly to her face.
Chicken George is called into the diary room. George has difficult in finding the diary room. Jase and Howie have to tell him how to find the diary room. James helps him out. George is totally brainless and Jase makes fun of him for looking for the Golden Veto in the frig. James talks to Janelle and Howie about how their is a price on the heads of all the BB6ers. James tells them that others are coming out and that they need to break up the talk. Nakomis and Danielle talk about getting rid of the BB6ers. Boogie and Nakomis talk about the same thing. Will also tells Danielle and Diane that the season 6 folks are together. Danielle thinks they need to get rid of the BB6ers. Diane asks how they could do that. Janelle and Erika are talking in the HOH room when Marcellas comes in. Marcellas wants Danielle out and Erika wants Alison out. Both feel betrayed, and don't trust them. Marcellas said that Danielle is amazingly smart, but isn't capable of winning competitions. Marcellas is more afraid of Alison winning competitions. Marcellas keeps on going back and forth. He knows Alison will go after Janelle, but Danielle is a manipulator.
We hear snoring, and it is Chicken George snoring like a 4 ton hippo. Will said that he can't sleep with that, and if it is George's strategy to snore him out of the house, he will succeed. George claims to not have slept well, while no one else slept because of George's snoring. They made a slip and slide in the back yard with garbage bags, cooking oil, water, and soap. Howie wore a garbage back to increase his chances of sliding. Kaysar slid with a beach donut. Then they put George on top of Howie and slid him down the slide. As Marcellas said, seeing it almost made him straight. It is now time for the Golden Power of Veto. Only six people will compete in the competition. Everyone has a chance to be selected to play because the HOH and nominees don't select poeple--it is going to be a random draw. Alison said the veto will be hers. Danielle said that she has to win the veto or she is dead. The competition is the next day.
Time for the random draw for the veto competition. Alison and Danielle get to spin the win to determine the other two people. Alison wants Chicken George, and Danielle does not want Marcellas to come up. Alison spins Kaysar's name. Danielle comes up next, and she spins George. George is dumbfounded. Jase said that maybe it is a snoring competition. Janelle doesn't know what George is capable of so she isn't sure of him. Boogie is the host of the game. Alison said that George has not had the best record in competitions. Alison says that Janelle is a cocktail waitress and she is going to run her over. Danielle says that she is ready to play the game. It is a diving competition, so they all have to go and put on their bathing suits. Danielle said that she doesn't like wet water. The diving isn't into water, but into the dumpster. Jase said that there is more garbage than probably in Nakomis' backyard. The houseguests have to dive into their dumpster. George said that he did it in the past, and felt comfortable in the trash. All the junk in the past shows was in the dumpster. When they find a veto, they have to run back to their dumpster, and put the veto into the box. The first to get six vetos win. Before the competitions starts, they get old PB and J sandwiches dumped on them, and then get wet, soiled hair dumped on them. George loved it and wanted to eat a sandwich. There was also mud from season 2, fish chump from season 4, and smelly fish from season 6. Kaysar got it into his pants. All the contestants were covered in garbage. Daneille said that she was covered in vomit. They now have to come out of the dumpster, dig through the trash, and find the vetos. Danielle was ready to get down and dirty. Will was giving a recap. Boogie says how they had to find the red veto and get it back to their rack. Danielle gets the first one, then Kaysar got the second. George was stirring up dust. Kaysar got two. Alison didn't see any vetos. Janelle finally finds one. Danielle gets a second. Jase couldn't find anything--as he said, it might be fish chum down his pants. Janelle got two, and Alison got her first one. Kaysar said it was dirty, and the foul smell made your eyes water. Janelle found a third one, and Jase found his first one. George finally finds one. George seems like an idiot child. Janelle got four and Danielle had three, and then Janelle found the fifth and only needed one more. Kaysar quickly found three and four. Jase go number two. Then Janelle found number six and won the veto. Jase let Janelle win because it took the target off his back and put it on Janelle's. Janelle thought it was a nice way to start the BB7 season. Danielle said that she is going to lay low and hope that someone saves her.
