The Daily Bongo
Big Brother 14
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1st out--8/9 |
3rd out--8/23 |
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2nd out--8/16 |
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1st HOH: Dan
2nd HOH: Ian
Final HOH: Ian
Winner: Ian
Check out the CBS Big Brother Page to watch BB14 episodes
Big Brother 14 stats
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 -- Evening
Big Brother Finale
I got to catch the final BB show. I got to see the first HOH, which both Ian and Danielle threw. Then Ian won the second HOH. When it came to the final HOH question time, Ian got the first five of six questions right. Dan only had two questions right. Ian, of course, evicted Danielle. Question time was interesting. Danielle asked Ian if he knew that Dan had a final two with her. Ian said that he would be surprised because Ian had Dan's grandfather gold necklace as collateral. I think that it can be a toss-up between Dan and Ian. I just really hated Danielle, and I'm glad that she gets $0 (except for the stipend everyone gets for being in the show.)Ashley voted for Ian
Britney voted for Ian
Frank voted for Ian
Joe voted for Ian
Jenn voted for Ian
Shane voted for Ian
Danielle voted for Dan--what an idiot!
Ian won with six votes to one and he was overcome with emotion. I'm satisfied with this win because I thought Ian was a likable character. I'm just shocked that Dan didn't get more votes because he did play a really good game. Frank won America's Favorite Player and got $25,000. Another season of Big Brother done! Now, we just have to wait ten more months for the next addition.
Sunday, September 16, 2012 -- Afternoon
Final Three HOH
Danielle is really showing mental instability. She was really upset with Dan for evicting Shane, but then she threw the first HOH competition to him. What the heck?!?!?!? In the second HOH on Saturday, she lost to Ian and really started a meltdown, egged on by Dan, of yelling and threatening Ian. She kept on saying crazy stuff, saying she would turn the jury house against him, even though she won't really get to talk to them until the finale. She is really angry and filled with hatred of Ian instead of accepting that Dan is the one who spoiled her chances by getting rid of Shane. Now if only Ian will win the final HOH and take Dan. Danielle is one psycho wench, and she really shouldn't have a chance of getting any money. Besides, she had no strategy except to do what Dan told her to do. I think a Dan and Ian final two would be fitting for the season.Thursday, September 13, 2012 -- Evening
Gonna Love the Blindside!
I finally have a chance to watch BB live. I thought that Julie Chen was looking good tonight, with a nice hairdo and red dress. Ian was really happy that the quack pack made it to the final four. Ian says it's down to the relationship (Danielle and Shane) and the Renegades. Ian wants to get him and Dan to final two. Shane says final three plan is him, Dan, and Danielle. Dan says that he has final three deals with everyone and no one knows it. Dan coaches Danielle on putting up him and Ian. Danielle claims that she loves all three guys to death.
We got to see what has been going on in the jury house. Ashley came across like a ditz burger! Ashley loved Britney and wanted her in the game. Ashley and Britney were joined by Frank. Britney wanted it to be Frank. Ashley wanted Frank to win, but can't wait to make out with Frank. Frank is such an idiot, and Britney told Frank that Frank didn't keep his word. Britney tells Frank that Frank was Dan misted. They were all hoping for Dan to enter the house, but it was Joe. Britney and Frank argue about Frank's loyalty. Britney says it's a game, and everyone is dishonesty. Frank keeps on claiming he was honest, but Frank had a deal with Britney and put her up. Britney says that Frank had no social game, and that is why Frank is in the jury house. Frank just comes across as an ass.
The POV competition was to match up house guests to clues. Some of the clues can match multiple answers. Ian hits the buzzer first, but then he gets it wrong. Dan realizes that Ian is wrong because he hears the buzzer and then Ian makes weird monster noises. Danielle doesn't want Ian to win because she will have to write him a check. Ian can't figure out what is wrong, and he is just changing one answer at a time. Danielle just managed to beat out Ian. Shane was very happy that Danielle won. Danielle says that she, Dan, and Shane are going to final three. Ian says that it's unlikely that the nominations will change and that it looks bad for Ian.
Ian says that if Dan goes home that's not good for Ian. Or of course, if Ian goes home. Dan goes up to the HOH to make his move to Danielle. Dan says that if he is sitting on the block, he's going home. Dan says in DR that he has final two with Danielle and Ian, and only Shane stands in the way. Dan says that he is telling Danielle anything she wants to hear because Dan wants to evict Shane. Danielle tells Shane that she is going to take Dan off the block and that she can promise Shane that he isn't going anywhere. Shane tells Dan that he's okay with whatever she decides.
It's finally time for the live veto meeting. Dan has been letting the folks on the feeds know he is going to evict Shane because Shane doesn't have a deal with Dan. Ian and Dan give their speeches. It's now time for Danielle to make her decision. Danielle takes Dan off the block, and Shane takes Dan's place. ian is shocked. Shane and Ian get to address Dan. Shane claims that he didn't know he would be on the block, even though Danielle told him earlier. Shane tells Danielle that she is a sweetheart. Dan sends Shane home, and Danielle's mouth drops so wide. Dan said that Joe and Jenn told him that there was one relationship to breakup. Danielle is shocked. Dan takes Danielle into the arcade room, and says that he broke up the relationship to get Shane out. As Dan tells Danielle this is the one way to guarantee votes for Danielle. Danielle is wondering how many times Dan lied to her. Meanwhile Ian is pacing in the kitchen in shock. Danielle keeps on telling Dan that she trusted Dan one hundred percent. Shane seems really upset and shocked. Shane was really to cry because he trusted Dan. Shane says that he thinks he can forgive Danielle for this happening. This is really great stuff!
The HOH endurance is going to start sometime later. Meanwhile Dan is still in the arcade room trying to mist Danielle. Great, great stuff! Dan deserves to win BB14.
Thursday, September 13, 2012 -- Afternoon
Quick BB Update
I haven't been able to watch Big Brother, either online or TV because I've been busy with two classes this fall. I did get a quick Twitter and fan blog update. Jenn was voted out of the house on a quick eviction on Tuesday. Then Danielle won the HOH. She put up Dan and Ian. Then Danielle, surprise of surprises, won the POV. She's telling Shane that she has to use the POV on Dan, because she wants Dan to get blood on his hands and vote out Ian. However, it seems that Dan has been whispering to the feed cameras that he is going to get rid of Shane. That's the best deal for Dan because both Danielle and Ian would take Dan to the final two. Tonight's show will have the eviction and the start of the Final HOH endurance competition. I hope Ian and Dan make the final two. I really do not want to see Danielle in the final two. That girl is really psycho!
Sunday, September 9, 2012 -- Evening
Shane Wins POV
Shane won the POV, and he will obviously take himself off the block tomorrow. The question is whether Dan or Danielle will go up in his place. Ian seems to have been blinded by Dan's mist, and Ian will probably put Danielle on the block. Dan will probably work his wiles to get her out of the house. The person everyone wants to sit beside at the end is Jenn because she did nothing, and no one would vote for her. As part of the POV, Shane won a trip outside of the BB house. He chose Danielle as his guest, and after they left, Dan started with the comments on how those two will never be broken up. It will be interesting to see what happens. I won't be watching BB tonight because it's the season opener for the Steelers, who will be playing the Denver Broncos and Peyton Manning.
Friday, September 7, 2012 -- Evening
Double Eviction Recap
I wasn't able to watch the Big Brother double eviction because I had a migraine. The house guests were shocked when they found out it was going to be a fast forward show. Frank was evicted. Everyone knew that except for Frank. In the HOH competition, Dan, surprisingly, wasn't able to throw it or didn't want to throw it. He won HOH and put up Ian and Joe. Although Joe seemed to pull ahead in the veto competition at one point, Ian won. I was glad about that because I like Ian. He is a fellow Pittsburgher, and he just seems to have that slightly weird, nerdy demeanor like others that I know. When Ian came off the block, Dan put Danielle up. Of course, Danielle was very unhappy about that, but it just meant that Joe was guaranteed to go home. The show ended without an HOH, but after the feeds went out for a bit, they came back with Ian as HOH. Just a few minutes ago, Ian made his nominations: Jenn and Shane. All in all, a satisfying double fast forward. There are only a few more shows left in the season. I am rooting for Ian or Dan.
Saturday, September 1, 2012 -- Evening
Quick BB Update
It wasn't much of a surprise when Ian won the Endurance competition on Big Brother Thursday night. He was close for the first Endurance, and it was imperative for him to win this time so he would remain in the house. The Quack Pack was quickly reestablished, and Frank and Jenn were on the block. Dan won the veto today, so the question will be if he lets Frank stay on the block. If so, Frank will be out the door on Thursday. I'm not sure what Dan thinks about strategy in this case.
Thursday, August 30, 2012 -- Evening
Bye-Bye Britney
I am too tired to watch the whole show, but I did find out that all except Ian voted to evict Britney. Shane and Joe are really stupid, and I hope that both wind up paying for it. I can see Dan and Frank at the end. Endurance HOH tonight. Let's go Ian!
Thursday, August 30, 2012 -- Afternoon
Quick BB Update
I have been busy, and still haven't seen Wednesday's show, but I have seen some of the feeds. Dan got himself off the block by calling a house meeting after his solitary confinement. He acted really crazy after coming out of solitary (all an act), and then said something about everyone, and claimed to cut Danielle dead. That was an act too, but she didn't know it. She started crying; Dan went to talk to Frank, outed everyone, and made a deal with Frank if Jenn pulled him off the block. That happened, and Britney went up in his place. Now if Joe and Shane could count, they would realize that they should keep Britney and vote out Danielle, but they are dumb. Expect Britney to leave, and then expect an endurance competition. Ian better win, or his butt will be in the jury house next week.
Sunday, August 26, 2012 -- Evening
Double Eviction Aftermath
Time for the show with the action from this past weekend. Of course, being Big Brother, the show started with a lengthy recap of the Thursday. Frank thinks that Ian should have voted for Boogie, and that it broke Frank's hear that he didn't. Frank kept on Ian about how Boogie gave Ian $3000, and Ian didn't give Boogie the respect of a vote. Ian said that he tried to throw the competition because the Quack Pack would want Ian to put up Frank. Poor Ian couldn't get out of the arcade room with all the folks trying to talk to Ian. Ian thought he should backdoor Frank, but everyone was telling him to put up Frank and Ashley. Ian was getting really testy with the folks who were coming to talk to him. Ian tells Britney that her telling him to put up Frank screwed Ian because Ian kept on trying to tell them that he should backdoor Frank. Ian was afraid that Frank would play for the veto and win it. Ian makes sense. Frank starts yelling at Ian about what a scum he is. Britney tells Frank to stop yelling at Ian because Ian isn't emotionally able to handle this. Frank blames them all for turning Ian. Britney tells Frank to yell at her instead of Ian.
Frank goes to talk to Shane and Danielle, and Danielle starts to cry because it's always about Danielle. Britney horned into the meeting, but she left Frank and Danielle alone. Shane talks to Britney about making a deal with Dan so Shane doesn't go up on the block against Dan. Britney hugs and makes a deal with Frank. Britney wants Frank out of the house, but she has to keep herself in the game by pretending to be in an alliance with Frank.
The HOH competition was to use a rollbar to get a ball up a maze with holes. Dan went last and his ball fell off the board. They had to do a ranking round first to try to get the highest number for a better ranking. Dan was the lowest ranked and Frank was the next lowest. So it was Frank against Dan. The winner in each round getts the ball to the top hole first. Then it was Frank against Jenn. Again, Frank wins. Now, Frank is getting practice so he will get better. It's Britney against Frank. Frank wins. Then it's Danielle against Frank. Frank wins. Then it's Joe and Frank. Frank wins. Finally, it's Shane and Frank, and Frank wins HOH. Britney is sick of Frank winning everything. That's because none of them really try. Frank had to pick the one Have Not of the week, and Frank picks Dan.
Ian realizes that two people have to go on the block. Britney made a deal with Frank before the HOH, and she goes up after the HOH competition to make sure that things are tight with Frank. Frank says that he is going to put up Dan and Danielle. Britney says that she can't beat Dan, so she will vote out Dan. Britney claims to be down with working with Frank.
Time for Pandora's Box. Frank's decision was seeing a room with money in it. Frank opens Pandora's Box to win up to $10,000. He gets to pick three cubes, and he'll get the money from those cubes. Then he will be locked in the room for an hour. His first pick is $1.05 then $7.11. Finally, it's $3333.33 So Frank gets the total of all three. The house guests get to go outside, and they find out there is a second veto in the house. They need $0.50 to win the veto. The house guests start looking all over to find money. Finally balls start falling. Dan gets the first quarters, and he tried the claw machine to get the veto. Dan leads them to believe that he got the veto, but Joe goes in and sees that the veto is still there. Ian gets 2 quarters, but he doesn't get the veto. Britney heard quarters clicking near Joe's foot. She gets the veto, but she drops it. Dan is acting really selfish and rude as Britney says, and Britney things that Dan doesn't see the big picture, or he sees it and doesn't care. Ian didn't try because he thought that if someone else went before him, they could get it closer. Dan yells at Ian about not trying to get it and having someone else burn their coins. Ian goes and tries and ... gets the golden veto.
Frank talks to Ian and Britney, and Frank can't get an answer from Ian on evicting Dan. Ian tells Frank to do what he needs to do. Frank was talking about putting Ian up. Frank tells Ian that if Ian takes Dan off the block that Frank will put Britney up. Ian says that he's working with Frank, but that he gets scared whenever he has to make decisions. Frank thinks of putting up Ian so Ian will take himself off the block with the golden veto. Time for the keys: first is Jenn, then Ian, Joe, Britney, and then Shane. Dan and Danielle are on the block. Frank tells Dan that he wanted to get rid of Dan for two weeks in a row. Then we see Danielle crying about how bad it is for her if Dan goes home.
Thursday, August 23, 2012 -- Evening
Double Eviction
It's double eviction night on Big Brother. Boogie and Frank are really mad at Dan. Then Ian goes into the room where Boogie and Frank are, and Ian says that it's going to be hard to have to vote between two team mates. Ian realizes that he can't let Boogie know that he was the mole because it will be safer for him to keep his head low. Boogie asks Shane in the kitchen why Shane was jerking him around. Boogie tells Shane that he is just looking like Dan's bitch. Meanwhile Dan just sits in the living room, reading his Bible, and ignoring Boogie and Frank. Boogie goes and sits by Dan and keeps on harassing Dan. Dan says he's not ignoring Boogie. Meanwhile, Dan says that he has no trouble taking the heat from Boogie. Dan says that he doesn't crack under pressure. The only thing that Dan wants is for Ian to realize how much pressure Dan is taking for Ian. Jenn, who has not been playing the game so far this season, says that she is going ballistic. Even Ian says in DR that Jenn just needs to chill out. Now the house guests learn that it is a double eviction night. The second person evicted is the first person in the jury.
Jenn says that she is grateful for being there. Boogie does his usual PR bit, and with a tear in his voice, Boogie hopes that he won't be going home. Eviction time:
Ashley evicts Jenn
Britney evicts Boogie
Joe evicts Boogie
Frank evicts Jenn
Dan evicts Boogie (Dan says it's for Janelle)
Ian evicts Boogie
Danielle evicts Boogie
Boogie is evicted by a vote of 5-2. Ian whispers to Boogie that he respects him, and gives him sunglasses. Boogie tells Frank that Ian is not to be trusted, and then Boogie says to Ian, "not cool." Boogie is shocked that Ian was against him. Boogie says that if Ian did him wrong, it reflects on Ian. Britney then does a mock phone call, pretending it was Janelle. Britney said that she would take a message. Ian admits to Boogie that he masterminded Boogie's demise, and that Ian learned from the best. Boogie laughed, clapped, and took off his hat to Ian. Boogie says that he still loves Ian.
Time for the HOH competition. It's a before or after competition. Did the first event happen before or after the second event? Ashley was the first out. Then Joe, Jenn, and Dan were out. Frank is out. It's down to Britney, Danielle, and Ian. No one out in the next question. Britney is out. Down to Danielle and Ian with a tie breaker. How many seconds did it take the lime team to win the squeezing competition. Danielle guessed 1200, and Ian guessed 1000. Ian is HOH.
Ian is doing some strategizing with Joe. Ian nominates Frank and Ashley, and Ian keeps on telling both that he is really sorry. Shane, Danielle, and Joe are also competing in the POV. In a repeat of the clown shoe competition, the house guests have to hunt for two clovers in a pile of balls, return them one at a time, and then get the POV. Ian found the first clover. Then Frank found one. Joe found one. Danielle and Shane found clovers. Frank found his second clover, Shane found one shortly after him, but Frank won the POV.
Of course Frank removed himself from the block, and Ian puts up Joe in Frank's place. Ashley and Joe give their final speeches. Ashley sounds and acts really dopey. Ashley is just a real stoner. Julie just cut her off. Joe didn't say anything, but he did some sign language saying he would be with them. Time for the vote:
Jenn evicts Ashley
Shane evicts Ashley
Britney evicts Ashley
Frank evicts the terrible chef, Joe
Danielle evicts Ashley
Dan evicts Ashley because she didn't ask for his vote
Ashley is out with a vote of 5-1. Ashley goes out, but she is probably clueless about what is going on. Ashley says, "I can't believe I'm here! I love your side pony." Julie had a side ponytail. Frank goes on berating everyone in the house for voting out Ashley. Ashley thinks she made the house very mad because she was a floater. Ashley said that she picked the wrong side. Ashley is the first member of the jury. As the show ended, Frank was continuing to terrorize the house.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 -- Evening
BB POV Episode
I decided to watch the episode tonight because I thought that it might have some interesting drama in it. Boogie admits that he and Frank were blindsided. Boogie wanted to know who put Shane up to it. When Frank and Boogie go up to talk to Shane, Shane throws Britney under the bus because Shane doesn't want to out Ian. Shane goes and gets Britney to tell her that he threw her under the bus by saying that Britney was the one who influenced the whole thing. In DR, Britney says that Shane has no common sense and screwed his game. Shane goes to talk to Britney, and he looks at her with an open mouthed stupid look. Shane tries to tell Britney that he didn't throw her under the bus by saying that the whole plan came from her. Shane is incredibly stupid; it's amazing how stupid he is. Shane's claim is that he didn't want to throw Ian under the bus so he mentioned Britney. I mean, really! Shane should have just said it was his idea. Ian goes in to talk to Frank and Boogie who tell Ian that Dan is the wolf in sheep's clothing. Ian says in DR that they don't realize that Ian is the wolf in sheep's clothing!
Boogie tells Dan that he fought Frank tooth and nail to keep Dan off the block. Dan sits and takes it because he can't expose the mole, Ian. Boogie and Frank go up to the HOH to talk to Dan and Britney. Britney and Dan don't want to say anything, and Britney says that Boogie is stupid for not remembering that he told Ian to put up Britney and Shane. Boogie thinks that because Dan doesn't say anything, Dan is guilty. Dan asks Britney if he should continue to cover for Ian. Dan says that he will take heat for the group if Ian takes the heat for them.
Time to pick for the POV. Shane picks Jenn. Boogie picks house guest choice, and he picks Ian. Then we see Frank pick house guest choice, but we know from the live feeds that he picked Ian, and had to repick. Frank chooses Ashley. The POV competition is the counting game with a small demonstration of what the amount is, and then they have to guess the larger amount. The one closest to the number wins that round. The farthest away is out. If you fold, you get to stay in without geting a point. First is marshmallow chicks. Boogie is the first out. Frank gets a point. Frank got another point in the second round, and Jenn was out. Shane won the next round, and Ian was out. Then Shane lost and was out, and it came down to Frank and Ashley. Frank won the last round because Ashley folded and Frank automatically won the POV.
Boogie tells his "troops," aka Ian, Joe, and Jenn that they have to get Dan on the block and out. Frank and Boogie tell them that they have to talk Shane into putting up Dan. Boogie tells them that it's in their best interests to get rid of Dan. We haven't heard or seen Jenn all season, but she says that Boogie is right to put Dan up and vote him out. Boogie goes to talk to Britney and tries to cry some fake tears. Britney didn't buy it though. Wow, we see more of Jenn, just because she goes up next on the block. Jenn talks to Shane, and Jenn tries to talk Shane into putting up Dan. Boogie then talks to Shane about scary Dan is as a player. Boogie says that in his season, Dan let everyone in his alliance do the dirty work, and Dan won. Britney talks with Danielle about how long Boogie has been up talking with Shane. Boogie tries to say that he is a blue-collar guy like Shane. Boogie thinks that Shane is an idiot, and that Boogie thinks that since he was the last person talking to Shane that Shane will nominate Dan. HA!
Time for the POV ceremony. Frank comes off the block, and as Boogie gapes at Shane, Shane picks Jenn as the replacement. Jenn mouths anger at being up. Honey, you don't get people to vote for you by threatening them. Ian said that he doesn't want to be around Boogie when Boogie finds out who got rid of him. As Ian said, like father like son. Tomorrow's eviction is a double eviction episode.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012 -- Evening
BB House Drama
In the BB house, Frank won the POV and removed himself from the block. It was hilarious to see Boogie campaigning to get Dan up beside him. Well, Shane didn't plan on that, and he put Jenn up. Now Jenn really hasn't been playing the game, so she didn't realize that she was in the BB house. She started telling people that she was mad at them, and they were going to be sorry for nominating her. Geeze, Louise! That's the sort of thing that gets you voted out! Fortunately, the Quack Pack (Shane, Dan, Danielle, Britney, and Ian) are out to get rid of Boogie. So Boogie should be out of the door on Thursday. In the meantime, for the first time in a long time, the BB live feeds are interesting.
Friday, August 17, 2012 -- Late Evening
Shane Grows a Pair
Shane won the HOH competition last night, and today, he actually had the balls to put up both Boogie and Frank. The two have been running around the house like they were Chill Town, but Dr. Will was the brains behind Chill Town, and Boogie just rode Dr. Will's coattails. The pair were shocked that anyone would have the audacity to put them up. I think the comeuppance is great, and I hope that one of them goes home on Thursday. They are going to have to do a couple of fast forwards soon, since we are almost into September. Finally, there is something of interest going on in the house!
Thursday, August 16, 2012 -- Evening
Update on Big Brother
As I mentioned, the people in Big Brother this year are in incredibly annoying and boring. I haven't been watching or following as closely as I used to follow, and I don't feel as if I am missing much. The folks in the house really aren't campaigning or doing anything that's good for their game. It seems that people are just buying into keeping Boogie and Dan around for final two. That tends to lead to very boring reality TV. Tonight, Wil is going home, and everyone knew it last Friday. It was obvious in the house and obvious to Wil.
The BB folks leaked a photo of the backyard that shows the slip and slide competition where you have to fill a tank to get a ball out of the tank. It will be interesting to see who wins this one, and we can only hope that it will be someone who doesn't have his or her head up Boogie or Dan's butt.
I broke down and watch the show this evening to see Wil get evicted. Jeff from BB 11 and 13 was on the show to give his impressions of the game. Obviously, it's a ploy on CBS' part to boost ratings. Britney thinks the Silent Six is crumbling. Dan admits to Britney and Danielle that it's not in the foreseeable future that the will win, not that he is throwing competitions. Ashely acts like like a stoned person all the time and that gets really old. Dan admits that he can't trust Frank because Frank would have put him up, so Dan says that he's getting rid of Frank as soon as he can. Ashley asks Frank out on on a date because she is going for information and just basically wants to shag Frank. Frank just looks like a slob. Ashley claims that she was trying to campaign for Wil, but she basically throws Wil under the bus because she is just a stoned skank. Frank asks Ashley if she wants to make out on the couch, and because she is a skank, she jumped on the offer and Frank.
We saw Joe's family, and his wife said that he needed to stop yelling in DR. It's really annoying. Then we had some film clips of Jeff in the BB house. Then Jeff joined Julie on the couch. Julie joked about Jeff going into the house. Jeff and Jordan are living together in Santa Monica, and Jordan gave Jeff an ultimatum about putting out the wedding offer. Jeff said that what he learned from Janelle leaving is not to go into the house for a third time. Jeff is rooting for Ian. Julie says that if she went in, she would go in and be in beast mood. As she said, why go into the house if you don't want to play? Julie should send that memo to the people in the house. Julie asked the house guests so multiple choice questions about current events. In the good-bye speeches, Wil pretty much admitted to leaving the house. Joe was annoying in general. Gosh, I just wanted to smack Joe. This is why I have hated the show this season. Time for the vote.
