The Daily Bongo
Big Brother 20
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Battle Back--8/30 5th to Jury--9/6 |
First HOH: Tyler
Second HOH: Kaycee
Final HOH: Kaycee
Winner: Kaycee
Check out the CBS Big Brother Page to watch BB19 episodes
Friday, September 14, 2018 -- Morning
Double Eviction
I was not able to catch up on the show this past week. Kaycee won the HOH, nominated Sam and Haleigh, and then won the POV. So nominations stayed the same, and that took us into the double eviction. Haleigh was voted out. Tyler won the HOH and nominated Sam and JC. Angela won the POV, and she took JC off the block. Tyler put Brett on the block, and he was voted out. He was pretty much caught unawares. The big news is when Julie Chen signed out as Julie Chen Moonves. Her husband was just ousted from CBS this week over sexual harassment allegations from the 1980s and 1990s. It was a good way for Julie to show support for her husband.Friday, September 7, 2018 -- Afternoon
Good-bye Again, Scottie
Last night's show started after the POV competition. Tyler goes to rub Icy Hot into Haleigh's neck because she says her neck is still sore from the HOH competition. Tyler is not liking how Haleigh is always asking him if she is the target. Tyler then tells Scottie that Haleigh is constantly asking him if she is the target. Tyler feels a bit bad about blindsiding Scottie. Scottie buys it hook, line, and sinker.Up in the HOH room, JC is asking Tyler what is going on with Angela. When JC walked up to the HOH room, JC said that he heard Angela running from the bed to the couch. JC says that he doesn't believe her. JC doesn't like how close Tyler is with Angela. JC tells Tyler that Brett wants to put up Kaycee and Angela. Tyler tries to talk JC back from the cliff on the topic. When Angela comes back, Tyler tells Angela that JC heard Angela running from the bed to the couch. Angela is pissed off at what JC is doing. Angela wonders if Brett and JC would flip. Angela wonders if it would be better to get rid of JC over Haleigh. Basically, Tyler tells Angela that JC can't win. Tyler says it's better than JC take out Angela. As Tyler says, he came there to win, so many JC should take Angela out.
More filler with Derrick from BB16. He provides his viewpoint. Yawn!
Time for the speeches. He tells people that they should vote for him, and if they don't except for Tyler because he already gets plenty of that. Everyone was sort of taken aback by that. I think he swore too because there was an inaudible spot. Now for the live vote:
- Brett evicts Scottie
- Kaycee evicts Scottie
- Sam evicts Scottie
- Angela evicts Scottie
- JC evicts Scottie
Onto the HOH competition. The competition is the get 3 balls down a 3 pronged device. If someone gets all three, they win. It's timed so whoever has the most sunk in three minutes wins. Kaycee, Brett, and Angela got one. Then Kaycee got the second. Brett got his second with two minutes left. Kaycee got all three and won HOH>
We find out back in the house that Kaycee beat Brett by one second. Then Julie lets us know that we will have a double eviction on Thursday.
Thursday, September 6, 2018 -- Afternoon
The show started after the POV ceremony. Tyler personally would rather see Haleigh go. But he wants to keep both calm because the one who remains in the house will be after him. Haleigh is sure that she is not going to go home. Haleigh tells Scottie that she thinks Sam will be out next. Haleigh tells Scottie that she thinks there is an alliance of four with Tyler, Angela, Kaycee, and Brett. Tyler tells Haleigh that he put up Scottie because everyone wants Scottie out since he came back into the house. JC says Tyler is his guy, and JC is sure that he is controlling the nominees. Tyler tells JC that they are both on a power trip. Tyler says that if JC uses his tricks on Tyler, that there is only one winner in BB, and Tyler wants it to be him.Now we get the filler content on Sam straightening Tyler's hair. Tyler doesn't like the straightened hair, and he thinks he looks like a female.
Time to pick for veto. Tyler picks Kaycee. Scottie gets houseguest choice, and he picks Sam. Haleigh picks JC. Haleigh wants to win to keep herself safe, so we'll see where that gets her. Nowhere.
Another section about Sam being crazy about cleanliness and neatness. Then we have a segment with Haleigh and Kaycee bonding, in case Haleigh gets HOH next week.
Time for the veto competition. The competition is to get an emoji ball, go under a bar, go over a seesaw balance bar, and put the emoji ball in the pit at the end of the seesaw. If they or the ball fall off, they have to start over.
After the veto ceremony, Haleigh talks to Tyler about how she needs a person. Haleigh says that Tyler and Angela are in a showmance. Tyler does not like that Haleigh is always asking him questions. Haleigh says that Tyler is always beating around the bush. Haleigh talks to Scottie who says that Tyler told Scottie that Scottie was the pawn. Haleigh cries, and Kaycee goes to comfort her. As Kaycee says, it bothers her when Haleigh is sad.
Time for the veto meeting, and Kaycee does not use the veto. The plan is to send Scottie home, but Tyler would rather have Haleigh go.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018 -- Afternoon
I had to play catchup on the BB show. We had the whole celebration on Scottie returning to the house. Tyler thinks it was a good move for him. Faysal told Scottie in the competition that JC was in his ear and that's why Faysal put up Scottie. JC, meanwhile, wants Scottie to go home again.Time for HOH. Scottie claims although he still has a crush on Haleigh, he wants the money. It's the stand on the disk as it spins around, and the last person standing on the disk wins. No sitting is allowed. JC was the first person to fall. Then they got blasted with ketchup, mustard, and chicken feathers. Sam was out next. She was feeling woozy. Sam wants Tyler to win. Scottie went into a spin, then he hit the pie and fell to his butt on the foot stand. Kaycee barfed because of the spinning. Brett slides off when he hits the pie. It's down to Kaycee, Tyler, and Haleigh. Now the cherry pie starts to hit the players. Then Kaycee was knocked to her seat. She didn't see that coming at all. Then my app crashed, and I couldn't get it back. Basically Tyler outlasted Haleigh, although there was some controversy that both of his feet may have come off the stand at one point. Unfortunately, that controversy didn't happen until after Sunday's show, so no backsies. He then put up Scottie and Haleigh.
We'll see the veto competition tomorrow, but Kaycee won again, and the nominations stay the same. It looks like Scottie will go home, but I would send Haleigh home first.
Thursday, August 30, 2018 -- Evening
Battle Back
Unfortunately, our local station has football on instead of Big Brother. So I'm watching on a station where I can't get screen captures. Ah well!Faysal though he did a great job last week with his HOH so he and Haleigh would not wind up on the block together. He's a moron. Faysal is too busy concentrating on life outside of the house. Haleigh tells Faysal that she's the same person outside the house as in the house. Haleigh says that she will pursue a relationship outside of this house. Faysal says he will set things up so Haleigh wins, and she should be good for a few weeke.
Then we see the talk Brett and Tyler had while the others were playing in the POV. It seems Brett and Tyler were locked up alone in the have not room while the competition was going on. It results in Tyler having a final two with Brett. Tyler says he likes Angela, but Tyler is in the game to win the money. Even though Angela is cute, he will cut her. So now Tyler has four final twos.
JC goes to talk to Tyler to plant the seed of getting rid of Angela or Kaycee. He thinks they should go before Haleigh. Tyler says no. Tyler says he won't vote them out before Haleigh. Tyler is not Faysal. So JC figures that Brett will be his next Faysal. Brett tells JC that the Battle Back will not be good for Brett because everyone outside of the house hates Brett.
Time for the live vote. Faysal tries to throw Angela under the bus. Haleigh says she could not have picked a better group of people to play with. Her speech is very positive. Time to vote.
- Tyler evicts Faysal
- Brett evicts Faysal
- Sam evicts Haleigh
- JC evicts Faysal>
- Kaycee evicts Faysal
After the commercial break, Julie tells them there is a battle back. So the competition will not be one where the folks in the house join in. They will find out after the competition. Bayleigh is hoping Tyler or Angela will come into the house. Bayleigh and Rockstar are annoying. Bayleigh yells at Rockstar for telling Tyler the answer. Rockstar can't forgive herself for that one. That side is so dumb. Then Scottie comes into the house. Scottie tells them that he had a crush on Haleigh, and Scottie did not realize that Faysal was in love with Haleigh. Bayleigh says she is going to target Tyler. I don't like Bayleigh. Julie asks the jurors who the next person nis. Bayleigh says JC, Angela, or Tyler. Rockstar says Angela or Tyler. Scottie says Brett or JC. It's Faysal who apologizes to Scottie and says he's so stupid.
Time for the Battle Back. They have to race and one at a time, get four balls of their color into a tube, and then buzz in on the other side. Scottie quickly got the four balls, and Scottie is returning to the BB game.
Scottie says that he's going to try to resurrect his alliance with Tyler. Scottie says JC will be most upset because he was whispering in Faysal's ear. Everyone seems very happy to see Scottie back, and he gets lots of hugs. Later tonight, there will be he HOH, live on the live feeds.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018 -- Evening
Kaycee Wins One
The show tonight started right after the nomination ceremony. Faysal admits that he was blindsided yet again. CBS edited Haleigh to make it sound like she tried to warn Faysal that he might go up, but she was totally in the dark again. Meanwhile, Sam is taking it hard because she likes Faysal. Up in the HOH room, Angela is saying that she is evil, and Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee talk about how Faysal was a moron to be blindsided again.Time to pick for the veto. Angela picks Kaycee. Faysal picks JC, and Haleigh picks houseguest choice, and she takes Sam after Faysal told her to do that. Sam wants to win to keep herself safe. After the ceremony, Haleigh and Angela talk. Angela tells Haleigh that if she is up with Faysal, Faysal goes. If Faysal comes down, then Haleigh is going to be the target.
JC tells Faysal that it's better than being backdoored. JC also says that if he wins veto and take Faysal down, then JC will be targeted. faysal tells JC that JC is at the bottom of the totem pole, so he won't be around long if he doesn't keep Faysal. JC isn't listening.
Time for the veto competition. It's an individual competition. They basically have to catch balls without dropping them. Haleigh is up first. Each ball you catch on the first one is worth one point. The creature spits out slime with the ball. Second round is worth two points. Third round is worth three points, and you have to use your mouth to catch them.
Kaycee is up next, and as a professional wide receiver, she says she should not miss any balls. Kaycee is really good at round two, and it looks like she catches every ball. Next up is Sam. As with the others, Sam doesn't catch anything in the first round. She also has issues with round two, but at least catches one. She does not do well in the third round. Next up is JC. JC says the monster is being than him, but most things are bigger than him. JC moves forward, and gets hit in the family jewels. JC finally managed to catch a ball in round two.
Next up is Angela. Everyone has issues with the first round. I noticed in her close-ups that Angela looks like she has a moustache. She does not do well in the competition.
Finally Faysal gets his shot. Faysal used to play football too, which is why Kaycee thinks Faysal will be her biggest competition. As Faysal says, he catches stuff for a living, and he catches a few in the first round. He's the only one to do that. Faysal seems to do good in the second round. As he says, he keeps his feet moving because slow feet don't eat. Faysal had some issues with the third round, but got it.
Time for the results. JC gets 2 points, Haleigh gets 13 points. Sam gets 2 points. Angela gets 16 points. Faysal gets 32 points. He looks very smug. Kaycee gets 33 points. She wins by one point. Haleigh cries afterwards because she has to hangout with folks other than Faysal.
Time for the veto ceremony. Kaycee gives them a shot to say why she should be using the veto. Faysal tells Kaycee her win was a long time coming. Kaycee says gamewise, it's best to keep the nominations the same. Kaycee says in the DR, long time coming my ass. Haleigh says that she is looking out for herself, and that she wants to win this game. Tyler is happy because he didn't need his cloud power app. Tyler says he has to be careful moving forward because it will get tricky. Tomorrow, one person leaves (Faysal), and one will battle back into the house.
Monday, August 27, 2018 -- Afternoon
Faysal Blindsided Again
Folks who watch the feeds are commenting on how CBS has been editing Haleigh as being not in agreement with Faysal's plan to get rid of Scottie, but she was totally in agreement. Obviously, CBS doesn't want Haleigh to be seen as a total moron like Faysal. Supposedly, last night's show does more of the same: making Haleigh seem as if she has a clue what is going on.After 45 minutes, Angela decides to step up, and she gets 39 points. Tyler wants a perfect shot because he's a bowler. He gets a 38. Haleigh is looking for a token with 1 minute left. Brett's ball just went off the table. Haleigh has her final shot, and she gets a 37. Angela is the new HOH. Faysal is delusional and thinks his alliance won. Loser!
