The Daily Bongo
Big Brother 21
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Back from Camp 8th to jury--9/19 |
Evicted 7/18 |
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Evicted 7/18 |
First Final HOH: Michie
Second Final HOH: Holly
Final HOH: Michie
Winner: Michie
Check out the CBS Big Brother Page to watch BB21 episodes
Thursday, September 26, 2019 -- Afternoon
Michie Wins
Well, Michie won the final HOH. He took Holly, and all except for Jessica, Kat, and Nicole voted for him. There was much discussion of how they were all racist and sexist, and boring, blah Nicole won America's Favorite Houseguest. She sure as heck wasn't mine!! Very far from it. All in all, a really blah end to what might have been a good season.Monday, September 23, 2019 -- Evening
Boring Big Brother Catch-Up
In my opinion, this season quickly became a bust. I went on vacation in mid August, and then never was able to get enough interest to watch the show. I saw a few things on line, but my feelings of ennui were realized when Michie and Holly won the first two final HOH competitions. That means that one of them will win and take the other. And folks will have sour grapes and not for for one or the other, but one of them will win, and the other will get second place. Yep, boring.Friday, August 9, 2019 -- Morning
So Jack did go home this week, but then the HOH was won by Tommy. Ugh! Can things ever get better in this game? I can only imagine what stupid stuff Tommy will do.I fast forwarded through the episode because I'm a bit tired of the group, and it's hard to watch the whining. Only Analyse and Christie voted for Michie to be evicted. So Jack was out by 6-2. That's why Jack got for putting his faith more in Christie than in Jack. The best part was when Jack went out to meet Julie. She called him on all the ugly things that Jack has said while he was in the house. Basically Jack was a real asshole in the house, demeaning people. According to Jack, it's just that he was misunderstood or taken out of context. Julie especially called him out about Kemi and Bella. He really looked uncomfortable, and he really came across as the ass that he is.
Thursday, August 8, 2019 -- Morning
Another Busy Day
Another busy day as I prep for my weeklong vacation, so I won't have time to watch last night's Big Brother. As for Jessica winning the POV, at least she was not stupid enough to take one of her nominations off the block. So it seems Jack will go home, although he has been campaigning like the dickens to stay in the house. We'll have to see if anyone buys it. I do promise to watch tonight's show (tomorrow morning) because I want to see Jack's face as he leaves. I also want to root for someone who will put more holes in the Six Shooter alliance.Monday, August 5, 2019 -- Morning
Jessica in Power
I don't have time to watch BB today (or tomorrow), so just some spoilers. Jessica won the HOH, and she nominated Jack and Michie. She's telling Christie that Michie is the target, but it's actually Jack. Basically, Jack is closer to Christine than Michie. POV that we will see on Wednesday was won by Jessica. Now the question is what will she do. Will she stick to her plan to get rid of Jack, or will she be really dumb and put up Nick, keeping the six still together? These people are incredibly dumb, so who knows what might happen.Friday, August 2, 2019 -- Morning
Unseen Drama
Julie started the show last night saying that there was a good deal of drama in the hour before the show went live. I think it's because Sam was outing all the backstabbing, and the Six Shooters were imploding.Nick doesn't want Sam to go out, but since the Six can't take out Sam, they are taking out Nick. Holly and Kat are working together, and they have a final two. So Kat feels safe. Analyse said that she is going to miss Sam because he's the only one in the house that makes her laugh.
Then we had a whining segment on the poison ivy punishment.
Cliff talks with Christie because he wants the couples to turn on each other. Christie says that she realizes the she and Tom are low in the six totem pole. Christie is trying to build an army with the ones who are in the six.
Holly tells Michie about how Christie doesn't want to go further with the couples.
Sam tells Michie about Christie going ater him and Jack. Sam tries to get Michie to keep him. Sam doesn't realize that he's dealing with stupid people. Holly tells Michie about Christie building an alliance against others. Holly doesn't want Kat to home, and now Holly realizes that she should have put Nicole up. So Holly listened to Christie, put Kat up, and that guarantees that Sam, the person who would go after Christie, going home. Michie then talks to Jack, but Jack doesn't really seem to be listening. Jack doesn't believe that Christie would go after him. Jack is dumb,and asks why Christie would move against him and Michie. He says she's not that dumb. What a fricking idiot!
Time to talk to the house guests. Cliff says he missed his wife and kids so horribly. Nicole calls them family. Then we have a segment on Tommy teaching the others to line dance. Tommy does say that Nick has good hips for dancing.
Julie keeps on playing up how they don't know what the vote would be because of the recent things that happened. Kat mentions that in her speech too. Then says that she's all about equal pay, which I don't understand. She rambles and cries. She hopes her parents are proud of her. Sam was so cool. He said that he has guilt by association. Sam says that he is drama free, and yes, he has been in the room when everyone's name came up at one time. After all it's Big Brother, but he's not anyone's keeper.