Ashley evicted Joe
Boogie evicted Wil
Danielle evicted Wil
Jenn evicted Joe
Dan evicted Wil
Britney evicted Wil
Shane evicted Wil
Ian evicted Wil
As I said, we already knew this vote on Friday. Wil wore his sailor cap, and said that he was a bigger threat than Joe. Wil thought that everyone thought he was more likely to win competitions than Joe. Wil just showed how stupid he was. I wish Julie had asked him about getting rid of Janelle who would have worked ot keep him in the house. Wil was a loser and played like a loser.
For the HOH competition, the first person to fill the smallest container at the end of the row is safe from eviction and being put up. The second largest container is a $10,000 prize. The third largest is for HOH. Ashley is barely moving. She has been having back problems, and will probably be out of the competition before the show ends. Boogie is the only one going for the $10,000 prize. Four are going to safety, and four are going for HOH. We'll have to wait for the life feeds to see what happens.
Friday, August 10, 2012 -- Evening
Bye Janelle
I didn't want the eviction show last night, but I think I only missed a good deal of boredom. Janelle was evicted with a vote of 8-1 with Joe being the only person to vote for her. Then Frank won the HOH. There have not been nominations yet in the BB house, but Wil should be shaking in his boots. He was the person who wanted to get rid of Janelle, and didn't realize that she had done a good deal to save him and stoner Ashley. Frank, Boogie, and Dan have been talking about backdooring Wil. The plan for now appears to be to put up Joe and Ian (who is a member of the Silent Six alliance: Boogie, Dan, Frank, Ian, Shane, and Britney). The plan would be to take Ian off and put Wil up. Or if Wil should happen to play and win the veto to send Joe home. The people in the house are extremely boring, and it's really difficult to get any interest in watching their antics.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012 -- Evening
Big Brother Boredom
I have really been bored with Big Brother. The POV show is tonight, and I won't be able to watch it. You would think that I would be annoyed, but I am really bored with the characters on the show this year. I already know that Danielle won the POV in one of those competitions where you can exchange prizes with those who get eliminated before you, like in a Chinese or white elephant gift exchange. Boogie managed to get Dan to buy into the notion of putting up Janelle and voting her out, and it seems that's what the house is going to do. Janelle was blindsided by the nomination, and she seems to be really, stupidly buying everyone's reassurance that she is just up on the block as a pawn. I can't believe her stupidity, and she's basically the only person that I like on the show. The others just annoy me in various ways. Danielle is one psycho puppy, who fawns over Shane, tells lies about everything, and backstabs all except for Shane, Dan, and Britney. Meanwhile, Shane seems to be unwilling to admit that he can't stand Danielle, and goes around either keeping her at arm's length or encouraging her psycho infatuation. I may watch the show later tonight or tomorrow, and if there's anything interesting, I'll post it. Tomorrow, it will be a Janie eviction night. Sigh! It's sad that Big Brother is starting to lose my fandom the same way that Survivor did.
Sunday, August 5, 2012 -- Evening
HOH Endurance
I have to admit that I'm getting really tired of the group in the Big Brother house this season. It's difficult for me to get any interest in what they are doing. On the live feeds, Danielle won HOH. She nominated Frank and Wil, and somehow managed to win POV. Now there's talk of backdooring Janelle. I have to admit that I really don't care! But the show was on tonight, and I watched it anyway.
The show started with the Endurance competition. Boogie says that he's really unsure about what he wants to have happen. Ian thinks its the biggest twist because he went from a 1-7 shot to a 1-12 shot. It's like they were there for four weeks for nothing. Joe is upset about working so hard for the last week. Ashley said that she just had it figured out when they threw a bomb at her. I think the girl is too danged stupid to figure anything out. Britney wanted to reset because she only had one player left. Dan also wanted to play, and so did Janelle because she wanted to win Big Brother. Boogie felt that he was running the game, and that he had a good chance to win $100K. Boogie is deluded. Frank is obnoxious. Dan mentions to Boogie that there a plan to vote Frank out. Dan told Boogie this to get Boogie's trust and getting him to vote. Janelle and Britney lied about pushing the button. Shane admits that he had blood on his hands from last week. Jenn finally shows up to say she has to watch herself. Jenn hasn't been playing the game yet, so maybe she'll start now, but I doubt it. Ashley is so stupid that I want to hit the screen every time she is on the screen. I loved when they got hit with the fake seabird guano. Boogie is not a happy camper because he has to compete. Boogie is the first to drop to send the message that he's not a threat. Jenn was shaking and cold, and just in general a loser, and dropped next. Then after one hour, Joe went too. Joe also tells Boogie that they were all lying to Boogie and telling him that the plan was to put out Frank. Ashley fell at 1 hour and 51 minutes. Then Dan goes out, and says that his plan is to portray a weak persona. Wil gets it right away. Shane was Frank off because Frank will find out that Shane wanted him off. Frank falls off like a baby. Boogie tells Frank that they were going to blind side Frank. Frank thinks he can only trust Boogie now. Wil see Shane ready to go, and Danielle looks like she can stay up forever. Wil and Shane go together at 2 hours and 43 minutes. Janelle sees Britney looking solid, so Janelle goes out. It's down to Danielle, Britney, and Ian (the smallest people).
Ian tells Danielle that he won't put her up, and then Dan starts coaching and encouraging Danielle to hang on. Meanwhile Jenn notes that Boogie and Frank are the only ones not out there. Ian feels physically ill, and almost falls off, but he manages to hang on. Boogie meanwhile is telling Frank that he will not do him wrong. Meanwhile, inside the house, Boogie is talking about how they need to get Ian to hang on, but they aren't outside. Britney and Danielle say that Ian is safe. Then Britney gets her guarantee from Danielle who gets a hug from Dan at winning HOH. Shane also jumps Danielle to give her a kiss; I guess to keep himself safe.
Danielle, being delusional, thinks that Janelle is threatened by her. Dan realizes that Boogie told Frank and that Dan didn't get to put the spin on things. Britney gets confronted by Boogie, who says that she didn't know that Frank was going on. Frank tells Boogie that he can't trust Britney. Britney tells Shane about Frank knowing. Britney said that she has to go and talk to Danielle and Dan and make sure that they are on the same page. Britney goes to tell Boogie that Shane didn't know what was going on. Dan tells Britney that he was the one who told Boogie. He tells Britney and Danielle that he just got so excited and spilled the beans. Time for Danielle's HOH room. Boogie really can't stand Danielle and doesn't want to see her dole out candy bars. We learn that Danielle didn't tell her parents she was going into the BB house. Psycho. In the HOH room, Danielle, Dan, Britney, and Shane talk about who to nominate. They mention Frank, Janelle, Boogie, and Wil. Britney says that Danielle promised her safety. Then Wil reminds Danielle that she promised him safety to drop.
Ian goes and sits by Ashley, while Ashley stares at Shane with drool coming out of her mouth. Ian says that he doesn't show off his body, he goes with personality and brains. Then he makes a joke about how he was doing the same weights as Shane, but not struggling. Boogie and Frank talk, and Boogie says that he isn't going to campaign, but Frank can campaign. Boogie is more pissed after sleeping on it. Britney gives Danielle coaching advice, and says that Danielle should put up Frank and Wil. Danielle is terrified of Boogie, and wants to put both him and Frank up. Dan doesn't want any coach to go because as long as the coaches are in the game, they will shield Dan from attack. Danielle clais she wants Frank out, and Dan tells her that if she puts Boogie and Frank up, Boogie is going home. Danielle is such a loser! And since the HOH competition, we don't see Shane in the HOH room with Danielle.
I think it's funny how Wil mocks Danielle for forgetting that she promised to keep him safe. Time for the nominations. First key is Britney. Then Ian, Dan, Janelle, Jenn, Shane, Ashley, Joe, and Boogie. Up are Frank and Wil. Danielle says that she nominated them for reasons that weren't personal and she loved them both. Umm, okay? Boogie is insulted that he would get his key. Boogie says that his key shouldn't be in there. Danielle still trusts Dan, and he has to do everything to keep the coaches off the block.
Thursday, August 2, 2012 -- Evening
HOH and Coaches
The BB house and house guests are incredibly boring this year. So everyone has been eagerly awaiting the entrance of the coaches into the game. Also, it seems that there may be an endurance competition tonight to bring the coaches in.
The show started with Julie Chen looking nice in a yellow dress. The action started with a breakdown of the post veto ceremony. Boogie thought he had a concrete deal with Britney and Shane. He's perturbed that he has to go back to work. Ashley cheers that she did it in DR. She did nothing, per usual. Hippy girl probably doesn't even know which show she is one. Shane tells Frank not to worry because he's safe. You aren't safe if you go on the block. Danielle says it was a huge move. Frank goes to Boogie and says that Shane doesn't want him out. Boogie says that Frank should have told him that he was going on the block. Boogie hates the lack of trust in the game, and in DR, said that Frank should have told Boogie about it. Britney blames Ian for Frank being nominated because Ian said that he didn't see a reason to put up Shane. Britney tells Boogie that she loves Ian, and really doesn't want to get Ian in trouble. Britney said it was a big movie. Ashley rambles on like the drugged out hippy chick. Britney says that Frank will win $500,000 if he doesn't go out. That's funny because Frank hasn't won anything. Boogie and Frank try to comfort Ian. Ian said that he didn't want to write a check he couldn't cash. Boogie tells him that it's the Big Brother house. You can bounce checks. That was a great line. Boogie, Ian, and Frank say they will have to trust Dan and Danielle. Janelle and Britney talk about menstrual cramps and labor. Janelle said that she doesn't cry. Britney said that Janelle could get the worst news ever and has no emotions. Janelle said that she doesn't get sad or happy. That's why she is a competing machine. Janelle, Joe, and Wil talk about Frank and waiting for Thursday to come up. Janelle said that Frank is pure evil, but Wil doesn't seem to agree. Janelle tells Wil that it's best for Wil if Frank goes home. Wil talks in DR about Janelle talking about how she worked so hard to save Wil. Janelle starts to correct Wil, and tell him how things work. Wil admits that Janelle is getting on his nerves and that he is getting tired of her. The next morning, Joe and Wil talked. Wil says that what he got is that the only reason he is in this game is because Janelle kissed out. As Wil said to Joe, they didn't go into the house to win Janelle money. Joe gets worried, and then he tells the hippy chick that Wil joined the other side. Ashley goes to get Janelle so Joe can tell her that Wil is mad at Janelle and is going to vote out Joe. Wil never said that he was voting out Janelle. Joe says he's scared. Ashley said that she doesn't get it. Joe tells Janelle that if she loses him, and Will flips that she is stuck with the stupid, drugged out hippy chick.
Janelle talks to Wil and sheds fake tears. Wil realizes the waterworks are fake. Wil says that he will pretend that it's all cool, but he doesn't trust Janelle. Frank and Boogie talk to Dan about Danielle's vote. Dan doesn't seem to know what to tell Boogie and Frank. Dan said that Boogie pitched a good sale to Dan about getting rid of Janelle's players. Dan tells Danielle that he would rather play with Frank and Boogie. Danielle has her wide scary eyes. Danielle thinks she has all the power. Dan tries to talk Danielle down from her high school crush because she is so obsessed with Shane and losing sight of the game. Danielle looks like she wants to cry.
Julie asks Ian about the $3000 which he is going to use for rent and necessities. Boogie says that his uncle always said to take the biggest share. Julie asks Danielle to rate her kiss with Shane. Psycho Danielle says 10. Shane is on the spot and has to say he would rate the kiss a 10.5. Then Janelle is shown the film from the coaches competition.
Julie talks to Shane in the HOH. Shane said that he has his own game plan, but he listened to his coach. Shane said that he doesn't trust Frank, but he really doesn't trust Boogie. Shane said that Julie put him on the spot with the question about the kiss, and then says there is no showmance because it would negatively affect his game. Really Shane has no interest in the psycho girl.
Frank admits that his dad is Sid Vicious, the professional wrestler. Sid Vicious said that Frank gets his competitive nature from his dad. Frank admits to Boogie that he didn't tell folks who his dad was. He also admits that he has issues with his father, because Frank didn't want to play sports. Frank's mom said that Frank would be surprised to know that his dad has been watching the show. Sid Vicious said that he's proud of Frank.
Julie reveals the vote on the coaches, and that the coaches can enter the game. Surprise! Not! If the coaches give up coaching, they would all compete as individuals, and there would be no eviction tonight. If the coaches choose to remain as coaches, then someone gets evicted tonight, and then next week some players will return. The coaches have to go to vote. Will Britney press the Reset button. She does choose to enter the game. Boogie chooses not to enter the game. Dan chooses to reset. Janelle also chooses to enter. The game has been reset. Neither Joe or Frank is evicted, and all the coaches are now in the game. It doesn't matter that Boogie didn't want to reset. One reset is all it took to enter all the coaches.
Everyone is on their own. Even though Shane was HOH last week, he is able to compete tonight because the game reset. It's an endurance competition where the house guests have are hanging on a small foot rest and hanging onto a hand bar. The ship wall moves, and it's very similar to other leaning/hanging off a wall HOH competitions. it will be interesting to see how long this one lasts and who wins. Right before the show went off the air, we saw the house guests get drenched in water.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 -- Evening
BB Veto Show
We saw the nomination ceremony, with Joe saying that he's targeted because of Janelle. Then Ashley begins crying. Boogie and Frank celebrate. Boogie was happy that he got the last word into Shane's ears. Janelle goes up to talk to Britney. Britney tells Janelle that she only has so much control, and that she knew Joe was going up, but wasn't sure if it was Frank or Ashley. Britney says that Janelle continues to surprise Britney. Britney admits that Janelle is really good at this game because Janelle just says that she gets it, she's not mad, she understands, etc. Britney doesn't buy it, even though Janelle reminds her how you can't trust Boogie. Britney tells Shane that he has to do what is best for Shane. Britney tells Shane that Janelle is willing to work with them, even though Shane just put her two people up. Janelle talks to her people and tell them that they need to talk to Shane. Wil says he doesn't want to ass kiss. Janelle explains to them that they need to convince Shane that he will be safe until one of them comes off the block. Joe yells that he doesn't know if he could swallow his pride. Janelle advises that Joe not fight with Shane. Janelle made it to the final three twice so she does know what she is talking about. Shane goes up to talk to Shane and Britney. Joe admits that his back is against the wall. He tells Shane that Shane made a smart move and that Joe would do the same. Shane tells Joe that he wishes Joe realized it a few weeks ago. In the DR, Joe yells about Shane needing to learn manners. Joe admits that he's mad and that it sucks. Shane, rocking a vibrant pink wife-beater shirt, says in DR that he doesn't know if Joe is trying to get voted out. In DR, Joe admits that he is coming after Shane.
Time to pick players for veto. Joe yells in DR about not wanting Frank to play. Shane picks Danielle who stand really close to Shane because she is obsessed with him. Ashley picks Will. Joe picks Frank. The competition is setup like a circus. Frank said that he can kick himself in the face because he would be great in a circus. Jenn is the hostess with the leastest. The players have to keep balls on ramps more than a body length apart. The balls have to be kept in motion and can't hit the ground. Britney gives Shane advice by telling him not to thrust it, but to be graceful. Ashley is giving a gentle push. Wil is the first one out. Then Joe is out. Frank is out after he knocks his off the ramp. Then Danielle, the bunny boiler (Fatal Attraction obsession with Shane) is out. It's down to Ashely and Shane. Then Ashley is out. Shane wins. I don't know that Shane is so good. I think the others just really suck at any game. Joe is red-faced and yelling in DR about being frustrated with himself. Frank believes he is safe since Shane won the POV. Janelle says her team is devastated, but this is just the point where she has to go to work.
Britney parties in the HOH with Shane. Shane says he is on top of the world with HOH and POV. Shane says that there are so many options that they can use. Britney could not be any happier. Britney wants Janelle to lose a player to know how it feels. Britney tells Shane that Janelle has been crying a river. Britney says that all Janelle's team does is sing, braid hair, and cook. Britney does an impression of Joe yelling in his gruff voice. Shane said that he can't trust Janelle. Britney tells Shane that they have to get Joe's recipes out of him before he leaves. Janelle shows up to talk to Shane and Britney, and Britney complains in DR about Janelle always talking strategy. Janelle says that none of her players can win, so Shane shouldn't waste his time by taking out a weak player. Then Wil shows up and Ashley. Joe was downstairs crying. Janelle said that they should talk about more than a week of safety, but to play together. Janelle says that Boogie will take Jenn or Ashley to the end. Janelle says that she is willing to give her wedding ring for three weeks to show that she is not lying. Britney doesn't want to keep the wedding ring for three weeks, and Janelle says that it's supposed to be a sign that she can be trusted. Janelle said that she has to work because Boogie is probably scheming. But Boogie is just sitting out in back and talking weight training with Frank, so Ian just sits there. Dr. Will was the mastermind in Chill Town, and took Boogie for the ride. Janelle tells Joe that he has to go and kiss ass, grovel, and try to get Shane to put Frank up on the block. Janelle tries to explain how important it is. Joe yells in DR that it's do or die time. Janelle is a good coach. She just has stupid players. Joe goes to talk to Shane. Joe says that if Shane saves him, he will be the most loyal person to Shane. Joe asks for the veto to be used on him. Joe tries to sell the point that staying in this house is his dream. What a sorry life Joe must lead! Joe admits that he's willing to go outside of his team to support Shane. Joe believes that Janelle will take Wil to the end. Shane says that Joe was emotional, but Shane wasn't buying the loyalty. Joe says in DR that he will have Shane's back.
It's time for the sushi party. The coaches, Shane, and Danielle go outside in the yard for the sushi party. Boogie owns a Japanese restaurant and knows all about sushi. Boogie mocked them for using forks. Danielle never ate sushi. Wil is wearing a bikini bottle, jacket, and sailor hat. He's dancing because it's his birthday. The sushi guys take dessert in. Then they all play spin the bottle. Ian got to kiss Ashley. Shane spun the bottle, and Danielle flung herself in front of the bottle. Danielle couldn't believe it, and she just obsessed. Shane claimed it wasn't log enough. CBS is still pushing the romance. Britney talks to Ian about putting Shane up on the block. Ian says that he doesn't see a foreseeable circumstance where he would put up Shane. Britney is freaking out, and she goes to talk to Shane. She asks Shane if he's freaking out. Britney made a huge deal out of how wishy washy Ian was. Shane doesn't trust Boogie because he doesn't know what Boogie says to Ian or Frank. So Shane thinks that this might be a good time to put Frank up. It's not really a backdoor because Frank played for veto. Britney wants to come up with a plan to keep Boogie from freaking out. Britney and Shane come up with a story blaming Ian for them putting Frank up. Frank talks to Shane because Frank wants to make sure everything is hunky dory. Shane says that Britney talked to Ian, and because Ian didn't say Shane is safe, Shane is worried. Frank said that he and Boogie didn't tell Ian what the plan was. As Frank said, Ian is just a kid and really isn't up on what is going on. Britney goes in with Frank and Shane, and blames Ian for giving shady answers. Frank said that Ian didn't know about any deal with Frank and Boogie. Frank says that Ian is socially awkward and doesn't like to talk game.
Time for the veto ceremony. Frank is worried about being put up after his talk with Shane and Britney. Janelle worked hard to save one of her players. Boogie is sure that Shane is a man of his word and that Boogie and Frank will be chilling poolside until the eviction. The meeting starts. Ashley talks and looks like a drugged out hippy child. Joe says something really stupid about the president using the power of veto. Barf! Shane uses the veto and takes Ashley off. Shane says that he is playing by himself and in a tough situation. Shane names Frank as the replacement after saying yet again that he's playing on his own and has to do what is best for him. Boogie storms out as Janelle smiles. Frank was a little surprised. He knows not to panic. Shane says that he wants to convince Frank that he's not the target when he really is. Janelle says there's a new puppet master in this house, and it's Janelle. Boogie is pissed. Boogie says it doesn't end well for the other side when they take a shot at Boogie.
Monday, July 30, 2012 -- Evening
POV Ceremony
Shane used the POV in today's POV ceremony. He took Ashley off the block and put up Frank. They are trying to blame Ian for it, saying that Ian said that he couldn't guarantee Shane's safety. Well, I would think that no one can guarantee it because Shane is playing a lone game. It seems that Ian and Jenn will vote to evict Joe, and Ashley and Will will evict Frank. So it comes down to crazy Danielle. She will probably vote out Frank. Meanwhile, we are all assuming that the coaches will enter the game just because the numbers won't get them into September if they don't bring back the coaches.
Sunday, July 29, 2012 -- Evening
Boring Brother
Nothing of any interest has been happening in the Big Brother house live feeds. Shane has won every POV, and Danielle is coming across as extremely desperate in trying to get a showmance going with Shane. He's not interested in her, and some of the feed watchers are even wondering if Shane is interested in females.
The post HOH show started with the usual recap of the eviction and HOH competition. Danielle is really happy at still being in the house, probably figuring it made it easier for her to get at Shane. Shane gives Danielle an awkward hug after the eviction, and Britney is upset about being down to one player on her team. As Britney enthuses, all you need is one to win HOH. And then the next week, you bite your fingernails. Joe admits that he is for trouble with Shane being HOH. Shane says that it's full-steam ahead with Danielle. It seems that he is playing up the showmance at times with the diary room. Wil has the brillant thought that Shane will be out after him and the others on Janelle's and Boogie's team. Boogie thinks it's okay because he made side deals with Shane. Britney shows her happiness to Ashley, and she wants to stir up Janelle and Boogie's teams. Ashley says that Britney is drunk with power. Danielle is hoping to have Shane grope her in the HOH room. It's so pitiful seeing that girl's excitement over shagging the guy. Danielle drools over Shane's family pictures. Shane tells everyone to dig in, but no one attempts to dig in. They all sit there quietly. Britney thinks that they are all dying to get out of the room, but no one wants to leave. Janelle, Wil, and Joe talk about who Shane will put up. Joe says that Shane will go after Janelle's team because they left Shane to hang dry. Janelle realizes that she has to mend fences with Britney. Shane, Britney, Danielle, and Dan hang out plotting the future. Britney says that they are planning on putting one up from both teams. Shane says that he doesn't want to up Frank when Britney wants to put up Frank. Shane says that he trusts Frank more. Shane said that he has to do what's best for him.
Joe makes breakfast for Shane. Boogie thinks that Joe has take it to depths of patheticness. Shane thinks it's ridiculous, and doesn't like that Joe got him up while Shane was having a nice dream. Ashley says that she's a hippy chick, and she makes a dream board. Boogie asks for more details on the dream board. Ashley claims that she gets things from her dream board. Boogie says in DR that his dream board would have his three players against Ashley. Frank and Shane talk, and Shane says that Wil is his target. Shane believes that Frank is a stand up guy, and Shane is hoping to show his loyalty to Frank. Shane just doesn't want to go up next week in return. Danielle is talking about guys trying to make out with her. Joe worries about his daughters. Jenn talks about coming out to her mom on coming out day. Jenn says that she's lucky to live in New York because they are more accepting to PDA. Danielle said that feared lesbians because they would try to have sex with her. Danielle is a freak. Danielle tells Shane that the smartest thing to do is to put up Frank and someone from Janelle's team. Danielle said they have to get Frank out. Shane doesn't tell Danielle about his deal with Frank. Danielle thinks that she has convinced Shane to put up Frank. Danielle blushes and flushes at the thought of being alone in the house with Shane as final two. Like that would happen. She needs an Ashley dream board.
It's tie for the coach's competition. Everyone has on gym clothes. Britney admits that she never works out. Ashley says that guys are rocking the farmers' tan. The coaches have to face off in the first round. The one with the lowest reps is out, but gets to open a locker. Boogie says that stakes are high. Frank doesn't want Janelle to win. Janelle knows that her players are going to get targeted. The first machine has them moving their butts back and forth on this machine. Dan said that he doesn't want to throw this competition. Janelle said that it was one motion she did not want to see Mike Boogie do. Britney lost, and had to pick a locker. Britney had to pick two players to be on slop. Ian volunteered, and Britney picked Joe. Iam admits in DR that he is taking punishments so folks will keep him around since they don't want punishments. The next exercise is bouncing the hips back and forth against these side pads. Janelle is killing it. Ian said that Boogie isn't doing well because he's an older gentleman and looks like he needs a hip replacement. Boogie loses and wins $10,000 and any two players he wants to share with in $6,000, $3,000, and $1,000. Boogie takes the 6K, gives Ian 3K, and Jenn the 1K. Ian started to get teary eyed because it's a huge amount of money for a student. Now it's down to Dan and Janelle. They now have to exercise their tongue. The goal is to move the toggle back and forth. Dan seems to be unable to do the exercise because he has a short tongue. I feel sorry for Dan's wife. He has no tongue technique. Janelle has 105 flips to Dan's 41. Dan wins a sushi and cocktail party. Dan has to choose five people to party with. Dan chooses the other three coaches. He says because he doesn't want to the coaches talking behind his back. Dan also picks Shane and then his own player, Danielle. Janelle gets to save or trade a player. Janelle says she's not trading, and it's a hard decision, but she has to save Wil.