Angela wants to get out of the week scotch free. Dummy, it's scot free. Haleigh and Faysal throw Sam under the bus. Haleigh walks in on Brett, Kaycee, Angela, and Tyler celebrating Angela's win. Haleigh thinks that it should be a celebration with her, Faysal, Tyler, and Angela. Faysal comes in, and Haleigh says she found the four celebrating. Faysal tries to tell her that the others are with her. Haleigh thinks that she will go up with Sam and that Haleigh will go home. Faysal thinks it would be so stupid to put him up. Faysal is sure that his deal with Angela and Tyler is a good one. Faysal says Haleigh should trust him, and that he got them.
Meanwhile Brett and Kaycee say to put up Haleigh and Faysal because that way one of them goes instead of one winning and taking the other off to keep both safe. Haleigh says that Sam should go up, and Haleigh volunteers to go up as a pawn. Angela wonders if Haleigh is as dumb as her boyfriend, and says she will take Haleigh up on the offer.
Now we have a JC segment where he makes food to fatten people up so he would be the only one who is in shape.
Then we have the segment that outs Tyler's and Angela's showmance. Tyler says that Angela is a perfect human being. Angela says that Tyler is her best friend in the house. Tyler says that Angela smells like a baby. Tyler also says that Angela is the girl he would want in the real world. Angela admits in DR that she has a little crush on Tyler.
JC talks with Brett that is Sam goes up, she is not dangerous. And if Angela puts up Haleigh and Sam, Faysal will win the veto and take Haleigh off the block. Brett is with JC that they have to put both on the block, and then they can send one home. JC then talks to Angela. He says Sam gets on his nerves. But Faysal taking Haleigh off will be a problem. JC is willing to vote Faysal out. JC feels that he was the spy for them.
Faysal wants to know if Haleigh wants him to talk to Angela for her. Haleigh says he can do what he wants. So Faysal goes up to talk to Angela. Angela tells him that she is leaning towards putting Haleigh up. Angela says that people will be suspicious of her if she doesn't put Haleigh up. Faysal is such an idiot!
Time for the nomination ceremony. Angela nominates Haleigh and then Faysal. Angela then says they were a day late and a dollar short because they came to her in day 60 something to make an alliance. Haleigh cries about being on an island without Faysal. Faysal, per usual, didn't see this coming. NOW, Faysal feels stupid. After 60 days of stupidity.
Friday, August 24, 2018 -- Evening
Bye Scottie
I missed the show last night, but I did hear that there will be a battle back. I really don't want Bayleigh or Rockstar to come back, so I have to hope that it will be Scottie or whoever goes out this week.The show started with the action pre veto ceremony. Faysal says that he has to tell Haleigh that Scottie was throwing her under the bus. Faysal tells Haleigh that Scottie called her Kaitlyn 2.0. Haleigh cries because she defended Scottie. Boo-hoo! Meanwhile Angela says that Faysal should just put Sam up. Haleigh sobs to Angela, Kaycee, and Tyler. What I like about this house is that even people on the other side are nice to the other side. They all comfort here. Kaycee thinks it is crazy because Scottie is throwing his ally under the bus instead of the other side. That's because Scottie knows the other side would vote for Haleigh over him. Haleigh goes to talk to Scottie, and he tells her that it's the best thing for Haleigh. He tells Haleigh that he thought she didn't have his back. Now he realizes that it was incredibly stupid to have stabbed Haleigh in the back. Scottie tells Haleigh that he owes her an apology. Haleigh tells Scottie that he was her friend.
Finally we get to see the veto meeting, which I heard was epic. Brett gives Scottie a chance to tell Brett why Scottie should be saved. Scottie threw Sam under the bus. Faysal then says that Scottie said to put up Haleigh and then to put up Sam. Both were people who supported Scottie. Faysal says those are red flags. Faysal puts up Kaycee. Scottie really screwed himself, and he was the vote flipper. Scottie is confident he would stay if Sam were on the block. Sam was shocked because she was friends with Scottie. Kaycee goes to talk to Faysal and says that she will be laying low. Meanwhile, Brett and Tyler say that will keep Scottie thinking that they might vote for him.
Then we have a segment where Brett starts an oven fire, and Sam puts it out. She's the woman! After, Angela and Tyler go up to talk with Faysal and Haleigh. Faysal tells them it's real because he's HOH this week. Angela thinks it's beneficial to her game if Haleigh wins HOH next week. Tyler and Angela talk, and they think they should not win. So it should be Brett or Kaycee who win. Tyler realizes that having an alliance with everyone in the house could backfire on him. JC wants to make sure that Tyler is only loyal to him because they have been together since day 2. JC says that he will never turn on Tyler. Tyler's final four would be Angela, JC, and Kaycee and ideal final two would be with Kaycee. So Tyler realizes that he has to not win HOH, and just hope that the others take shots at each other.
Time for the live vote. Kaycee gives her speech, even thanking CBS. She tells Scottie he is weird, but she loves him. Scottie says he acted like a fool and panicked. He said he just wanted to apologize for his immaturity.
- Angela evicts Scottie
- JC evicts Scottie
- Tyler evicts Scottie
- Haleigh evicts Scottie
- Sam evicts Scottie
- Brett evicts Scottie
Time for the HOH competition. They have to search the candy pits for a token. They roll a ball down a track. The first to get a perfect show wins. If there is not perfect shot, they get scores. After one hour, the winner is the house guest with the highest score. I heard this competition took some time because things kept breaking. And we hear from Julie that next week is the Battle Back.
Thursday, August 23, 2018 -- Afternoon
The show started post nomination ceremony. As Brett says, Faysal is a big buffoon. JC says that he should get credit because he knew which buttons to push. Faysal says he nominated Scottie because Scottie is in his alliance and claims to have voted for the Rockstar so this is his chance to prove it. Faysal is suck a fricking idiot! Haleigh goes to convince Faysal that Scottie is on their side. But Faysal is a fricking idiot! Faysal says that he doesn't know if he can trust Haleigh. The guy is really a fricking idiot!Then Zingbot shows up. Tyler was soo excited and ready to explode on the inside. Angela is called soulless, but Tyler thinks she is cute. Zingbot does one on a blond liking Brett. Faysal was instantly alert, but it was Scottie. These were some decent zings. Zingbot calls Brett a douche. The Faysal one was great. He zinged Faysal on being a part-time teacher and a full time moron. Zingbot called Sam crazy. JC tells Sam that she's not crazy; she just has some bad moments.
Haleigh goes first, and she can't find any in the kitchen. Faysal looks through the pile of pillows, and can't find anything. Brett's idea is to just make sure his folder is well hidden, piling mattresses on his folder. Scottie figures he will put liquid on the floor to keep people from looking for his stuff. Tyler says that he doesn't think Sam will like the mess, and then we cut to JC telling Sam not to go into the house. Tyler finds Angela's folder in the oven. I'm waiting for Faysal to find his own folder. HA! Scottie finds Tyler's folder. Brett goes in to pile more stuff on his folder. Faysal finds Haleigh's folder. Tyler wants to investigate, but he can't because there are all those mattresses. Scottie finds Faysal's folder after checking to make sure his is still there. Haleigh finds Scottie's folder. The reveal shows that Haleigh found Scottie's folder, and Brett has the POV. Brett says he's El Cockaroach, and he is going to stay in the house even after the game.
Sam is really upset at the mess. Brett tells them all that he played defense. Meanwhile JC is talking to Faysal. Scottie tells Sam and Brett that he can only think that he could beat Haleigh. Brett tells Sam that she won't be able to convince Faysal to put Haleigh. Scottie can't believe that Faysal would put up Haleigh. The sad thing is that this puts Sam on Faysal's and Haleigh's target sight.
Sam goes to talk to Faysal. Sam tells Faysal that Haleigh is always bossing and sassing Haleigh. Sam tells Faysal that Haleigh sees him as a tool, and she's just using Faysal. She really tries to convince Faysal, telling Faysal that he needs to do this. Faysal says Haleigh may not go home, and Sam says even better. In DR, Faysal saya Sam is crazy. Scottie tells Faysal that there is one person that everyone wants out. Scottie says Kaitlyn 2.0. Faysal thinks that it is obvious that Sam and Scottie are working together. Faysal doesn't know what to do. And we don't see in this episode that he puts up Kaycee.
Monay, August 20, 2018 -- Afternoon
Even a Stupid Person is Smarter Than Faysal
It's amazing to me how oblivious Faysal and Haleigh are. they are getting rid of one of their own alliance. Brett took himself off the block, and Faysal put Kaycee up in his place. So Scottie is going to go home on Faysal's HOH, and Scottie is part of Faysal's alliance!!Faysal says that he doesn't want to hear anyone's bullshit. HA! Faysal says that he's been telling people what he was going to do. JC says that Faysal has been doing everything JC has said, so this is JC's HOH too. Brett says that he's going to have to break out new tricks because Faysal is jealous of Brett with Haleigh. Haleigh believes that Scottie was their one vote this week. She wants someone else to go up. JC says that he has been working with Tyler and his side of the house for a while. So JC's plan is that everyone think that Brett voted to keep Rockstar instead of Scottie.
Faysal doesn't believe or trust Scottie, even though Haleigh does trust Scottie. Faysal did not want to put Tyler on the block. Haleigh says that they can't afford to lose Scottie because he's the only one on their side. Faysal says that he's making his move, and he's not wasting his HOH. HA, HA, HA!
JC talks to Faysal and tells him that Scottie voted Rockstar out. JC claims that Sam told him that Brett voted to keep Rockstar. Faysal has to figure out the flipped vote. Faysal has a plan. HA! JC goes back to tell the other side that he told Faysal that Brett voted to keep Scottie. JC is also saying that Scottie likes Haleigh. As JC says, Faysal has so much testosterone that Scottie will be out.
Time for the HOH room reveal. We haven't had that all season. Then Faysal read his letter from his mom, and it got everyone crying. In the HOH room, Brett says that he's the one who voted to keep Rockstar. Scottie doesn't say anything. Kaycee says that she felt that. Scottie can't believe that Brett is trying to get away with it. Kaycee claims that she has never been close to Brett. She says everyone has been fake and weird with her. Faysal still can't figure it out. Kaycee continues to go on outside the HOH about how she is closer to Scottie than to Brett. Good stuff!
JC goes and talks to Haleigh that Scottie is in love with Haleigh. JC really tries to convince Haleigh, and Haleigh says that it's easier to listen to JC and nod your head. Faysal really falls prey to JC's machinations. It's hilarious to watch. Haleigh doesn't like how Faysal listens to JC. Faysal says that Scottie is too familiar with Haleigh. Scottie falls into it by saying love you to Haleigh. JC laughs and tells Faysal that he told him. Haleigh and Faysal get into a fight because Haleigh wants to console Scottie.
Faysal is brain dead though, and he nominates Brett and Scottie. Faysal says that they are on the block because they both said they voted to keep Roakstar. Faysal says he's here to play. Meanwhile in DR, Brett laughs that Faysal is so stupid. Scottie says that this is so stupid. JC calls Faysal his big, dumb puppet. Haleigh hopes to win the veto to clean up Faysal's mess. Good stuff!
Saturday, August 18, 2018 -- Evening
Can You Be More Stupid?
I thought for sure Faysal would nominate Tyler and Brett, but I should have realized that the alliance that turned on itself still had members in the house. So Faysal's top target is a loyal member of his alliance: Scottie!! Yep, Faysal wants Scottie out of the house. So he nominated Brett and Scottie. I am gobsmacked. The Zingbot was in the house, and the POV competition was the search the house for the token. Well, the one token not found was Brett's. Why not? Because whenever Brett went into the house to look for a token, his main goal was to bury his own token more. Brett has the POV and will take himself off. Who will go up in his place? Will Tyler need to use his cloud app?Friday, August 17, 2018 -- Morning
Faysal is HOH
That wasn't much of an endurance competition. Faysal quickly took off, got the lead, and won in less than half an hour. In fact, I'd say it took 15 to 20 minutes. Instead of a big bowl, it was a skinny tube. So with Faysal as HOH, that means my favorites Tyler and Brett are in trouble.Thursday, August 16, 2018 -- Evening
Blindslide and Slip N Slide
It's eviction night with a slip and slide HOH competition. The show started with the post POV ceremony action. Rockstar thinks that her strength is picking herself back up and not giving up. She might want to try to get a clue. Haleigh thinks this is a chance to get a competitive athlete who is floating out of the game. But Kaycee isn't floating. Rockstar believes that she has the votes to stay in the house.Tyler talks with Sam about how the vote will be to get of Rockstar. Tyler and Sam have a final two deal from day 4. Tyler tells Sam that he is trying to protect both of them. Sam wishes that she could spend more time with Tyler, but she thinks he is doing this for the best of them. Then Faysal leans on the sink in the HOH room and breaks it. The next scene is Faysal and Haleigh going to sleep together in the HOH bed. Haleigh tells Faysal that he stresses her out. Then Faysal finally gets his kiss with Haleigh. It seems she was a bit drunk at the time, and her attitude is whatever.