- Christie evicts Sam
- Nicole evicts Sam
- Michie evicts Sam
- Jack evicts Sam
- Nick evicts Sam
- Analyse evicts Sam
- Jessica evicts Sam
- Cliff evicts Sam
- Tommy evicts Sam
America votes to pick three house guests to compete. The winner gets safety for a week. The loser is the third person on the block,and the person in second place gets a punishment.
The person evicted next week is the first to go to jury. The competition is to study some photo booths. Then the house guests will be asked questions about the photos. The winner is HOH. and that's how the show ends. Julie promised that we will learn about all the drama before the live show.
Thursday, August 1, 2019 -- Morning
Busy Update
I'll be too busy today to watch last night's episode, so as a quick update: Nick won the POV. Kat went up in his place. Sam is pretty much doomed because of the annoying six who control the house. Sometimes people need to realize that they have power in numbers, and that at some point, they outnumbered the six. That won't last for long. So expect Sam to leave tonight and for one of the six to win HOH for another week me rolling my eyes.Monday, July, 29, 2019 -- Morning
Catching Up
I couldn't bring myself to watch the Thursday night eviction episode where Bella went home just because the people, like Jack and Michie are such jerks, I didn't want to see them succeed. But the year is too early to call it quits on this season, so I'm watching last night's episode.The show starts with the endurance HOH competition, with the house guests hanging. The vines keep on moving around so the house guests have trouble staying up. Of course, Jessica is the first to fall, and she did it in something like 3 minutes. Cliff thinks he hs in roads with the group. Jessica got a chip from the first aid box, and someone will get the poison ivy punishment. Jessica is safe. Nicole falls at 5 minutes 52 seconds.
Holly tries to say that Michie is in her alliance. Michie says he wanted Holly to win so he could give her food for thought--meaning he would tell her who to nominate. Cliff was giving beer to Michie and Jack. I hate those two. Sam and Nick agree that they are in deep do-do. Sam realizes that he has to talk game with Holly. Analyse talks to Christie and Tommy over Michie's behavior. Christie has issues with Michie's overbearing personality. Holly tells Christie that she is done working with Holly and Michie.
Christie and Tommy talk about how Michie is an ass. She says he is always telling people what to do, moody, and fluctuating between Kat and Holly. Holly was thinking of putting Nick and Sam up, or maybe Nick and a pawn. Holly doesn't want to create bad blood with Sam. Michie thinks that putting up Nick and Nicole is better, and won't get blood on their hands Note the use of the word their, because that's what Michie used.
Now a segment on Kat asking Cliff if the moon landing happened. Kat doesn't believe the moon landing happening. Cliff has to tell Kat that there is gravity on the moon. Kat is really stupid, and a conspiracy theorist. She believes Tupac is alive, aliens are real, and she can't talk about JFK shooting on camera because people would come after her.
The poison ivy punishment is no showering or leaving the house, while wearing a costume. Sam goes up to talk with Holly. Sam realizes that guilt by association is not good. Sam tries to tell Holly and Michie that he can help them, and he has a lot to offer. Sam says that he will 100 percent not put up Holly or Michie.
Michie tells Holly that Christie has to go. Michie wants to keep Sam or Nick to take out Christie. Holly realizes that she needs someone in her corner who would be a strong comopetitor to take out the other four in her alliance. So what does she do? Put up Nick and Sam.
Spolier: Nick wins POV, so he will take himself off. It seems the plan is to put up a replacement who will actually get voted out, and people are saying Nicole.
Thursday, July 25, 2019 -- Morning
Let's just say that this episode is a huge disappointment. Michie wins the POV, and Cliff then puts up Bella as his replacement because of the threat that Christie made to use her diamond power of veto.The show starts right after the nomination ceremony. Jack says that Cliff sucks at playing BB, because he targeted Jack. Then for some reason, Tommy is crying, and Jack is comforting him. What drama queens! Christie talks about her diamond power of veto, which she was describing incorrectly several times in the house. Christie doesn't want to throw away her diamond veto though, especially on someone else. Bella thanks Cliff for not putting them up. As Nick says, karma is a bitch.
Christie says that she feels under pressure to use her power. Cliff tells Christie that she is a strong, focused individual.
Michie is trying to figure out who has the second power. Jack admits that he has the second power, which is just redrawing the veto players. Time to pick for the veto. Cliff picks House Guest's choice, and picks Sam. Jack picks Holly. Michie picks Jessica. Cliff likes the lineup. Jack activates the Chaos power. Cliff picks Kat. Jack picks Sam. Sam says that Jack looked like he was dying inside when he picked Sam. Michie picked Analyse, and Jack had such a fake smile.
Cliff tells Nick and Bella that Christie could use her power to change the vote. Cliff says that someone other than Jack, Michie, or Analyse have to win.