The Have Nots get cereal and salmon, which is not bad on a slop menu. CBS shows Boogie and Willie arguing about Froot Loops and salmon. Frank thinks that this is right up there with the pudding from last week as one of the best slop menus. Joe and Janelle go up to talk to Shane and Britney. Shane says that next week she's going downstairs. Janelle said that she has to get in with Britney again. Janelle tells Shane that she knows how it is, and she was in his spot. Janelle said that her team is definitely up for working with Shane and Britney. After all, they need safety for next week. Janelle knows that Britney blames Janelle for her players going home last week. Boogie goes and talks to Shane and Britney. Boogie wants Ashley and Joe to go up. Britney says that one of Boogie's people have to up. Britney wants to even things up. Britney says that she doesn't want Boogie to say next week that Shane put up Frank this week, so Shane is up again. Boogie asks why Shane should work with an inferior product when he can play with Boogie. Britney is all over Shane asking him what he wants to do. Britney is keeping on with the Frank and Joe. Meanwhile Shane is being called to the DR, and Britney will not stop yammering in his ear. She is so damned annoying. I would have to smack the wench if she was my coach.
Frank feels Shane's word is golden, but if Britney has her say, Frank is up. Wil makes a pretend call to Patrice saying he's there for another week and will have to feed the cat. Shane says the hardest thing is whether he follows Frank or listen to Britney. Joe thinks Shane should target Frank and keep the chef safe. The first key out is Jenn, then Ian, Danielle, and Frank. Ashley and Joe are nominated. Shane said that only one coach has not had a player up on the block. Shane says that he wants them to know how it felt when he was up against JoJo. Ashley cries and whines about being on the block and feeling alone. Boo-hoo! Shane is putting his faith in Boogie and Frank. Janelle says game on. Janelle said that she is going to fight to keep all her players. Frank says going forward, he has Shane's back, and Shane has his. Joe says it's on like Donkey Kong, and that he will get Shane out of the house. Hmm, that will be difficult since Joe is going to go home on Thursday!
Thursday, July 26, 2012 -- Evening
Eviction and HOH
It's day 20 in the BB house, and things are more boring that in previous seasons. JoJo is probably going to go home tonight, and CBS is promoting some game changing scheme. I like how Julie Chen said that JoJo and Danielle were fighting for votes when they basically sat in the house and did nothing. The show starts with crazy Danielle going up on the block in place of Shane. Shane says that his group of six is too tight to start disrupting things this early. JoJo wants to make sure the house knows why to vote for her. Dan goes to comfort Danielle. Dan tries to explain that cutting Danielle lose was a motivational tool. Unfortunately, Danielle didn't get motivated. Dan apologizes to Danielle, and says that he's going to help her get out of the mess. Danielle forgives Dan because she knows he had a good heart and good intentions. Loser intentions. Shane and JoJo are in the Have Not room when Ian comes in. They turn off the lights so they can go to sleep. Shane tells JoJo to come over and cuddle. JoJo tells Shane they should make out. Ian is grossed out. As Ian says, "I'm trying to get some shut eye, and Shane is trying to board the Staten Island Ferry." Ian then goes to Danielle and tells her that Shane was asking JoJo to climb on top of him. Danielle is upset because she thought Shane had the hots for her, basically because Danielle is crazy. Danielle then goes to talk with Janelle and Ashley. Ashley and Janelle are sleeping in the bed, and Ashley says she would crush Shane. Ashley continues to make fun of how skinny Ashley is. Danielle tells Janelle and Ashley about Shane and JoJo. Danielle is upset because she lost to JoJo. Janelle said that showmances are bad news, especially for Janelle because they will vote together. Danielle told them just so she could get JoJo voted out. Danielle comes across as a psycho stalker girl. Britney tells JoJo to just not talk and just say nothing that would irritate people. In the DR, Britney mocks JoJo not taking Britney's bad advice seriously. Boogie said that it makes sense to keep Dan because if the coaches go into the game, it would make sense to keep Dan in the game. Boogie tells Danielle that he has five people, and five is greater than three. Boogie says he has the power to make his players make the decision he wants.
We had a review of the Willie incident, yet again. Julie Chen asks Joe about Willie. Joe said that he mainly wanted to protect himself, and wanted to tell Willie that if he couldn't stand the heat to get out of the kitchen. Then Julie turned on Ian. Ian said that when he was in the bathroom in his towel, he wanted to keep everyone safe. Britney said that she was proud of Shane when he won the POV.
Then we had a segment with Dr. Will giving his analysis. He looks pretty business-like in his suit. Dr. Will talks about being a dermatologist who removes tattoos. Dr. Will thinks Boogie is doing a great job. Dr Will says that Boogie has an ego problem. Dr. Will thinks the other coaches are lackluster. Janelle said that she couldn't tell when Dr. Will was lying. Dan is always coaching according to Dr. Will. Dr. Will also thinks that Dan picked some hot ass to be on his team. Britney is called out for doing a terrible job of coaching. Dr. Will says Janelle is a great competitor, but she isn't good at strategy. Dr. Will thinks Ian could win the game. Comparing their similarities, Dr. Will thinks that Boogie is a 40 year old Ian.
Julie talks to Frank in the HOH room. Frank asks Jules if she is his home girl, and she asks if he is her home skillet. Julie asks about how important Boogie's advice is. Frank says that he appreciates his advice and his entertainment. Frank said that working with Shane is a plan A, B, and who knows what else. Frank trusts Janelle and her players, and he hopes they can trust him. He thinks that the alliance will be long.
Time to talk to the nominees. JoJo, dressed like a Jersey Shore reject, said that she wanted to backstab and lie, but she couldn't. JoJo said that she is in her situation because she's loyal. JoJo tells them to vote to get themselves far in the game. Danielle is dressed like a prom queen. She said that she loves everyone and enjoys playing the game. Snore! Time for the vote:
Wil evicts JoJo
Joe evicts JoJo
Ashley evicts JoJo
Shane evicts Danielle
Ian evicts JoJo
Jenn evicts JoJo
Dan is told that if Danielle is evicted, Dan has to leave the house with her. JoJo is out with a vote of 5-1. She hugs folks, and then leaves the house telling everyone to make big moves. Everyone watches JoJo's photo go to black and white. JoJo said that Shane whispered that he was sorry about what happened, and she said that he should go and play a good game. JoJo said that she told Willie that what he did with Frank wasn't right, and JoJo admitted that supporting Willie was a mistake. Her comment was that she was too loyal. JoJo thinks Britney has a lot of heart, and JoJo is going to root for her. But JoJo thinks Britney is an underdog. Jenn says that the house could only handle one New Yorker. Shane liked his conversations about making out. Danielle says she's sorry. Britney said that JoJo's problem was that she was too loud. Britney is stupid and whiney!
Time for the HOH competition. The competition is called "On Thin Ice." Each house guest has to hit their ball into the slot with the highest score. The game is set up as a hockey game, but they've played this game several times on BB. Ashley goes first and gets a 4. Joe slowly takes his time, making Julie say "we con't have all day, Joe." Joe gets a 3. Jenn misses all of the slots. Ian gets a 9 and takes the lead. Wil gets a 2. Shane is up next. Shane gets a 20. Danielle is last up, and she scores a 12. Shane is the new HOH.
Shane said that it's a great feeling to be HOH. He flipped it like Frank did last week. Britney said that she is so excited. Loser! We find out that America's Vote will determine if the coaches remain coaches or if they can enter the game as players. The coaches will be able to enter and play for the $500,000. We should know the result of the vote by next Thursday.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 -- Evening
Boring Brother and a Recap
Since Willie left the BB house, the house guests have outdone themselves with boring behavior. I can only hope that something happens soon to bring some entertainment to the live feeds and the show. Shane won the POV, and Danielle went up in his place. The question is whether JoJo or Danielle will go home. Then what will happen with Dan if Danielle goes home?
So, it's on to tonight's show. The show started with the Willie announcement. Ian gave Britney a hug. As Ian said in DR, he was in a towel when two big guys started to fight. Ian wanted to stop it, but he knew that he would get hurt. Dan said that he hopes Frank doesn't pick Danielle because then he would be out. Janelle and Boogie celebrate that they will be able to still nominate someone. Janelle said that although she is talking and scheming with Boogie, she does not want to put up one of her own. Jenn is also not happy with it. Frank is stupid and thinks Boogie has a good idea, but pawns tend to go home. JoJo realizes that she and Shane are the next targets. Shane tells Joe that at least with Willie in the house, Shane had the numbers on his size. JoJo goes to talk to Frank to try to save herself. JoJo said on her mother's back that she had Frank's back. Frank tells JoJo that if she had voted to keep him, Frank would not have a problem with her. JoJo comes up with a lame story about staying loyal to Willie. Frank tells her that JoJo should have seen that Willie was a cancer in the house. JoJo said that everyone else was staying with her players and their coach. Frank said that Willie could have been the number one target, but now Frank has to get blood on his hands.
Time for nominations. Frank calls the meeting. First key out is Jenn, then Ian, Joe, Wil, and Danielle. Ashley already had her key from the coach's competition. Frank says that it's because both were with Willie, and they have the chance to play for veto to save themselves. Shane knew he was going on the block, and all he was trying to do was be loyal to Britney. Danielle thinks it sucks if one of them comes off the block. Britney, JoJo, and Shane meet in the Have Not room. Britney advises the to get back in with the others. Britney said that the reasons they made the decisions were sincere. Britney said that she feels so bad, and she feels that she is taking on all the guilt. Britney said that she is trying to help them and stay positive. JoJo said that none of Janelle's team wanted to give her a hug after nominations. In the HOH, Boogie said that Danielle had a free ride this week. Boogie says that if Shane or JoJo comes off, Danielle goes up. Boogie advises Frank to befriend Shane so if he comes off the block and wins HOH next week, he'll go after Janelle's players. Time to pick for the veto competition. Frank picks Ian. Shane picks Ashley. JoJo picks Wil. Dan wanted Danielle to play in the game so she could throw another competition. Oh wait, because if Danielle leaves the house so does Dan.
Ashley is braiding Danielle's hair and talking about Ashley's ideal man: older, with his own business, and doesn't have to be good looking. Then she goes through a whole list of things the man should do. I wonder how her S&M video boyfriend is on the list. Ashley thinks that it's totally doable to find a guy like that as Dan mocks how realistic it is. Time for the veto competition. It is like a Mexican game. The people viewing the competition have pitchers of margaritas. It's a BB Cantina. They have to hunt in big bowls of dip to find a slew of menu items. They have to match the master list, and the person to get the most right in the least amount of time wins. Ian said that it's a memory game. You have to memorize the master menu, that faces away from the players, then they have to dig them out of the nasty dips. Shane has a very bad memory, so he gets a piece, then he looks at it on the menu. Ian said he has a photographic memory so it's easier for him to get the pieces in the right place. Ashley said that she tries to remember the first letter of all the items. People are slipping because the dip is slippery. JoJo realizes that she has some of the wrong items. Shane thinks that there is no way that he can let Ian win. Shane rings in first, and then Ian rings the bell saying he knows its right. Ian is second. JoJo is third, Frank is fourth. Wil is fifth, and Ashley continues on and on in last place. She thought that she could have gotten them all right even though it took forever. Ashley had 13 out of 16 correct. Janelle says "way to go Ashley. Wil had all 16 correct, and he was in the lead. Frank got all 16, and he took on the lead. JoJo got them all correct, and she took on the lead. Ian got them all, then he took the lead away from JoJo. Shane had to get them all right, and he had not double checked his menu. But he just rang in before Ian.
After the commercial break, we find out that Shane got all the answers right, and he won the veto. Britney is drunk, and she attacks Shane. They wind up in smelly dip. Danielle said it was the worse case scenario because she will go on the block. Britney celebrates with Shane and JoJo. Britney said that she didn't deserve to celebrate because it was all Shane. Shane just wants to prolong his stay in the house. Boogie tells Shane that he and Frank aren't unhappy with Shane getting veto. Shane said that there might be a trade or a switch of players because he just wants to win. He doesn't care about coach. Boogie said if Shane can be loyal to Willie, how loyal would he be to Boogie. Boogie tells Shane to not tell Britney, JoJo, Dan, or Danielle about making a deal with Frank and Boogie. Shane goes in to the bathroom, and Britney starts quizzing him about them offering Shane a deal. Shane said in DR that he has to keep it under the radar from Britney and JoJo. He lies to them that all Boogie and Frank asked about was Shane winning HOH next week. Dan tells Danielle that if he tries to help Danielle, he might get her booted out of the house. Danielle tells Dan that he can't do anything to help her. Dan says in DR that it's his coaching technique to get Danielle to play for herself. Dan said that as a last resort, he is trying to manipulate her emotions. Danielle asks Shane if he is voting for JoJo to stay. Shane says he doesn't know, but JoJo is part of his team. Danielle goes off to cry. Danielle cries in DR and says that with Dan abandoning her that she feels so alone. She cries and acts like a huge baby. Crying, not fighting to stay in the house. Shane tells JoJo that he is going to try to talk Frank into backdooring Wil. Shane said that if he, JoJo, or Danielle win HOH next week, they will go after the rest of Janelle's team. Shane tells JoJo to keep quiet. Shane goes outside to talk to Frank to save JoJo and Danielle. Shane tells Frank that he has the idea for a big game changer. Shane tells Frank that Wil may be gunning for Frank, so they could get him out this week. Shane tells Frank that if he puts up Wil, he will have JoJo and Danielle on his side.
Time for the POV ceremony. Frank isn't sure that Shane's plan is the best for Frank. Danielle is whining about going up. Shane cuts to the chase and removes himself from the block. Frank nominates Danielle. The veto meeting is over. Frank says that eventually he will have to go against Janelle's players, but he doesn't want to rock the boat yet. Danielle says that she has to fight for herself because she is so alone. Dan said that his back is against the wall, and he has to throw a hail Mary to get rid of JoJo.
Sunday, July 22, 2012 -- Evening
Willie Expulsion Show
I have been looking forward to this episode for two days. I can't wait to see Willie going psycho and getting expelled from the house. The show started, per usual, with the previous show's eviction. Frank was happy to be in the house, and Willie said that Frank staying is not good for him. Janelle wanted to keep Frank because he would just ignite Willie. Ashley wanted Kara out because Ashley was hoping to go under the radar. Then we saw Dan telling Danielle that he was on her side. Not much, I'd say, since Dan is a god-awful coach. Boogie commented that it wasn't the Frank versus Kara as much as it was the house against Willie. Then we see that Frank won the HOH. Boogie did a join DR with Frank, laughing like Boogie and Dr. Will did. However, it was really lame. Willie didn't want to talk to anyone, and he said that he hoped to win the POV and then be HOH next week. Shane didn't want to be in an alliance with Willie because he's a hot head and not nice to people. Janelle said that she was in an alliance with Britney, but Britney blew it by not controlling Willie. Britney said that she is going to have to pay the ultimate price for picking Willie. Dan is confident that Danielle has one more week of safety. Dan starts telling Danielle to get in with Janelle's team. In the storage room, JoJo tells Frank that she's a loyal person, and that she's sorry about what happened. JoJo said that Willie just went crazy. Frank said that he holds no personal grudges against anyone. Time for the HOH reveal. Willie goes with the crowd, but as he said, he's not a fake person, and he didn't want to be there. Wil says having his own HOH is a surreal moment. Boogie shows everyone the picture of his nine month old baby, Brady. Ian said that Willie was feasting on a plate of crow. Willie said that it doesn't matter to him because he's there to win the game. Willie goes to talk to Britney, but Britney doesn't want to talk to him. Britney started to berate Willie. On the live feeds, she went on for hours lecturing Willie on what a crap person he was. Willie said that he came into the game to play for himself, not for a coach. Britney came across like a major bitch. Britney tells Willie that he did a terrible job, and her team is screwed. She doesn't take any of the blame for bad coaching or not supporting Willie when Frank was spreading lies about Willie. Boo-hoo, Britney!
In the backyard, Shane is picking on Danielle. Danielle has a major crush on Shane, and it's supposed to be very obvious. Danielle claims that Shane's personality and looks are her types, and she says Shane is chasing after her. Shane says Danielle is a nice girl. Danielle is excited that Shane is going to fall in love with her. Britney, Boogie, and Dan talk about the player switch. Boogie is afraid that if Britney wins the coach's competition that she'll saddle someone with Willie. Britney says it ridiculous that she not trade Willie when Boogie said that Shane might be targeted if Willie is traded. Dan and Janelle talk about married life. Janelle says it's different playing Big Brother because she has a family and a little baby daughter at home. Dan says he just wants to be a better husband. Ian and Boogie talk because Ian wants to go on a date with Ashley. Boogie gave it thought, and thought it might be good for Ian to go on a date. Dan goes looking for Ashley, and takes her outside. Ian asks Ashley if she would be interested on a slop date. (this happened last week.) Ashley has a thing for nerdy guys, and Ian looks very nerdy with a green shirt and bow tie. Ian said that Ashley is very beautiful. Ian said that dates for him are few and far between. Ian and Ashley go into the arcade room. They are both from PIttsburgh. Ashley asks Ian what's his favorite class is. Ian says Inorganic Chemistry. Ashley asks him to explain the difference between organic and inorganic. They seem to get along very well. It seemed a very sweet date. Shane and JoJo talk to Britney about losing Willie. Shane has really ugly hair that he gels up in a peak. Britney says it's not fair what happened and how it affects the others.
Time for the coach's competition. They all dress up like 1980s wrappers. Think Fresh Prince of Bel Air. They all come out in MC Hammer style pants. Britney doesn't get it. Probably because she is stupid. The winning coach gets to choose the four have nots and if they save or exchange a player. The coaches have to walk on a balance beam and transfer packs of cash from one end to the next. Britney knows that she wants to win the competition. Too bad Britney can't win competitions. Willie doesn't know if Britney would trade or save him. Dan says he has to throw the competition so people thinks he's weak. The pants were restrictive and you could only move sideways. Britney went to a huge lead, and was building her pile. But then Britney knocked some of her cash to the ground, and that eliminated her from the game. Boogie asks Ian about how stable his stack looks. Ian tells him about the center of the mass. It was down to Janelle and Boogie. Boogie had two stacks left, and Janelle had two. Boogie put his last one on, but then Boogie jumped to the ground before he hit the button. So Boogie was out. Boogie's ego burned him. So it was down to Janelle. She stayed on the balance beam to hit the buzzer. Janelle said that the comp queen is back in the house. Janelle chooses to save a player because she loves all her players so much. Janelle saved Ashley. Janelle picked Willie, JoJo, Shane, and Ian for the have nots. JoJo wasn't surprised that she and Willie were have nots. We didn't see that Ian volunteered to be a have not, but that's what he did according to the live feeds.
The house guests go into the house and find out that they get slop, pork rinds, and pudding. JoJo says no one in NY eats pork rinds. Ian said that pudding is one of the best food choices. Ian is acting all silly and nerdy about getting the pudding. As he said, his grandmother eats pudding. Willie goes to call JoJo over to talk to her, and Britney calls her away, and tells JoJo not to associate with Willie. Britney tells Willie to stop putting other people in jeopardy. Britney tells Willie to just leave everyone alone because he's dragging everyone down. Willie goes running upstairs. He tells Britney that they are blaming JoJo and Shane for things that Willie did. Willie says that he's going to get evicted this week before he goes out that door. Joe said that JoJo and Shane stuck with Willie so they will go down with him. JoJo is talking to Danielle and says that it's a shame. JoJo tells Willie that she can't be associated with Willie. JoJo goes out to eat pudding, leaving Willie alone in the Have Not room. Willie paces the room. Then Willie goes out to the kitchen, where Shane and JoJo are. Willie munches pork rinds while Shane complains about losing another 10 pounds. Britney tells Willie to leave everyone along. Willie says it isn't an act; he's pissed. Willie calls Janelle a bitch. Joe, walking to the bathroom, makes some sort of comment, and Willie goes to charge him. Joe looks like a scared chicken trying to keep Willie from punching him, which Willie didn't do. Ian was there, and he went running for help.
Joe has his fists up. Willie tells Joe to hit him. Willie chest bumps/head butts Joe. Everyone gets separated. Willie is called into the DR. We see Willie being called out of DR. Britney is crying because she's a baby. Shane and JoJo are wondering what's happening. Boogie, Janelle, and Frank are talking when Britney joins them. Allison Grodner calls everyone into the living room, and tells them that violence would not be condoned. Willie has been thrown out of the game. Britney is upset because she lost a player. Ian said that Willie got what he deserved. Boogie feels sorry for Willie because he threw everything away with his bad temper. Joe tells Willie in a DR message that he hopes he finds peace. Shane and JoJo feel bad for themselves. We have to wait until Wednesday to find out that Shane and JoJo are nominated.
Saturday, July 21, 2012 -- Evening
BB Fireworks
It seems that Willie Hantz had a major breakdown in the Big Brother house that resulted in him being expelled from the house. The story is that in the coach's competition, Janelle won. She saved Ashley, so there was no switch of players. Then she made Willie, Shane, and JoJo Have Nots for the week. Ian also volunteered for the Have Not position, so he had the fourth spot. Willie was upset that Shane and JoJo had to suffer for Willie's action, so Willie had a breakdown, throwing things (like food at Janelle), swearing, head butting Joe, and peeing on the HOH door. Well, BB turned the feeds to trivia, and when they came back, Willie was gone. In other news, Shane and JoJo are on the block, and Shane won the POV.
Thursday, July 19, 2012 -- Evening
The latest gossip making the rounds is that Big Brother is putting all exiting house guests into sequester. People who usually do exit interviews with the evictee were told that the interviews are cancelled. At least @LanceBass is saying that on Twitter. Interesting development!
It's time for the eviction episode of Big Brother. We had the usual recap of the previous episodes. The funniest sight was Boogie, looking like a deranged elf.
Shane said that he didn't want new blood on his hands or Willie's, and Shane was hoping to show Willie that he can trust Shane. Frank goes up to talk to Willie, and Frank says that he trusts Willie. Willie said that if Frank turns on him, Willie will knock him out of the house. Frank says that Willie getting the votes for Frank will prove that he can trust Willie. Willie thinks that he can convince team Britney and Janelle to keep Frank. Everyone starts talking about how Frank is so powerful. Then Britney says that Kara is playing Dan's game. Willie said that Dan will make Kara put some of them up next week. Willie thinks that he got his way because it sounds like Kara is going home. In the backyard, Janelle and Dan talk. Janelle is trying to keep in good with Dan. Britney is playing pool, and she has her eyes on Janelle and Dan. Britney is starting to think that Janelle thinks the grass is greener with Janelle. Britney noticed a keyhole by the coaches' pictures. Britney thinks the coaches can get into the game. Britney talks to Willie about how there are keyholes by the coaches. Britney thinks there are too many weeks and that the coaches would have to go into the game. Britney thinks that Dan and Janelle will partner up. Britney tells Willie not to tell anyone. Willie thinks that he's nobody's pawn. Willie says that he wants a house meeting without the coaches. Britney starts seeing her game falling apart. Britney does't know what sort of game Willie is playing. Dan tells Britney that if Willie was his player, he would nix that. Willie tells the others that the coaches are making their decisions, and everyone should play their own game. Britney, Janelle, and Dan wonder where Boogie is (sleeping and snoring). Willie tells them all that the coaches could be coming back into the game. Ian tells them that 14 people play the game not 12. Joe tells Willie that he is moving too fast. Wil says that he wants to take a break from the game for 24 hours. Willie still tries to convince them that the coaches will be coming into the game and will take the prize money from the new folks.