Alison tells Danielle that she is 100% sure that Danielle won't go home. Alison is crying, but Danielle said that she has to do what she has to do. Danielle thinks they will go after her because she is smart. Jase said that Alison could win. Janelle said that Alison scares her. Howie shows up in the HOH room. Then Will shows up. Will thinks that he should vote out Alison, but then Danielle and James are a team. Will said that he won't put them up because they didn't put him up. Will said that he likes to come up with stuff, and Jase has him figured out. Jase is really smart, and he deserves to win. Jase and Janelle tells James that Will said that James is in an alliance with Danielle. James suggests taking Danielle out and putting Will up in her place. Janelle said that the only reason to save Danielle is because of what she can do for her, but she can also make a deal with Alison to not nominate her if Alison is HOH> Danielle does not know what her place is in the house. The veto ceremony. Both get a chance to tell Janelle why she should use the veto. Alison tells her that she doesn't see a reason why Janelle should use the veto and respects her decision. Danielle said it's the same as Alison said. Danielle said that she wants a second chance and doesn't want to go hom. Janelle said that she has though of using it on a certain someone, but doesn't want to upset the whole house. So Janelle is not going to use the Power of Veto. Alison says that Janelle should know that she is coming back and it won't be pretty. Janelle said that they both came after her, so she had to go after one of them. Sorry!
end of show recap
Tuesday, July 11, 2006 -- Late Afternoon
Yet another boring day in the Big Brother house. Will is trying to encourage Howie to eat everything in sight so Howie becomes fat--because Will has no fat friends. Meanwhile, some of the others hang out at the pool. Unfortunately, the tattoos on Nakomis' body are rather unattractive. Where does Diane put her mike? On her bikini top!
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006 -- Afternoon
For some reason, Janelle thinks that Alison is the person that her group should fear. She's wrong because they should be trying to get rid of Danielle. Right now, Danielle is trying to swing Nakomis to her side by saying that she sees the two of them in the final two. Nakomis isn't willing to commit at this point to an alliance, but Danielle is making a move against the four from season six. According to Danielle, Jase made a huge mistake by not disagreeing with Janelle so the two of them would go up. The problem that Danielle doesn't get is that Janelle won the POV. That means that Jase's butt would have been on the line. Jase was too smart to risk himself for some foolhardy mission.
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Random pics from July 10
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Monday, July 10, 2006 -- Evening
Another quiet day in the Big Brother house. There has been some scheming. James and Janelle played a lengthy game of chess while they discussed strategy. James wants to keep Danielle because he thinks that Alison would be trying to get him out of the house. James has an agenda, however, because it appears that he made friends with Danielle outside of the house. Meanwhile Marcellas would like Danielle gone because she would target him. In a talk with Jase, Marcellas called Janelle the new Amy (from BB3) because he couldn't trust Janelle to have his back. With the Sovereign Four from BB6, James is the one that is most unreliable because he would probably get rid of his fellow partners. When questioned by Janelle, James said that he would put up her and Kaysar, and then added, just joking. Howie has been becoming very close and friendly with Will, even crawling into the bed with him earlier in the day. Exceptional boring. The producers of Big Brother need to do something to get things spiced up. Everyone is talking about how congested they are, and how everyone is snoring. They think that it is either the air circulation in the house or the level of dust in the area in general. The biggest news was that Mike got some of his clothes back from the producers. It seems that they confiscated some of his t-shirts because they thought that they were promotional materials. That would be an interesting concept. Make a deal with some company to wear a t-shirt promoting that place. Obviously, Mike's clothes cleared the BB inspectors. There was some controversy when Alison got called to the Diary Room, and then her picture blacked out temporarily. Everyone was talking about how she might have been sent home because she was talking about eating bugs. However, Alison is still around. They are going to have to evict her on Thursday if they want to get rid of her. Marcellas and Erika have a plan to break up the four houseguests from season six. They want to keep Janelle and Kaysar and send home Howie and James. Marcellas says that Janelle will have to dump Howie for her own good. Jase walks in the scheming pair, and Marcellas admits that they were talking about breaking up the foursome from season six. Everyone has to go outside for a lockdown, and another game of kickball ensues with some of the houseguests.Instead of fish, the houseguests have a tarantula in the house. Howie and his two new best friends, Will and Boogie check out the tarantula encased in the wall of the bedrooms with a spider motif. Nakomis and Kaysar join them to watch the cricket run practically into the jaws of death.