Time for the veto competition. It's an individual competition. They have to hold onto three buttons on a jet ski, and they have to take off their clothes to a bathing suit. If they keep all three buttons pushed, the clock runs at normal speed. If they have two, it goes a 10 times faster; one pressed, it goes 30 times faster; and if they let go of all three, the clock jumps by 60 seconds or 60 times faster. Once they are in their swimsuit, they jump in the lake and press a button to stop the clock. The fastest time wins. Cliff did a decent job. Kat says that as a dancer she is used to taking her clothes off quickly, and she is very flexible. Jack is an ass hat asking if he gets bonus points for taking off his swim suit. Jack is an idiot and takes his foot off the button and leavs it off. Jack is incredibly bad at the game, and he feels good about his 13:10 performance. Sam takes both hands off the buzzers several times and winds up with a high time of 10 minutes. Michie realizes slow and steady wins, and he gets both the jacket and shirt off at the same time.
Cliff had 4:47 time, Analyse had 9:06, Sam had 11:21, Kat had 3:25, (Kat said she is really good at taking her clothes off) Jack had 13:10 (Jack thought it was 3:10--Jack is an ass), and Michie had 2:59. Michie gets the POV. Michie wants Bella up. Cliff has to figure out an alternative plan to salvage his game. I really dislike Jack's cockiness. Meanwhile Christie wants to keep the power for herself. Tommy tries to spin it that giving it to someone else would keep Chrisite save in the long run. Christie starts crying, and now she regrets telling everyone about her power. Christie tries to explain to Michie that it's her power that she is giving away. I don't think Michie is that dumb--well, maybe he is. He has to understand that it's her power to use. Christie's blood is boiling because of mansplaining, and she realizes (finally) that Michie is selfish and just thinking of himself.
Christie goes to talk to Cliff. She tells him her woes. Cliff is trying to keep himself save, and trying to recover something this week. Christie says that Michie is acting like the diamond veto is his. Cliff tells Christie that Michie and Jack are too powerful and arrogant. Christie says that for the next two weeks, she will keep Cliff save. Christie says that she would rather have Bella go up. Cliff says that his word is bond, so if Christie doesn't use her power, he will put up Bella. There is a part of Cliff that says he should stick to his guns and put someone else from that group up to get out Jack.
Time for the POV ceremony. Michie takes himself off the block, and Cliff honors his deal with Christie and puts Bella up. Cliff said that he has to stay true to his word. Christie is very happy because she kept her power and has a new power. Bella doesn't understand why everyone loves Jack, and that is a very good question.
Monday, July 22, 2019 -- Morning
I am looking forward to watching this episode of BB because we should have the fallout with Nick and Bella, and we will see Cliff win HOH and actually do something ballsy!Cliff knew it was unexpected for him as an old guy to get back into the house. Nick felt betrayed because they blindsided him on a vote that shouldn't have even mattered. Sam realizes that he looks like an idiot because he wasn't part of the six alliance to know the vote was flipped. Kat is crying because she got really really close to David, and she wanted him back in the house. Kat can't stop crying because I think she really loves David. Christie tries to claim to Nick that she tried to tell Nick. Meanwhile Nicole is happy that the she stayed. Michie tells Nicole to work with the six, not against them. Bella said that leading Nick and Bella to think Nicole was being voted out was not good for an alliance. Nick says that Nicole told him and Bella that the six were targeting Nick, and he believd the six. Then Michie tries to tell Cliff that there is no alliance, and they voted out Cliff because they knew Cliff would come back into the house. They think Cliff is an idiot.
Nick says that if one of the six won, Nick knows his and Bella's name would go up. Then Michie says there was no deceptive plan. Those eight are real backstabbers and really think each other is stupid, and yes, they are. Jack says that his skin is crawling over Bella's lies. Uh, Jack is like crazy lying. Jessica, Nicole, and Cliff overhear the argument, and they realize that there was an alliance of 8, and Cliff says that if one of them wins HOH, they can make that little crack a huge one.
Time for the HOH competition. They will be asked a question about BB patches. It seems two players will be elimated in each round. If you get it wrong, you are out. If everyone answers correctly, the last two players to ring in are out. We then get quick segments from everyone on how they want to win. Nicole is sure it's hers. So Nicole and Holly were the last two, and they were out in the first round. HA! The second question is to find the patch that appears twice. Kat and Bella are out in the second round. Bella said that she hit the wrong button. Jessica and Analyse got the third question wrong. Michie and Sam were the last two to answer with the fourth question. Now onto the fifth question. Jack was counting his chickens before they hatch. Everyone answered correctly, but Tommy and Christie were the last to ring in. Cliff says it's the old man versus Aguaman. That was a good one!
Now down to the last question. Nick was really anxious, then Cliff got the right answer, and won HOH. Cliff immediately told Nick that he was safe and good. Nick says that couldn't have gone any better. Cliff says that Cliff Hogg is in charge, or you can call him Boss Hogg. Jack says he was so close, and he thinks it's a huge wrench in the game that Cliff came back and won HOH. Cliff has a victory dance, and he's sure that there are people who will dance with them. Cliff says that it will be a different game this week.
Bella tells Nick that she holds grudges so hard. Cliff tells Nicole that she is safe, and that he will be keeping his distance to keep the others on their toes. Michie and Holly talk about how they need to convince Cliff to put up Nick and Bella. Michie also wants to play in the veto, then he wants to use Christie's veto power. Christie says that of course she would use her power on Michie.