Frank goes up to talk to Willie because he wants to know where Willie's head is at. Willie says that they have to stay strong in the game. Britney comes in, and Willie tells Britney that Wil doesn't want to play the game, mocking Wil. It wasn't as bad as Frank made it sound. Frank tells Joe and Jenn that he is worried about Willie. Joe tells Frank that Willie wants it to be a tied vote so Willie could make the decision and no one knows that the house is on the same side. Frank doesn't think that he can trust Willie, and he doesn't want to work with him anymore. Frank tells Joe that Willie was mocking Wil. Joe tells Wil that Willie was making fun of Wil's voice and mocking him. Wil says that he will make damned sure that Willie mocking him will bit Willie in the ass. Britney says that he thinks Willie is a good guy. Britney then goes up to tell Willie that Frank told everyone that Willie was mocking Wil. Willie claims that didn't happen. It did. Willie wants to get to the bottom of it, so Willie goes outside and tells Frank that he was trying to save him all week. Frank says something about talking without yelling. Willie yells at Frank. Frank tells Willie that on day number two, Willie told Frank that he wasn't going on the block. Frank is obviously on the block. Everyone is listening as Willie yells at Frank. Willie tells Kara that he hopes that she stays. Frank tells everyone to vote for Kara or Frank as they please. Boogie asked Willie if Willie thinks he can tell everyone. Boogie asks everyone if they want Willie telling them how to do everything, and if they want Willie bullying them.
Julie asks JoJo the mood in the house. Ian said that bring on the slop and everything, he can do it for the whole 75 days. Wil says that "oh goodness" describes the past 13 days. Ashley says "loosey goosey." Willie is asked for one word to describe his reign, and he started on this long comment, and Julie said, one word. Willie says pressure. Boogie says that coaching is harder than playing because you have to take are of three people, and you can't compete. Time for Frank and Kara plead their cases. Frank says that he enjoyed his time, and he loved the experience. Frank tells them to keep him, and that he will fight against bullies. Frank says not to listen to their coaches if they want him out. But to listen if they said to keep Frank. Kara is boring. She said something lame. Now it's time for the vote:
Danielle evicts Frank
Shane evicts Frank
Joe evicts Kara
Ian evicts Kara
Commercial break
JoJo evicts Frank
Jenn evicts Kara
Wil evicts Kara
Ashley evicts Kara
Kara is out of the house! Everyone hugs Kara and says good-bye. Dan hugs Danielle as they stand to watch her picture go to black and white. Julie says that Kara avoided all the drama. Kara thinks that people were scared and threatened by Dan. Kara thought Dan was a great coach, and a great player. I think Kara just sucked and didn't show any personality. Kara admitted that laying low and keeping quite was bad for her. Dan, the great coach, obviously gave her really bad advice when he told her to do that. Joe told Kara that she had to get in the mud and campaign, and go back to modeling. Shane says he's going to miss those legs. Dan says that he let her down. Yep, he did. Not so good at the game after all, is he?
We find out about the house guests being woken by alarms. They showed a burglar who has been seen in the house. Throughout the night, they saw the burglar doing a varity of things, like eating food, shaving his legs, playing chess, drinking milk, etc. Time for the HOH competition, "Big Brother Break-In." They are asked questions and have to say if the burglar is guilty or not guilty. First: the burglar stole the carpet tile. Guilty. Everyone got it right. Burglar took two bites of food in the storage room. Not guilty. Shane is out. Burglar shaved his right leg. Guilty. Wil and Frank got it right! Burglar was not wearing a hat when stealing a sneaker. Guilty, both got it wrong. After drinking the milk, burglar did not put the cap back. Not guilty. While doing the robot dance, the burglar did not have gloves. Guilty. Frank is the new HOH.
Up next a wrinkle in the coaches' game. Frank says that at least he knows he will be safe next week. Boogie is super-elated that Frank is HOH. Boogie says that Frank will pay back the support. Janelle said that it feels like three weeks of BB in one week. Janelle said everything was up in the air. In the coaches competition this week, coaches can either keep one of their players safe or trade one of their players for another coach's player. The only one who can't be traded is the HOH. That made Boogie happy.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 -- Evening
Tensions Run Wild in BB House
Tensions have been high in the BB house this first week. That's sort of surprising because usually things are more mellow at the start. It takes a couple of weeks of backstabbing before things go all out. The house guests have been talking endless, repetitive strategy: keep Frank, get rid of Frank, keep Kara, get rid of Kara. It's really boring, but last night, Frank told everyone that Willie made gay slurs against Wil. Turns out Willie didn't, but that's neither here nor there. Willie finally came out of the HOH room, and had a take down scream fest with Frank and Boogie. It will be interesting to see what happens on Thursday and with the coming HOH competition.
BB Show Recap
The show starts with the nomination ceremony. Willie said that he had to put up Frank because he's one of the stronger players. As Boogie says, lying happens in the BB house, but you don't want to lie to Boogie. Dan says that he has to make sure that Kara doesn't break down. Dan tells Kara that he's going to go to work for her. Kara says having Dan as her coach puts a big target on her back. Meanwhile up in the HOH room, Janelle's and Britney's teams celebrate. Janelle says that it feels fantastic to get to Boogie's ego. Boogie tells Frank to not panic, and that Kara will have a meltdown that will make her get herself voted out. Boogie tells Frank to make it good with Willie. Boogie says that Willie is at the epicenter of his group. Frank just keeps on saying "yeah, yeah." Jenn says she is grateful to hear this great advice from Boogs. Frank goes to talk to Willie to figure out what was going on in Willie's head. Willie tells Frank that the Boogie thing really bothers Willie. Frank says that he's worried about the coaches influencing other people. As Frank says, he doesn't want to make Boogie money. Frank tells Willie that he hopes they can work together, and he wants Boogie to trust him to go further down the road. Willie doesn't want to get Frank out of the house, but he does want to get rid of Boogie. Later, Janelle and Britney are talking in the HOH bathroom. Janelle is barely clothed in a bikini, and she has huge boobs. Janelle and Britney laugh together about being in an alliance. As Janelle says, she and Britney are leading the witch hunt against Dan and Boogie. Boogie and Dan talk together later. As Boogie says, they are in the same boat. Boogie and Dan talk about going after the two coaches. Boogie says he and Dan won the game, but Janelle and Britney are the also-rans. Boogie says he's fired up.
Out in the backyard, Ian shows his talent, which is to kick himself in his face. He saw it on a show, tried it, and found out he could do it. As Boogie said, he want from a partnership with Dr Will to a partnership with someone who can kick himself in the face. Time to pick players for the veto competition. Frank doesn't want Danielle or Shane to be in the competition. Willie picks Danielle, and Kara picks Shane. Frank picks Wil. Willie picks JoJo as the hostess. Kara asks Shane to talk in the Have Not room. Shane said that you can never tell what would happen. Kara wants Shane to play for her because she needs all the help she can get. Shane said that there's a chance he would take her off the block because he wants to keep her in the house. Shane also said that he doesn't want to step on Willie's toes. Shane admits in DR that he doesn't want to play for KAra, but he realizes that he can make deals with people. Shane and Frank talk about the competition and how it affects Shane's game plan. Frank hopes that Shane will take him off the block, but Shane admits that he doesn't want to tick Willie off. Boogie goes up to talk to Britney, and Britney is sarcastic about Boogie just coming up to talk to her six days into the competition. Boogie asks if Britney would put up Joe. He asks if Janelle's people are off limits. Britney says no, but Boogie says that if Frank comes off and Jenn goes up that he will know what sort of game to play. Britney says that Boogie's tactics don't rattle or phase her. Boogie says that he has to think of alternate strategies. Britney tells Janelle about Boogie threatening her about going after her if Joe doesn't go up. Britney says that's what Boogie does; he threatens and bullies women. Britney admits that she is working on a smear campaign against Boogie. Boogie goes to talk to Janelle. Boogie tells Janelle that they should decimate Dan. Janelle says in DR that she feels bad for Dan because Boogie threw him under the bus. Janelle admits that Boogie made sense, and she will think about it. Janelle says in DR that she hates Boogie so much, and she hates his guts. Janelle runs in to tell Dan what Boogie said. Dan says that Boogie isn't smart because you need to work with someone to get far in the house. Janelle thinks it benefits her game to sell Boogie out to Dan. Janelle, like Boogie, is only thinking of herself.
Back in the kitchen, JoJo is talking with a New York accent. JoJo is talking to Danielle and Shane, and Danielle seems really stupid. Finally, it's time for the veto competition. They go into the back yard which is full of laundry machines and tons of soapy suds. They have to race through the soap suds to find a coin. They have to toss the coin into their vending machine, and they have to get exactly $1.30. Frank knows the only way to be safe is to win. Kara says if Danielle wins, she can take Kara off and they will both be safe. The coins are in the 1 dollar, twenty five cents, and five cent denomination. Danielle seems really ditzy. Kara gets five cents first. Shane gets a quarter. Then Frank gets a quarter. Willie gets five cents. Shane got another quarter for 50 cents. Kara is bad at throwing, but Danielle is even worse. Wil is also pretty lame at hitting the slot. Shane has 75 cents. Frank found a stack of dollar coins. He tried to get it in, but couldn't, so he want back to the hidden stash. As Boogie said, Frank is killing him because he sucks at it. Willie found a dollar, but Shane is finding quarters. Then Frank got his dollar, and he and Shane were neck and neck. Shane just came up first. The girls and Wil were not in the competition. Shane says that it couldn't have gone better. Frank says that his fate rests in Shane's hands. Kara is also going to try to get Shane to use it on her, but Shane is thinking of the end and making money.
America gets to vote for the Have Not food. They are: Liverwurst & licorice, Pork rinds & pudding, Tofu & taffy
Up in the HOH room, Britney's group celebrates. JoJo says they are the strongest team and her boys are winners. Willie tells Shane that they are a power group. Britney says that they can't use the veto, but that Shane shouldn't say that. Shane says it's an individual game, and he has to play for himself. Shane comes in to talk to Dan and Kara in the Have Not room. Shane says that he doesn't know what to do. Shane says that he has to think of what's best for him because it's an individual game. Kara said that she would make a deal. Dan said that Kara and Danielle should not be worrying Shane. Dan pretty much admits that his players are useless as competitors. Frank talks with Shane in the storage room. Frank says that he doesn't want to be with his team, and wants to jump ship. Frank tells Shane that if he takes him off, Shane will have Frank in his back pocket. Shane goes outside because the Have Not room is killing his back. Boogie is outside. It's 8:30 in the morning, and Boogie and Shane talk strategy. Shane says that if he doesn't win HOH, he will go on the block. Boogie thinks his relationshop with Shane is good. Boogie tells Shane that if Frank leaves the game, the target is bigger on Shane. Shane thinks it would be great to be an ally with Boogie and his team.
It's time for Shane to make the decision. He says it's his decision, not his alliance. Frank doesn't want to push too hard because that can put people away. Time for the meeting. Kara says she's shy, and it takes her time to warm up. Then Kara turns on the waterworks. Frank tells Shane that if he does pull him off the block "Appreesh." Everyone laughs at the lameness. Shane decides not to use the veto. Shane says that it's the first week, and he doesn't want blood on his hands this first week. Kara says she's going to fight to stay in the house. Frank says that he needs people to realize that Kara is NOT a gamer. Dan says he has to throw Boogie under the bus to keep Kara in the house. Boogie said that he beat All-Stars while Dan beat nobodies.
What the Heck CBS?
The thing I hate about paying for the live feeds is that they keep on blocking the feeds. Now there's a message that the house guests are playing a game that we won't know about until the next episode. So it sounds like the feeds are down until after Thursday's episode?!?!?! That's so not right!.
Sunday, July 15, 2012 -- Evening
Big Brother Nominations
On the live feeds, Frank and Kara are up for nomination. Shane won the POV and did not use it. The talk of the house was originally that Kara should go home, but now the tide is turning against Frank, and because he's Frank's coach, Boogie. Surprisingly Janelle and Britney have teamed up, and surprisingly, their teams are also getting along well. That said, on to tonight's show!
Dan said that the reason he got rid of Jodi was because Kara and Danielle got along so well. Dan thought that would make life easier on him. Boogie thought that it was a shocking twist, but he didn't know Jodi, so he wasn't sad. Wil compared it to the Grim Reaper going through the house. Kara admits that she and Danielle have really hit if off. Danielle feels that she has Kara's back and vice versa. Stupid! Boogie and Dan did some talking. Boogie said that he wanted to use Dan as an ally to get to the end. Boogie asked Dan if Dan was willing to Will it up. Dan said it's like making a deal with the devil, and Dan's not sure about that. Dan is just too damned wishy washy. Meanwhile Janelle takes Britney into the storage room, and comments on how Boogie has played people in the past. Britney agrees that Dan and Boogie are total manipulators. Janelle and Britney agree to team up against the boys. Time for the HOH room. It looks really cool, withe Japanese elements. As Willie said, Russell called himself a king, but he slept in the dirt. A king doesn't sleep in the dirt. Ian was jealous about the goodie bag, and that Willie didn't have to share with someone. It seems the HOH room is now a suite, with the coach also getting to stay in the HOH room. Ian said that he watched the show since he was 10, and that he wants to explore every inch of the BB house and savor every minute. Ian walks around the house making comments about the house. Meanwhile the HOH guys are laughing at Ian doing all these weird things. Ian does some muscle moves and smacks himself on the butt. Britney said, for someone who remembers everything about BB, he is not remembering that there's a camera in the HOH room. Ian was even farting in the kitchen.
Time for scheming with Britney saying that they have to get all six players who are coached by Britney and Janelle to work together. Janelle tells all of Britney's folks not to trust Boogie. Willie said that Dan and Boogie were targeting him for being Russell's brother. Willie admits that he's Russell's brother, but Willie says that he's not like Russell. Everyone buys it. Willie asks Janelle if her people will work with Britney's people. As Willie says, that's six votes working together. Janelle brings up her players to the HOH room, and they talk strategy. Janelle says that Dan and Boogie are recreating Chill Town. Joe says that they have to be unwavering. Willie said that if they stuck together, they could win. Joe creates Janelle and Britney for the master mind move.
Outside in the BB yard, Willie says that he needs someone from the other side to be on his side. Willie is just trying to cover all bases. Frank says that Boogie hasn't talked any strategy. Willie says that Britney has not been talking strategy. Willie thinks that he has a lot in common with Frank. Willie says that he has to know for sure that Frank won't put him on the block. Willie says that Boogie is gunning for him. Willie believes that Frank won't put him up. Britney is talking with her team, when Ian comes into the toom. Janelle said that Ian is a nice young man, but that he's a bit of a creeper. Wil says that Ian has to go. Danielle says that Ian is always in the bathroom trying to get a peek. Willie says that Ian is driving everyone crazy. Even Britney says that Ian is driving her crazy. Then Ian runs through the house naked with Joe's cowboy hat covering his penis. Boogie asks Frank how he feels about going up on the block. Frank says he's not worried about being on the block. As Boogie says, Frank is very popular.
All the house guests gather in the house. There is a coach's competition where the winning coach gives one of his/her players immunity. Janelle says that the competition is huge, and she has reputation to uphold. Britney says that sucks at competition. The competition will also determine who the have nots are.
Time for the coach's competition. All of the house guests get to watch. They are dressed in hats and watch the coaches wearing horse outfits. It's the Big Brother Derby. Two coaches bat it out in heat one. Then two battle in heat two. The two winning coaches battle in the third heat. It was Boogie and Britney up first. They start opposite each other, and have to run and catch up with the other coach and rip off the tail. They have to run on a slippery slip and slide, and go over or under obstacles. Boogie thought he would have a cake walk, but the track was super slippery. Britney wasn't able to get away from Boogie. Then it was down to Janelle and Dan. Dan says he has to throw the match so they don't come after him. Dan blows the turn, and does all that he could to not get up the hill. Dan doesn't know if they will believe he threw it or not; as he said, it depends on how stupid they are. It's now Janelle and Boogie. Willie was hoping Janelle would win and not let Boogie take the power from Willie. Janelle and Boogie seem to have a technique, but Boogie catches up with Janelle. Boogie says "any questions?" which makes Danielle hate him. Boogie has to pick someone, and he picks Ian. As Boogie said, Ian had a good chance to be nominated because Jenn stepped up her social game, and everyone loves Frank. Each of the coaches has to pick someone as a have not for the week. Britney picks Shane. Dan takes Danielle. Janelle picks Ashley. Joe didn't want to look at Janelle. Boogie picked Ian since he was safe for the week. They all walk in to Big Brother Slop on the table. Ian said that he always wanted to try the slop as a fan of the show. Ian says that it's not so bad. Janelle wants to see the have not room, and it's all psycho looking with the black and white hypno looking design. The beds are metal with a tilt and raised rivets. Willie and Janelle talk about whether Dan or Boogie have talked to him. Britney and Janelle talk about putting up Kara and Frank. Janelle says that Frank is a strong player. Willie doesn't know what to do with his alliance with Frank. He tells the two girls that he doesn't know the direction he wants to go in.
Boogie and Dan are talking in the back yard. Boogie thinks that Janelle is better than Britney, but not really that smart. Boogie says that the people are young and naive. Boogie said that he would get rid of Jenn. Boogie says no one would go for Frank. Boogie also thinks that Kara is safe. As Boogie says, he and Dan won Big Brother. Janelle and Britney did not. Joe is a chef, and he talks about his food. Frank says that Joe is always throwing food away. As Boogie says, there is a set amount of food, and Chef Joe is cooking like they are on the Waltons. Boogie says that he thinks Joe is expendable. Boogie goes in to talk to Willie. As Boogie says, it should be Joe who goes because Boogie has hired chefs and that they are hot heated. Boogie thinks that he has planted a seed that will get rid of Joe.
Time for nominations. Kara doesn't think she's a target. Joe loudly says in DR that he thinks he's safe unless everyone is lying. Frank thinks he's safe. Willie says that he's not only playing against the players, but playing the coaches. Britney knows her players are safe, and Janelle's players are safe. Willie says that he thinks everyone will be surprised, especially the coaches. Britney and Janelle won't since they already picked Frank and Kara. At the ceremony, the first person who is safe is JoJo. Then Shane, Wil, Danielle, Ashley, Jenn, and Joe. Boogie looks shocked. Willie says that it was hard because he likes all ya'all. Frank is flabbergasted because Willie wanted to make a deal with Frank. Frank says that he is going to compete. Kara says that is sucks because Dan is a good, smart player. Britney says that she has a successful player. Boogie thinks that Janelle and Britney are working together. Ya think?!?! Boogie says they will have trouble going after him. We'll see!
Thursday, July 12, 2012 -- Evening
Big Brother First Episode!!
I wait for this day every summer: the start of Big Brother. My summer can now begin!
Tonight's show started with the usual recap of the BB rules. One of the twists was that a houseguest would leave before the night was over! The four returning house guests are not going to play the game, but going to coach/mentor the players. Then we had a quick montage of the new house guests. Frank says he wants strategy. The others just flashed by. Danielle is a nurse. Shane flips houses. Jodi is newly married and married someone with five kids, and she runs marathons. Ian is a chemical engineering student. Iam mentioned that he was confused over getting an invitation and not a key. Wil says he knows how to kick bootie. JoJo seems she's from the Jersey Shore, even though she's from New York. Willie looks just like his brother, Russell. Willie said that he will do anything to win the game. Kara claims to have dated rock stars. Joe says he's a chef who can make slop taste like filet mignon. Jenn says she was in a famous rock band, but she can't seem to play a guitar. Ashley is ditzy, but claims to have graduated from a Big 10 school. Then the house guests got to gather in front of the house, getting ready to enter the house. First four: Wil, Ashley, Jodi, and Frank. Frank took the biggest bed so he can share with a cute female. Next: Ian, Shane, Jenn, and Danielle. Ian can't believe he's in the house. Finally, it's Willie, Kara, Joe, and JoJo. JoJo said that she always gets her way. Ashley is a local girl, coming from Pittsburgh! She lives in LA now. Wil says he's in marketing. Joe said that Wil could be a cute chick. Ian looks at Willie, and says that he's a Survivor fan, and that Willie must be related to Russell. Ian is 99.9% sure. Danielle lied about being a nurse, and said that she's a kindergarden teacher. Ian said that if the hot tub breaks, he's the one to fix it. Frank says that he's currently looking for work. Jodi thinks he's lying. JoJo says she's a bartender. Jenn is also from New York.
The first twist is the coach twist. It seems each coach will coach three house guests. We find out that it will be Dan, Janelle, Britney, and Boogie, which we already knew. After we find out that all four got married and will be sad to be in the house for the summer. The house guests are told that four of the best will be coming into the house, not to compete but to coach. Each coach picks three house guests. The coach of the winning player gets $100,000. Dan uses his football coaching techniques to say that he will get one of his people to win the $500,000. Then Britney enters the house. Britney said that she felt like a piece of meat. Boogie came in, looking very nerdy. Ian said it freaked him out to watch Boogie come in. Ian said he was 10 when he first saw Boogie on BB. Janelle comes in, and Britney admits that Janelle is her favorite. Boogie said that he will butt heads with Janelle, and Janelle says that she wants to win. Frank and Dan say that Willie looks like Russell Hantz. Willie tries to lie and say he isn't. Dan doesn't seem to believe him. Boogie and Janelle both agree that Willie is a relative of Russell, and they don't want to pick him. Now Julie says that they must wonder why they got an invitation instead of a key. Julie says there are only 11 keys, so one will leave after the first competition. The coaches have to pick the three they will coach. The house guests will have to compete to get a key. One will be out, and one of the coaches will be down one person.
Britney gets to pick first. She picked Shane. Boogie picked Frank. Boogie thinks Frank can get along with girls and guys. Janelle takes Wil. Dan takes Kara. Then in the second round, Dan goes first and picks Danielle. Janelle picks Ashley. Boogie takes Ian. Ian tells Boogie he's a legend. Britney took Willie. Then took JoJo. Then Boogie took Jenn. Jenelle took Joe. And Dan was left with Jodi. The coach of the winning team picks the HOH. The coach of the losing team has to pick the person who gets sent home. The house guests have to cross a series of mattresses, collect bears at the other end, without falling off the mattresses. The first team to get all three bears and turn off the night light wins. The mattresses shimmy, turn, and buck. Danielle couldn't make it across. Shane got the first bear for Team Britney. Janelle's team is second. Then Boogie's team gets a bear. Dan's teams sucks. Jodi tries, but trying means nothing when you lose. Ashley says it's like frogger before she falls over. Willie gets the second bear for team Britney. Finally, Kara got a bear for team Dann. Ian got the second bear for Boogie. Joe got the second bear. It was down to Ashley, JoJO, and Jenn. Jenn looks cross-eyed, and that always freaks me out.
It's a close race. JoJo gets a bear, and Shane turns off the night light. Britney's team wins. Now we have to see loses. After 20 mins, substitutions are allowed. Boogie subs Frank for Jenn. Jenelle comes in second will Will. Boogie comes in third. Team Dan loses. Britney chooses Willie as HOH because she thinks that Willie needs HOH to make deals and solidify his place in the house. Dan now has to pick someone to leave the house. And we have a commercial break!
Dan said that Kara competed well. Dan says it's down to Jodi and Danielle. Dan said that he has to keep someone who can compete. Jodi said that she tried. Danielle says that Jodi might cause drama. In the living room, Dan said that they all busted their butts, but Dan says he has to evict Jodi. Ian says the game is really harsh. There will be a new competition and power in the house on Sunday's show.
Thursday, July 12, 2012 -- Early Evening
Mentors Leaked
The Big Brother gossip sites have been on fire with the news that Britney, Dan, Mike "Boogie", and Janelle are the mentors who are returning to the house. As happens every year, the live feeds trickled out a bit early, and some folks captured screenshots of the foursome. Now we just have to wait a few more hours to find out how CBS will handle the mentors.
Monday, July 9, 2012 -- Evening
Big Brother Countdown!
The excitement is building over the start of the new Big Brother season. At least, it's building for me. The house guests are in the BB house, and CBS has released a photo of the house guests AND the four mystery mentors. We can only see the legs of the mentors as they hide behind a beach blanket. Rumors are rampant on numerous BB websites over who the mentors are. Most think that it's Janelle, Boogie, Brittany (from season 12) and Dan (winner of season 10). CBS put up a website for people to vote on who will be a mentor. As each day passes, they take off two people from the list. So far, Evel Dick, Howie, Dr. Will, and Natalie (from season 11) have been removed as possibilities.
If you are a Big Brother fan, these are the web sites to check out throughout the season. There are tons of others, but these have been consistent winners over several years.
Joker's Updates -- for live feed updates
Dingo's Hamster Watch -- I love the analysis and commentary on the feeds, the house guests, and the TV show
Big Brother Gossip -- this site has plenty of gossip. The guys also do a podcast that I subscribe to
Morty's Big Brother -- Morty's was the first site that I used to go to. He gives minute by minute recaps of the live feeds and TV shows in a narrative style. Still a great site!