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Sunday, July 9, 2006 -- Evening
Finally some activity in the Big Brother house. The houseguests were given a couple of balls and they competed in a kickball game in the yard. The weird thing is that Marcellas was sitting inside with a grey hoodie pulled over his head, eating a plateful of food. Weird. I would imagine that Big Brother gave them the balls because it is going to be part of one of the competitions. It at least gives the viewers of the live feeds something to watch other than sleeping and eating.Random pics from July 9
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Sunday, July 9, 2006 -- Early Evening
Howie started giving Marcellas a back massage, and it was looking like Howie was making a movie on Marcellas. Bizarre! Then Marcellas started giving Howie a massage and Erika got into the act. Not alot else is happening in the house. The houseguests are just spending their time eating, sleeping, and talking about nothing. I think that it is going to be more of the same until after the first eviction.
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Meanwhile Danielle dances alone in the HOH room while Kaysar naps and Janelle plays chess with Howie, Jase, and James. Alison wanders the house saying "this is so boring"--imagine how it feels for us!
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Sunday, July 9, 2006 -- Afternoon
Big Brother All-Stars 7 updates. Howie is really going crazy because Mike (Boogie) told him that Nakomis told Mike not to tell jokes. It's confusing because Howie got this info second hand, and Janelle tries to tell Howie that Mike might be making up the story. Howie doesn't think so and goes on and on about last year's Busto argument being minor compared to how Howie will get on Nakomis' back. Howie is concerned that Nakomis will get HOH this week and put him up because he tells jokes. An interesting thought that some of the houseguests have had is that there might be dual HOH in other competitions. I have to admit that for the past few days the houseguests have been incredibly boring. They basically are just sitting around talking about the past shows--except for Janelle, James, Kaysar, and Howie who are obsessing over who will be HOH next and who will be up on the block then. The Veto ceremony is this afternoon. I don't think that Janelle is going to use it. Right now, the flames are on the feeds so it is still ongoing. No fish this year. I suppose that they died too frequently in the past. Janelle did not use the veto, and it looks like she did not use the veto. Marcellas is lobbying for Danielle to go because as he said, he is not safe in the house as long as Danielle is in the house. It seems that Janelle and Jase think that Alison is the more threatening of the two.Random pics from July 8
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Saturday, July 8, 2006 -- Evening
I've been periodically watching the live feeds all day. Nothing very exciting has been going on. Jase, Will, Boogie, and Howie were planning on doing a skit where they played a boy band. There was alot of silliness in the group. Most of the discussions today have been about the past with just a little bit of scheming. Janelle has been doing some scheming with her fellow BB6 contestants while Diane and Nakomis have been making plans together too. It seems that the only individuals who trust each other are the ones who shared a season. Right now the feeds are only showing the fire logo. It seems that someone showed up with a skywriting plane and was writing a message outside. All the contestants were made to move inside and are now on lockdown. I hope that some scheming starts soon because that's the stuff that makes things interesting.Saturday, July 8, 2006 -- Early Evening
Not alot going on today with the gang at Big Brother All-Stars 7. They didn't have a food competition today although the folks there seemed to think there would be one today. James, Janelle, and Kaysar are constantly scheming. They wonder what the next competition will be, and who might win, and who will get voted out first and next. Most of the players are talking about the past. Marcellas mentions that in a conversation with Janelle--that the players seem to be talking more about their seasons as opposed to the competition at hand. Marcellas thinks that will change as time passes. I think that when the first person gets voted out, and we get the next HOH, things will change. The most interesting idea came from Dr. Will today. He was just talking with Mike (Boogie), Danielle, and Nakomis, and he suggested that CBS do something where someone can pay to spend the night in the Big Brother house when the game isn't on. The visitors can then compete in competitions and act like they are part of the show. It could be a weekend type deal, and I would bet that it would go over very well with the fans. Imagine, a chance to stay overnight in the BB house.Friday, July 7, 2006 -- Early Evening