Cliff tells Bella that as long as she is devious and on his side, he's okay with that. Cliff said that no one wanted to talk with him after the nomination, but now they do. Then we have a segment with each of the six coming to talk to Cliff alone. Cliff wants to make sure that he gets a message across to Christie that she doesn't need to use her power.
Time for the nomination ceremony. Cliff nominates Jack and Michie. Cliff tells Jack that he is a beast. Cliff says that Michie banished him day one and voted him out last week. Michie says this is a do or die. Jack says that Cliff wasn't supposed to do this, and that Cliff will regret his decision. Christie says it wasn't going to go this way, and Michie assumes that Christie will use her power on him, but she doesn't know. The thing is that if I had that power, I would keep it to use on myself.
Friday, July 19, 2019 -- Morning
Camp Comeback Ends
We get to find out who will come back from Camp Comeback today. I like how the recap announcer made fun of Christie going cockcoo! She's an idiot.Julie starts the show by announcing the Camp Comeback competition. I thought it would be a popularity vote, but it's not. Nick is sure that Nicole is going home. Cliff doesn't like that Nicole is up against him, but as Cliff says, when your rearend is on the block, it's every man for himself.
Next up is a segment on David, Ovi, and Kemi wanting payback. David really wants to come back in and finally play the game. David tries to be the most charming that he can be. David tries to get the people he doesn't trust to trust David. Ovi's social game is not that good, but he does make cookies. Christie says that the cookies are so good, and asks what Ovi puts in them. Ovi says Love. Ovi wants Cliff to stay in the house because Cliff is his only alliance. Kemi wants to be friends, but she can't stand anyone in the house except for Nicole. Kemi is confused about Jack hating her. Kemi really wants to get Jack out because Jack is really an ass, for example, going on about how Kemi put her shaker bottle in the fridge. If they all did it, there would not be room for food. Except they aren't.
Cliff gives his final speech saying that whatever happens, they will always be family. Nicole says grab life by the boobs, and then jokes maybe her boobs to celebrate if she stays in the house. Time for the vote:
- Analyse evicts Cliff
- Bella evicts Nicole
- Jack evicts Cliff
- Sam evicts Nicole (he says ho ho ho, Nicole's gotta go--and he's dressed in a red Santa suit top)
- Jessica evicts Nicole
- Kathryn evicts Nicole (but adds don't think I don't know what is going on)
- Christie evicts Cliff
- Holly evicts Cliff
- Michie evicts Cliff
- Tommy evicts Cliff
The three are talking to Julie. David was crying, but he said big shoutout to Cliff because he beat David twice. David wanted to go further this year, and he's really unable to talk because he's so emotional. Ovi talks about being ostracized in Camp Comeback. Kemi was extremely surprised that it was a split vote. Julie told David that he was right about everything that he thought. David said that everyone knew that Cliff was in trouble because Cliff wanted the couples out. David and Ovi want Cliff to get to the end. Kemi says Sam because Sam has been playing a really good game, and getting involved when he should and not when he shouldn't.
The HOH happened overnight, and Cliff won the HOH. Meanwhile Nick is having a meltdown because the others in his alliance voted against him. Of course, they all try to spin the alternative reality that for some reason these bunch of goobers are so willing to believe.
Thursday, July 18, 2019 -- Morning
The folks who watch the live feeds don't have much to like about this bunch. I keep on hearing that people think they are too hateful. I don't know. I'm not one of those, let's make everyone happy people because, guess what, you can't make everyone happy! Some say that this show illustrates the hate. We'll see if that's true.David goes to talk to Christie and Jack about how they were treating Ovi. Ovi overhears Jack and Christie saying that Ovi is really screwing himself. Jack says to Ovi that Ovi is in Camp Comeback so Jack can't touch him. Jack acts like an ass to Ovi, David, and Nicole, and it seems that is par for the course. Yeah, these are extremely disgusting people. Nicole tries to talk with Bella, and Bella started on a bullying discourse while saying that Bella doesn't bully people. Bella says that it makes her sick, and she's not a bully, and when Nicole says something, Bella bulldozes Nicole. Tommy is there as a witness, and sees that Bella is bullying her. Tommy tells Nicole that he is very sorry she didn't get a chance to speak while Bella was calling Nicole obnoxious and disgusting. What pieces of shit those 8 asses are! As Tommy says, they get sucked up into the mob mentality. Yep!
Kat tries to tell Nicole that it's not worth it to talk to those people. Nicole cries about how she came into the house to be an advocate for the bullied. Nicole realizes that she was stupid to tell the bully again. Yep! Then Nicole goes to tell Bella that Nicole is sorry for upsetting Bella. I am not sure why Nicole just doesn't shut up. This is just so painful to watch. Then Nick comes in, and starts yelling at Nicole. Nicole then calls out Bella and says it's Bella. Bella is the liar and the problem. Tommy gives Nicole a hug afterwards.