Big Brother Leak -- I love that they post links to live streams of the show. This really helps when football games block out BB. Also has spoilers based on the live feeds.
Thursday, July 5, 2012 -- Afternoon
BB14 House Guests and Twist Announced
CBS released the names and photos of the twelve house guests who will be in the Big Brother house this summer. They also announced one of the twists. Four house guests will return to the house. It's not clear how it's going to work: will they be mentors? will they compete in the game? Rumors have been flying for days about the identify of the foursome. Janelle and Rachel are huge possibilities. There is also a rumor that Russell Hantz, from Survivor, will be a mentor. Considering that Willie is Russell's son, and really looks like him, I'm not sure. It does sound likely though. If you were doing the math, that's only three names. Who's number four? As usual, I'm looking forward to Big Brother. Let's hope that I'm not in for a huge letdown!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012 -- Evening
Big Brother Rumors and House
CBS opened the BB!4 house to the media, and there are tons of pictures of the house. The house looks pretty colorful and neat. I love the bright, cheerful colors. It's always amazing to me how crappy the house looks after only a few days of the house guests living in it. There's a room with a stereo theme, another with a tree/forest theme, and another, pictured here, with a shoe store look.
Rumors have been flying about a theme and house guests. The biggest rumor is that there will be mentors for this season. Rumor is that Janelle, Rachel, and Russell Hantz (from Survivor) will be mentors. Janelle has been posting pictures via Twitter, claiming that she is on vacation in Greece. However, people have been outing her pictures as images from old magazines. I'm hoping that the mentor rumor is true because it will be interesting to see how that affects the house guests.
Gonna Love the Blindside!
I finally have a chance to watch BB live. I thought that Julie Chen was looking good tonight, with a nice hairdo and red dress. Ian was really happy that the quack pack made it to the final four. Ian says it's down to the relationship (Danielle and Shane) and the Renegades. Ian wants to get him and Dan to final two. Shane says final three plan is him, Dan, and Danielle. Dan says that he has final three deals with everyone and no one knows it. Dan coaches Danielle on putting up him and Ian. Danielle claims that she loves all three guys to death.We got to see what has been going on in the jury house. Ashley came across like a ditz burger! Ashley loved Britney and wanted her in the game. Ashley and Britney were joined by Frank. Britney wanted it to be Frank. Ashley wanted Frank to win, but can't wait to make out with Frank. Frank is such an idiot, and Britney told Frank that Frank didn't keep his word. Britney tells Frank that Frank was Dan misted. They were all hoping for Dan to enter the house, but it was Joe. Britney and Frank argue about Frank's loyalty. Britney says it's a game, and everyone is dishonesty. Frank keeps on claiming he was honest, but Frank had a deal with Britney and put her up. Britney says that Frank had no social game, and that is why Frank is in the jury house. Frank just comes across as an ass.
The POV competition was to match up house guests to clues. Some of the clues can match multiple answers. Ian hits the buzzer first, but then he gets it wrong. Dan realizes that Ian is wrong because he hears the buzzer and then Ian makes weird monster noises. Danielle doesn't want Ian to win because she will have to write him a check. Ian can't figure out what is wrong, and he is just changing one answer at a time. Danielle just managed to beat out Ian. Shane was very happy that Danielle won. Danielle says that she, Dan, and Shane are going to final three. Ian says that it's unlikely that the nominations will change and that it looks bad for Ian.

It's finally time for the live veto meeting. Dan has been letting the folks on the feeds know he is going to evict Shane because Shane doesn't have a deal with Dan. Ian and Dan give their speeches. It's now time for Danielle to make her decision. Danielle takes Dan off the block, and Shane takes Dan's place. ian is shocked. Shane and Ian get to address Dan. Shane claims that he didn't know he would be on the block, even though Danielle told him earlier. Shane tells Danielle that she is a sweetheart. Dan sends Shane home, and Danielle's mouth drops so wide. Dan said that Joe and Jenn told him that there was one relationship to breakup. Danielle is shocked. Dan takes Danielle into the arcade room, and says that he broke up the relationship to get Shane out. As Dan tells Danielle this is the one way to guarantee votes for Danielle. Danielle is wondering how many times Dan lied to her. Meanwhile Ian is pacing in the kitchen in shock. Danielle keeps on telling Dan that she trusted Dan one hundred percent. Shane seems really upset and shocked. Shane was really to cry because he trusted Dan. Shane says that he thinks he can forgive Danielle for this happening. This is really great stuff!
The HOH endurance is going to start sometime later. Meanwhile Dan is still in the arcade room trying to mist Danielle. Great, great stuff! Dan deserves to win BB14.
Thursday, September 13, 2012 -- Afternoon
Quick BB Update
I haven't been able to watch Big Brother, either online or TV because I've been busy with two classes this fall. I did get a quick Twitter and fan blog update. Jenn was voted out of the house on a quick eviction on Tuesday. Then Danielle won the HOH. She put up Dan and Ian. Then Danielle, surprise of surprises, won the POV. She's telling Shane that she has to use the POV on Dan, because she wants Dan to get blood on his hands and vote out Ian. However, it seems that Dan has been whispering to the feed cameras that he is going to get rid of Shane. That's the best deal for Dan because both Danielle and Ian would take Dan to the final two. Tonight's show will have the eviction and the start of the Final HOH endurance competition. I hope Ian and Dan make the final two. I really do not want to see Danielle in the final two. That girl is really psycho!Sunday, September 9, 2012 -- Evening
Shane Wins POV
Shane won the POV, and he will obviously take himself off the block tomorrow. The question is whether Dan or Danielle will go up in his place. Ian seems to have been blinded by Dan's mist, and Ian will probably put Danielle on the block. Dan will probably work his wiles to get her out of the house. The person everyone wants to sit beside at the end is Jenn because she did nothing, and no one would vote for her. As part of the POV, Shane won a trip outside of the BB house. He chose Danielle as his guest, and after they left, Dan started with the comments on how those two will never be broken up. It will be interesting to see what happens. I won't be watching BB tonight because it's the season opener for the Steelers, who will be playing the Denver Broncos and Peyton Manning.Friday, September 7, 2012 -- Evening
Double Eviction Recap
I wasn't able to watch the Big Brother double eviction because I had a migraine. The house guests were shocked when they found out it was going to be a fast forward show. Frank was evicted. Everyone knew that except for Frank. In the HOH competition, Dan, surprisingly, wasn't able to throw it or didn't want to throw it. He won HOH and put up Ian and Joe. Although Joe seemed to pull ahead in the veto competition at one point, Ian won. I was glad about that because I like Ian. He is a fellow Pittsburgher, and he just seems to have that slightly weird, nerdy demeanor like others that I know. When Ian came off the block, Dan put Danielle up. Of course, Danielle was very unhappy about that, but it just meant that Joe was guaranteed to go home. The show ended without an HOH, but after the feeds went out for a bit, they came back with Ian as HOH. Just a few minutes ago, Ian made his nominations: Jenn and Shane. All in all, a satisfying double fast forward. There are only a few more shows left in the season. I am rooting for Ian or Dan.Saturday, September 1, 2012 -- Evening
Quick BB Update
It wasn't much of a surprise when Ian won the Endurance competition on Big Brother Thursday night. He was close for the first Endurance, and it was imperative for him to win this time so he would remain in the house. The Quack Pack was quickly reestablished, and Frank and Jenn were on the block. Dan won the veto today, so the question will be if he lets Frank stay on the block. If so, Frank will be out the door on Thursday. I'm not sure what Dan thinks about strategy in this case.Thursday, August 30, 2012 -- Evening
Bye-Bye Britney
I am too tired to watch the whole show, but I did find out that all except Ian voted to evict Britney. Shane and Joe are really stupid, and I hope that both wind up paying for it. I can see Dan and Frank at the end. Endurance HOH tonight. Let's go Ian!Thursday, August 30, 2012 -- Afternoon
Quick BB Update
I have been busy, and still haven't seen Wednesday's show, but I have seen some of the feeds. Dan got himself off the block by calling a house meeting after his solitary confinement. He acted really crazy after coming out of solitary (all an act), and then said something about everyone, and claimed to cut Danielle dead. That was an act too, but she didn't know it. She started crying; Dan went to talk to Frank, outed everyone, and made a deal with Frank if Jenn pulled him off the block. That happened, and Britney went up in his place. Now if Joe and Shane could count, they would realize that they should keep Britney and vote out Danielle, but they are dumb. Expect Britney to leave, and then expect an endurance competition. Ian better win, or his butt will be in the jury house next week.Sunday, August 26, 2012 -- Evening
Double Eviction Aftermath
Time for the show with the action from this past weekend. Of course, being Big Brother, the show started with a lengthy recap of the Thursday. Frank thinks that Ian should have voted for Boogie, and that it broke Frank's hear that he didn't. Frank kept on Ian about how Boogie gave Ian $3000, and Ian didn't give Boogie the respect of a vote. Ian said that he tried to throw the competition because the Quack Pack would want Ian to put up Frank. Poor Ian couldn't get out of the arcade room with all the folks trying to talk to Ian. Ian thought he should backdoor Frank, but everyone was telling him to put up Frank and Ashley. Ian was getting really testy with the folks who were coming to talk to him. Ian tells Britney that her telling him to put up Frank screwed Ian because Ian kept on trying to tell them that he should backdoor Frank. Ian was afraid that Frank would play for the veto and win it. Ian makes sense. Frank starts yelling at Ian about what a scum he is. Britney tells Frank to stop yelling at Ian because Ian isn't emotionally able to handle this. Frank blames them all for turning Ian. Britney tells Frank to yell at her instead of Ian.Frank goes to talk to Shane and Danielle, and Danielle starts to cry because it's always about Danielle. Britney horned into the meeting, but she left Frank and Danielle alone. Shane talks to Britney about making a deal with Dan so Shane doesn't go up on the block against Dan. Britney hugs and makes a deal with Frank. Britney wants Frank out of the house, but she has to keep herself in the game by pretending to be in an alliance with Frank.
The HOH competition was to use a rollbar to get a ball up a maze with holes. Dan went last and his ball fell off the board. They had to do a ranking round first to try to get the highest number for a better ranking. Dan was the lowest ranked and Frank was the next lowest. So it was Frank against Dan. The winner in each round getts the ball to the top hole first. Then it was Frank against Jenn. Again, Frank wins. Now, Frank is getting practice so he will get better. It's Britney against Frank. Frank wins. Then it's Danielle against Frank. Frank wins. Then it's Joe and Frank. Frank wins. Finally, it's Shane and Frank, and Frank wins HOH. Britney is sick of Frank winning everything. That's because none of them really try. Frank had to pick the one Have Not of the week, and Frank picks Dan.
Ian realizes that two people have to go on the block. Britney made a deal with Frank before the HOH, and she goes up after the HOH competition to make sure that things are tight with Frank. Frank says that he is going to put up Dan and Danielle. Britney says that she can't beat Dan, so she will vote out Dan. Britney claims to be down with working with Frank.
Time for Pandora's Box. Frank's decision was seeing a room with money in it. Frank opens Pandora's Box to win up to $10,000. He gets to pick three cubes, and he'll get the money from those cubes. Then he will be locked in the room for an hour. His first pick is $1.05 then $7.11. Finally, it's $3333.33 So Frank gets the total of all three. The house guests get to go outside, and they find out there is a second veto in the house. They need $0.50 to win the veto. The house guests start looking all over to find money. Finally balls start falling. Dan gets the first quarters, and he tried the claw machine to get the veto. Dan leads them to believe that he got the veto, but Joe goes in and sees that the veto is still there. Ian gets 2 quarters, but he doesn't get the veto. Britney heard quarters clicking near Joe's foot. She gets the veto, but she drops it. Dan is acting really selfish and rude as Britney says, and Britney things that Dan doesn't see the big picture, or he sees it and doesn't care. Ian didn't try because he thought that if someone else went before him, they could get it closer. Dan yells at Ian about not trying to get it and having someone else burn their coins. Ian goes and tries and ... gets the golden veto.
Frank talks to Ian and Britney, and Frank can't get an answer from Ian on evicting Dan. Ian tells Frank to do what he needs to do. Frank was talking about putting Ian up. Frank tells Ian that if Ian takes Dan off the block that Frank will put Britney up. Ian says that he's working with Frank, but that he gets scared whenever he has to make decisions. Frank thinks of putting up Ian so Ian will take himself off the block with the golden veto. Time for the keys: first is Jenn, then Ian, Joe, Britney, and then Shane. Dan and Danielle are on the block. Frank tells Dan that he wanted to get rid of Dan for two weeks in a row. Then we see Danielle crying about how bad it is for her if Dan goes home.
Thursday, August 23, 2012 -- Evening
Double Eviction
It's double eviction night on Big Brother. Boogie and Frank are really mad at Dan. Then Ian goes into the room where Boogie and Frank are, and Ian says that it's going to be hard to have to vote between two team mates. Ian realizes that he can't let Boogie know that he was the mole because it will be safer for him to keep his head low. Boogie asks Shane in the kitchen why Shane was jerking him around. Boogie tells Shane that he is just looking like Dan's bitch. Meanwhile Dan just sits in the living room, reading his Bible, and ignoring Boogie and Frank. Boogie goes and sits by Dan and keeps on harassing Dan. Dan says he's not ignoring Boogie. Meanwhile, Dan says that he has no trouble taking the heat from Boogie. Dan says that he doesn't crack under pressure. The only thing that Dan wants is for Ian to realize how much pressure Dan is taking for Ian. Jenn, who has not been playing the game so far this season, says that she is going ballistic. Even Ian says in DR that Jenn just needs to chill out. Now the house guests learn that it is a double eviction night. The second person evicted is the first person in the jury.Jenn says that she is grateful for being there. Boogie does his usual PR bit, and with a tear in his voice, Boogie hopes that he won't be going home. Eviction time:
Ashley evicts Jenn
Britney evicts Boogie
Joe evicts Boogie
Frank evicts Jenn
Dan evicts Boogie (Dan says it's for Janelle)
Ian evicts Boogie
Danielle evicts Boogie
Boogie is evicted by a vote of 5-2. Ian whispers to Boogie that he respects him, and gives him sunglasses. Boogie tells Frank that Ian is not to be trusted, and then Boogie says to Ian, "not cool." Boogie is shocked that Ian was against him. Boogie says that if Ian did him wrong, it reflects on Ian. Britney then does a mock phone call, pretending it was Janelle. Britney said that she would take a message. Ian admits to Boogie that he masterminded Boogie's demise, and that Ian learned from the best. Boogie laughed, clapped, and took off his hat to Ian. Boogie says that he still loves Ian.
Time for the HOH competition. It's a before or after competition. Did the first event happen before or after the second event? Ashley was the first out. Then Joe, Jenn, and Dan were out. Frank is out. It's down to Britney, Danielle, and Ian. No one out in the next question. Britney is out. Down to Danielle and Ian with a tie breaker. How many seconds did it take the lime team to win the squeezing competition. Danielle guessed 1200, and Ian guessed 1000. Ian is HOH.
Ian is doing some strategizing with Joe. Ian nominates Frank and Ashley, and Ian keeps on telling both that he is really sorry. Shane, Danielle, and Joe are also competing in the POV. In a repeat of the clown shoe competition, the house guests have to hunt for two clovers in a pile of balls, return them one at a time, and then get the POV. Ian found the first clover. Then Frank found one. Joe found one. Danielle and Shane found clovers. Frank found his second clover, Shane found one shortly after him, but Frank won the POV.
Of course Frank removed himself from the block, and Ian puts up Joe in Frank's place. Ashley and Joe give their final speeches. Ashley sounds and acts really dopey. Ashley is just a real stoner. Julie just cut her off. Joe didn't say anything, but he did some sign language saying he would be with them. Time for the vote:
Jenn evicts Ashley
Shane evicts Ashley
Britney evicts Ashley
Frank evicts the terrible chef, Joe
Danielle evicts Ashley
Dan evicts Ashley because she didn't ask for his vote
Ashley is out with a vote of 5-1. Ashley goes out, but she is probably clueless about what is going on. Ashley says, "I can't believe I'm here! I love your side pony." Julie had a side ponytail. Frank goes on berating everyone in the house for voting out Ashley. Ashley thinks she made the house very mad because she was a floater. Ashley said that she picked the wrong side. Ashley is the first member of the jury. As the show ended, Frank was continuing to terrorize the house.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 -- Evening
BB POV Episode
I decided to watch the episode tonight because I thought that it might have some interesting drama in it. Boogie admits that he and Frank were blindsided. Boogie wanted to know who put Shane up to it. When Frank and Boogie go up to talk to Shane, Shane throws Britney under the bus because Shane doesn't want to out Ian. Shane goes and gets Britney to tell her that he threw her under the bus by saying that Britney was the one who influenced the whole thing. In DR, Britney says that Shane has no common sense and screwed his game. Shane goes to talk to Britney, and he looks at her with an open mouthed stupid look. Shane tries to tell Britney that he didn't throw her under the bus by saying that the whole plan came from her. Shane is incredibly stupid; it's amazing how stupid he is. Shane's claim is that he didn't want to throw Ian under the bus so he mentioned Britney. I mean, really! Shane should have just said it was his idea. Ian goes in to talk to Frank and Boogie who tell Ian that Dan is the wolf in sheep's clothing. Ian says in DR that they don't realize that Ian is the wolf in sheep's clothing!Boogie tells Dan that he fought Frank tooth and nail to keep Dan off the block. Dan sits and takes it because he can't expose the mole, Ian. Boogie and Frank go up to the HOH to talk to Dan and Britney. Britney and Dan don't want to say anything, and Britney says that Boogie is stupid for not remembering that he told Ian to put up Britney and Shane. Boogie thinks that because Dan doesn't say anything, Dan is guilty. Dan asks Britney if he should continue to cover for Ian. Dan says that he will take heat for the group if Ian takes the heat for them.
Time to pick for the POV. Shane picks Jenn. Boogie picks house guest choice, and he picks Ian. Then we see Frank pick house guest choice, but we know from the live feeds that he picked Ian, and had to repick. Frank chooses Ashley. The POV competition is the counting game with a small demonstration of what the amount is, and then they have to guess the larger amount. The one closest to the number wins that round. The farthest away is out. If you fold, you get to stay in without geting a point. First is marshmallow chicks. Boogie is the first out. Frank gets a point. Frank got another point in the second round, and Jenn was out. Shane won the next round, and Ian was out. Then Shane lost and was out, and it came down to Frank and Ashley. Frank won the last round because Ashley folded and Frank automatically won the POV.
Boogie tells his "troops," aka Ian, Joe, and Jenn that they have to get Dan on the block and out. Frank and Boogie tell them that they have to talk Shane into putting up Dan. Boogie tells them that it's in their best interests to get rid of Dan. We haven't heard or seen Jenn all season, but she says that Boogie is right to put Dan up and vote him out. Boogie goes to talk to Britney and tries to cry some fake tears. Britney didn't buy it though. Wow, we see more of Jenn, just because she goes up next on the block. Jenn talks to Shane, and Jenn tries to talk Shane into putting up Dan. Boogie then talks to Shane about scary Dan is as a player. Boogie says that in his season, Dan let everyone in his alliance do the dirty work, and Dan won. Britney talks with Danielle about how long Boogie has been up talking with Shane. Boogie tries to say that he is a blue-collar guy like Shane. Boogie thinks that Shane is an idiot, and that Boogie thinks that since he was the last person talking to Shane that Shane will nominate Dan. HA!
Time for the POV ceremony. Frank comes off the block, and as Boogie gapes at Shane, Shane picks Jenn as the replacement. Jenn mouths anger at being up. Honey, you don't get people to vote for you by threatening them. Ian said that he doesn't want to be around Boogie when Boogie finds out who got rid of him. As Ian said, like father like son. Tomorrow's eviction is a double eviction episode.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012 -- Evening
BB House Drama
In the BB house, Frank won the POV and removed himself from the block. It was hilarious to see Boogie campaigning to get Dan up beside him. Well, Shane didn't plan on that, and he put Jenn up. Now Jenn really hasn't been playing the game, so she didn't realize that she was in the BB house. She started telling people that she was mad at them, and they were going to be sorry for nominating her. Geeze, Louise! That's the sort of thing that gets you voted out! Fortunately, the Quack Pack (Shane, Dan, Danielle, Britney, and Ian) are out to get rid of Boogie. So Boogie should be out of the door on Thursday. In the meantime, for the first time in a long time, the BB live feeds are interesting.Friday, August 17, 2012 -- Late Evening
Shane Grows a Pair
Shane won the HOH competition last night, and today, he actually had the balls to put up both Boogie and Frank. The two have been running around the house like they were Chill Town, but Dr. Will was the brains behind Chill Town, and Boogie just rode Dr. Will's coattails. The pair were shocked that anyone would have the audacity to put them up. I think the comeuppance is great, and I hope that one of them goes home on Thursday. They are going to have to do a couple of fast forwards soon, since we are almost into September. Finally, there is something of interest going on in the house!Thursday, August 16, 2012 -- Evening
Update on Big Brother
As I mentioned, the people in Big Brother this year are in incredibly annoying and boring. I haven't been watching or following as closely as I used to follow, and I don't feel as if I am missing much. The folks in the house really aren't campaigning or doing anything that's good for their game. It seems that people are just buying into keeping Boogie and Dan around for final two. That tends to lead to very boring reality TV. Tonight, Wil is going home, and everyone knew it last Friday. It was obvious in the house and obvious to Wil.
I broke down and watch the show this evening to see Wil get evicted. Jeff from BB 11 and 13 was on the show to give his impressions of the game. Obviously, it's a ploy on CBS' part to boost ratings. Britney thinks the Silent Six is crumbling. Dan admits to Britney and Danielle that it's not in the foreseeable future that the will win, not that he is throwing competitions. Ashely acts like like a stoned person all the time and that gets really old. Dan admits that he can't trust Frank because Frank would have put him up, so Dan says that he's getting rid of Frank as soon as he can. Ashley asks Frank out on on a date because she is going for information and just basically wants to shag Frank. Frank just looks like a slob. Ashley claims that she was trying to campaign for Wil, but she basically throws Wil under the bus because she is just a stoned skank. Frank asks Ashley if she wants to make out on the couch, and because she is a skank, she jumped on the offer and Frank.
We saw Joe's family, and his wife said that he needed to stop yelling in DR. It's really annoying. Then we had some film clips of Jeff in the BB house. Then Jeff joined Julie on the couch. Julie joked about Jeff going into the house. Jeff and Jordan are living together in Santa Monica, and Jordan gave Jeff an ultimatum about putting out the wedding offer. Jeff said that what he learned from Janelle leaving is not to go into the house for a third time. Jeff is rooting for Ian. Julie says that if she went in, she would go in and be in beast mood. As she said, why go into the house if you don't want to play? Julie should send that memo to the people in the house. Julie asked the house guests so multiple choice questions about current events. In the good-bye speeches, Wil pretty much admitted to leaving the house. Joe was annoying in general. Gosh, I just wanted to smack Joe. This is why I have hated the show this season. Time for the vote.
Ashley evicted Joe
Boogie evicted Wil
Danielle evicted Wil
Jenn evicted Joe
Dan evicted Wil
Britney evicted Wil
Shane evicted Wil
Ian evicted Wil
As I said, we already knew this vote on Friday. Wil wore his sailor cap, and said that he was a bigger threat than Joe. Wil thought that everyone thought he was more likely to win competitions than Joe. Wil just showed how stupid he was. I wish Julie had asked him about getting rid of Janelle who would have worked ot keep him in the house. Wil was a loser and played like a loser.
For the HOH competition, the first person to fill the smallest container at the end of the row is safe from eviction and being put up. The second largest container is a $10,000 prize. The third largest is for HOH. Ashley is barely moving. She has been having back problems, and will probably be out of the competition before the show ends. Boogie is the only one going for the $10,000 prize. Four are going to safety, and four are going for HOH. We'll have to wait for the life feeds to see what happens.