Rockstar then talks to Brett, who she thinks is distancing himself from his earlier friends. Brett is really doing a good job of playing the other side. It's amazing how dense Rockstar is. Brett thinks it's funny that he has Rockstar eating out of his hand. Brett goest to tell Angela, Kaycee, and Tyler about how Rockstar thinks they have an alliance. Brett is hilarious. Haleigh wants Brett to help Rockstar with her speech. Rockstar, Haleigh, and Faysal are confident that Rockstar is staying and Brett is voting with them.
Then we had a segment with Tyler's family. We find out from Tyler's mom that Tyler is not a surfer. We did find out that Tyler is a bowler, who has bowled from a very young age. It seems that Tyler gave up bowling when Tyler's father died. Tyler was 17. His mom thinks Tyler would be a pro bowler if he didn't give up bowling. His mom says that Tyler is a huge super fan of BB, and that he is a genuine person.
Time for the vote. Everyone is dressed in gaudy outfits for the HOH competition. Time for the speeches. Kaycee calls out the all girls alliance that excluded Sam. Rockstar is next. Rockstar tells them that there are three players together: Tyler, Kaycee, and Angela. Time for the voting. Kaycee stopped Faysal's vote.
- Angela evicts Rockstar
- JC evicts Rockstar
- Sam evicts Rockstar
- Scottie evicts Kaycee
- Brett evicts Rockstar
- Tyler evicts Rockstar
Time for the HOH competition. It's the typical slip and slide competition. Fill the large containter for HOH and the small one for $5000. Faysal looks like he is really taking off, running. The question will be if he can keep it up.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 -- Evening
POV OTEV Competition
I'm actually watching BB live today. I have to admit this is a great season. I like everyone, and I really don't hate anyone.The show started right after the veto ceremony. Rockstar says that she is not week, and she is only crying because she is angry. Haleigh says that the hacker got her by putting up Haleigh's best friend. Kaycee picked Rockstar because she isn't likely to win POV. Kaycee doesn't want to pick herself to play POV, but thinks Tyler would be best because he is a beast. Tyler doesn't want one of them to go back up, but Angela assures him that they have the numbers. The Hive alliance is so stupid. They think Scottie is the hacker. Faysal doesn't think it's tyler. Rockstar is angry because Kaycee is smiling.
Sam talks to Tyler about how she is losing her mind in the house because she didn't think she would last that long. Sam is starting to feel that Tyler isn't genuine. Tyler tries to give her a pep talk. Tyler says that he doesn't want to see her like that, and he says that he loves hers her. Tyler says that he loves Sam to death, and he has been hiding some stuff from her, but he needs to nip her unhappiness in the bud.
Tyler is trying to work the angles with Haleigh to keep himself safe. Haleigh thinks that Kaycee will pick herself to play in the veto. Haleigh is trying to make Tyler feel safe, but the goal is to make Tyler feel safe. Tyler knows that Haleigh is lying. As he says, he's not that dumb.
Kaycee is helping Sam with the shower, and Rockstar attacks Kaycee and says that there are six other people who could go up. According to Rockstar, they should be going up round robin. Honey, this is a game. Rockstar keeps on going to Kaycee and yelling at her. Kaycee tells her welcome to Big Brother. Time to pick players for the veto.
Of course, Kaycee as hacker picked Tyler. As Kaycee says, she did it to keep Level 6 safe this week. Haleigh picked the final two chips. Rockstar's chip is pulled. She picks Faysal. Angela's chip is picked, and she picks Kaycee. Tyler tells Angela and Kaycee that he's going to win it.
It's now do or die for Tyler. Tyler thinks of Kaitlyn and Swaggy, but first he has to find the bottle. Rockstar raced quickly up the slide,a nd everyone starts screaming., and she celebrates. Tyler feels defeated and upset that he lost to Rockstar. Rockstar had the wrong answer. Rockstar is out, and Tyler wins the POV. Rockstar was proving what she had. Yep, she did. Tyler is happy because he can keep his girls safe. Faysal wonders how he got stuck with the losers that are with him. Rockstar tries to remind Tyler that he would not have won without her. Faysal and Haleigh talk about hos Rockstar is a liability.
Time for the veto meeting. Tyler says that Haleigh wants Tyler to use the veto to take Rockstar off. Tyler says that Haleigh was after Tyler last week as the hacker. So he's not going to give Haleigh her way. Tyler takes Angela off, and Haleigh puts up Kaycee. Haleigh says that Rockstar better not leave on her week. Kaycee says that sh has the ability to cancel a vote.
Monday, August 13, 2018 -- Evening
The Hive Is Not So Smart
You would think from my lateness in watching the BB shows that I'm not enjoying this year's houseguest, but so far, this is my favorite recent season.This show had the initial Haleigh nominations and the Hacker Competition. Things started with Haleigh being pumped to be HOH. Tyler says that Haleigh is the worse thing to happen. Tyler does think that it might be time to break out the power app. Rockstar says that she didn't leave her family to not win. Faysal was crying because he had to vote out Bayleigh. Faysal is excited that Haleigh is HOH. As Haleigh says, the hacker competition could put a big wrench in their plans.
Sam then has her breakdown because she didn't want to have to vote anyone out. The whole Sam breakdown doesn't make sense, although folks are theorizing online that Sam has a crush on Brett, and because of that she doesn't like Angela. It seems Tyler told Sam that he had a power app. Sam doesn't believe him because he should have told her sooner. Tyler said that he was trying to get Sam back on their side because the emotional vote could go against him or his alliance. Haleigh tells Rockstar that she wants to backdoor Tyler, and she's thinking of putting up Angela and Sam to get rid of Tyler.
Then Sam goes to Haleigh and asks Haleigh if anyone is making fun of her. Haleigh tells Sam that Angela told Haleigh to put up Sam. Sam doesn't seem to realize that it's a fricking game. Sam says that she feels that she is almost to her breaking point, and Sam feels she is the only real person in the house. Really psycho, and no real reason to explain it.
Faysal tells Haleigh with all her zit cream on that she is beautiful, and that he wants her outside of the house. Haleigh thinks that in the house, they need to not be near each other so much. Haleigh realizes they will go up together. Sam walked in on them.
Sam talks to JC about wanting to stamp someone's face on a curb and make them eat their eat, or kill them. JC says to Tyler, who is also in the room, that it was terrifying. Tyler goes to talk to Haleigh to figure out if she is going to put him up or backdoor him. Tyler realizes that it's better to backdoor him because he has the power app. Tyler reminds Haleigh that if he plays the veot he will win. Haleigh says it's a great idea that Tyler offereed to be backdoored. The Hive side (Rockstar, Haleigh, Scottie, and Faysal) are really dumb.
Haleigh throws the other members of the Hive out and talks to Brett about winning hacker and leaving the nominations the same. Brett is so funny, making jokes about passing Haleigh's antivirus and infiltrating her system. Good stuff!
Time for the final BB Hacker competition. The competition is to hack the cameras in the BB house. They have to identify the room where each image is taken. The player with the most points after seven rounds wins. Kaycee says that she has to win the competition.
Back in the house, Kaycee tells Angela that she won the hacker. Angela says that she is okay with Kaycee pulling herself off. Tyler comes in, and Kaycee tells him. Kaycee says that the info will just be between the four of them, including Brett. JC goes in to talk to Haleigh and Faysal. Haleigh said she only had one right. JC had none. Everyone is called into the living room. Kaycee comes off the block. Rockstar goes up in her place. Rockstar is not happy. Kaycee loves being the BB hacker. Haleigh wants to backdoor Tyler, and she refuses to let Rockstar go home.
Friday, August 10, 2018 -- Morning
Bye Bay
The show started with Angela saying she would throw herself under a bus for Tyler. Haleigh feels guilty, and Bayleigh thinks Angela looks dumb and is also trash. Bayleigh then starts in on Tyler. She does her usual queenly, bitchy routine of yelling at folks because that shows her superiority. As Bayleigh said, you can't disrespect her like that and get away with it. Bayleigh tells Haleigh that she thought Angela would say Scottie. Angela wants to comfort Bayleigh, and claims she will take the lie with her to the end. HA!Then we have 24 hours of Brett taking care of the granny. Brett played along well. He is fun on the show.
Haleigh then feels guilty because Bayleigh says the hacker is evil and worse than anyone because that person is letting Bayleigh get blamed. Bayleigh thinks it is someone from the other side.
Haleigh then tells Bayleigh that Haleigh was the hacker. Haleigh thought they wouldn't get blamed if Haleigh didn't take off Rockstar. Both cry together. Hayleigh then calls a house meeting to say she won the hacker competition. No one really reacts. Bayleigh then starts to scream at Tyler like a crazy person. Bayleigh wants Tyler to apologize. Tyler said that he didn't do anything and that he didn't want Angela to go up. Bayleigh screams like a crazy person. She tells Tyler that Tyler made her life a hell, and as she screamed that Tyler was a child, Bayleigh screeches like a toddler throwing a hysterical tantrum. Tyler got teary himself saying that he wasn't like what Bayleigh said. I think it's pretty obvious that Bayleigh is really over the psychotic edge. Bayleigh actually bit her mouth in her screeching and was bleeding.
Time to talk to the nominees. Rockstar sounds like an idiot. Bayleigh apologizes to Tyler for her tantrum. Haleigh picked Tyler as the person who could not vote. Tyler wore a grey hoodie like the hacker.
- Kaycee evicts Bayleigh
- Brett evicts Bayleigh (he wore his granny shirt)
- Faysal evicts Bayleigh
- Scottie evicts Bayleigh
- Haleigh evicts Bayleigh (which drew gasps for some reason)
- Sam evicts Rockstar
- JC evicts Bayleigh (saying it was for Rachel)
The HOH competition is one where two compete, the winner picks the next pair, until it comes down to the final two. Sam and JC are up first. JC rings in with the right answer. He picks Rockstar and Tyler. Tyler rings in with the wrong answer, so he is eliminated. Kaycee and Brett are next. Kaycee rang in really quick and swore. It was wrong. Kaycee is out. Now it's Haleigh and Faysal. Faysal rings incorrectly. Haleigh goes on. Scottie and Brett are next. Brett rings in first, and Scottie is eliminated. Next is Haleigh and Rockstar. Haleigh rings in first and gets it. Then it's JC and Brett. Brett rings in first, but gets it wrong. It's down to Haleigh and JC. Haleigh is HOH, so that means Rockstar and Faysal are safe, maybe.
CBS has technical difficulties, and no one can hear Julie so the show ends. Last hacker competition this week.
Thursday, August 9, 2018 -- Afternoon
POV and Bayleigh Goes Up
The house has been in an uproar since Angela won the POV, took Tyler down, and put Bayleigh up. Bayleigh has been showing her HOHitis. Now onto the show.Tyler is pissed and hoping that the person who put him up goes up when Tyler wins the POV. Haleigh, Bayleigh, and Rockstar are happy that Tyler is up. JC goes to Tyler and asks Tyler if he put himself on the block. JC is an idiot. Tyler is sure that Bayleigh is the hacker. JC tells Angela and Kaycee that it was Bayleigh who must have been the hacker. Angela thinks Bayleigh has been acting super weird. Their plan is to get Bayleigh so she doesn't see it coming.
Of course, the veto host, is Jesse, Mr. Pectacular. The competition is a series of rounds. It's one of the rolling a ball over a ramp. They lose points if the ball drops. At the end of each round, the lowest player is eliminated and picks a prize. The last person standing gets to pick from all the prizes.