Time to pick for the veto. Nick picks Jackson. Cliff picks Kat. Jessica picks House guest choice, and stupidly picks Christie. Jessica says she couldn't pick Nicole because Nicole was messing up her game (true),and Jessica didn't want to be connected to Nicole. Rolling my eyes. Kaitlyn from BB20 is there. I don't remember her at all. Oh yeah! She's the one who couldn't put that stupid puzzle together to stay in the house. The competition is to go in search of color coded puzzle pieces, and then to rebuild the puzzle of Kaitlyn. Nick talks about Nicole's ability to manipulate others as super shady. Crazy! Kat is loving it and wants to win because she wants to show everyone that she's a good player and not an idiot. Nick can't put the puzzle together because he's dumb. Christie can't find her last piece. Kat blew them all out of the water, and she easily put her puzzle together and won the POV.
Christie is feeling safe so she's feeling safe so she doesn't need the power. Kat wishes she could save them all because Cliff is like her dad, Jessica is her friend, and Nicole has had an awful week. Kat isn't the dummy that Gr8fl believes her to be. Gr8ful is the bunch of dummies.
Chrisite is now feeling paranoid because she feels that Nick is sending weird digs her way. She is freaking out. Christie believes that Nick is going to backdoor her. She starts crying to Kat about how Christie is going up. Analyse and Kat tries to tell her to stop freaking out. Oh, Boo Hoo! Christie is one crazy bitch. Jessica tries to calm her down too. The girl is a nut job. I wish she would use her power because she's such a freaking, obnoxious idiot.
Time for the POV ceremony. Christie is terrified, and she feels like she should use the power to stay off the block. Kat takes Jessica off the block because Jessica is Kat's best friend in the house. Nick says he doesn't get mad, he gets even, and Nicole is now on the block. Christie believes she put a huge risk by not using her power. I'm shocked at how stupid Christie is. Bella thinks that Nicole is getting what she deserves.
Monday, July 15, 2019 -- Morning
Diamond Veto
Last night's show had the last Whacktivity competition and the nominations. The show started right after Julie left. Bella is upset that Kemi called out her and Nick. Jack says that Nick and Bella were having issues with Gr8ful, but this week Jack has to suck that up because Nick is HOH. Jessica hopes that she is up on the block again this week. Kemi really disses Bella in the DR, commenting on Bella's blue eye liner.Bella tells Kemi that she doesn't understand Kemi's call out because Bella was her only friend in the game. Bella got on top of Kemi, and Kemi waves her arm off. Kemi says that Bella is now going to talk behind Kemi's back because that's what Bella does. Drama! That is the beauty of Camp Comeback. You have the person you voted out and angered still in the house!
Michie tells Jack that he voted for Kemi. Michie swears Jack to secrecy because others knowing it would blow up both of their games. Meanwhile Nicole goes to talk to Michie and Holly about the hinky vote, and Michie says that it sucks that Nicole is going to have the vote pinned on her.
Nick talks to the other eight (Gr8ful and Sam), and says he wants to put up Jess, Cliff, and Nicole. However, Nick doesn't believe that it was Nicole who cast the vote. Bella, Nick, and Sam talk, and Nick thinks it was Michie who did the hinky vote. Nick does not want to put up Nioole, and he thinks that Michie is acting awfully nervous and keeps on saying the vote must be Nicole. Sometimes people don't know how to be smooth.
Nick tells Nicole that he doesn't think Nicole did the hinky vote, and that he thinks someone did it to pin the blame on her, but he doesn't understand it. Nick tells Nicole that he won't put her up this week. He wants her to relax. Nicole wants to feel safe, but he won't feel safe until the end of the week.
Time for the Panic Whacktivity. Analyse, Nick, Jessica, and Christie are the competitors. Kemi is out, and she would have been the fifth person. Analyse goes out to find a bin with thousands of Madagascar hissing cockaroaches. The competitors have to move around the cockaroaches to see the carvings on the elder stone that is hidden on the bottom. The carvings correspond to letters that will be used to solve a puzzle saying. The person who gets the saying in the fastest time wins. The sentennce was Don't Meet Julie on Eviction Night. However, Analyse can't spell Julie, so that adds to her time. Jessica is stupid and also gets hung up on the jewel + ee graphic. Nick is really back because he can't find the letters. Christie is pissed off because she took too much time on the T in meet. Christie won the Panic Power with a time of 7:41.
Christie finds out that she can turn a golden veto into a diamond veto. The person who holds the veto can take themselves off and put up a replacement. That's a huge power, but of course, you have to hold the veto or give it to someone who has the veto. Christie tells tommy, but when Jack walks in and tells Christie and Tommy that he has the second power. Christie says that she didn't win the power.