Friday, August 10, 2012 -- Evening
Bye Janelle
I didn't want the eviction show last night, but I think I only missed a good deal of boredom. Janelle was evicted with a vote of 8-1 with Joe being the only person to vote for her. Then Frank won the HOH. There have not been nominations yet in the BB house, but Wil should be shaking in his boots. He was the person who wanted to get rid of Janelle, and didn't realize that she had done a good deal to save him and stoner Ashley. Frank, Boogie, and Dan have been talking about backdooring Wil. The plan for now appears to be to put up Joe and Ian (who is a member of the Silent Six alliance: Boogie, Dan, Frank, Ian, Shane, and Britney). The plan would be to take Ian off and put Wil up. Or if Wil should happen to play and win the veto to send Joe home. The people in the house are extremely boring, and it's really difficult to get any interest in watching their antics.Wednesday, August 8, 2012 -- Evening
Big Brother Boredom
I have really been bored with Big Brother. The POV show is tonight, and I won't be able to watch it. You would think that I would be annoyed, but I am really bored with the characters on the show this year. I already know that Danielle won the POV in one of those competitions where you can exchange prizes with those who get eliminated before you, like in a Chinese or white elephant gift exchange. Boogie managed to get Dan to buy into the notion of putting up Janelle and voting her out, and it seems that's what the house is going to do. Janelle was blindsided by the nomination, and she seems to be really, stupidly buying everyone's reassurance that she is just up on the block as a pawn. I can't believe her stupidity, and she's basically the only person that I like on the show. The others just annoy me in various ways. Danielle is one psycho puppy, who fawns over Shane, tells lies about everything, and backstabs all except for Shane, Dan, and Britney. Meanwhile, Shane seems to be unwilling to admit that he can't stand Danielle, and goes around either keeping her at arm's length or encouraging her psycho infatuation. I may watch the show later tonight or tomorrow, and if there's anything interesting, I'll post it. Tomorrow, it will be a Janie eviction night. Sigh! It's sad that Big Brother is starting to lose my fandom the same way that Survivor did.Sunday, August 5, 2012 -- Evening
HOH Endurance
I have to admit that I'm getting really tired of the group in the Big Brother house this season. It's difficult for me to get any interest in what they are doing. On the live feeds, Danielle won HOH. She nominated Frank and Wil, and somehow managed to win POV. Now there's talk of backdooring Janelle. I have to admit that I really don't care! But the show was on tonight, and I watched it anyway.The show started with the Endurance competition. Boogie says that he's really unsure about what he wants to have happen. Ian thinks its the biggest twist because he went from a 1-7 shot to a 1-12 shot. It's like they were there for four weeks for nothing. Joe is upset about working so hard for the last week. Ashley said that she just had it figured out when they threw a bomb at her. I think the girl is too danged stupid to figure anything out. Britney wanted to reset because she only had one player left. Dan also wanted to play, and so did Janelle because she wanted to win Big Brother. Boogie felt that he was running the game, and that he had a good chance to win $100K. Boogie is deluded. Frank is obnoxious. Dan mentions to Boogie that there a plan to vote Frank out. Dan told Boogie this to get Boogie's trust and getting him to vote. Janelle and Britney lied about pushing the button. Shane admits that he had blood on his hands from last week. Jenn finally shows up to say she has to watch herself. Jenn hasn't been playing the game yet, so maybe she'll start now, but I doubt it. Ashley is so stupid that I want to hit the screen every time she is on the screen. I loved when they got hit with the fake seabird guano. Boogie is not a happy camper because he has to compete. Boogie is the first to drop to send the message that he's not a threat. Jenn was shaking and cold, and just in general a loser, and dropped next. Then after one hour, Joe went too. Joe also tells Boogie that they were all lying to Boogie and telling him that the plan was to put out Frank. Ashley fell at 1 hour and 51 minutes. Then Dan goes out, and says that his plan is to portray a weak persona. Wil gets it right away. Shane was Frank off because Frank will find out that Shane wanted him off. Frank falls off like a baby. Boogie tells Frank that they were going to blind side Frank. Frank thinks he can only trust Boogie now. Wil see Shane ready to go, and Danielle looks like she can stay up forever. Wil and Shane go together at 2 hours and 43 minutes. Janelle sees Britney looking solid, so Janelle goes out. It's down to Danielle, Britney, and Ian (the smallest people).
Ian tells Danielle that he won't put her up, and then Dan starts coaching and encouraging Danielle to hang on. Meanwhile Jenn notes that Boogie and Frank are the only ones not out there. Ian feels physically ill, and almost falls off, but he manages to hang on. Boogie meanwhile is telling Frank that he will not do him wrong. Meanwhile, inside the house, Boogie is talking about how they need to get Ian to hang on, but they aren't outside. Britney and Danielle say that Ian is safe. Then Britney gets her guarantee from Danielle who gets a hug from Dan at winning HOH. Shane also jumps Danielle to give her a kiss; I guess to keep himself safe.
Danielle, being delusional, thinks that Janelle is threatened by her. Dan realizes that Boogie told Frank and that Dan didn't get to put the spin on things. Britney gets confronted by Boogie, who says that she didn't know that Frank was going on. Frank tells Boogie that he can't trust Britney. Britney tells Shane about Frank knowing. Britney said that she has to go and talk to Danielle and Dan and make sure that they are on the same page. Britney goes to tell Boogie that Shane didn't know what was going on. Dan tells Britney that he was the one who told Boogie. He tells Britney and Danielle that he just got so excited and spilled the beans. Time for Danielle's HOH room. Boogie really can't stand Danielle and doesn't want to see her dole out candy bars. We learn that Danielle didn't tell her parents she was going into the BB house. Psycho. In the HOH room, Danielle, Dan, Britney, and Shane talk about who to nominate. They mention Frank, Janelle, Boogie, and Wil. Britney says that Danielle promised her safety. Then Wil reminds Danielle that she promised him safety to drop.
Ian goes and sits by Ashley, while Ashley stares at Shane with drool coming out of her mouth. Ian says that he doesn't show off his body, he goes with personality and brains. Then he makes a joke about how he was doing the same weights as Shane, but not struggling. Boogie and Frank talk, and Boogie says that he isn't going to campaign, but Frank can campaign. Boogie is more pissed after sleeping on it. Britney gives Danielle coaching advice, and says that Danielle should put up Frank and Wil. Danielle is terrified of Boogie, and wants to put both him and Frank up. Dan doesn't want any coach to go because as long as the coaches are in the game, they will shield Dan from attack. Danielle clais she wants Frank out, and Dan tells her that if she puts Boogie and Frank up, Boogie is going home. Danielle is such a loser! And since the HOH competition, we don't see Shane in the HOH room with Danielle.
I think it's funny how Wil mocks Danielle for forgetting that she promised to keep him safe. Time for the nominations. First key is Britney. Then Ian, Dan, Janelle, Jenn, Shane, Ashley, Joe, and Boogie. Up are Frank and Wil. Danielle says that she nominated them for reasons that weren't personal and she loved them both. Umm, okay? Boogie is insulted that he would get his key. Boogie says that his key shouldn't be in there. Danielle still trusts Dan, and he has to do everything to keep the coaches off the block.
Thursday, August 2, 2012 -- Evening
HOH and Coaches
The BB house and house guests are incredibly boring this year. So everyone has been eagerly awaiting the entrance of the coaches into the game. Also, it seems that there may be an endurance competition tonight to bring the coaches in.The show started with Julie Chen looking nice in a yellow dress. The action started with a breakdown of the post veto ceremony. Boogie thought he had a concrete deal with Britney and Shane. He's perturbed that he has to go back to work. Ashley cheers that she did it in DR. She did nothing, per usual. Hippy girl probably doesn't even know which show she is one. Shane tells Frank not to worry because he's safe. You aren't safe if you go on the block. Danielle says it was a huge move. Frank goes to Boogie and says that Shane doesn't want him out. Boogie says that Frank should have told him that he was going on the block. Boogie hates the lack of trust in the game, and in DR, said that Frank should have told Boogie about it. Britney blames Ian for Frank being nominated because Ian said that he didn't see a reason to put up Shane. Britney tells Boogie that she loves Ian, and really doesn't want to get Ian in trouble. Britney said it was a big movie. Ashley rambles on like the drugged out hippy chick. Britney says that Frank will win $500,000 if he doesn't go out. That's funny because Frank hasn't won anything. Boogie and Frank try to comfort Ian. Ian said that he didn't want to write a check he couldn't cash. Boogie tells him that it's the Big Brother house. You can bounce checks. That was a great line. Boogie, Ian, and Frank say they will have to trust Dan and Danielle. Janelle and Britney talk about menstrual cramps and labor. Janelle said that she doesn't cry. Britney said that Janelle could get the worst news ever and has no emotions. Janelle said that she doesn't get sad or happy. That's why she is a competing machine. Janelle, Joe, and Wil talk about Frank and waiting for Thursday to come up. Janelle said that Frank is pure evil, but Wil doesn't seem to agree. Janelle tells Wil that it's best for Wil if Frank goes home. Wil talks in DR about Janelle talking about how she worked so hard to save Wil. Janelle starts to correct Wil, and tell him how things work. Wil admits that Janelle is getting on his nerves and that he is getting tired of her. The next morning, Joe and Wil talked. Wil says that what he got is that the only reason he is in this game is because Janelle kissed out. As Wil said to Joe, they didn't go into the house to win Janelle money. Joe gets worried, and then he tells the hippy chick that Wil joined the other side. Ashley goes to get Janelle so Joe can tell her that Wil is mad at Janelle and is going to vote out Joe. Wil never said that he was voting out Janelle. Joe says he's scared. Ashley said that she doesn't get it. Joe tells Janelle that if she loses him, and Will flips that she is stuck with the stupid, drugged out hippy chick.
Janelle talks to Wil and sheds fake tears. Wil realizes the waterworks are fake. Wil says that he will pretend that it's all cool, but he doesn't trust Janelle. Frank and Boogie talk to Dan about Danielle's vote. Dan doesn't seem to know what to tell Boogie and Frank. Dan said that Boogie pitched a good sale to Dan about getting rid of Janelle's players. Dan tells Danielle that he would rather play with Frank and Boogie. Danielle has her wide scary eyes. Danielle thinks she has all the power. Dan tries to talk Danielle down from her high school crush because she is so obsessed with Shane and losing sight of the game. Danielle looks like she wants to cry.
Julie asks Ian about the $3000 which he is going to use for rent and necessities. Boogie says that his uncle always said to take the biggest share. Julie asks Danielle to rate her kiss with Shane. Psycho Danielle says 10. Shane is on the spot and has to say he would rate the kiss a 10.5. Then Janelle is shown the film from the coaches competition.
Julie talks to Shane in the HOH. Shane said that he has his own game plan, but he listened to his coach. Shane said that he doesn't trust Frank, but he really doesn't trust Boogie. Shane said that Julie put him on the spot with the question about the kiss, and then says there is no showmance because it would negatively affect his game. Really Shane has no interest in the psycho girl.

Julie reveals the vote on the coaches, and that the coaches can enter the game. Surprise! Not! If the coaches give up coaching, they would all compete as individuals, and there would be no eviction tonight. If the coaches choose to remain as coaches, then someone gets evicted tonight, and then next week some players will return. The coaches have to go to vote. Will Britney press the Reset button. She does choose to enter the game. Boogie chooses not to enter the game. Dan chooses to reset. Janelle also chooses to enter. The game has been reset. Neither Joe or Frank is evicted, and all the coaches are now in the game. It doesn't matter that Boogie didn't want to reset. One reset is all it took to enter all the coaches.
Everyone is on their own. Even though Shane was HOH last week, he is able to compete tonight because the game reset. It's an endurance competition where the house guests have are hanging on a small foot rest and hanging onto a hand bar. The ship wall moves, and it's very similar to other leaning/hanging off a wall HOH competitions. it will be interesting to see how long this one lasts and who wins. Right before the show went off the air, we saw the house guests get drenched in water.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 -- Evening
BB Veto Show
We saw the nomination ceremony, with Joe saying that he's targeted because of Janelle. Then Ashley begins crying. Boogie and Frank celebrate. Boogie was happy that he got the last word into Shane's ears. Janelle goes up to talk to Britney. Britney tells Janelle that she only has so much control, and that she knew Joe was going up, but wasn't sure if it was Frank or Ashley. Britney says that Janelle continues to surprise Britney. Britney admits that Janelle is really good at this game because Janelle just says that she gets it, she's not mad, she understands, etc. Britney doesn't buy it, even though Janelle reminds her how you can't trust Boogie. Britney tells Shane that he has to do what is best for Shane. Britney tells Shane that Janelle is willing to work with them, even though Shane just put her two people up. Janelle talks to her people and tell them that they need to talk to Shane. Wil says he doesn't want to ass kiss. Janelle explains to them that they need to convince Shane that he will be safe until one of them comes off the block. Joe yells that he doesn't know if he could swallow his pride. Janelle advises that Joe not fight with Shane. Janelle made it to the final three twice so she does know what she is talking about. Shane goes up to talk to Shane and Britney. Joe admits that his back is against the wall. He tells Shane that Shane made a smart move and that Joe would do the same. Shane tells Joe that he wishes Joe realized it a few weeks ago. In the DR, Joe yells about Shane needing to learn manners. Joe admits that he's mad and that it sucks. Shane, rocking a vibrant pink wife-beater shirt, says in DR that he doesn't know if Joe is trying to get voted out. In DR, Joe admits that he is coming after Shane.Time to pick players for veto. Joe yells in DR about not wanting Frank to play. Shane picks Danielle who stand really close to Shane because she is obsessed with him. Ashley picks Will. Joe picks Frank. The competition is setup like a circus. Frank said that he can kick himself in the face because he would be great in a circus. Jenn is the hostess with the leastest. The players have to keep balls on ramps more than a body length apart. The balls have to be kept in motion and can't hit the ground. Britney gives Shane advice by telling him not to thrust it, but to be graceful. Ashley is giving a gentle push. Wil is the first one out. Then Joe is out. Frank is out after he knocks his off the ramp. Then Danielle, the bunny boiler (Fatal Attraction obsession with Shane) is out. It's down to Ashely and Shane. Then Ashley is out. Shane wins. I don't know that Shane is so good. I think the others just really suck at any game. Joe is red-faced and yelling in DR about being frustrated with himself. Frank believes he is safe since Shane won the POV. Janelle says her team is devastated, but this is just the point where she has to go to work.
Britney parties in the HOH with Shane. Shane says he is on top of the world with HOH and POV. Shane says that there are so many options that they can use. Britney could not be any happier. Britney wants Janelle to lose a player to know how it feels. Britney tells Shane that Janelle has been crying a river. Britney says that all Janelle's team does is sing, braid hair, and cook. Britney does an impression of Joe yelling in his gruff voice. Shane said that he can't trust Janelle. Britney tells Shane that they have to get Joe's recipes out of him before he leaves. Janelle shows up to talk to Shane and Britney, and Britney complains in DR about Janelle always talking strategy. Janelle says that none of her players can win, so Shane shouldn't waste his time by taking out a weak player. Then Wil shows up and Ashley. Joe was downstairs crying. Janelle said that they should talk about more than a week of safety, but to play together. Janelle says that Boogie will take Jenn or Ashley to the end. Janelle says that she is willing to give her wedding ring for three weeks to show that she is not lying. Britney doesn't want to keep the wedding ring for three weeks, and Janelle says that it's supposed to be a sign that she can be trusted. Janelle said that she has to work because Boogie is probably scheming. But Boogie is just sitting out in back and talking weight training with Frank, so Ian just sits there. Dr. Will was the mastermind in Chill Town, and took Boogie for the ride. Janelle tells Joe that he has to go and kiss ass, grovel, and try to get Shane to put Frank up on the block. Janelle tries to explain how important it is. Joe yells in DR that it's do or die time. Janelle is a good coach. She just has stupid players. Joe goes to talk to Shane. Joe says that if Shane saves him, he will be the most loyal person to Shane. Joe asks for the veto to be used on him. Joe tries to sell the point that staying in this house is his dream. What a sorry life Joe must lead! Joe admits that he's willing to go outside of his team to support Shane. Joe believes that Janelle will take Wil to the end. Shane says that Joe was emotional, but Shane wasn't buying the loyalty. Joe says in DR that he will have Shane's back.
It's time for the sushi party. The coaches, Shane, and Danielle go outside in the yard for the sushi party. Boogie owns a Japanese restaurant and knows all about sushi. Boogie mocked them for using forks. Danielle never ate sushi. Wil is wearing a bikini bottle, jacket, and sailor hat. He's dancing because it's his birthday. The sushi guys take dessert in. Then they all play spin the bottle. Ian got to kiss Ashley. Shane spun the bottle, and Danielle flung herself in front of the bottle. Danielle couldn't believe it, and she just obsessed. Shane claimed it wasn't log enough. CBS is still pushing the romance. Britney talks to Ian about putting Shane up on the block. Ian says that he doesn't see a foreseeable circumstance where he would put up Shane. Britney is freaking out, and she goes to talk to Shane. She asks Shane if he's freaking out. Britney made a huge deal out of how wishy washy Ian was. Shane doesn't trust Boogie because he doesn't know what Boogie says to Ian or Frank. So Shane thinks that this might be a good time to put Frank up. It's not really a backdoor because Frank played for veto. Britney wants to come up with a plan to keep Boogie from freaking out. Britney and Shane come up with a story blaming Ian for them putting Frank up. Frank talks to Shane because Frank wants to make sure everything is hunky dory. Shane says that Britney talked to Ian, and because Ian didn't say Shane is safe, Shane is worried. Frank said that he and Boogie didn't tell Ian what the plan was. As Frank said, Ian is just a kid and really isn't up on what is going on. Britney goes in with Frank and Shane, and blames Ian for giving shady answers. Frank said that Ian didn't know about any deal with Frank and Boogie. Frank says that Ian is socially awkward and doesn't like to talk game.
Time for the veto ceremony. Frank is worried about being put up after his talk with Shane and Britney. Janelle worked hard to save one of her players. Boogie is sure that Shane is a man of his word and that Boogie and Frank will be chilling poolside until the eviction. The meeting starts. Ashley talks and looks like a drugged out hippy child. Joe says something really stupid about the president using the power of veto. Barf! Shane uses the veto and takes Ashley off. Shane says that he is playing by himself and in a tough situation. Shane names Frank as the replacement after saying yet again that he's playing on his own and has to do what is best for him. Boogie storms out as Janelle smiles. Frank was a little surprised. He knows not to panic. Shane says that he wants to convince Frank that he's not the target when he really is. Janelle says there's a new puppet master in this house, and it's Janelle. Boogie is pissed. Boogie says it doesn't end well for the other side when they take a shot at Boogie.
Monday, July 30, 2012 -- Evening
POV Ceremony
Shane used the POV in today's POV ceremony. He took Ashley off the block and put up Frank. They are trying to blame Ian for it, saying that Ian said that he couldn't guarantee Shane's safety. Well, I would think that no one can guarantee it because Shane is playing a lone game. It seems that Ian and Jenn will vote to evict Joe, and Ashley and Will will evict Frank. So it comes down to crazy Danielle. She will probably vote out Frank. Meanwhile, we are all assuming that the coaches will enter the game just because the numbers won't get them into September if they don't bring back the coaches.Sunday, July 29, 2012 -- Evening
Boring Brother
Nothing of any interest has been happening in the Big Brother house live feeds. Shane has won every POV, and Danielle is coming across as extremely desperate in trying to get a showmance going with Shane. He's not interested in her, and some of the feed watchers are even wondering if Shane is interested in females.The post HOH show started with the usual recap of the eviction and HOH competition. Danielle is really happy at still being in the house, probably figuring it made it easier for her to get at Shane. Shane gives Danielle an awkward hug after the eviction, and Britney is upset about being down to one player on her team. As Britney enthuses, all you need is one to win HOH. And then the next week, you bite your fingernails. Joe admits that he is for trouble with Shane being HOH. Shane says that it's full-steam ahead with Danielle. It seems that he is playing up the showmance at times with the diary room. Wil has the brillant thought that Shane will be out after him and the others on Janelle's and Boogie's team. Boogie thinks it's okay because he made side deals with Shane. Britney shows her happiness to Ashley, and she wants to stir up Janelle and Boogie's teams. Ashley says that Britney is drunk with power. Danielle is hoping to have Shane grope her in the HOH room. It's so pitiful seeing that girl's excitement over shagging the guy. Danielle drools over Shane's family pictures. Shane tells everyone to dig in, but no one attempts to dig in. They all sit there quietly. Britney thinks that they are all dying to get out of the room, but no one wants to leave. Janelle, Wil, and Joe talk about who Shane will put up. Joe says that Shane will go after Janelle's team because they left Shane to hang dry. Janelle realizes that she has to mend fences with Britney. Shane, Britney, Danielle, and Dan hang out plotting the future. Britney says that they are planning on putting one up from both teams. Shane says that he doesn't want to up Frank when Britney wants to put up Frank. Shane says that he trusts Frank more. Shane said that he has to do what's best for him.
Joe makes breakfast for Shane. Boogie thinks that Joe has take it to depths of patheticness. Shane thinks it's ridiculous, and doesn't like that Joe got him up while Shane was having a nice dream. Ashley says that she's a hippy chick, and she makes a dream board. Boogie asks for more details on the dream board. Ashley claims that she gets things from her dream board. Boogie says in DR that his dream board would have his three players against Ashley. Frank and Shane talk, and Shane says that Wil is his target. Shane believes that Frank is a stand up guy, and Shane is hoping to show his loyalty to Frank. Shane just doesn't want to go up next week in return. Danielle is talking about guys trying to make out with her. Joe worries about his daughters. Jenn talks about coming out to her mom on coming out day. Jenn says that she's lucky to live in New York because they are more accepting to PDA. Danielle said that feared lesbians because they would try to have sex with her. Danielle is a freak. Danielle tells Shane that the smartest thing to do is to put up Frank and someone from Janelle's team. Danielle said they have to get Frank out. Shane doesn't tell Danielle about his deal with Frank. Danielle thinks that she has convinced Shane to put up Frank. Danielle blushes and flushes at the thought of being alone in the house with Shane as final two. Like that would happen. She needs an Ashley dream board.
It's tie for the coach's competition. Everyone has on gym clothes. Britney admits that she never works out. Ashley says that guys are rocking the farmers' tan. The coaches have to face off in the first round. The one with the lowest reps is out, but gets to open a locker. Boogie says that stakes are high. Frank doesn't want Janelle to win. Janelle knows that her players are going to get targeted. The first machine has them moving their butts back and forth on this machine. Dan said that he doesn't want to throw this competition. Janelle said that it was one motion she did not want to see Mike Boogie do. Britney lost, and had to pick a locker. Britney had to pick two players to be on slop. Ian volunteered, and Britney picked Joe. Iam admits in DR that he is taking punishments so folks will keep him around since they don't want punishments. The next exercise is bouncing the hips back and forth against these side pads. Janelle is killing it. Ian said that Boogie isn't doing well because he's an older gentleman and looks like he needs a hip replacement. Boogie loses and wins $10,000 and any two players he wants to share with in $6,000, $3,000, and $1,000. Boogie takes the 6K, gives Ian 3K, and Jenn the 1K. Ian started to get teary eyed because it's a huge amount of money for a student. Now it's down to Dan and Janelle. They now have to exercise their tongue. The goal is to move the toggle back and forth. Dan seems to be unable to do the exercise because he has a short tongue. I feel sorry for Dan's wife. He has no tongue technique. Janelle has 105 flips to Dan's 41. Dan wins a sushi and cocktail party. Dan has to choose five people to party with. Dan chooses the other three coaches. He says because he doesn't want to the coaches talking behind his back. Dan also picks Shane and then his own player, Danielle. Janelle gets to save or trade a player. Janelle says she's not trading, and it's a hard decision, but she has to save Wil.
The Have Nots get cereal and salmon, which is not bad on a slop menu. CBS shows Boogie and Willie arguing about Froot Loops and salmon. Frank thinks that this is right up there with the pudding from last week as one of the best slop menus. Joe and Janelle go up to talk to Shane and Britney. Shane says that next week she's going downstairs. Janelle said that she has to get in with Britney again. Janelle tells Shane that she knows how it is, and she was in his spot. Janelle said that her team is definitely up for working with Shane and Britney. After all, they need safety for next week. Janelle knows that Britney blames Janelle for her players going home last week. Boogie goes and talks to Shane and Britney. Boogie wants Ashley and Joe to go up. Britney says that one of Boogie's people have to up. Britney wants to even things up. Britney says that she doesn't want Boogie to say next week that Shane put up Frank this week, so Shane is up again. Boogie asks why Shane should work with an inferior product when he can play with Boogie. Britney is all over Shane asking him what he wants to do. Britney is keeping on with the Frank and Joe. Meanwhile Shane is being called to the DR, and Britney will not stop yammering in his ear. She is so damned annoying. I would have to smack the wench if she was my coach.