Tyler wants to win it himself. This round, they need 100 points. Scottie says he is not leaving without the veto. Tyler dropped his ball at the very beginning, and hopes he has a chance to recover. Scottie wants to put everything he has into this round. It is neck and neck between Tyler and Scottie. Tyler won the round. Scottie's gift is $5000. Scottie realizes that he needs the veto. Angela tells Scottie that she will not put him up. Scottie keeps the money. Now it is time for Tyler to get his gift. Tyler has the prize of instagranny, taking care of Jesse's granny. Angela tells Tyler that she will use the POV on her. Tyler says that he figures he can take Brett's prize to not show they are together. Angela is in fifth place, and as she says with the POV, she can take back her HOH.
Tyler says that he thinks now that Scottie will trust Tyler, and Tyler trusts Angela 100 percent. Kaycee is dressed up in a peanut outfit with weights. She has to wear it for the week, and she also has to sing a song. Everytime Rockstar hears Jesse's voice, she has to follow Jesse's smoothie recipe and run. Bayleigh goes to talk to Angela. Bayleigh says to take Rockstar off and put Scottie up. Angela isn't taking anything Bayleigh says seriously. Bayleigh tells Angela this game is about making big moves. Angela agrees that she is going to try to do the big move, only by putting up Bayleigh.
Time for the veto meeting. Angela uses the veto on Tyler. Angela said that it was a frustrating week having her HOH hacked, and she figured out who the hacker was. Angela says a promise needs nothing when it's followed by lies. Angela then nominated Bayleigh. Bayleigh says that she is not the hacker. Angela tells Bayleigh that Bayleigh's power trip is over. Bayleigh says once a queen, always a queen. Because Bayleigh is a queen. Haleigh didn't realize that people would think Bayleigh is the hacker. As Tyler says, even if Bayleigh isn't the hacker, she has that powerful app.
Monday, August 5, 2018 -- Morning
Brett felt that his speech worked flawlessly. He jokes that he'll have to be called El Cockaroach because he isn't going anywhere. Then Rockstar sobs in the DR and to Tyler. She cried so much her fake eyelash fell off. Angela wants to get out Bayleigh's power app. Angela seems really negative to Rachel. Tyler covered his tracks by going to Bayleigh and saying that Rachel told him that Bayleigh has the power app. Bayleigh is upset that Brett outed her.Then Faysal and JC talk about who voted out Rachel. As JC says, Faysal doesn't have any brains. JC is his brains. So JC tells Faysal it could have been Scottie or Rockstar. Bayleigh then went bitching at Rockstar. Bayleigh is an idiot. Near genius my butt. She can't figure out that she has four people in her alliance who could vote, and there were four votes for Brett. Tyler can't believe how stupid the other side is. Tyler says that it's hard to keep his facial structure correct for the group he is with.
Haleigh, Rockstar, and Faysal talk about how they have to win in the hacker comp. Brett is worried because he's still in hot water this week. Then Sam calls a house meeting to talk about the hacker comp. Sam has a plan to keep the peace. They should all let her win, and she won't use the power. She wants everyone to go into the competition and just not participate. Rockstar says that she doesn't understand, and she doesn't want to give control to Sam. They all try to tell Sam that someone won't agree, and then the winner is anonymous, so they will never know.
Amgela talks with Baleigh. Bayleigh says that she is happy that Angela won. Bayleigh doesn't think she should use her app. Bayleigh tells Angela that Bayleigh can't change the nominations. Bayleigh has to use it before the nominations to hijack the nominations. Angela says that she is not putting up Bayleigh or Faysal because that's the only people that Bayleigh cares about.
Time for the nomination ceremony. Angela nominates Scottie and Rockstar. Angela explains that all Level 6 has to do is win the hacker comp and put up Bayleigh. Brett went to give Rockstar a hug telling Rockstar that it's tough being on the block. Rockstar sobs in DR. She is getting so beat up, especially by her own alliance. When she is alone, Rockstar says she is geting her ass kick in this stupid ass game.
Haleigh's main focus is to think of her personal game. She wants to target the biggest person who is flying under the radar. Brett and Angela think that it's Scottie who won. Everyone is called into the living room. Scottie is removed from the block. That makes him seem like the winner. Tyler goes up in his place. Sam cries, and Haleigh noticed that Tyler plays both sides. Sam actually sheds a tear. Scottie is upset because he is going to be blamed. Angela plans to win the veto and put up Bayleigh. I hope that actually happens. That would be GREAT!
Friday, August 3, 2018 -- Afternoon
There is fall out from the vote in last night's BB. Rachel went home, and folks who were blindsided, yet again, are in an uproar.
The show started with the blindside in the works. Brett is not happy that he's still on the block, but he's confident that he will stay because Rachel is annoying everyone. She cried about Brett going home. Angela tells Rachel that she doesn't like that she has to be okay with Brett and Rachel being on the block. Bayleight thanks Tyler,and says that she now trusts Tyler completely because he has her back, and she has his. Tyler says that he wants Bayleigh's power to be gone because he doesn't want her using it on him. Kaycee says it sucks, but they have to vote to keep Brett. That's what Angela, Kaycee, and Tyler agree to. Brett has to act like he is going home. JC goes out to talk with Tyler and Brett. Brett tells JC that it will be seven girls and four guys.
Tyler thinks the comment on girls outnumbering guys is a problem. Tyler gets Sam to vote. Sam and Tyler are in agreement. She says she will do whatever Brett says. Scottie goes and talks to Bayleigh, Scottie, Faysal, Rockstar, and Haleigh about how they can get Brett out. Faysal says that he hasn't heard Brett's pitch yet. Queen Bey says that her next move is to get Brett out of the house. Brett and Tyler talk about Bayleigh's power app. Brett says that he has to find a way to use this to his advantage. Brett goes over to talk to Haleigh, and Faysal doesn't know what is going on. Brett realizes that Faysal is mad because Haleigh is in the hammock with Brett. Of course, Brett is using this to his advantage. Faysal goes to bed, but he can't sleep because Haleigh and Brett are talking
Next up was a Swaggy C segment with Bayleigh's parents. Her mother says Bayleigh is so smart, and that Bayleigh was tested, and only one point away from being a genius. HA!
Eviction time. Rachel thanks Jesus and people at home. Brett outed the fact that Bayleigh has the power app, and that the girls are targeting the males. It was a great speech. I love Brett and Tyler! Time for the vote.
- Rockstar evicts Brett
- Angela evicts Rachel
- Kaycee evicts Rachel
- Scottie evicts Brett
- Tyler evicts Rachel
- Sam evicts Rachel
- Faysal evicts Brett
- JC evicts Rachael
- Haleigh evicts Brett
Rachel was evicted 5-4, and she just grabbed her stuff and ran out the door. The four who voted for Brett were in shock. Rachel was so upset and teary while Julie tried to talk to her. Rachel was totally blindsided. She was totally confused.
Julie was trying to get information from her, but Rachel was so upset. Julie gives the vote. Rachel said that Brett's speech gave her a clue and thought it was a last ditch effort. Julie said that Rachel was loyal to a fault, crying over Brett in the diary room. Rachel got really upset at Angela's farewell message. This was great!
Time for the HOH competition. it's one of the watch animated gifs competitions. Last person standing after 7 questions wins. Everyone but Kaycee gets the first one correct. Everyone gets the second correct. Everyone but JC gets it right. Everyone buy same gets number four right. Tyler, Scottie, Bett, and Faysal get the answer wrong on number five. Haleigh gets number six wrong. It's down to Angela and Rockstar. Both get the seventh question right. It's down to a tie breaker. In seconds, what was the total time of the Out on a Limb endurance competition from the official start till when Tyler hit the ground? Angela is the closest, and she is the new HOH.
When we returned from the commercial break, we learned about the hacker competition. There will be a competition for the winner to hack the game. I hope this isn't a lame reward.
Thursday, August 2, 2018 -- Afternoon
The pre-show clip showed JC trying to get into bed with Faysal who angrily tells JC to get off of him. JC is really a creep.
Meanwhile, after the ceremony, Rachel cries about being on the block and how she is trying her best to stay loyal to the people she came into the house with. Rachel tells Kaycee that Bayleigh is set on Brett going home. Then Faysal talks to JC about how he got JC off the block, saved Hayleigh, and sent Kaitlyn home. Faysal tells JC that JC was going on the block, and it was only Faysal that got JC off the block. Faysal says he just wants a thank you from JC. Tyler goes to Bayleigh to make sure that he won't be backdoored. Tyler says that he would like to get picked, and he asks Bayleigh how she would want him to use a veto. Tyler says that he is going to try to take Brett or Rachel off and put someone else up. Bayleigh wants to find out if Tyler has the other power app, but Tyler is really good about keeping things to himself.
JC then goes to Bayleigh to complain about how Faysal was taking credit for JC not going on the block. JC is hoping that he will get Faysal in his back pocket to do anything that JC wants. Of course Bayleigh is a bitch, and she goes and wakes up Faysal to bitch at him. Bayleigh goes on about how she comes across looking like a little bitch, and Faysal isn't putting Bayleigh in the best spot. Bayleigh definitely has a severe case of HOHitis.
Rachel tries to talk Bayleigh into getting away from Brett. Rachel says that Brett is a bigger target than Rachel. Bayleigh keeps on shoveling food into her face. Bayleigh, of course, is getting pissed off because Bayleigh is a bitch.
Time to pick players for veto. Bayleigh picks Sam. Rachel picks JC, and Brett picks Tyler.
A crow comes to the backyard and poops when JC asks if it has a message from Kaitlyn.
The game is a stupid one. The goal is to build a road on a cityscape, then hop into the Goober car to drive the evicted four houseguests out of the town. Bayleigh is having difficulty figuring out the puzzle. Tyler is up next. He admits the competition is tricky because he doesn't know which way to go, and there are two road blocks that could affect him. Sam is up next, and she wants to win to keep the nominations the same. Sam is the Forest Gump of the house, and she is really having issues getting things done right. Sam timed out after 30 minutes. JC doesn't thin that the puzzle will be that hard, but he's not too bright with puzzles, and he can't drag around the pieces. Rachel is up next, followed by Brett.
Time for the results. Rachel finishes in 30:00. Bayleigh finishes in 14:24. Brett finished in 10:59. Bayleigh was upset over that one. JC finished in 30:00 (timed out). Sam finished in 30:00 (she timed out). Tyler finished in 6:54. Tyler is too smart. JC asked if the streets just dropped themselves into place. Tyler is in trouble though because Brett and Rachel expect Tyler to use the veto, and Bayleigh expects Tyler not to use it.
Tyler tells Bayleigh that he didn't want to go home, which is why he won. Tyler also has to see if Bayleigh would tell him who would go up in place of Brett. Bayleigh says that Angela would go up in Brett's place. Tyler tries to paint a target on Scottie. Tyler tells Bayleigh that Scottie is always telling him things.
Rachel goes and cries to Bayleigh. Bayleigh tells Rachel that the veto won't be used on Brett. Bayleigh and Rachel seems to think Tyler wants girls out. Rachel says that she will be loyal to Bayleigh. Now the goal is for all girls to go to the end. Boring! And I hate most of the girls. Heck, I hate all of them. Rachel is mad because she now thinks Tyler is a snake. Rachel told Angela that Tyler told Bayleigh to put Angela up. Angela told Kaycee, who told Tyler. Tyler then goes and finds Angela. Angela says that she doesn't trust Rachel. Tyler says that Rachel is trying to twist everyone's words. Tyler is thinking maybe he should use the veto on Brett.
Then Rachel tells Angela that Bayleigh has the power app, and can use it next week to put Tyler on the block. As he says, this makes it an even tougher decision. So in the ceremony, Tyler does not use the POV. Tyler tells them that he loves both Brett and Rachel. I believe the plan now is to keep Brett over Rachel. Rachel cries over someone going home. All in all, I really, really dislike Bayleigh.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018 -- Afternoon
Bayleigh as HOH
Catching up now on the Sunday episode. Rockstar was happy to still be in the game. Sam says that she felt it was her fault, but people tried to console her. Haleigh asks Faysal if he was the one who voted to keep Kaitlyn. Faysal is hurt that he was asked about it, because he used the veto to save Haleigh. JC voted to evict Rockstar because he wanted to cause drama. Tyler tells everyone that he didn't vote Rockstar. Kaycee is upset that someone is trying to setup Tyler. They seem to think now it is Scottie. Everyone seems to think it is poor Scottie instead of JC.