News on the Big Brother All-Stars 7 front is that Janelle won the veto. From a conversation that I am hearing right now with Janelle and James (with Jase in the HOH bed listening on) is that they haven't talked to Kaysar in quite some time. Janelle and James don't like the fact that others in the house seem to think that the season six people are all on the same side. James is trying to figure out the history of the past Big Brother seasons to figure out who is the better player. I wonder where Kaysar is because right now, Howie has joined the others. (He was in the shower cleanning up after the POV competition.) The three players from BB6 are strategizing about who to make alliances with and who can be swayed to join them. It seems that James, Janelle, and Howie are talking about how Kaysar isn't very good at strategy, and he seems to be giving away secrets as opposed to knowing how to keep them. James mocks Kaysar for wanting to go in "competition" against Dr. Will. As James said, Kaysar couldn't go against Maggie, let alone Dr. Will. It also seems that James is friends with Danielle from the wrap party. They are also going over every bit of the POV competition because they think that will be basis of the next HOH competition. Over on one of the other screens, Marcellas and Danielle in the kitchen area talking about their season and various things that have happened since then.Thursday, July 6, 2006 -- Evening
Finally! The start of Big Brother All-Stars 7. The house looks really cool with some nice, vibrant colors and decor. We meet the 20 candidates with their baggage. Let's see how accurate the spys are. Julie Chen gives some sort of spiel about them knowing what the game is like because they played before. Since the vote was so high, the top four men and women get in. So there are 14 houseguests. The top four women that America voted for are (in no particular order): Janelle, Erika, Nakomis, and Diane. Janelle was first and not surprised that America voted her back in and she thanked America. Nakomis said that the other girls in with her were stunning physically. The girls switched bedrooms and decided to take the room with one big bed. Erika plans on keeping her enemies close. Top four men are: Howie, Kaysar, James, and Jase. What a shock! Marcellas didn't get the America's vote? The men go running in. Jase said that it was like time warping into BB6. Howie said there were some all star boobies in the house, and he just hugged every girl. Kaysar said that they can't all be evicted at once. Erika agreed that the BB6 group is intimidating.Six more candidates are going into the house. Marcellas said that he is shocked that he didn't get voted in. The additional six are: Will, Danielle, Marcellas (he hugs Julie Chen), Alison, Mike (Boogie), and Chicken George. The person who caught the one hour of live feeds is 100% right. Ivette looks devastated. The others go in, and Marcellas gives Janelle a big hug. Danielle said that it was going to get ugly even though everyone was hugging and spreading the love. Marcellas gave Danielle a hug, but said that he and Danielle would never be friends. Danielle said that Marcellas has a chip on his shoulder and can't look her in the eye. Erika said that Alison was responsible for her eviction, and she is sort of holding it against Alison. Alison admits that she and Erika hate each other still and make a cat growl. Mike said that he would never hang out with Chicken George. Will notes that James and Kaysar are off on their own. Mike and Will plan to get Kaysar and his smugness. James said that everyone knows that Mike and will are in cahoots together because they own a bar together, and they are plotting together. Alison says that Will is very cocky and thinks the world of himself. Kaysar tells Will not to make himself comfortable. Kaysar doesn't like that Will is the only winner. Will said that his plan is to pull the mask off in the last three weeks and they won't know what hits them.
It is time for the very first HOH competition. There is a big twist to tonight's competition. Julie tells the houseguests that there will be two Heads of Household and will share the bedroom and have to evict two people for eviction. If the two HOH can't agree on the nominations, then they will be nominated. The game is called Falling Stars. Those on the platform will launch a meteor at people on a pedestal. The last one left is the first HOH. Then they switch places. They put colored water to dunk the people in. The men take off their shirts. Alison knocks down Howie. Danielle misses Marcellas. Kaysar went for Mike and got him. Janelle knocked off Erika. Nakomis took out James. Diane took out will who swung on the meteor. Danielle was out to get Marcellas, and Jase helped it by knocking the meteor into Marcellas. As we already know--he is HOH. Howie knocked Nakomis out. Will knocked out Kaysar. James wanted anyone out other than Janelle. He knocks Diane out. Marcellas didn't want to go out after Danielle even though she went after him. Jase wanted to knock off Janelle but got Alison. Erika is up next, and gave Chicken George a bad knock. Howie is up next and said that Danielle is evil, and it is safe to keep Janelle in the game. Jase and Janelle are HOH. Alison thinks that if the two of them have to agree stinks because she realizes that they would go after each other alliance. Danielle said that now is the time for Jase and Janelle to play on each other because it's All-Stars.