Frank feels Shane's word is golden, but if Britney has her say, Frank is up. Wil makes a pretend call to Patrice saying he's there for another week and will have to feed the cat. Shane says the hardest thing is whether he follows Frank or listen to Britney. Joe thinks Shane should target Frank and keep the chef safe. The first key out is Jenn, then Ian, Danielle, and Frank. Ashley and Joe are nominated. Shane said that only one coach has not had a player up on the block. Shane says that he wants them to know how it felt when he was up against JoJo. Ashley cries and whines about being on the block and feeling alone. Boo-hoo! Shane is putting his faith in Boogie and Frank. Janelle says game on. Janelle said that she is going to fight to keep all her players. Frank says going forward, he has Shane's back, and Shane has his. Joe says it's on like Donkey Kong, and that he will get Shane out of the house. Hmm, that will be difficult since Joe is going to go home on Thursday!
Thursday, July 26, 2012 -- Evening
Eviction and HOH
It's day 20 in the BB house, and things are more boring that in previous seasons. JoJo is probably going to go home tonight, and CBS is promoting some game changing scheme. I like how Julie Chen said that JoJo and Danielle were fighting for votes when they basically sat in the house and did nothing. The show starts with crazy Danielle going up on the block in place of Shane. Shane says that his group of six is too tight to start disrupting things this early. JoJo wants to make sure the house knows why to vote for her. Dan goes to comfort Danielle. Dan tries to explain that cutting Danielle lose was a motivational tool. Unfortunately, Danielle didn't get motivated. Dan apologizes to Danielle, and says that he's going to help her get out of the mess. Danielle forgives Dan because she knows he had a good heart and good intentions. Loser intentions. Shane and JoJo are in the Have Not room when Ian comes in. They turn off the lights so they can go to sleep. Shane tells JoJo to come over and cuddle. JoJo tells Shane they should make out. Ian is grossed out. As Ian says, "I'm trying to get some shut eye, and Shane is trying to board the Staten Island Ferry." Ian then goes to Danielle and tells her that Shane was asking JoJo to climb on top of him. Danielle is upset because she thought Shane had the hots for her, basically because Danielle is crazy. Danielle then goes to talk with Janelle and Ashley. Ashley and Janelle are sleeping in the bed, and Ashley says she would crush Shane. Ashley continues to make fun of how skinny Ashley is. Danielle tells Janelle and Ashley about Shane and JoJo. Danielle is upset because she lost to JoJo. Janelle said that showmances are bad news, especially for Janelle because they will vote together. Danielle told them just so she could get JoJo voted out. Danielle comes across as a psycho stalker girl. Britney tells JoJo to just not talk and just say nothing that would irritate people. In the DR, Britney mocks JoJo not taking Britney's bad advice seriously. Boogie said that it makes sense to keep Dan because if the coaches go into the game, it would make sense to keep Dan in the game. Boogie tells Danielle that he has five people, and five is greater than three. Boogie says he has the power to make his players make the decision he wants.We had a review of the Willie incident, yet again. Julie Chen asks Joe about Willie. Joe said that he mainly wanted to protect himself, and wanted to tell Willie that if he couldn't stand the heat to get out of the kitchen. Then Julie turned on Ian. Ian said that when he was in the bathroom in his towel, he wanted to keep everyone safe. Britney said that she was proud of Shane when he won the POV.
Then we had a segment with Dr. Will giving his analysis. He looks pretty business-like in his suit. Dr. Will talks about being a dermatologist who removes tattoos. Dr. Will thinks Boogie is doing a great job. Dr Will says that Boogie has an ego problem. Dr. Will thinks the other coaches are lackluster. Janelle said that she couldn't tell when Dr. Will was lying. Dan is always coaching according to Dr. Will. Dr. Will also thinks that Dan picked some hot ass to be on his team. Britney is called out for doing a terrible job of coaching. Dr. Will says Janelle is a great competitor, but she isn't good at strategy. Dr. Will thinks Ian could win the game. Comparing their similarities, Dr. Will thinks that Boogie is a 40 year old Ian.
Julie talks to Frank in the HOH room. Frank asks Jules if she is his home girl, and she asks if he is her home skillet. Julie asks about how important Boogie's advice is. Frank says that he appreciates his advice and his entertainment. Frank said that working with Shane is a plan A, B, and who knows what else. Frank trusts Janelle and her players, and he hopes they can trust him. He thinks that the alliance will be long.
Time to talk to the nominees. JoJo, dressed like a Jersey Shore reject, said that she wanted to backstab and lie, but she couldn't. JoJo said that she is in her situation because she's loyal. JoJo tells them to vote to get themselves far in the game. Danielle is dressed like a prom queen. She said that she loves everyone and enjoys playing the game. Snore! Time for the vote:
Wil evicts JoJo
Joe evicts JoJo
Ashley evicts JoJo
Shane evicts Danielle
Ian evicts JoJo
Jenn evicts JoJo
Dan is told that if Danielle is evicted, Dan has to leave the house with her. JoJo is out with a vote of 5-1. She hugs folks, and then leaves the house telling everyone to make big moves. Everyone watches JoJo's photo go to black and white. JoJo said that Shane whispered that he was sorry about what happened, and she said that he should go and play a good game. JoJo said that she told Willie that what he did with Frank wasn't right, and JoJo admitted that supporting Willie was a mistake. Her comment was that she was too loyal. JoJo thinks Britney has a lot of heart, and JoJo is going to root for her. But JoJo thinks Britney is an underdog. Jenn says that the house could only handle one New Yorker. Shane liked his conversations about making out. Danielle says she's sorry. Britney said that JoJo's problem was that she was too loud. Britney is stupid and whiney!
Time for the HOH competition. The competition is called "On Thin Ice." Each house guest has to hit their ball into the slot with the highest score. The game is set up as a hockey game, but they've played this game several times on BB. Ashley goes first and gets a 4. Joe slowly takes his time, making Julie say "we con't have all day, Joe." Joe gets a 3. Jenn misses all of the slots. Ian gets a 9 and takes the lead. Wil gets a 2. Shane is up next. Shane gets a 20. Danielle is last up, and she scores a 12. Shane is the new HOH.
Shane said that it's a great feeling to be HOH. He flipped it like Frank did last week. Britney said that she is so excited. Loser! We find out that America's Vote will determine if the coaches remain coaches or if they can enter the game as players. The coaches will be able to enter and play for the $500,000. We should know the result of the vote by next Thursday.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 -- Evening
Boring Brother and a Recap
Since Willie left the BB house, the house guests have outdone themselves with boring behavior. I can only hope that something happens soon to bring some entertainment to the live feeds and the show. Shane won the POV, and Danielle went up in his place. The question is whether JoJo or Danielle will go home. Then what will happen with Dan if Danielle goes home?So, it's on to tonight's show. The show started with the Willie announcement. Ian gave Britney a hug. As Ian said in DR, he was in a towel when two big guys started to fight. Ian wanted to stop it, but he knew that he would get hurt. Dan said that he hopes Frank doesn't pick Danielle because then he would be out. Janelle and Boogie celebrate that they will be able to still nominate someone. Janelle said that although she is talking and scheming with Boogie, she does not want to put up one of her own. Jenn is also not happy with it. Frank is stupid and thinks Boogie has a good idea, but pawns tend to go home. JoJo realizes that she and Shane are the next targets. Shane tells Joe that at least with Willie in the house, Shane had the numbers on his size. JoJo goes to talk to Frank to try to save herself. JoJo said on her mother's back that she had Frank's back. Frank tells JoJo that if she had voted to keep him, Frank would not have a problem with her. JoJo comes up with a lame story about staying loyal to Willie. Frank tells her that JoJo should have seen that Willie was a cancer in the house. JoJo said that everyone else was staying with her players and their coach. Frank said that Willie could have been the number one target, but now Frank has to get blood on his hands.
Time for nominations. Frank calls the meeting. First key out is Jenn, then Ian, Joe, Wil, and Danielle. Ashley already had her key from the coach's competition. Frank says that it's because both were with Willie, and they have the chance to play for veto to save themselves. Shane knew he was going on the block, and all he was trying to do was be loyal to Britney. Danielle thinks it sucks if one of them comes off the block. Britney, JoJo, and Shane meet in the Have Not room. Britney advises the to get back in with the others. Britney said that the reasons they made the decisions were sincere. Britney said that she feels so bad, and she feels that she is taking on all the guilt. Britney said that she is trying to help them and stay positive. JoJo said that none of Janelle's team wanted to give her a hug after nominations. In the HOH, Boogie said that Danielle had a free ride this week. Boogie says that if Shane or JoJo comes off, Danielle goes up. Boogie advises Frank to befriend Shane so if he comes off the block and wins HOH next week, he'll go after Janelle's players. Time to pick for the veto competition. Frank picks Ian. Shane picks Ashley. JoJo picks Wil. Dan wanted Danielle to play in the game so she could throw another competition. Oh wait, because if Danielle leaves the house so does Dan.
Ashley is braiding Danielle's hair and talking about Ashley's ideal man: older, with his own business, and doesn't have to be good looking. Then she goes through a whole list of things the man should do. I wonder how her S&M video boyfriend is on the list. Ashley thinks that it's totally doable to find a guy like that as Dan mocks how realistic it is. Time for the veto competition. It is like a Mexican game. The people viewing the competition have pitchers of margaritas. It's a BB Cantina. They have to hunt in big bowls of dip to find a slew of menu items. They have to match the master list, and the person to get the most right in the least amount of time wins. Ian said that it's a memory game. You have to memorize the master menu, that faces away from the players, then they have to dig them out of the nasty dips. Shane has a very bad memory, so he gets a piece, then he looks at it on the menu. Ian said he has a photographic memory so it's easier for him to get the pieces in the right place. Ashley said that she tries to remember the first letter of all the items. People are slipping because the dip is slippery. JoJo realizes that she has some of the wrong items. Shane thinks that there is no way that he can let Ian win. Shane rings in first, and then Ian rings the bell saying he knows its right. Ian is second. JoJo is third, Frank is fourth. Wil is fifth, and Ashley continues on and on in last place. She thought that she could have gotten them all right even though it took forever. Ashley had 13 out of 16 correct. Janelle says "way to go Ashley. Wil had all 16 correct, and he was in the lead. Frank got all 16, and he took on the lead. JoJo got them all correct, and she took on the lead. Ian got them all, then he took the lead away from JoJo. Shane had to get them all right, and he had not double checked his menu. But he just rang in before Ian.
After the commercial break, we find out that Shane got all the answers right, and he won the veto. Britney is drunk, and she attacks Shane. They wind up in smelly dip. Danielle said it was the worse case scenario because she will go on the block. Britney celebrates with Shane and JoJo. Britney said that she didn't deserve to celebrate because it was all Shane. Shane just wants to prolong his stay in the house. Boogie tells Shane that he and Frank aren't unhappy with Shane getting veto. Shane said that there might be a trade or a switch of players because he just wants to win. He doesn't care about coach. Boogie said if Shane can be loyal to Willie, how loyal would he be to Boogie. Boogie tells Shane to not tell Britney, JoJo, Dan, or Danielle about making a deal with Frank and Boogie. Shane goes in to the bathroom, and Britney starts quizzing him about them offering Shane a deal. Shane said in DR that he has to keep it under the radar from Britney and JoJo. He lies to them that all Boogie and Frank asked about was Shane winning HOH next week. Dan tells Danielle that if he tries to help Danielle, he might get her booted out of the house. Danielle tells Dan that he can't do anything to help her. Dan says in DR that it's his coaching technique to get Danielle to play for herself. Dan said that as a last resort, he is trying to manipulate her emotions. Danielle asks Shane if he is voting for JoJo to stay. Shane says he doesn't know, but JoJo is part of his team. Danielle goes off to cry. Danielle cries in DR and says that with Dan abandoning her that she feels so alone. She cries and acts like a huge baby. Crying, not fighting to stay in the house. Shane tells JoJo that he is going to try to talk Frank into backdooring Wil. Shane said that if he, JoJo, or Danielle win HOH next week, they will go after the rest of Janelle's team. Shane tells JoJo to keep quiet. Shane goes outside to talk to Frank to save JoJo and Danielle. Shane tells Frank that he has the idea for a big game changer. Shane tells Frank that Wil may be gunning for Frank, so they could get him out this week. Shane tells Frank that if he puts up Wil, he will have JoJo and Danielle on his side.
Time for the POV ceremony. Frank isn't sure that Shane's plan is the best for Frank. Danielle is whining about going up. Shane cuts to the chase and removes himself from the block. Frank nominates Danielle. The veto meeting is over. Frank says that eventually he will have to go against Janelle's players, but he doesn't want to rock the boat yet. Danielle says that she has to fight for herself because she is so alone. Dan said that his back is against the wall, and he has to throw a hail Mary to get rid of JoJo.
Sunday, July 22, 2012 -- Evening
Willie Expulsion Show
I have been looking forward to this episode for two days. I can't wait to see Willie going psycho and getting expelled from the house. The show started, per usual, with the previous show's eviction. Frank was happy to be in the house, and Willie said that Frank staying is not good for him. Janelle wanted to keep Frank because he would just ignite Willie. Ashley wanted Kara out because Ashley was hoping to go under the radar. Then we saw Dan telling Danielle that he was on her side. Not much, I'd say, since Dan is a god-awful coach. Boogie commented that it wasn't the Frank versus Kara as much as it was the house against Willie. Then we see that Frank won the HOH. Boogie did a join DR with Frank, laughing like Boogie and Dr. Will did. However, it was really lame. Willie didn't want to talk to anyone, and he said that he hoped to win the POV and then be HOH next week. Shane didn't want to be in an alliance with Willie because he's a hot head and not nice to people. Janelle said that she was in an alliance with Britney, but Britney blew it by not controlling Willie. Britney said that she is going to have to pay the ultimate price for picking Willie. Dan is confident that Danielle has one more week of safety. Dan starts telling Danielle to get in with Janelle's team. In the storage room, JoJo tells Frank that she's a loyal person, and that she's sorry about what happened. JoJo said that Willie just went crazy. Frank said that he holds no personal grudges against anyone. Time for the HOH reveal. Willie goes with the crowd, but as he said, he's not a fake person, and he didn't want to be there. Wil says having his own HOH is a surreal moment. Boogie shows everyone the picture of his nine month old baby, Brady. Ian said that Willie was feasting on a plate of crow. Willie said that it doesn't matter to him because he's there to win the game. Willie goes to talk to Britney, but Britney doesn't want to talk to him. Britney started to berate Willie. On the live feeds, she went on for hours lecturing Willie on what a crap person he was. Willie said that he came into the game to play for himself, not for a coach. Britney came across like a major bitch. Britney tells Willie that he did a terrible job, and her team is screwed. She doesn't take any of the blame for bad coaching or not supporting Willie when Frank was spreading lies about Willie. Boo-hoo, Britney!In the backyard, Shane is picking on Danielle. Danielle has a major crush on Shane, and it's supposed to be very obvious. Danielle claims that Shane's personality and looks are her types, and she says Shane is chasing after her. Shane says Danielle is a nice girl. Danielle is excited that Shane is going to fall in love with her. Britney, Boogie, and Dan talk about the player switch. Boogie is afraid that if Britney wins the coach's competition that she'll saddle someone with Willie. Britney says it ridiculous that she not trade Willie when Boogie said that Shane might be targeted if Willie is traded. Dan and Janelle talk about married life. Janelle says it's different playing Big Brother because she has a family and a little baby daughter at home. Dan says he just wants to be a better husband. Ian and Boogie talk because Ian wants to go on a date with Ashley. Boogie gave it thought, and thought it might be good for Ian to go on a date. Dan goes looking for Ashley, and takes her outside. Ian asks Ashley if she would be interested on a slop date. (this happened last week.) Ashley has a thing for nerdy guys, and Ian looks very nerdy with a green shirt and bow tie. Ian said that Ashley is very beautiful. Ian said that dates for him are few and far between. Ian and Ashley go into the arcade room. They are both from PIttsburgh. Ashley asks Ian what's his favorite class is. Ian says Inorganic Chemistry. Ashley asks him to explain the difference between organic and inorganic. They seem to get along very well. It seemed a very sweet date. Shane and JoJo talk to Britney about losing Willie. Shane has really ugly hair that he gels up in a peak. Britney says it's not fair what happened and how it affects the others.
Time for the coach's competition. They all dress up like 1980s wrappers. Think Fresh Prince of Bel Air. They all come out in MC Hammer style pants. Britney doesn't get it. Probably because she is stupid. The winning coach gets to choose the four have nots and if they save or exchange a player. The coaches have to walk on a balance beam and transfer packs of cash from one end to the next. Britney knows that she wants to win the competition. Too bad Britney can't win competitions. Willie doesn't know if Britney would trade or save him. Dan says he has to throw the competition so people thinks he's weak. The pants were restrictive and you could only move sideways. Britney went to a huge lead, and was building her pile. But then Britney knocked some of her cash to the ground, and that eliminated her from the game. Boogie asks Ian about how stable his stack looks. Ian tells him about the center of the mass. It was down to Janelle and Boogie. Boogie had two stacks left, and Janelle had two. Boogie put his last one on, but then Boogie jumped to the ground before he hit the button. So Boogie was out. Boogie's ego burned him. So it was down to Janelle. She stayed on the balance beam to hit the buzzer. Janelle said that the comp queen is back in the house. Janelle chooses to save a player because she loves all her players so much. Janelle saved Ashley. Janelle picked Willie, JoJo, Shane, and Ian for the have nots. JoJo wasn't surprised that she and Willie were have nots. We didn't see that Ian volunteered to be a have not, but that's what he did according to the live feeds.
The house guests go into the house and find out that they get slop, pork rinds, and pudding. JoJo says no one in NY eats pork rinds. Ian said that pudding is one of the best food choices. Ian is acting all silly and nerdy about getting the pudding. As he said, his grandmother eats pudding. Willie goes to call JoJo over to talk to her, and Britney calls her away, and tells JoJo not to associate with Willie. Britney tells Willie to stop putting other people in jeopardy. Britney tells Willie to just leave everyone alone because he's dragging everyone down. Willie goes running upstairs. He tells Britney that they are blaming JoJo and Shane for things that Willie did. Willie says that he's going to get evicted this week before he goes out that door. Joe said that JoJo and Shane stuck with Willie so they will go down with him. JoJo is talking to Danielle and says that it's a shame. JoJo tells Willie that she can't be associated with Willie. JoJo goes out to eat pudding, leaving Willie alone in the Have Not room. Willie paces the room. Then Willie goes out to the kitchen, where Shane and JoJo are. Willie munches pork rinds while Shane complains about losing another 10 pounds. Britney tells Willie to leave everyone along. Willie says it isn't an act; he's pissed. Willie calls Janelle a bitch. Joe, walking to the bathroom, makes some sort of comment, and Willie goes to charge him. Joe looks like a scared chicken trying to keep Willie from punching him, which Willie didn't do. Ian was there, and he went running for help.
Joe has his fists up. Willie tells Joe to hit him. Willie chest bumps/head butts Joe. Everyone gets separated. Willie is called into the DR. We see Willie being called out of DR. Britney is crying because she's a baby. Shane and JoJo are wondering what's happening. Boogie, Janelle, and Frank are talking when Britney joins them. Allison Grodner calls everyone into the living room, and tells them that violence would not be condoned. Willie has been thrown out of the game. Britney is upset because she lost a player. Ian said that Willie got what he deserved. Boogie feels sorry for Willie because he threw everything away with his bad temper. Joe tells Willie in a DR message that he hopes he finds peace. Shane and JoJo feel bad for themselves. We have to wait until Wednesday to find out that Shane and JoJo are nominated.
Saturday, July 21, 2012 -- Evening
BB Fireworks
It seems that Willie Hantz had a major breakdown in the Big Brother house that resulted in him being expelled from the house. The story is that in the coach's competition, Janelle won. She saved Ashley, so there was no switch of players. Then she made Willie, Shane, and JoJo Have Nots for the week. Ian also volunteered for the Have Not position, so he had the fourth spot. Willie was upset that Shane and JoJo had to suffer for Willie's action, so Willie had a breakdown, throwing things (like food at Janelle), swearing, head butting Joe, and peeing on the HOH door. Well, BB turned the feeds to trivia, and when they came back, Willie was gone. In other news, Shane and JoJo are on the block, and Shane won the POV.Thursday, July 19, 2012 -- Evening
The latest gossip making the rounds is that Big Brother is putting all exiting house guests into sequester. People who usually do exit interviews with the evictee were told that the interviews are cancelled. At least @LanceBass is saying that on Twitter. Interesting development!Eviction

Shane said that he didn't want new blood on his hands or Willie's, and Shane was hoping to show Willie that he can trust Shane. Frank goes up to talk to Willie, and Frank says that he trusts Willie. Willie said that if Frank turns on him, Willie will knock him out of the house. Frank says that Willie getting the votes for Frank will prove that he can trust Willie. Willie thinks that he can convince team Britney and Janelle to keep Frank. Everyone starts talking about how Frank is so powerful. Then Britney says that Kara is playing Dan's game. Willie said that Dan will make Kara put some of them up next week. Willie thinks that he got his way because it sounds like Kara is going home. In the backyard, Janelle and Dan talk. Janelle is trying to keep in good with Dan. Britney is playing pool, and she has her eyes on Janelle and Dan. Britney is starting to think that Janelle thinks the grass is greener with Janelle. Britney noticed a keyhole by the coaches' pictures. Britney thinks the coaches can get into the game. Britney talks to Willie about how there are keyholes by the coaches. Britney thinks there are too many weeks and that the coaches would have to go into the game. Britney thinks that Dan and Janelle will partner up. Britney tells Willie not to tell anyone. Willie thinks that he's nobody's pawn. Willie says that he wants a house meeting without the coaches. Britney starts seeing her game falling apart. Britney does't know what sort of game Willie is playing. Dan tells Britney that if Willie was his player, he would nix that. Willie tells the others that the coaches are making their decisions, and everyone should play their own game. Britney, Janelle, and Dan wonder where Boogie is (sleeping and snoring). Willie tells them all that the coaches could be coming back into the game. Ian tells them that 14 people play the game not 12. Joe tells Willie that he is moving too fast. Wil says that he wants to take a break from the game for 24 hours. Willie still tries to convince them that the coaches will be coming into the game and will take the prize money from the new folks.
Frank goes up to talk to Willie because he wants to know where Willie's head is at. Willie says that they have to stay strong in the game. Britney comes in, and Willie tells Britney that Wil doesn't want to play the game, mocking Wil. It wasn't as bad as Frank made it sound. Frank tells Joe and Jenn that he is worried about Willie. Joe tells Frank that Willie wants it to be a tied vote so Willie could make the decision and no one knows that the house is on the same side. Frank doesn't think that he can trust Willie, and he doesn't want to work with him anymore. Frank tells Joe that Willie was mocking Wil. Joe tells Wil that Willie was making fun of Wil's voice and mocking him. Wil says that he will make damned sure that Willie mocking him will bit Willie in the ass. Britney says that he thinks Willie is a good guy. Britney then goes up to tell Willie that Frank told everyone that Willie was mocking Wil. Willie claims that didn't happen. It did. Willie wants to get to the bottom of it, so Willie goes outside and tells Frank that he was trying to save him all week. Frank says something about talking without yelling. Willie yells at Frank. Frank tells Willie that on day number two, Willie told Frank that he wasn't going on the block. Frank is obviously on the block. Everyone is listening as Willie yells at Frank. Willie tells Kara that he hopes that she stays. Frank tells everyone to vote for Kara or Frank as they please. Boogie asked Willie if Willie thinks he can tell everyone. Boogie asks everyone if they want Willie telling them how to do everything, and if they want Willie bullying them.