Time for the HOH competition. One by one, they get on a block, and have to shoot themselves down a polished lane to the outbox. The person who gets there closest to 8 seconds wins HOH. Bayleigh is first. Bayleigh does it in 8.08 seconds. Tyler finishes in over 10 seconds. Haleigh finishes in 8.50 seconds. Brett finishes in 10 seconds. JC finishes in 8:48. Rockstar finishes in 6:58. Angela, who I don't think I've seen since the show started, didn't want to win, so she really didn't try. Kaycee is close, but not close enough to get the lead. Scottie finishes the fastest. Faysal doesn't want to try because he figured Bayleigh had it. Now it's down to Rachel. Rachel is carrying the weight of Level 6 on her shoulders. Rachel finishes in 10:04, so Bayleigh is HOH.
Everyone is trying to figure out where Bayleigh's head is at. Tyler does a whole act in front of Kaitlyn, and Bayleigh buys it, thinking Tyler really liked Kaitlyn, but he really doesn't. So Bayleigh is believing that Tyler is a lone wolf. Bayleigh is hoping that Tyler will have her back since he's a competition beast.
Haleigh talks to Bayleigh, and Bayleigh is just against the guys, except for Tyler. Bayleigh is putting up Brett with someone. Scottie goes to talk to Bayleigh, and Scottie promises that he didn't vote to keep Kaitlyn. Scottie says that he thinks it was Rachel. Bayleigh tells Scottie that he has to be Team Bay. She threatens Scottie with physical violence is he is lying to her. Bayleigh is a real bitch.
Bayleigh talks to JC, and she tells him that she is hearing he is making promises to everyone in the house. She is considering using him as a pawn, but tells him that she isn't considering him as a pawn. Faysal talks to Bayleigh because JC is an asset to the group. Bayleigh really has an ignorant way of talking to everyone, especially men. She talks to men like they are dogs. I am not a fan of Bayleigh.
Bayleigh says that Faysal gets on her last nerve, but the bitch gets on my last nerve. She is obnoxious. Bayleigh talks to Rachel and says that Scottie said that Rachel voted out Rockstar. Bayleigh says that Brett has to go home. Then Bayleigh tells Rachel that Bayleigh has the power app, and she can put any two people she wants on the block next week. Bayleigh is definitely letting the power go to her head. Time for the nomination ceremony. Bayleigh nominates Brett and Rachel. Bayleigh says taht Brett is easy because he's been up before. Rachel is just a strategic move, supposedly.
Friday, July 27, 2018 -- Afternoon
I'm just now watching last night's BB show, but I already know that Bayleigh won HOH, and Kaitlyn was voted out. Unfortunately, Kaitlyn was unable to crack the simple puzzle that was assigned to help get the person back into the house. So I am imagining that this will mean that there will be a later buy back into the house.
So onto the show. Faysal says Kaitlyn is his best friend, but he has a thing for Haleigh. Then Sam hugs JC saying she would never do anything to him. Rockstar cries because she doesn't know why she was selected. Kaitlyn cries because she was upset that Faysal didn't save her. She says she can't look at him. Kaitlyn says it was a betrayal. Kaitlyn cries about how often men have promised her things and then never followed through. If I were Faysal, I would just have walked away. Faysal says that what Kaitlyn did to Swaggy affected his game.
Meanwhile Sam is explaining her app to everyone, and how the person would get a chance to get back into the house. Tyler and Faysal talk about how to vote. Tyler has been in Kaitlyn's ear, so he wants to keep her over Rockstar. Haleigh thanks Faysal for saving her. She didn't want to be blindsided. Haleigh wants to evict Kaitlyn, and she wants Faysal to vote with her. Kaitlyn tells Tyler that she is mad at Faysal. Tyler tells Kaitlyn that she needs to get into JC's head that they will get Faysal out next week.
JC tells Brett, Tyler, and Rachel that he wants to vote our Kaitlyn because she is a competitor and no one knows where her loyalty lies. Kaitlyn cries because she put so much into trusting men in this game, and she feels that Faysal wants her out. Kaitlyn said that she is sure to go out, and that Faysal is going to vote her out. There's so much whining and crying from Kaitlyn that I would just get rid of her. Faysal realizes that he will be Kaitlyn's number one target.
Bayleigh, Haleigh, and Faysal tell Rockstar to campaign with Brett, Rachel, and Tyler. Rockstar talks to Brett late at night. She tells him that she recognizes his game. Brett needs to think to himself if he will vote based on vendetta or game. Brett goes to Tyler, and Brett says that Kaitlyn is a ticking time bomb. Brett thinks that Rockstar will be easier to get rid of. Tyler says that Rockstar won't be able to come back, but Kaitlyn can. Tyler tells them that he feels confident in Kaitlyn.
Sam and Tyler talk about who will go out. Sam doesn't want it to be tie. She said that she will put two pills in a cup. Everyone is flipping and flopping. Tyler doesn't want to vote out Kaitlyn and have her come back into the house.
Time for eviction. Rockstar says that she is honored to be with all the wonderful people. Kaitlyn goes on about being spiritual at first. Tme for the vote.
- JC evicts Rockstar
- Bayleigh evicts Kaitlyn
- Haleigh evicts Kaitlyn
- Faysal evicts Kaitlyn
- Brett evicts Kaitlyn
- Tyler evicts Kaitlyn
- Angela evicts Kaitlyn
- Kaycee evicts Kaitlyn
- Rachel evicts Kaitlyn
- Scottie evicts Kaitlyn
Obviously no one likes Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn then finds out that she gets to go upstairs to the app room to battle her way back into the house. there is an assembled puzzle of Kaitlyn outside of a plastic house. Kaitlyn has to take it apart, put it in the house, and reasemble correctly, and she's back in the house. She has 2 minutes and 30 seconds. But Kaitlyn is having obvious issues, and she is having real issues. She cries, and she winds up blowing the shot to get back into the house. Kaitlyn goes out of the house without saying anything to anyone.
In the Julie conversation, Kaitlyn said that someone needs her more outside the house. Julie tells Kaitlyn that JC voted Rockstar out.
Thursday, July 26, 2018 -- Afternoon
POV Catchup
I haven't been watching the Sunday episode, but I'm sure there a ton of fun. I just have been too busy. The Wednesday episode started with Sam talking about how Kaitlyn and Haleigh don't have any respect for others. She says there's more to woman empowerment than flipping your hair around. Kaitlyn and Haleigh don't think that Sam knows them. Rockstar thought Sam's speech was crap because putting up two women is not about women's empowerment. It seems Kaycee also has a problem with the comment Sam made about disrespecting people. Kaitlyn says that she wasn't rude to men, but Sam says actions speak louder than words, and Kaitlyn is still just talking. Sam tells them to take it to the competition. Haleigh cries because what would her grandpa think of Haleigh not respecting others. Haleigh thinks that the conversation turned personal.
Sam says that if she wins veto, things will stay the same. Otherwise, it will be Rockstar who goes up. Sam thinks that Rockstar would be the easy target. Sam tells Tyler that she will let the others know after veto that the person evicted this week will have a chance to come back. Tyler then goes to comfort Kaitlyn, and Haleigh joins them. Kaitlyn mentions that she has a boyfriend back home, which makes the shock music come on because basically, Kaitlynn has been flirting non-stop even though she has the boyfriend. Kaitlyn goes to talk to Sam, and Sam calls Kaitlyn on how she acts around men, throwing herself at them. Kaitlyn claims that it hurts her that this comes from Sam, and Sam really questions her about.
Sam tells Faysal to play, and she tells him to do what he wants. She also tells him that both girls like him. Sam tells Faysal that he is kind and so whole. Faysal gives her a hug. Faysal is trying to get on her soft side. I am really starting to get a greater liking for Sam. Lots of hugging and mutual admiration between Faysal and Sam.
Faysal has feelings for Haleigh, and Haleigh is the one that he wants to save if possible. Haleigh says that she will pick Faysal to play for her.
Time to pick for veto. Sam gets houseguest's choice, and she takes JC. Kaitlyn gets Rockstar. Haleigh gets houseguest choice, and she takes Faysal. Kaitlyn looks like she wants to puke. Kaitlyn is hoping that Faysal will be on her side.
Rachel Reilly is back for the POV competition. Tyler is so excited because Rachel is a legend, but he doesn't want people to know he is such a huge BB fan. Kaitlyn talks to Faysal, and he tells her if you throw it to me, throw it to me. Faysal tells Haleigh that he is going to save her though. He's just playing Kaitlyn.
in the competition, the houseguests will get smacked and hit, and they have to say in what order things happened. There will be seven questions, and the person with the most points from guessing it right will win. Everyone got the first question right, so everyone gets one point. Sam and Faysal got the second one right. JC keeps on getting smacked in the balls. Everyone got the third question except for Sam. Faysal is in the lead. Haleigh's strategy is to guess. She is the only one not getting a point in the fourth round. Everyone got points in the fifth round. Scottie is dying from laughing at JC. Faysal and Kaitlyn got a point in the sixth round. He is in the lead with 6 points, and Kaitlyn has 5. Kaitlyn intentionally got the last question wrong so Faysal would win. What an idiot! Faysal claims that he likes them both, so it will be hard, and he is crying over it. Both Kaitlyn and Haleigh both think that they are safe with Faysal winning the veto.
Faysal tells Haleigh to trust him, and then he gets in bed with her. Then Kaitlyn goes to talk to him, and she tells Faysal that she believes in Faysal, and that he will do what is right. Kaitlyn then calls Faysal on whether he promised Haleigh that he would use it on her. Kaitlyn can't believe it. Kaitlyn then tells Faysal that she threw it to him, and she tells him that he shook her hand. She continues that Faysal promised her. Loser!
Tyler checks with Sam to make sure she is going to put up Rockstar. Tyler tells Sam that he would put up Rockstar because it's the easiest thing to do. Basically Tyler wants to know if he is going to go up because then he can use his power.
Time for the POV ceremony. Faysal saves Haleigh. Sam was going to put up JC, and he figured that out because Sam said she was going to put up her best friend. She chickened out, and Sam puts up Rockstar. Sam says that she got the first power app, and that person will have a chance to come back to the house. Sam thought everyone loved JC so Kaitlyn would definitely go home. The bonus power doesn't guarantee that the evictee gets back in. The eviction should be interesting.
Friday, July 20, 2018 -- Afternoon
Weeklong Catchup
I've been too busy to watch the show this week, but I do know that Scottie put up Winston and Brett, and Scottie won the POV and. obviously, did not use the POV, so the bros stayed on the block.
Now on to Thursday night's episode. Scottie is happy that one of the bros is going home. Winston thinks that Scottie is an idiot. Kaitlyn with her psychic jabber is a screwball. Tyler and the girls think that Winston makes faces, and that Brett may be better at competitions. Bayleigh, Haleigh, and Rockstar say Brett needs to go because he is persuasive. The female members of the Level 6 alliance and Sam say that they have to get rid of Winston because Brett is a bigger target.
Sort clip of Rockstar stuck on the rock wall. Kaitlyn tries some some sort of psychic thing. they Haleigh just talks her into climbing down.
Kaitlyn tells everyone that Tyler is voting out Brett. Scottie talks to Tyler, and they talk about whether they can trust the remaining Swaggy folks. Sam talks about her power app, and how it can make Winston or Brett a stronger ally.
Next up was a clip on Sam's family. Snooze! Then it was time for the vote. Brett is first to give a speech. He sais that he gets nervous in front of pretty girls. Then he gives this smarmy speech. Brett says that Rockstar told him that she was going to slip on the vote, and it would 6-5. Winston says there have been a lot of great duos.
- Kaitlyn evicts Brett
- Rachel evicts Winston
- Kaycee evicts Winston
- Rockstar evicts Brett
- Faysal evicts Brett
- Bayleigh evicts Brett
- Angela evicts Winston
- Haleigh evicts Brett
- JC evicts Winston
- Tyler evicts Winston
- Sam evicts Winston
Winston is eliminated 6-5. Winston hugs Brett, but he doesn't say anything to anyone else. Boy is pissed! Then Rockstar goes on yelling because she says she didn't vote for her. Brett keeps on saying sorry, I don't know what to tell you. Rockstar keep on saying Brett is disgusting. Brett did a great thing by laying the seed of distrust in people. Winston realizes that his alliance voted against him. Winston says it is shocking to him. He thought he was close to them. Winston says that he threw the friendship bracelet that Sam made him to the ground as he left the house. Winston was hinting and begging for a battle back. But there isn't one.