Jase and Janelle invite everyone into the HOH room, and the upstairs HOH room is awesome and huge. Jase shows a picture of his girlfriend and his stepdaughter. As Jase said this time it is more for his soon to be wife and daughter. Mike said that he got a bag of peanuts and a comforter. Alison loves the fact that the HOH has a remote control spy screen. Nakomis is one of the first to leave the room. Janelle is talking to Janelle. Jase claims to not have anybody, and Janelle says that she doesn't either. Both agree that they don't like Will. Janelle doesn't like Mike Boogie. Janelle wants to get rid of Chicken George too. Jase said that seriously, he doesn't know. Danielle has a strategic thought. She tells Alison and Chicken George her thought. As Danielle said, she has to cause doubt. Danielle said that it makes sense for Jase to not agree because then they both have to go up on the block. Danielle wants Jase on purpose to not agree with Janelle. Danielle said that there will be the number to kick out Janelle. Alison said that the BB6 needs to be broken up. Alison doesn't know where Danielle stands because Danielle wanted to tell Janelle about the plan. Danielle said that her only alliance is herself. Chicken George seems out of his league. Danielle continues to spread her word, and tells James about Jase and Janelle not agreeing. Alison tells Jase, Mike, and Diane about getting rid of the alliance by having Jase and Janelle not agreeing. They all seem to want to rid of Janelle. Jase goes to Janelle to tell her the same thing. Jase goes in with Alison and Chicken George with Janelle and Kaysar and James talking about Danielle's plan. Janelle was shocked about Danielle. Jase said that he infiltrated the BB6 group. James said that they want BB6 out. Jase said that if they gave him the word, he would be on their side. James said that he trusts Jase more. Jase said that he wants to play both sides and make them think he is on their side. Janelle said that she is going to go after Danielle.
Alison talks to Jase about wanting to take out BB6 players and targeting them first. Alison said that Jase has the numbers. Jase said that he is down with Alison, Diane, and Nakomis. Jase said that he can disagree with Janelle. Danielle said that it is better that they get nominated. Will said that he thinks that he will get nominated. Marcellas gets the first key and says that he is a very happy black man. Erika is next. Nakomis is next. Diane is safe. James is safe. He wanted a round of applause for getting a key. Chicken George is safe. Kaysar is safe. Mike is safe. Howie is safe. Dr. will is safe. That means that Danielle and Alison are up for eviction. Jase and Janelle said that they nominated those two because they were the ones who were turning people against others. Janelle said that Danielle is always used to calling the shots, and it turned around and bit her on the butt. Jase said that the stupidest move would be to let himself get nominated after being HOH. Will said that he should have been nominated. He is insulted for not being nominated. Will looks really bad--his face looks really plastic---like he had too much of his own bad plastic surgery.
The new schedule for the season will be Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights. There won't be a show this weekend. The next show will be Tuesday at 8 pm. So the games are on. It will be interesting to see what happens. Marcellas seems to be low keyed. Also it was great to see Ivette's sad face. I never did like her.