Julie asks JoJo the mood in the house. Ian said that bring on the slop and everything, he can do it for the whole 75 days. Wil says that "oh goodness" describes the past 13 days. Ashley says "loosey goosey." Willie is asked for one word to describe his reign, and he started on this long comment, and Julie said, one word. Willie says pressure. Boogie says that coaching is harder than playing because you have to take are of three people, and you can't compete. Time for Frank and Kara plead their cases. Frank says that he enjoyed his time, and he loved the experience. Frank tells them to keep him, and that he will fight against bullies. Frank says not to listen to their coaches if they want him out. But to listen if they said to keep Frank. Kara is boring. She said something lame. Now it's time for the vote:
Danielle evicts Frank
Shane evicts Frank
Joe evicts Kara
Ian evicts Kara
Commercial break
JoJo evicts Frank
Jenn evicts Kara
Wil evicts Kara
Ashley evicts Kara
Kara is out of the house! Everyone hugs Kara and says good-bye. Dan hugs Danielle as they stand to watch her picture go to black and white. Julie says that Kara avoided all the drama. Kara thinks that people were scared and threatened by Dan. Kara thought Dan was a great coach, and a great player. I think Kara just sucked and didn't show any personality. Kara admitted that laying low and keeping quite was bad for her. Dan, the great coach, obviously gave her really bad advice when he told her to do that. Joe told Kara that she had to get in the mud and campaign, and go back to modeling. Shane says he's going to miss those legs. Dan says that he let her down. Yep, he did. Not so good at the game after all, is he?
We find out about the house guests being woken by alarms. They showed a burglar who has been seen in the house. Throughout the night, they saw the burglar doing a varity of things, like eating food, shaving his legs, playing chess, drinking milk, etc. Time for the HOH competition, "Big Brother Break-In." They are asked questions and have to say if the burglar is guilty or not guilty. First: the burglar stole the carpet tile. Guilty. Everyone got it right. Burglar took two bites of food in the storage room. Not guilty. Shane is out. Burglar shaved his right leg. Guilty. Wil and Frank got it right! Burglar was not wearing a hat when stealing a sneaker. Guilty, both got it wrong. After drinking the milk, burglar did not put the cap back. Not guilty. While doing the robot dance, the burglar did not have gloves. Guilty. Frank is the new HOH.
Up next a wrinkle in the coaches' game. Frank says that at least he knows he will be safe next week. Boogie is super-elated that Frank is HOH. Boogie says that Frank will pay back the support. Janelle said that it feels like three weeks of BB in one week. Janelle said everything was up in the air. In the coaches competition this week, coaches can either keep one of their players safe or trade one of their players for another coach's player. The only one who can't be traded is the HOH. That made Boogie happy.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 -- Evening

Tensions Run Wild in BB House
Tensions have been high in the BB house this first week. That's sort of surprising because usually things are more mellow at the start. It takes a couple of weeks of backstabbing before things go all out. The house guests have been talking endless, repetitive strategy: keep Frank, get rid of Frank, keep Kara, get rid of Kara. It's really boring, but last night, Frank told everyone that Willie made gay slurs against Wil. Turns out Willie didn't, but that's neither here nor there. Willie finally came out of the HOH room, and had a take down scream fest with Frank and Boogie. It will be interesting to see what happens on Thursday and with the coming HOH competition.BB Show Recap
The show starts with the nomination ceremony. Willie said that he had to put up Frank because he's one of the stronger players. As Boogie says, lying happens in the BB house, but you don't want to lie to Boogie. Dan says that he has to make sure that Kara doesn't break down. Dan tells Kara that he's going to go to work for her. Kara says having Dan as her coach puts a big target on her back. Meanwhile up in the HOH room, Janelle's and Britney's teams celebrate. Janelle says that it feels fantastic to get to Boogie's ego. Boogie tells Frank to not panic, and that Kara will have a meltdown that will make her get herself voted out. Boogie tells Frank to make it good with Willie. Boogie says that Willie is at the epicenter of his group. Frank just keeps on saying "yeah, yeah." Jenn says she is grateful to hear this great advice from Boogs. Frank goes to talk to Willie to figure out what was going on in Willie's head. Willie tells Frank that the Boogie thing really bothers Willie. Frank says that he's worried about the coaches influencing other people. As Frank says, he doesn't want to make Boogie money. Frank tells Willie that he hopes they can work together, and he wants Boogie to trust him to go further down the road. Willie doesn't want to get Frank out of the house, but he does want to get rid of Boogie. Later, Janelle and Britney are talking in the HOH bathroom. Janelle is barely clothed in a bikini, and she has huge boobs. Janelle and Britney laugh together about being in an alliance. As Janelle says, she and Britney are leading the witch hunt against Dan and Boogie. Boogie and Dan talk together later. As Boogie says, they are in the same boat. Boogie and Dan talk about going after the two coaches. Boogie says he and Dan won the game, but Janelle and Britney are the also-rans. Boogie says he's fired up.Out in the backyard, Ian shows his talent, which is to kick himself in his face. He saw it on a show, tried it, and found out he could do it. As Boogie said, he want from a partnership with Dr Will to a partnership with someone who can kick himself in the face. Time to pick players for the veto competition. Frank doesn't want Danielle or Shane to be in the competition. Willie picks Danielle, and Kara picks Shane. Frank picks Wil. Willie picks JoJo as the hostess. Kara asks Shane to talk in the Have Not room. Shane said that you can never tell what would happen. Kara wants Shane to play for her because she needs all the help she can get. Shane said that there's a chance he would take her off the block because he wants to keep her in the house. Shane also said that he doesn't want to step on Willie's toes. Shane admits in DR that he doesn't want to play for KAra, but he realizes that he can make deals with people. Shane and Frank talk about the competition and how it affects Shane's game plan. Frank hopes that Shane will take him off the block, but Shane admits that he doesn't want to tick Willie off. Boogie goes up to talk to Britney, and Britney is sarcastic about Boogie just coming up to talk to her six days into the competition. Boogie asks if Britney would put up Joe. He asks if Janelle's people are off limits. Britney says no, but Boogie says that if Frank comes off and Jenn goes up that he will know what sort of game to play. Britney says that Boogie's tactics don't rattle or phase her. Boogie says that he has to think of alternate strategies. Britney tells Janelle about Boogie threatening her about going after her if Joe doesn't go up. Britney says that's what Boogie does; he threatens and bullies women. Britney admits that she is working on a smear campaign against Boogie. Boogie goes to talk to Janelle. Boogie tells Janelle that they should decimate Dan. Janelle says in DR that she feels bad for Dan because Boogie threw him under the bus. Janelle admits that Boogie made sense, and she will think about it. Janelle says in DR that she hates Boogie so much, and she hates his guts. Janelle runs in to tell Dan what Boogie said. Dan says that Boogie isn't smart because you need to work with someone to get far in the house. Janelle thinks it benefits her game to sell Boogie out to Dan. Janelle, like Boogie, is only thinking of herself.
Back in the kitchen, JoJo is talking with a New York accent. JoJo is talking to Danielle and Shane, and Danielle seems really stupid. Finally, it's time for the veto competition. They go into the back yard which is full of laundry machines and tons of soapy suds. They have to race through the soap suds to find a coin. They have to toss the coin into their vending machine, and they have to get exactly $1.30. Frank knows the only way to be safe is to win. Kara says if Danielle wins, she can take Kara off and they will both be safe. The coins are in the 1 dollar, twenty five cents, and five cent denomination. Danielle seems really ditzy. Kara gets five cents first. Shane gets a quarter. Then Frank gets a quarter. Willie gets five cents. Shane got another quarter for 50 cents. Kara is bad at throwing, but Danielle is even worse. Wil is also pretty lame at hitting the slot. Shane has 75 cents. Frank found a stack of dollar coins. He tried to get it in, but couldn't, so he want back to the hidden stash. As Boogie said, Frank is killing him because he sucks at it. Willie found a dollar, but Shane is finding quarters. Then Frank got his dollar, and he and Shane were neck and neck. Shane just came up first. The girls and Wil were not in the competition. Shane says that it couldn't have gone better. Frank says that his fate rests in Shane's hands. Kara is also going to try to get Shane to use it on her, but Shane is thinking of the end and making money.
America gets to vote for the Have Not food. They are: Liverwurst & licorice, Pork rinds & pudding, Tofu & taffy
Up in the HOH room, Britney's group celebrates. JoJo says they are the strongest team and her boys are winners. Willie tells Shane that they are a power group. Britney says that they can't use the veto, but that Shane shouldn't say that. Shane says it's an individual game, and he has to play for himself. Shane comes in to talk to Dan and Kara in the Have Not room. Shane says that he doesn't know what to do. Shane says that he has to think of what's best for him because it's an individual game. Kara said that she would make a deal. Dan said that Kara and Danielle should not be worrying Shane. Dan pretty much admits that his players are useless as competitors. Frank talks with Shane in the storage room. Frank says that he doesn't want to be with his team, and wants to jump ship. Frank tells Shane that if he takes him off, Shane will have Frank in his back pocket. Shane goes outside because the Have Not room is killing his back. Boogie is outside. It's 8:30 in the morning, and Boogie and Shane talk strategy. Shane says that if he doesn't win HOH, he will go on the block. Boogie thinks his relationshop with Shane is good. Boogie tells Shane that if Frank leaves the game, the target is bigger on Shane. Shane thinks it would be great to be an ally with Boogie and his team.

It's time for Shane to make the decision. He says it's his decision, not his alliance. Frank doesn't want to push too hard because that can put people away. Time for the meeting. Kara says she's shy, and it takes her time to warm up. Then Kara turns on the waterworks. Frank tells Shane that if he does pull him off the block "Appreesh." Everyone laughs at the lameness. Shane decides not to use the veto. Shane says that it's the first week, and he doesn't want blood on his hands this first week. Kara says she's going to fight to stay in the house. Frank says that he needs people to realize that Kara is NOT a gamer. Dan says he has to throw Boogie under the bus to keep Kara in the house. Boogie said that he beat All-Stars while Dan beat nobodies.
What the Heck CBS?
The thing I hate about paying for the live feeds is that they keep on blocking the feeds. Now there's a message that the house guests are playing a game that we won't know about until the next episode. So it sounds like the feeds are down until after Thursday's episode?!?!?! That's so not right!.Sunday, July 15, 2012 -- Evening
Big Brother Nominations
On the live feeds, Frank and Kara are up for nomination. Shane won the POV and did not use it. The talk of the house was originally that Kara should go home, but now the tide is turning against Frank, and because he's Frank's coach, Boogie. Surprisingly Janelle and Britney have teamed up, and surprisingly, their teams are also getting along well. That said, on to tonight's show!Dan said that the reason he got rid of Jodi was because Kara and Danielle got along so well. Dan thought that would make life easier on him. Boogie thought that it was a shocking twist, but he didn't know Jodi, so he wasn't sad. Wil compared it to the Grim Reaper going through the house. Kara admits that she and Danielle have really hit if off. Danielle feels that she has Kara's back and vice versa. Stupid! Boogie and Dan did some talking. Boogie said that he wanted to use Dan as an ally to get to the end. Boogie asked Dan if Dan was willing to Will it up. Dan said it's like making a deal with the devil, and Dan's not sure about that. Dan is just too damned wishy washy. Meanwhile Janelle takes Britney into the storage room, and comments on how Boogie has played people in the past. Britney agrees that Dan and Boogie are total manipulators. Janelle and Britney agree to team up against the boys. Time for the HOH room. It looks really cool, withe Japanese elements. As Willie said, Russell called himself a king, but he slept in the dirt. A king doesn't sleep in the dirt. Ian was jealous about the goodie bag, and that Willie didn't have to share with someone. It seems the HOH room is now a suite, with the coach also getting to stay in the HOH room. Ian said that he watched the show since he was 10, and that he wants to explore every inch of the BB house and savor every minute. Ian walks around the house making comments about the house. Meanwhile the HOH guys are laughing at Ian doing all these weird things. Ian does some muscle moves and smacks himself on the butt. Britney said, for someone who remembers everything about BB, he is not remembering that there's a camera in the HOH room. Ian was even farting in the kitchen.
Time for scheming with Britney saying that they have to get all six players who are coached by Britney and Janelle to work together. Janelle tells all of Britney's folks not to trust Boogie. Willie said that Dan and Boogie were targeting him for being Russell's brother. Willie admits that he's Russell's brother, but Willie says that he's not like Russell. Everyone buys it. Willie asks Janelle if her people will work with Britney's people. As Willie says, that's six votes working together. Janelle brings up her players to the HOH room, and they talk strategy. Janelle says that Dan and Boogie are recreating Chill Town. Joe says that they have to be unwavering. Willie said that if they stuck together, they could win. Joe creates Janelle and Britney for the master mind move.
Outside in the BB yard, Willie says that he needs someone from the other side to be on his side. Willie is just trying to cover all bases. Frank says that Boogie hasn't talked any strategy. Willie says that Britney has not been talking strategy. Willie thinks that he has a lot in common with Frank. Willie says that he has to know for sure that Frank won't put him on the block. Willie says that Boogie is gunning for him. Willie believes that Frank won't put him up. Britney is talking with her team, when Ian comes into the toom. Janelle said that Ian is a nice young man, but that he's a bit of a creeper. Wil says that Ian has to go. Danielle says that Ian is always in the bathroom trying to get a peek. Willie says that Ian is driving everyone crazy. Even Britney says that Ian is driving her crazy. Then Ian runs through the house naked with Joe's cowboy hat covering his penis. Boogie asks Frank how he feels about going up on the block. Frank says he's not worried about being on the block. As Boogie says, Frank is very popular.
All the house guests gather in the house. There is a coach's competition where the winning coach gives one of his/her players immunity. Janelle says that the competition is huge, and she has reputation to uphold. Britney says that sucks at competition. The competition will also determine who the have nots are.
Time for the coach's competition. All of the house guests get to watch. They are dressed in hats and watch the coaches wearing horse outfits. It's the Big Brother Derby. Two coaches bat it out in heat one. Then two battle in heat two. The two winning coaches battle in the third heat. It was Boogie and Britney up first. They start opposite each other, and have to run and catch up with the other coach and rip off the tail. They have to run on a slippery slip and slide, and go over or under obstacles. Boogie thought he would have a cake walk, but the track was super slippery. Britney wasn't able to get away from Boogie. Then it was down to Janelle and Dan. Dan says he has to throw the match so they don't come after him. Dan blows the turn, and does all that he could to not get up the hill. Dan doesn't know if they will believe he threw it or not; as he said, it depends on how stupid they are. It's now Janelle and Boogie. Willie was hoping Janelle would win and not let Boogie take the power from Willie. Janelle and Boogie seem to have a technique, but Boogie catches up with Janelle. Boogie says "any questions?" which makes Danielle hate him. Boogie has to pick someone, and he picks Ian. As Boogie said, Ian had a good chance to be nominated because Jenn stepped up her social game, and everyone loves Frank. Each of the coaches has to pick someone as a have not for the week. Britney picks Shane. Dan takes Danielle. Janelle picks Ashley. Joe didn't want to look at Janelle. Boogie picked Ian since he was safe for the week. They all walk in to Big Brother Slop on the table. Ian said that he always wanted to try the slop as a fan of the show. Ian says that it's not so bad. Janelle wants to see the have not room, and it's all psycho looking with the black and white hypno looking design. The beds are metal with a tilt and raised rivets. Willie and Janelle talk about whether Dan or Boogie have talked to him. Britney and Janelle talk about putting up Kara and Frank. Janelle says that Frank is a strong player. Willie doesn't know what to do with his alliance with Frank. He tells the two girls that he doesn't know the direction he wants to go in.
Boogie and Dan are talking in the back yard. Boogie thinks that Janelle is better than Britney, but not really that smart. Boogie says that the people are young and naive. Boogie said that he would get rid of Jenn. Boogie says no one would go for Frank. Boogie also thinks that Kara is safe. As Boogie says, he and Dan won Big Brother. Janelle and Britney did not. Joe is a chef, and he talks about his food. Frank says that Joe is always throwing food away. As Boogie says, there is a set amount of food, and Chef Joe is cooking like they are on the Waltons. Boogie says that he thinks Joe is expendable. Boogie goes in to talk to Willie. As Boogie says, it should be Joe who goes because Boogie has hired chefs and that they are hot heated. Boogie thinks that he has planted a seed that will get rid of Joe.
Time for nominations. Kara doesn't think she's a target. Joe loudly says in DR that he thinks he's safe unless everyone is lying. Frank thinks he's safe. Willie says that he's not only playing against the players, but playing the coaches. Britney knows her players are safe, and Janelle's players are safe. Willie says that he thinks everyone will be surprised, especially the coaches. Britney and Janelle won't since they already picked Frank and Kara. At the ceremony, the first person who is safe is JoJo. Then Shane, Wil, Danielle, Ashley, Jenn, and Joe. Boogie looks shocked. Willie says that it was hard because he likes all ya'all. Frank is flabbergasted because Willie wanted to make a deal with Frank. Frank says that he is going to compete. Kara says that is sucks because Dan is a good, smart player. Britney says that she has a successful player. Boogie thinks that Janelle and Britney are working together. Ya think?!?! Boogie says they will have trouble going after him. We'll see!
Thursday, July 12, 2012 -- Evening
Big Brother First Episode!!
I wait for this day every summer: the start of Big Brother. My summer can now begin!Tonight's show started with the usual recap of the BB rules. One of the twists was that a houseguest would leave before the night was over! The four returning house guests are not going to play the game, but going to coach/mentor the players. Then we had a quick montage of the new house guests. Frank says he wants strategy. The others just flashed by. Danielle is a nurse. Shane flips houses. Jodi is newly married and married someone with five kids, and she runs marathons. Ian is a chemical engineering student. Iam mentioned that he was confused over getting an invitation and not a key. Wil says he knows how to kick bootie. JoJo seems she's from the Jersey Shore, even though she's from New York. Willie looks just like his brother, Russell. Willie said that he will do anything to win the game. Kara claims to have dated rock stars. Joe says he's a chef who can make slop taste like filet mignon. Jenn says she was in a famous rock band, but she can't seem to play a guitar. Ashley is ditzy, but claims to have graduated from a Big 10 school. Then the house guests got to gather in front of the house, getting ready to enter the house. First four: Wil, Ashley, Jodi, and Frank. Frank took the biggest bed so he can share with a cute female. Next: Ian, Shane, Jenn, and Danielle. Ian can't believe he's in the house. Finally, it's Willie, Kara, Joe, and JoJo. JoJo said that she always gets her way. Ashley is a local girl, coming from Pittsburgh! She lives in LA now. Wil says he's in marketing. Joe said that Wil could be a cute chick. Ian looks at Willie, and says that he's a Survivor fan, and that Willie must be related to Russell. Ian is 99.9% sure. Danielle lied about being a nurse, and said that she's a kindergarden teacher. Ian said that if the hot tub breaks, he's the one to fix it. Frank says that he's currently looking for work. Jodi thinks he's lying. JoJo says she's a bartender. Jenn is also from New York.
The first twist is the coach twist. It seems each coach will coach three house guests. We find out that it will be Dan, Janelle, Britney, and Boogie, which we already knew. After we find out that all four got married and will be sad to be in the house for the summer. The house guests are told that four of the best will be coming into the house, not to compete but to coach. Each coach picks three house guests. The coach of the winning player gets $100,000. Dan uses his football coaching techniques to say that he will get one of his people to win the $500,000. Then Britney enters the house. Britney said that she felt like a piece of meat. Boogie came in, looking very nerdy. Ian said it freaked him out to watch Boogie come in. Ian said he was 10 when he first saw Boogie on BB. Janelle comes in, and Britney admits that Janelle is her favorite. Boogie said that he will butt heads with Janelle, and Janelle says that she wants to win. Frank and Dan say that Willie looks like Russell Hantz. Willie tries to lie and say he isn't. Dan doesn't seem to believe him. Boogie and Janelle both agree that Willie is a relative of Russell, and they don't want to pick him. Now Julie says that they must wonder why they got an invitation instead of a key. Julie says there are only 11 keys, so one will leave after the first competition. The coaches have to pick the three they will coach. The house guests will have to compete to get a key. One will be out, and one of the coaches will be down one person.
Britney gets to pick first. She picked Shane. Boogie picked Frank. Boogie thinks Frank can get along with girls and guys. Janelle takes Wil. Dan takes Kara. Then in the second round, Dan goes first and picks Danielle. Janelle picks Ashley. Boogie takes Ian. Ian tells Boogie he's a legend. Britney took Willie. Then took JoJo. Then Boogie took Jenn. Jenelle took Joe. And Dan was left with Jodi. The coach of the winning team picks the HOH. The coach of the losing team has to pick the person who gets sent home. The house guests have to cross a series of mattresses, collect bears at the other end, without falling off the mattresses. The first team to get all three bears and turn off the night light wins. The mattresses shimmy, turn, and buck. Danielle couldn't make it across. Shane got the first bear for Team Britney. Janelle's team is second. Then Boogie's team gets a bear. Dan's teams sucks. Jodi tries, but trying means nothing when you lose. Ashley says it's like frogger before she falls over. Willie gets the second bear for team Britney. Finally, Kara got a bear for team Dann. Ian got the second bear for Boogie. Joe got the second bear. It was down to Ashley, JoJO, and Jenn. Jenn looks cross-eyed, and that always freaks me out.
It's a close race. JoJo gets a bear, and Shane turns off the night light. Britney's team wins. Now we have to see loses. After 20 mins, substitutions are allowed. Boogie subs Frank for Jenn. Jenelle comes in second will Will. Boogie comes in third. Team Dan loses. Britney chooses Willie as HOH because she thinks that Willie needs HOH to make deals and solidify his place in the house. Dan now has to pick someone to leave the house. And we have a commercial break!
Dan said that Kara competed well. Dan says it's down to Jodi and Danielle. Dan said that he has to keep someone who can compete. Jodi said that she tried. Danielle says that Jodi might cause drama. In the living room, Dan said that they all busted their butts, but Dan says he has to evict Jodi. Ian says the game is really harsh. There will be a new competition and power in the house on Sunday's show.
Thursday, July 12, 2012 -- Early Evening
Mentors Leaked
The Big Brother gossip sites have been on fire with the news that Britney, Dan, Mike "Boogie", and Janelle are the mentors who are returning to the house. As happens every year, the live feeds trickled out a bit early, and some folks captured screenshots of the foursome. Now we just have to wait a few more hours to find out how CBS will handle the mentors.Monday, July 9, 2012 -- Evening

Big Brother Countdown!
The excitement is building over the start of the new Big Brother season. At least, it's building for me. The house guests are in the BB house, and CBS has released a photo of the house guests AND the four mystery mentors. We can only see the legs of the mentors as they hide behind a beach blanket. Rumors are rampant on numerous BB websites over who the mentors are. Most think that it's Janelle, Boogie, Brittany (from season 12) and Dan (winner of season 10). CBS put up a website for people to vote on who will be a mentor. As each day passes, they take off two people from the list. So far, Evel Dick, Howie, Dr. Will, and Natalie (from season 11) have been removed as possibilities.If you are a Big Brother fan, these are the web sites to check out throughout the season. There are tons of others, but these have been consistent winners over several years.
Joker's Updates -- for live feed updates
Dingo's Hamster Watch -- I love the analysis and commentary on the feeds, the house guests, and the TV show
Big Brother Gossip -- this site has plenty of gossip. The guys also do a podcast that I subscribe to
Morty's Big Brother -- Morty's was the first site that I used to go to. He gives minute by minute recaps of the live feeds and TV shows in a narrative style. Still a great site!
Big Brother Leak -- I love that they post links to live streams of the show. This really helps when football games block out BB. Also has spoilers based on the live feeds.
Thursday, July 5, 2012 -- Afternoon
BB14 House Guests and Twist Announced
CBS released the names and photos of the twelve house guests who will be in the Big Brother house this summer. They also announced one of the twists. Four house guests will return to the house. It's not clear how it's going to work: will they be mentors? will they compete in the game? Rumors have been flying for days about the identify of the foursome. Janelle and Rachel are huge possibilities. There is also a rumor that Russell Hantz, from Survivor, will be a mentor. Considering that Willie is Russell's son, and really looks like him, I'm not sure. It does sound likely though. If you were doing the math, that's only three names. Who's number four? As usual, I'm looking forward to Big Brother. Let's hope that I'm not in for a huge letdown!Wednesday, July 4, 2012 -- Evening

Big Brother Rumors and House
CBS opened the BB!4 house to the media, and there are tons of pictures of the house. The house looks pretty colorful and neat. I love the bright, cheerful colors. It's always amazing to me how crappy the house looks after only a few days of the house guests living in it. There's a room with a stereo theme, another with a tree/forest theme, and another, pictured here, with a shoe store look.Rumors have been flying about a theme and house guests. The biggest rumor is that there will be mentors for this season. Rumor is that Janelle, Rachel, and Russell Hantz (from Survivor) will be mentors. Janelle has been posting pictures via Twitter, claiming that she is on vacation in Greece. However, people have been outing her pictures as images from old magazines. I'm hoping that the mentor rumor is true because it will be interesting to see how that affects the house guests.