Time for the endurance competition. It's the hold onto the wall endurance. And of course, there is rain to soak them as they hang on. I've already checked, and Sam won the competition.
Friday, July 13, 2018 -- Afternoon
Bye, Swaggy
Catching up on the eviction episode from last night. The show started with Kaitlyn hoping that Faysal will understand her actions. Winston wanted to party because Kaitlyn went through with it. Scottie can't think, but he is just happy that Tyler took him off the block. A bunch of guys go to the HOH room to comfort Kaitlyn. Bayleigh even went to give Kaitlyn a hug. As Bayleigh says, she is going to be nice nasty to Kaitlyn so Bayleigh can stay in the game. Bayleigh says that she couldn't understand why Kaitlyn didn't talk to Swaggy, and Kaitlyn says that she didn't feel she had a choice. Swaggy, Rockstar, Scottie, and Faysal talk about how they need 7 to get Swaggy safe. Swaggy says that they need to either have a tie or get Tyler. Bayleigh tells Swaggy that it will be easy to get the votes, and Swaggy won't go anywhere. Meanwhile Winston is starting to panic. It seems both Swaggy and Winston will only have 5 guaranteed votes.
Faysal tells Kaitlyn that he was blindsided by his best friend while the only it on the block. Faysal feels confused and exposed because of Kaitlyn and Swaggy turning on each other. Swaggy tells Kaitlyn that he swears on his dad's dead grave that he never said Kaitlyn was at the bottom of his totem pole. Kaitlyn cries. Swaggy says that he is in love with Bayleigh, and he doesn't want it taken away. When he is alone, Swaggy says that he is the best actor. Tyler can't believe that Kaitlyn is backing down. Tyler tells Kaitlyn that they have to look out for themselves. Meanwhile Swaggy is going on about how it's all an act on his part.
Swaggy then goes to talk to Sam to spread a sob story to get her vote. Sam says her heart is breaking talking to Swaggy. In DR, Swaggy says that it's all an act. Sam claims in DR that she is wondering if she should use the power app on Swaggy.
Swaggy gives his speech by saying he wants to go in and keep people safe. He goes on and on about they are there to play a game. Winston said he would keep it short and simple. Time for the vote.
- Bayleigh evicts Winston
- Brett evicts Swaggy
- Kaycee evicts not so Swaggy Christopher
- Tyler evicts Swaggy C
- Rockstar evicts Winston
- Haleigh evicts Winston
- Faysal evicts Winston
- Scottie evicts saying he appreciates the flattery, but he's nobody's good, and voted to evict Chris
- JC evicts Swaggy C
- Angela evicts Swaggy
- Rachel evicts Swaggy
- Sam evicts Swaggy
Swaggy is out with a vote of 8-4. Swaggy hugs his alliance members. Swaggy takes some shirts from his bag and throws them to the audience. Jerk. Julie calls Swaggy on being blindsided both weeks. Swaggy said that the house is soft. Swaggy said that Haleigh didn't vote for him. Julie called him out and said that Haleigh voted to keep him. Julie shows Swaggy his pre-house video where Swaggy said he wanted to play in the middle of the pack. Swaggy said that he obviously didn't listen to his own advice. Faysal tells Swaggy in his video that he wanted to save him. Swaggy looked at his fingernails while Kaitlyn and Swaggy gave their farewells. Bayleigh cries because she is in love with Swaggy. Swaggy claims he does love her back. Swaggy also claims Tyler is soft and in love with Kaitlyn. Swaggy is an idiot.
The HOH competition is for the house guests to watch two videos, and then to be asked questions about the video. First question, and everyone but Kaycee gets it right. Tyler, Bayleigh, Angela, Haleigh, Winston, Brett, and JC are out. Third question, and Sam is out. Now the second video, watched by Faysal, Rachel, Rockstar, and Scottie. Fourth question, and they all get it right. Fifth question, and Rockstar is out. Sixth question and Faysal is out. Seventh question, and it's down to Rachel and Scottie. They both get the last question right. Tie breaker: in seconds, how long was the microchip mayhem competition from start to finish? Scottie says 1199. Rachel did math and was really over Scottie is HOH.
Thursday, July 12, 2018 -- Afternoon
POV and Swaggy C
I didn't watch BB on Sunday because I didn't think it would be that exciting. Kaitlyn put Scottie and Winston up so she could backdoor Swaggy C. Tyler won the top trending app, which will keep him off the block for one nomination meeting. Rockstar got the crap app. Tyler then went on to win the POV. He took off Scottie, and Swaggy C went up.
Wednesday's show started with the announcement that Cody and Jessica from last year would be on, and that they were engaged. Kaitlyn really hates Swaggy, which I can understand. His personality would probably rub be the wrong way if I were around him 24/7.
Winston is nervous about being up on the block. Brett and Winston talked about their nerves over the backdoor plan. Swaggy and the rest of the alliance are in the HOH room celebrating over Winston going out.
Time to pick for HOH. Kaitlyn picks Houseguest Choice, and she takes Faysal. Scottie picked Rachel. and Winston picked Tyler. Faysal goes to talk to Kaitlyn, and she tells him that she doesn't want him to win because it would be bad for his game since Swaggy is Faysal's best friend. Kaitlyn tries to explain to him that he doesn't have to play hard. He says he'll go out and win the veto.
Jessica and Cody ring the doorbell and come into the house. JC says that Cody looked taller on TV. It's funny because Cody keeps on introducing himself. I really liked Cody. Jessica and Cody announced the competition, which is based around a dating app. They will have seven dating profiles, and they have to match the houseguests with the perfect dating spots. The houseguest who does it quickest wins. They have a max time of 20 minutes. Boogie, Jodi, Jose, Christmas, McCrae, Michelle, and Cody. Rachel goes through in a decent pace. Kaitlyn is rather stupid. Kaitlyn gets four wrong. Scottie is next, and he tries to movie as quickly as possible. Scottie can't run and think, and he keeps on getting his selections wrong.
Winston is next. He seems to have issues with the selections too. He actually winds up timing out. Idiot! Tyler is up next. Tyler seems really on the ball. He gets it on the first try. Faysal is last. Faysal thinks the competition will be easy. He gets two wrong on the first try. Time for the reveal. Rachel finished in 5:49. Scottie finished in 18:20. Winston finished in 20:00. Tyler gets 5:29. Faysal gets 6:22. Kaitlyn finished in 13:29. Tyler gets the veto.
Kaitlyn starts to want to back out of backdooring Swaggy because her alliance will get mad at her. So Tyler has to calm her down. Kaitlyn doesn't like lying to Faysal. AS part of Rachel's crap punishment, a fat guy comes into the house to yell at her.
Kaitlyn decides to tell Haleigh that she's backdooring Swaggy. Haleigh goes into panic mode, but she can't tell Kaitlyn no. Then Haleigh tells Rockstar. Haleigh tells Rockstar that Tyler encouraged Kaitlyn to do it. Rockstar tells Faysal that she doesn't have a good feeling about Tyler and Kaitlyn. Faysal tells Rockstar that Angie is going up in place of Scottie. Fially Kaitlyn tells Faysal that she is going to put up Swaggy. She asks Faysal if she can have a hug, and Faysal says no.
Time for the veto meeting. Tyler uses the POV on Scottie. Kaitlyn cries and puts up Swaggy, who is shocked. Faysal is pissed, and Bayleigh is panicking. Kaitlyn cries and says that she is empowered to stick up for her truth. Barf! Swaggy says hs will make everyone's life a living hell.
Friday, July 6, 2018 -- Morning
Eviction and HOH
I missed Wednesday's episode of BB, which had Faysal win the POV. He didn't use it. The plan was going back and forth between Sam and Steve. We did find out that in order for Sam to get back in the house with the power she has, that she would have to win a competition.
Tyler wants to keep Sam in the house, and he warns her not to press anyone's buttons. Steve is talking to his group, and he tells them that they need seven votes to keep him. Sam's goal is to make herself seem invaluable. JC thinks that Sam will do anything he wants. I really don't like JC. It seems that he has been going around groping people, and he was reprimanded for it. Kaitlyn doesn't like Faysal hanging out with Haleigh so much.
Tyler and the Level Six alliance wants to get rid of Steve, but they need to get a seventh vote without spilling the beans on the Level Six alliance. Winston thinks that they can get Kaitlyn without exposing the alliance. Haleigh tells Faysal that the two of them are not a good idea. Faysal and Haleigh are snuggling under the blankets, and Kaitlyn can't deal with the fact that Faysal is having a showmance with Haleigh and not with her. Kaitlyn cries to Tyler about how Faysal has not been honest with her. Kaitlyn feels like she is at the bottom of the totem pole. Tyler can use this to sway Kaitlyn's vote to Sam.
Time for the vote, and Steve and Sam get to give their spiel.
- Scottie evicts Sam
- JC evicts Steve
- Swaggy C evicts Sam
- Bayleigh evicts Sam
- Rachel evicts Steve
- Kaycee evicts Steve
- Faysal evicts Sam
- Haleigh evicts Steve
- Angela evicts Steve
- Brett evicts Steve
- Winston evicts Steve
- Kaitlyn evicts Steve
- Rockstar evicts Sam
The vote is 7-6 with Steve leaving. Boy, will he be shocked because he thought he had it locked down. Swaggy C and Bayleigh looked really shocked, and so did Faysal. Gotta love the drama. Steve goes out to talk to Julie.
Steve said that he was more than confident. He believed he had an alliance with the guys that he did not have. Steve said that he was fooled. Julie asked if him being the oldest was a problem in connecting. He says that the others saw him as a young father, and that they never excluded him from the games. Julie calls Steve out on being a bad undercover cop because he couldn't keep his fricking mouth shut.
Time for the HOH competition. It's the launch a ball into boxes. The boxes are setup to be tech jobs in a city, and the boxes have salaries. The person with the highest salary wins. Scottie is first with 40K. JC is next, and he is elimated because he lands in the street. Brett is next, and he is out. Winston gets 12K, and he is eliminated. Sam is next, and she gets 50K, so she is in the lead. Kaycee is next, and she gets 15K. Faysal is on the street and eliminated. Kaitlyn is next and gets 80K. Angela is next. She is in the street and eliminated. Bayleigh is in the street and eliminated. Swaggy is in the street and eliminated. Rockstar also lands in the street and is out. Haleigh gets eliminated. Rachel is last, and she in the street. Kaitlyn is HOH.
Monday, July 2, 2018 -- Morning
Boring Brother
I am really having trouble getting into this season of Big Brother. a good deal of it is due to the disappointment that was season 19. The second part is the absolutely boring similarity with all the house guests. Well, I'm watching last night's episode now.
Tyler says that he put up Sam and Steve because they were the first out in the HOH competition, which basically means the others don't like them. Swaggy thinks that it was weak to go after weak targets. Sam realizes that the problem is that she's in the game as a robot,which is a really sucky thing to do. Tyler goes outside and cries because he is a wimp. But then he says that he just turned on the waterworks as a strategy to seem like a softy.
Meanwhile Sam is in the storage room, and she asks for people to come in one at a time to talk with her. Meanwhile, it becomes obvious that no one really feels a connection to Sam because she is a robot. Kaitlyn comes across as a real bitch, and Sam calls her out ans says that if Kaitlyn was a robot, she couldn't be in the hot tub with Faysal. After Kaitlyn leaves, Tyler tells Sam not to be so aggressive.
Steve thinks he has an awesome social game, and Scottie doesn't have any. They really seemed to get along. Scottie says that he trusts Steve 100 percent. Then we get the bedtime conversation with Swaggy and Bayleigh. Kaycee feels that she is out of things because she has to stay in a room. At least she can interact with others.
Then we see the Level Six alliance with Kaycee, Winston, Brett, Tyler, Angie, and Rachel. They say that they are rock solid. Then we see both Bayleigh and Swaggy talking separately about how they don't want a relationship with each other. Then at night time, they kiss noisely. Swaggy admits to himself that he came there for half a million dollars, not a showmance.