Meanwhile, Nicole finally has figured out about Gr8ful. Kemi then tells Nicole that Christie overheard Cliff talking about the Zing alliance with Cliff and Ovi. Nicole is really scared not only for herself, but for Cliff. Nicole goes and find Cliff and tells him that Christie overhead Cliff talking to the camera. Cliff apologizes, and then realizes that he screwed up because he didn't think he could be overheard. Cliff won't give up Cliff Notes, but realizes that he has to have a quieter voice. Cliff talks with Nick and says that he won't mind being a pawn, but he doesn't want to the target. Cliff says that he would like to work with Nick and Bella. Nick is trying to get Cliff out, so he's down with the plan to put up Cliff.
We then have a segment on how stupid Kat is, showing Kat saying really stupid things. Then Kemi puts on her Camp Comeback outfit and trips as she comes out of the DR. Nick tells Bella and Sam that they are at the bottom of the alliance. Sam says why not take a shot at them first if Nick knows they are at the bottom of the pile. Nick isn't sure he wants to do that because of Camp Comeback. Boring!
Nicole goes to talk with Nick and Bella. Nicole says that Kemi made her statement because she was trying to stir things up. Nicole tells Nick and Bella that the others in Gr8ful want to target Nick and Bella.
Time for nominations. Nick nominates Cliff and Jessica. Nick said tha the put them up because they've been up before. Nick claims he might backdoor Jack and Michie.
Friday, July 12, 2019 -- Morning
New Camp Comeback House Guest
The show started with the action after the veto meeting. Jack says that Kemi is his target, and he has to send her to Camp Comeback as a happy camper. Jessica, meanwhile, says that she's safe against Kemi. Cliff talks with Ovi, and Nicole comes in. Cliff says if it's Ovi who comes back, they can be a real force in the game. So Ovi, Cliff, and Nicole made an alliance. Cliff calls it the Fellowship of the Zing.Then we have a segment on Cliff talking to the camera. Where he says hello to his wife and to the live feeders. He calls it his Cliff Notes. He talks strategy about this game, and first Christie overhears him talking. Christie hears about Cliff's alliance and everything that Cliff thinks about the game. Christie runs back to tell Michie, Holly, nd Tommy. Michie is a jerk and thinks it's funny that Cliff's alliance is lame. Well, Cliff accurately called the alliances between the couples in the eight.
Then Bella goes and talks to Sam about how there is an alliance of eight, and that Sam is the ninth. Sam says in DR that his heart hurts because he finds out there is an eight person alliance that he is not part of. Sam says in DR why should he get rid of Kemi for an alliance that Sam is not even a part of. Sam then goes and talks to Jack about targeting Jess and keeping Kemi. As Sam says, Kemi is going to go after Jack. Then Jack slips up and says that it's in whatever is best for Gr8ful. Then Jack catches himself and says the group of 9. However, Sam ain't dumb, and he realizes that he needs to look out for his own game and not others.
It's time for the final words of the nominees. Jess says that she loves everyone, and she's proud in everything they show as a diverse group of people (Blah!). Jess says that's she's loyal. It's like Jess would not shut up. Kemi then outs Nick and Bella as playing both sides of the house. Time to vote.
- Cliff evicts Kemi
- Kat evicts Kemi
- Nicole evicts Kemi
- Bella evicts Kemi
- Nick evicts Kemi
- After Nick votes, we go to a commerical break, and Julie says the rest of Gr8ful and Sam vote after the break. That was funny!
- Sam evicts Kemi
- Sam says when Julie introduces him: Who's the dream of all men? Julie Chen
- Analyse evicts Kemi
- Michie evicts Jessica
- Holly evicts Kemi
- Christie evicts Kemi
- Tommy evicts Kemi
Time for the HOH. Each house guest gets to throw underhand an arrow at a target. If the arrow doesn't completely land on one, they get the score that the majority of the head lands on. The person with the most points wins. If someone doesn't want to be HOH, they can go for one of the small targets for $5000 or a safety that keeps someone safe for the week. Once they are claimed, they are no longer in play. If they bounce off the board, they get 0. Analyse gets 50. Jessica gets 5. Christie gets 65. Nick gets 90. Sam gets 70. Michie gets 70. Tommy gets 35. Cliff gets 15. Bella gets 75. Kat gets 0. Nicole gets 15. Holly gets 0, so Nick is the HOH.
After the HOH, we are back in the living room, and Nick says he just wants to see a picture of his mom. Kemi is asked how it will be to be with 10 people who voted against her. Kemi said it is what it is, and it wasn't a surprise. Cliff misses his wife. Tommy misses his mom's food. Julie gave him a shout out about being in the Broadway play of Pretty Woman. Next week when the fourth house guest goes to Camp Comeback, there will be some sort of competition to see who comes back in. Also, the third Whacktivity power will be a classic. I'm thinking a diamond veto or something.