Wednesday, July 5, 2006 -- Evening
Two things: the folks at CBS are a bunch of screwups and the fans of Big Brother All-Stars 7 are bunch of really obsessive fans. How else to explain folks scanning the live feeds on the Fourth of July to pick up the one hour of CBS broadcasting audio from the house. Some of the other things that folks are rumoring is that the first twist of the summer is that 14 houseguests were selected for Big Brother as opposed to 12. The theory is that the extra two came from a competition between the eight who didn't make it by votes. It also appears that there are two Head of Households in the first competition--and those two are Jase and Janelle. Supposedly, both will have to agree on whom to nominate, and if they don't, then they are up on the chopping block. Supposedly, from the one hour of feeds, someone was able to gather that folks are conspiring against Janelle. It will be interesting how close to the truth the analysis is. I'm figuring it's spot on.Wednesday, July 5, 2006 -- Early Afternoon
I am really getting excited about Big Brother All-Stars 7 because it will be starting tomorrow. That means I signed up for the live feeds today and started checking around on the sites that talk about Big Brother, like Joker's Updates. Well, it seems that there was a glitch in the live feeds, and things may have been broadcast. Some folks are claiming that they know who made it into the house. Now, I'm not sure how reliable this rumor is because the live feeds are not available right now and won't be until after the show tomorrow. Also, if the show tomorrow is "live" then that would mean that the word isn't out. However, in the past, I think the first show was not live, and the folks were in the house prior to the viewing so we could get some nice juicy clips on the show. Folks rumored to be in the house are: ‘Chicken’ George Boswell, Marcellas Reynolds, Kaysar Ridha, Howie Gordon, Jase Wirey, James Rhine, ‘Dr. Evil’ Will Kirby, Mike Matlin, Janelle Pierzina, Alison Irwin, Danielle Reyes, Diane Henry, Nakomis (Jennifer) Dedmon and Erika Landin.Thursday, June 22, 2006 -- Evening
Have you had a chance to vote for your favorite All Star? I've put my daily vote in. Go to the Big Brother page.Wednesday, June 21, 2006 -- Evening
Chicken George Bunky Will Boogie Marcellas Jase Cowboy Howie Kaysar James |
Monica Lisa Danielle Alison Erika Dana Nakomis Diane Ivette Janelle |
It's time for the viewers and fans to vote for the six contestants that they would like to see on Big Brother All-Stars 7. The show started with a recap of the previous seasons. 20 previous contestants will up for the vote, and we get to vote for three men and three women. The Big Brother producers will pick the other six contestants. The first nominee is from Season 1--Chicken George. He was the older man who was saddened to be kept from his family. Chicken George said that he would do whatever it takes to make it to the end. Next is Big Brother 2. And the nominees are--Bunky. He said that he was the big gay guy from the south who cried all the time. It is shocking to find out that Kent, the heterosexual guy who was very opinioned against gays, is the one person that Bunky keeps in touch with. Also from BB2 is Will. He was the winner of BB2. Will was the ruthless, lying jerk. As Will says, you have to backstab to win. Folks kept Will around because he was hated. Mike, aka Boogie, is another BB2 contestant. He is like a throwback to the 80s. Boogie asked Christa to marry him on the show, and they were engaged for awhile, but broke up. Boogie said that being in love with Christa clouded his vision. Boogie is also good friends with Will, but he wants to take him down. A fourth person from BB2 is Monica. Monica said that she kept things real. She made it to the final three in BB2.
Big Brother 3! Marcellas is one of those we can vote for! He has my vote! He won the Golden Veto, and didn't use it. He was voted off--and you saw the shock on Amy's face. Julie Chen smacked Marcellas in the head for his stupidity. Next is Lisa--who won BB3. Lisa said that she just sat back and watched everyone hate each other. Also from BB3 is Danielle, the ace schemer. Danielle got to the final two, but folks got to find out what Danielle was like when they were voted out. That's why the jury was developed so they wouldn't be influenced.
We find out there will be a new treat instead of peanut butter and jelly. We don't find out what it is, just that there will be a new diet. Now on to BB4. First is Erika. She reconciled with Robert in the house, and had an alliance with Jack at the beginning of the game. She sees Jack as a father figure. Next is Dana. She turned her back on her alliance at the beginning of the game, and got evicted for it. Next is Alison who was the first runner up in BB4. We see her making out with practically every guy in the house.
BB5. First is Jase. Another person I'm going to vote for! Jase was such fun. Cowboy! More rowdy nakedness from him, I'm sure if he makes it into the house. Nakomis is also up for the vote. Next is Diane. She thought she was the best player in the game and that she would have won if she didn't fall for Drew--although she forgot that Drew saved her several times.
Throughout the show, we got to see glimpses of the Big Brother house. We are now down to contestants from Big Brother 6. Howie is up for the All Stars! We got to see the whole Busto arguments from Howie and the Jedi moves. Kaysar! You know that he has my vote too. Kaysar realizes that he trusted the wrong person by giving away the HOH game to Jennifer. One of my least favorite people is also up, Ivette. Ivette regrets sticking with the people that she did. All her family told her that the Friendship were the Maggots. Next up we have James. And the final contestant is Janelle. She liked Michael alot in the house, but realized that she didn't like him outside of the house. It's going to suck to only have three votes for each sex.
It seems that the contestants will be campaigning all over the country. If you go to the Big Brother page, you can vote for your contestants until next Wednesday, June 28.