A white pigeon shows up in the yard, and Kaitlyn thinks that it's her dead grandfather Lou. Then we get to see Sam's problems as a robot. She feels very outcast from the group. As she cries, people gather around her, and JC tells her to stop being so full of negativity.Then slop is introduced. Tyler has to choose the first four have nots. Kaitlyn, Brett, Winston, and Scottie volunteer. The bed is a satellite dish.
Swaggy and Faysal try to make an alliance with Brett and Winston. Brett and Winston agree to keep themselves safe, and then Brett goes and tells the others in his alliance. Then we have a discussion of the alliance between Faysal, Swaggy, Kaitlyn, Rockstar, and Haleigh. They some up with some weird anagram.
Then we get the BB App store disclosure. The top trending house guest gets to choose an app in the store. The least trending gets to select a crap app. Each will go into the App Store individually. One you win an app,you can't get another win.
Sam isn't sure what trending is. They have to place their hand on the scanner to find out if they were trending or not. Faysal got the crap app. He was the least trending house guest. Faysal takes the Hamazon punishment. He must eat all the ham in each delivery. Since Faysal is muslim,he doesn't eat ham. Swaggy is sure that he is trending because he runs everything. Swaggy doesn't understand how he is not trending. Sam finds out that she is the top trending. Sam chose Bonus Life. It allows her to get back into the game, and it's only good for the first four evictions. If it's not used by the fourth eviction, that person automatically gets in.
Meanwhile, Swaggy tells America to get it right next time. Sam will probably use the power this week because she will be voted out.
Thursday, June 27, 2018 -- Evening
How Boring!
The BB show started this evening with Swaggy C overhearing the girls not in his group talking about Swaggy behind his back. Then Kaitlyn tells Swaggy that he did the best thing for his game. I'm really having trouble telling who these people are because the majority of them look very similar. Basically the guys are working out and looking at the girls. Then Kaitlyn leads a yoga session. Swaggy C was shocked that he he joined the hippy commune.
Swaggy, Kaitlyn, Rockstar, Haleigh, and Faysal make an alliance called the solid five. First HOH ocmpetition. Only the eight who are not save will be able to compete in the HOH competition. The eight who are safe don't compete. The HOH competition involved walking on a balance beam and putting 'deletion dots' in a competitor's tube. When someone has 10 balls in his/her tube, he or she is out. For some stupid reason, the people who are good are targeting the weakest people: Sam and Steve. Sam sees people putting balls in her tube, and she feels like she is a target, Duh! For some reason, no one was giving JC balls. Sam was the first out, then Steve, Kailyn, Winston, Angela, and then JC. It's down to Tyler and Bayleigh. Tyler started putting balls in Bayleigh's tube before JC, so Bayleigh was not happy. Tyler winds up winning the HOH.
Sam cries about being shunned. No one cares about her. Winston starts making an alliance with Angela, Brett, Rachel, the girl in the rainbow outfit (Kaycee), and wants to add Tyler. Tyler plans on putting up Sam, Steve, and if one comes down, putting up Bayleigh. Sam, as a robot, talks to Tyler about how she is being shunned and an outcast. Tyler tells Sam that she is not a target. They hug. Meanwhile the other people try ot talk Tyler into putting Angela and Winston because they are strong players.
Tyler nominates Sam and Steve. He took the easy way out. Steve says he will get off the block. Sam has her feelings hurt, and she realizes that Tyler doesn't really like her.
Wednesday, June 25, 2018 -- Evening
Big Brother Starts
I have not been as excited about Big Brother this summer, but I figured I'd give it a chance, especially since it is the 20th season. My first thought was that the house guests all have really annoying voices. The only thing I can hope for is that there are no returning house guests. Then, annoyingly, the local station broke into the show with a rambling report about how it was going to rain. After repeating the non-news, slowly, for several minutes, we finally got back to the show.
Tyler, Bayleigh, Samantha, and Winston were the first four into the house. Bayleigh has such a fricking, screechy voice! Samantha sounds like a Jordan Lloyd wannabe. JC is really small. I think he may be a little person. Per usual, the majority of newbies claim they are Big Brother fans. The woman who goes by the name Rockstar is really on the ugly and weird side.
The house guests are called together and told that technology will take over the BB house. The first competition starts. Four men and four women are on each side. One half winds up in darkness, and the other half winds up hanging. The BB Super Computer has 'crashed.' Yep, sounds lame. The ones in the dark, and they have to find a folder that says Escape and Play. There are seven folders, and they have to find them. The one who doesn't find a folder will get a punishment. I really don't like CJ, so I hope he doesn't find a folder. Tyler finds the first folder, and he gets an escape, so he chooses to leave for the house. Then Bayleigh found a folder, and it was an escape, and she leaves. It seems that the house guests are finding the escape folder, and they have been choosing to leave the trash. Winston found the final folder, which means Kaycee doesn't have a folder. Angela will play in the competition to save her seven partners.
The second group of eight is hanging, and they have to pick up blocks and spell the word house guest. The first person who finishes will competition for the other seven against Angela. The last to finish will get the punishment. Samantha says that she is a good speller. We'll see. Swaggy C won the competition. Scottie got the second place. Faysal almost won, but knocked his blocks does. He has to rebuild, but others are knocking down their blocks. Steve is out third,a nd Faysal was fourth. Kaitlyn finishes next with the help of her spirit god. Cray-cray. It's down to Rockstar, Haleigh, and Sam. Rockstar gets the blocks, and it's down to Haleigh and Sam. Haleigh just beats out Sam. Sam doesn't seem that bright. She cries about being sent home.
Bayleigh tries to give Swaggy some tips about intimidating people. Swaggy gives himself a pep talk to go out and win. Swaggy decides to talk to Angela about making a deal to keep them both safe. I like Swaggy because when Angela says she will only keep her platform folks safe, he decides that he has to win. The goal is to be the last house guest standing on a surfboard that is on a pole. As the boards wiggle, they have to balance on the boards. Swaggy says that he has to win.
The first web page comes up, and the two are hit with doors, the back door. Then another page comes up, and a chopping block tries to knock them off. Then its targets and twists. Swaggy admits that his leg is twitching, but he has to hold on. Then Angela is the first to drop. Swaggy thinks it's great that he gets to decide everyone's fate. Swaggy will have to pick the movie in groups to keep people safe. That's a bit of a twist.
Swaggy was going to keep his group safe: him, Brett, Rockstar, and Rachel. Bayleigh tries to save her group: Sam, Winston and Tyler. Then Angela cam in with Kayleigh and her group. I would sacrifice her group because I hate JC. Swaggy has to figure out who to save. Kaycee comes back in with a stupid rainbow unitard.
Sam comes back as a robot. Sam can hear and see everything. Kaycee has to stay in the room she's in when her pinwheel spins. When Sam hears 'robot offline,' she can go to the diary room and come in a herself. When she hears 'robot online,' she has to come back as a robot.
The house guests have to sit in their move in groups: Group 1: Sam, Winston, Bayleigh, and Tyler, Group 2: Steve, JC, Angela, and Kaitlyn. Group 3: Scottie, Haleigh, Faysal, and Kaycee. So that means that Sam, Winston, Bayleigh, Tyler, Steve, JC, Angela, and Kaitlyn are non safe. America gets to vote for someone to trend, who will get a reward, and a person who gets the lowest points gets a punishment.
Now on to Thursday night's episode. Scottie is happy that one of the bros is going home. Winston thinks that Scottie is an idiot. Kaitlyn with her psychic jabber is a screwball. Tyler and the girls think that Winston makes faces, and that Brett may be better at competitions. Bayleigh, Haleigh, and Rockstar say Brett needs to go because he is persuasive. The female members of the Level 6 alliance and Sam say that they have to get rid of Winston because Brett is a bigger target.
Sort clip of Rockstar stuck on the rock wall. Kaitlyn tries some some sort of psychic thing. they Haleigh just talks her into climbing down.
Next up was a clip on Sam's family. Snooze! Then it was time for the vote. Brett is first to give a speech. He sais that he gets nervous in front of pretty girls. Then he gives this smarmy speech. Brett says that Rockstar told him that she was going to slip on the vote, and it would 6-5. Winston says there have been a lot of great duos.
- Kaitlyn evicts Brett
- Rachel evicts Winston
- Kaycee evicts Winston
- Rockstar evicts Brett
- Faysal evicts Brett
- Bayleigh evicts Brett
- Angela evicts Winston
- Haleigh evicts Brett
- JC evicts Winston
- Tyler evicts Winston
- Sam evicts Winston
Winston is eliminated 6-5. Winston hugs Brett, but he doesn't say anything to anyone else. Boy is pissed! Then Rockstar goes on yelling because she says she didn't vote for her. Brett keeps on saying sorry, I don't know what to tell you. Rockstar keep on saying Brett is disgusting. Brett did a great thing by laying the seed of distrust in people. Winston realizes that his alliance voted against him. Winston says it is shocking to him. He thought he was close to them. Winston says that he threw the friendship bracelet that Sam made him to the ground as he left the house. Winston was hinting and begging for a battle back. But there isn't one.
Time for the endurance competition. It's the hold onto the wall endurance. And of course, there is rain to soak them as they hang on. I've already checked, and Sam won the competition.
Friday, July 13, 2018 -- Afternoon
Bye, Swaggy
Catching up on the eviction episode from last night. The show started with Kaitlyn hoping that Faysal will understand her actions. Winston wanted to party because Kaitlyn went through with it. Scottie can't think, but he is just happy that Tyler took him off the block. A bunch of guys go to the HOH room to comfort Kaitlyn. Bayleigh even went to give Kaitlyn a hug. As Bayleigh says, she is going to be nice nasty to Kaitlyn so Bayleigh can stay in the game. Bayleigh says that she couldn't understand why Kaitlyn didn't talk to Swaggy, and Kaitlyn says that she didn't feel she had a choice. Swaggy, Rockstar, Scottie, and Faysal talk about how they need 7 to get Swaggy safe. Swaggy says that they need to either have a tie or get Tyler. Bayleigh tells Swaggy that it will be easy to get the votes, and Swaggy won't go anywhere. Meanwhile Winston is starting to panic. It seems both Swaggy and Winston will only have 5 guaranteed votes.Faysal tells Kaitlyn that he was blindsided by his best friend while the only it on the block. Faysal feels confused and exposed because of Kaitlyn and Swaggy turning on each other. Swaggy tells Kaitlyn that he swears on his dad's dead grave that he never said Kaitlyn was at the bottom of his totem pole. Kaitlyn cries. Swaggy says that he is in love with Bayleigh, and he doesn't want it taken away. When he is alone, Swaggy says that he is the best actor. Tyler can't believe that Kaitlyn is backing down. Tyler tells Kaitlyn that they have to look out for themselves. Meanwhile Swaggy is going on about how it's all an act on his part.
Swaggy then goes to talk to Sam to spread a sob story to get her vote. Sam says her heart is breaking talking to Swaggy. In DR, Swaggy says that it's all an act. Sam claims in DR that she is wondering if she should use the power app on Swaggy.
- Bayleigh evicts Winston
- Brett evicts Swaggy
- Kaycee evicts not so Swaggy Christopher
- Tyler evicts Swaggy C
- Rockstar evicts Winston
- Haleigh evicts Winston
- Faysal evicts Winston
- Scottie evicts saying he appreciates the flattery, but he's nobody's good, and voted to evict Chris
- JC evicts Swaggy C
- Angela evicts Swaggy
- Rachel evicts Swaggy
- Sam evicts Swaggy
The HOH competition is for the house guests to watch two videos, and then to be asked questions about the video. First question, and everyone but Kaycee gets it right. Tyler, Bayleigh, Angela, Haleigh, Winston, Brett, and JC are out. Third question, and Sam is out. Now the second video, watched by Faysal, Rachel, Rockstar, and Scottie. Fourth question, and they all get it right. Fifth question, and Rockstar is out. Sixth question and Faysal is out. Seventh question, and it's down to Rachel and Scottie. They both get the last question right. Tie breaker: in seconds, how long was the microchip mayhem competition from start to finish? Scottie says 1199. Rachel did math and was really over Scottie is HOH.
Thursday, July 12, 2018 -- Afternoon
POV and Swaggy C
I didn't watch BB on Sunday because I didn't think it would be that exciting. Kaitlyn put Scottie and Winston up so she could backdoor Swaggy C. Tyler won the top trending app, which will keep him off the block for one nomination meeting. Rockstar got the crap app. Tyler then went on to win the POV. He took off Scottie, and Swaggy C went up.Wednesday's show started with the announcement that Cody and Jessica from last year would be on, and that they were engaged. Kaitlyn really hates Swaggy, which I can understand. His personality would probably rub be the wrong way if I were around him 24/7.