Thursday, July 11, 2019 -- Afternoon
POV Competition and Unity
I already know that Sam won the POV, and all I can say is that he is a hidden powerhouse. I hope it goes far. The show started with fallout from the nomination ceremony. Jessica claims in DR that someone is giving Jack miinformation. Kemi says when she wins the veto, that will shake Jack. Nicole and Bella talk afterwards, and Bella admits that to Nicole that she told Jack. Bella in DR admits tha tshe wants to have an alliance with everyone, but her problem is that she keeps on running her mouth to everyone, which is not good for her game.David says that he's watching every move and every interaction. David analysis: he thinks Jack and Michie are the big two, and Holly and Analyse are in with them. Then Christie and Nick seem to complete the big alliance. Tommy is the likeable guy, and Nick and Bella have a connection. David also realizes that Cliff, Jessica, Kemi, and Ovi don't know what's going on. Sam doesn't appear to be in with anyone. Sam is a wildcard, and he would want Sam on his team because he is a wild card. David is 100 percent right.
Then it's time for an earthquake segment. Everyone was running around to get away from things that oculd fall on them, and the rumbling seemed to last for a while.
A bugle goes off, and David and Ovi have to wear Camp Comeback uniforms, which are like Boy Scout uniforms.
Jessica talks to Michie who tells Jessica that she has to be strong. Michie says that it would break his heart if Jessica went over Kemi. Jessica claims the all girl alliance is not true. Jessica hopes that Michie would take her off the block if he won the veto.
Time to pick players for veto. David and Ovi have to watch from their Camp Comeback room. Jack picks Bella. Jessica picks house guest's choice, and she takes Michie. Kemi picks Sam. I love Sam. He's my sort of fun guy.
The doorbell rings, and Tyler comes into the house to host the POV competition. Analyse talks about how hot Tyler is and that Angela should watch out. Tyler says that Angela is the girl of his dreams, so he's happy with what he got out of the game.
The POV competition starts with the house guests pulling the plug, and they can only play as long as there is water in their aquaplug. At 30 minutes they won't be allowed to fill the plug. They have to grab frogs out of the pont one at a time, and go over to the shore and then stack them. The one with the most stacked wins.
Kat goes to talk to Sam. As Sam says, the good thing about having the veto is you have a ton of power. The bad thing is everyone knows you have the power. As Kat tries to talk, Kemi comes in and Kat is awkward. As Sam says everyone wants to talk to him, Yakkety, yak, yak. Then as Jessica is talking to Sam, Nicole awkwardly comes in and stands there. Then Kemi had her talk with him. Sam tells Kemi that using the veto would put a target on his back. He would not mind saving Kemi, but he has to weigh the good versus the bad.
Sam is called to the diary room. He receives a letter which starts to make him cry. He comes out to tell everyone that his grandfather died. Everyone comes around to hug him. Sam thought his grandfather was doing okay, but he wasn't. As Sam said, it's really hard because he's not able to go to his family or anything like that. It was really very touching. Everyone did gather around just to sit around and console him. I thought that was really nice. I think I might like more of the folks playing this year than any other recent year.
As Sam says, he is in the game for him and his family, and the goal is to get to the end and the $500,000. Tiime for the veto meeeting.Sam chooses not to use the veto. Sam says he doesn't want to create ripples, and he is going to stick to the HOH's decision. Jessica said she is going to rally to clear her name and get the votes. Kemi says the Camp Comeback outfit doesn't fit her style. As Tommy says, they have to consider their votes wisely because the person voted out stays in the house.
Monday, July 8, 2019 -- Morning
Jack as HOH
I'm looking forward to the Jack HOH because I'm sure it will cause lots of drama. The show started with Camp Comeback. Christie is really screwed becuase Ovi is still in the house. I'm not sure that I like her. I'm not sure about a lot of these people. David is happy to be back in the house so he can play the social game. Ovi wants to get back on the warpath, he says. Michie is upset because David is back, and if David gets back, he'll be gunning for Michie. Kat tells Michie that they need to get David on their side. Michie goes to talk to David because he felt that David would make it back. Granted, David should have made it back. David reminds Michie that he's not back yet. Meanwhile Ovi tells Michie that they will work when they get back. I think Michie is a jerk. I'm sure that he will shoot himiself in the foot soon.David tries to tell Kat that there are alliances in the house. Kat is a stupid girl, so she doesn't buy it. David seems like a really good player. Nicole and Ovi talks, and Nicole tries to tell Ovi what is going on behind his back. Ovi feels betrayed because Nicole told him Jack and Michie were giving him the runaround.
Thene there was a whole promo for CBS' new show Love Island, which is basd on the British show. The winner of the veto competition will win a trip for Fiji. Holly massages Michie's head, and Michie says he needs to put his energy into his alliance and Holly instead of Kat. Michie says Kat doesn't add any positives to his game and Holly does. Then Kat comes while Michie and Holly are in the hammock, and she squeezes herself in. Michie tells Jack that he has an issue with Kat. Basically Michie wants Kat gone, but Jack has other plans.
Bella goes back to Jack and tells him about the Black Widow alliance. Bella says that it was desperation because Jessica doesn't talk to any guys. Jack is targetting Jessica and Kemi because they are easy targets. Jessica finally figures out that she should go and talk game to Jack. Jack then sort of outs what Bella told him by telling Jessica that she was a mastermind of an all women's alliance.