Time to pick for HOH. Kaitlyn picks Houseguest Choice, and she takes Faysal. Scottie picked Rachel. and Winston picked Tyler. Faysal goes to talk to Kaitlyn, and she tells him that she doesn't want him to win because it would be bad for his game since Swaggy is Faysal's best friend. Kaitlyn tries to explain to him that he doesn't have to play hard. He says he'll go out and win the veto.
Jessica and Cody ring the doorbell and come into the house. JC says that Cody looked taller on TV. It's funny because Cody keeps on introducing himself. I really liked Cody. Jessica and Cody announced the competition, which is based around a dating app. They will have seven dating profiles, and they have to match the houseguests with the perfect dating spots. The houseguest who does it quickest wins. They have a max time of 20 minutes. Boogie, Jodi, Jose, Christmas, McCrae, Michelle, and Cody. Rachel goes through in a decent pace. Kaitlyn is rather stupid. Kaitlyn gets four wrong. Scottie is next, and he tries to movie as quickly as possible. Scottie can't run and think, and he keeps on getting his selections wrong.
Kaitlyn starts to want to back out of backdooring Swaggy because her alliance will get mad at her. So Tyler has to calm her down. Kaitlyn doesn't like lying to Faysal. AS part of Rachel's crap punishment, a fat guy comes into the house to yell at her.
Kaitlyn decides to tell Haleigh that she's backdooring Swaggy. Haleigh goes into panic mode, but she can't tell Kaitlyn no. Then Haleigh tells Rockstar. Haleigh tells Rockstar that Tyler encouraged Kaitlyn to do it. Rockstar tells Faysal that she doesn't have a good feeling about Tyler and Kaitlyn. Faysal tells Rockstar that Angie is going up in place of Scottie. Fially Kaitlyn tells Faysal that she is going to put up Swaggy. She asks Faysal if she can have a hug, and Faysal says no.
Time for the veto meeting. Tyler uses the POV on Scottie. Kaitlyn cries and puts up Swaggy, who is shocked. Faysal is pissed, and Bayleigh is panicking. Kaitlyn cries and says that she is empowered to stick up for her truth. Barf! Swaggy says hs will make everyone's life a living hell.
Friday, July 6, 2018 -- Morning
Eviction and HOH
I missed Wednesday's episode of BB, which had Faysal win the POV. He didn't use it. The plan was going back and forth between Sam and Steve. We did find out that in order for Sam to get back in the house with the power she has, that she would have to win a competition.Tyler wants to keep Sam in the house, and he warns her not to press anyone's buttons. Steve is talking to his group, and he tells them that they need seven votes to keep him. Sam's goal is to make herself seem invaluable. JC thinks that Sam will do anything he wants. I really don't like JC. It seems that he has been going around groping people, and he was reprimanded for it. Kaitlyn doesn't like Faysal hanging out with Haleigh so much.
Time for the vote, and Steve and Sam get to give their spiel.
- Scottie evicts Sam
- JC evicts Steve
- Swaggy C evicts Sam
- Bayleigh evicts Sam
- Rachel evicts Steve
- Kaycee evicts Steve
- Faysal evicts Sam
- Haleigh evicts Steve
- Angela evicts Steve
- Brett evicts Steve
- Winston evicts Steve
- Kaitlyn evicts Steve
- Rockstar evicts Sam
Steve said that he was more than confident. He believed he had an alliance with the guys that he did not have. Steve said that he was fooled. Julie asked if him being the oldest was a problem in connecting. He says that the others saw him as a young father, and that they never excluded him from the games. Julie calls Steve out on being a bad undercover cop because he couldn't keep his fricking mouth shut.
Time for the HOH competition. It's the launch a ball into boxes. The boxes are setup to be tech jobs in a city, and the boxes have salaries. The person with the highest salary wins. Scottie is first with 40K. JC is next, and he is elimated because he lands in the street. Brett is next, and he is out. Winston gets 12K, and he is eliminated. Sam is next, and she gets 50K, so she is in the lead. Kaycee is next, and she gets 15K. Faysal is on the street and eliminated. Kaitlyn is next and gets 80K. Angela is next. She is in the street and eliminated. Bayleigh is in the street and eliminated. Swaggy is in the street and eliminated. Rockstar also lands in the street and is out. Haleigh gets eliminated. Rachel is last, and she in the street. Kaitlyn is HOH.
Monday, July 2, 2018 -- Morning
Boring Brother
I am really having trouble getting into this season of Big Brother. a good deal of it is due to the disappointment that was season 19. The second part is the absolutely boring similarity with all the house guests. Well, I'm watching last night's episode now.Tyler says that he put up Sam and Steve because they were the first out in the HOH competition, which basically means the others don't like them. Swaggy thinks that it was weak to go after weak targets. Sam realizes that the problem is that she's in the game as a robot,which is a really sucky thing to do. Tyler goes outside and cries because he is a wimp. But then he says that he just turned on the waterworks as a strategy to seem like a softy.
Meanwhile Sam is in the storage room, and she asks for people to come in one at a time to talk with her. Meanwhile, it becomes obvious that no one really feels a connection to Sam because she is a robot. Kaitlyn comes across as a real bitch, and Sam calls her out ans says that if Kaitlyn was a robot, she couldn't be in the hot tub with Faysal. After Kaitlyn leaves, Tyler tells Sam not to be so aggressive.
Steve thinks he has an awesome social game, and Scottie doesn't have any. They really seemed to get along. Scottie says that he trusts Steve 100 percent. Then we get the bedtime conversation with Swaggy and Bayleigh. Kaycee feels that she is out of things because she has to stay in a room. At least she can interact with others.
A white pigeon shows up in the yard, and Kaitlyn thinks that it's her dead grandfather Lou. Then we get to see Sam's problems as a robot. She feels very outcast from the group. As she cries, people gather around her, and JC tells her to stop being so full of negativity.Then slop is introduced. Tyler has to choose the first four have nots. Kaitlyn, Brett, Winston, and Scottie volunteer. The bed is a satellite dish.
Swaggy and Faysal try to make an alliance with Brett and Winston. Brett and Winston agree to keep themselves safe, and then Brett goes and tells the others in his alliance. Then we have a discussion of the alliance between Faysal, Swaggy, Kaitlyn, Rockstar, and Haleigh. They some up with some weird anagram.
Then we get the BB App store disclosure. The top trending house guest gets to choose an app in the store. The least trending gets to select a crap app. Each will go into the App Store individually. One you win an app,you can't get another win.
Sam isn't sure what trending is. They have to place their hand on the scanner to find out if they were trending or not. Faysal got the crap app. He was the least trending house guest. Faysal takes the Hamazon punishment. He must eat all the ham in each delivery. Since Faysal is muslim,he doesn't eat ham. Swaggy is sure that he is trending because he runs everything. Swaggy doesn't understand how he is not trending. Sam finds out that she is the top trending. Sam chose Bonus Life. It allows her to get back into the game, and it's only good for the first four evictions. If it's not used by the fourth eviction, that person automatically gets in.
Meanwhile, Swaggy tells America to get it right next time. Sam will probably use the power this week because she will be voted out.
Thursday, June 27, 2018 -- Evening
How Boring!
The BB show started this evening with Swaggy C overhearing the girls not in his group talking about Swaggy behind his back. Then Kaitlyn tells Swaggy that he did the best thing for his game. I'm really having trouble telling who these people are because the majority of them look very similar. Basically the guys are working out and looking at the girls. Then Kaitlyn leads a yoga session. Swaggy C was shocked that he he joined the hippy commune.Swaggy, Kaitlyn, Rockstar, Haleigh, and Faysal make an alliance called the solid five. First HOH ocmpetition. Only the eight who are not save will be able to compete in the HOH competition. The eight who are safe don't compete. The HOH competition involved walking on a balance beam and putting 'deletion dots' in a competitor's tube. When someone has 10 balls in his/her tube, he or she is out. For some stupid reason, the people who are good are targeting the weakest people: Sam and Steve. Sam sees people putting balls in her tube, and she feels like she is a target, Duh! For some reason, no one was giving JC balls. Sam was the first out, then Steve, Kailyn, Winston, Angela, and then JC. It's down to Tyler and Bayleigh. Tyler started putting balls in Bayleigh's tube before JC, so Bayleigh was not happy. Tyler winds up winning the HOH.
Sam cries about being shunned. No one cares about her. Winston starts making an alliance with Angela, Brett, Rachel, the girl in the rainbow outfit (Kaycee), and wants to add Tyler. Tyler plans on putting up Sam, Steve, and if one comes down, putting up Bayleigh. Sam, as a robot, talks to Tyler about how she is being shunned and an outcast. Tyler tells Sam that she is not a target. They hug. Meanwhile the other people try ot talk Tyler into putting Angela and Winston because they are strong players.
Tyler nominates Sam and Steve. He took the easy way out. Steve says he will get off the block. Sam has her feelings hurt, and she realizes that Tyler doesn't really like her.
Wednesday, June 25, 2018 -- Evening
Big Brother Starts
I have not been as excited about Big Brother this summer, but I figured I'd give it a chance, especially since it is the 20th season. My first thought was that the house guests all have really annoying voices. The only thing I can hope for is that there are no returning house guests. Then, annoyingly, the local station broke into the show with a rambling report about how it was going to rain. After repeating the non-news, slowly, for several minutes, we finally got back to the show.The house guests are called together and told that technology will take over the BB house. The first competition starts. Four men and four women are on each side. One half winds up in darkness, and the other half winds up hanging. The BB Super Computer has 'crashed.' Yep, sounds lame. The ones in the dark, and they have to find a folder that says Escape and Play. There are seven folders, and they have to find them. The one who doesn't find a folder will get a punishment. I really don't like CJ, so I hope he doesn't find a folder. Tyler finds the first folder, and he gets an escape, so he chooses to leave for the house. Then Bayleigh found a folder, and it was an escape, and she leaves. It seems that the house guests are finding the escape folder, and they have been choosing to leave the trash. Winston found the final folder, which means Kaycee doesn't have a folder. Angela will play in the competition to save her seven partners.
The second group of eight is hanging, and they have to pick up blocks and spell the word house guest. The first person who finishes will competition for the other seven against Angela. The last to finish will get the punishment. Samantha says that she is a good speller. We'll see. Swaggy C won the competition. Scottie got the second place. Faysal almost won, but knocked his blocks does. He has to rebuild, but others are knocking down their blocks. Steve is out third,a nd Faysal was fourth. Kaitlyn finishes next with the help of her spirit god. Cray-cray. It's down to Rockstar, Haleigh, and Sam. Rockstar gets the blocks, and it's down to Haleigh and Sam. Haleigh just beats out Sam. Sam doesn't seem that bright. She cries about being sent home.
The first web page comes up, and the two are hit with doors, the back door. Then another page comes up, and a chopping block tries to knock them off. Then its targets and twists. Swaggy admits that his leg is twitching, but he has to hold on. Then Angela is the first to drop. Swaggy thinks it's great that he gets to decide everyone's fate. Swaggy will have to pick the movie in groups to keep people safe. That's a bit of a twist.
Swaggy was going to keep his group safe: him, Brett, Rockstar, and Rachel. Bayleigh tries to save her group: Sam, Winston and Tyler. Then Angela cam in with Kayleigh and her group. I would sacrifice her group because I hate JC. Swaggy has to figure out who to save. Kaycee comes back in with a stupid rainbow unitard.
Sam comes back as a robot. Sam can hear and see everything. Kaycee has to stay in the room she's in when her pinwheel spins. When Sam hears 'robot offline,' she can go to the diary room and come in a herself. When she hears 'robot online,' she has to come back as a robot.
The house guests have to sit in their move in groups: Group 1: Sam, Winston, Bayleigh, and Tyler, Group 2: Steve, JC, Angela, and Kaitlyn. Group 3: Scottie, Haleigh, Faysal, and Kaycee. So that means that Sam, Winston, Bayleigh, Tyler, Steve, JC, Angela, and Kaitlyn are non safe. America gets to vote for someone to trend, who will get a reward, and a person who gets the lowest points gets a punishment.