David and Ovi can't participate in the nomination ceremony, but they are watching from Camp Comeback. Jack nominates Kemi and Jessica. Jack claims that he doesn't talk much game with them, and that he heard they would both target him and are forming an alliance. Bella has to be in trouble because she outed them. Kemi claims she thrives under pressure so bring it on.
Friday, July 5, 2019 -- Morning
BB Eviction
I'm finally catching up on Wednesday's episode of BB. The new twist (having the first four evicted house guests live in the house until a battle back) is interesting. They won't be able to participate in competitions, but they will be there to continue to play the social game, and know what is going on. Julie started the show off by making the announcement about the twistAfter the Veto ceremony, Christie admits that she went against her aliance. Christie feels Ovi is an easy person to get out. Kat says that she feels better against Ovi, because even she would not vote out Cliff. Christie plans on telling both nominees that they are pawns. Okay! Ovi cries with Christie, anc he claims that she trusts him when Christie says the Ovi is a pawn. Jack says he's not greedy because Ovi was also on Jack's radar. Cliff says he's on Ovi's side. Ovi starts going around and asking others if they will vote for him Cliff and Michie says that he has their vote. Meanwhile Kat is freaking out and saying that everyone is conspring against her. She keeps on saying it to the point where CBS makes a montage of the phrase. Sam makes a funny by walking into a room with Kat and asks if they are conspiring against her. They should have voted Kat out because she's just so fricking annoying.
It's time for the vote. Each gets a brief statement. Ovi says that everyone is family to him, and he's not ready to leave, and he's loyal, and he makes cookies. Kat says she already gave her eviction speech at the veto ceremony. She hopes to stay, and she says that she will get to know if the bitches were conspiring against her.
- Analyse evicts Ovi
- Nick evicts Ovi
- Tommy evicts Ovi
- Jessica evicts Ovi
- Holly evicts Ovi
- Jack evicts Ovi
- Michie evicts Ovi
- Nicole evicts Ovi
- Bella evicts Ovi
- Cliff evicts Ovi
- Sam evicts Ovi
- Kemi evicts Ovi
The HOH competition is one where the house guests are shown fireworks display, and they will have to answer red, white, or blue. Get the right answer and you continue. Get it wrong, and you are out. Everyone got the first one right. Nick is the only one who got the answer wrong in the second question. Tommy, Holly, and Kat got the next question wrong. Analyse, Bella, Kemi, Cliff, and Sam are out. It's down to the fifth question. Nicole and Michie get it wrong, so it's down to Jack and Jessica. Both get the next question right. Then it's time for the last fireworks display. Jack get it right, and he won HOH.
To end the show, David and Ovi said that Camp Comeback is not that bad. Both are happy that they are still in the game. Ovi said it's just a game so he's not bitter. David wants to talk to Michie because he's the one who got David out.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019 -- Morning
POV Competition
The show starts after the nomination strategy. Cliff was hoping that things would change, but now he has to win the POV to get himself off. Kathryn says in the DR that none of the people would be messing with her in the real world. Oh, scary! Kemi and Bella seem to get along, and they talk about all the guys. Kemi says that she and Bella should have an alliance called Rush Hour, after the movies. Christie talks with the other Gr8ful group about how close Kemi and Bella are. Jack really doesn't like Kemi, and he wants her to go home. It seems there are folks complaining because Jack is not nice to Kemi. Obviously, it's all about race. You can't dislike someone because of their personality or things they do.Then there's a bit on Kathryn and Michie having a showmance, even though his mom warned him against that. Christie wants Kathryn out because Kat is concentrating too much on Michie. Drama!
Time to pick for the POV. Christie picks Sam. Cliff picks House Guest Choice, and he chooses Jack. Kat chooses Nicole. The doorbell rings, and Casey is back. I really didn't like Casey. She is hosting the Slo-Mo competition. It's a food throwing competition, where you have to catch an object and get points. First is onions worth one point. Cliff is first and catches zero balls. Next it's meatballs worth five points each. Cliff didn't catch any. Last it's ten points for each strawberry you get as you slide down a table. Cliff doesn't catch any. All the others have trouble with the first one. All the lettuce falling causes problems seeing. Jack caught two strawberries in his round. At the end, Christie had 10 points; Jack had 20; Cliff had 0; Kat had 0; Nicole had 0; and Sam had 21 points. Sam got the veto! In DR, Jack says he doesn't know what Sam will do with the veto.
The guys (Jack, Sam, and Nick) talk about taking Cliff off because Cliff has already been up for banishment. They believe that Cliff needs to stay. Michie tells Jack and Christie that they have to be smart and social. Jack wants Kemi, Jessica, and Ovi. Chrisite doesn't like that Jack is dictating to her who the evictions will go. She calls it mansplaining. Any time a guy talks, it's mansplaining.
Christie now wants to manipulate Sam to do what she wants. Huh! I thought she was against another person manipulating another. She cries to Sam. It seems that Kemi came on strong at the beginning (before the feeds went live), and Kemi was obnoxious to Jack. So Jack is out to get Kemi. Sam tells Christie that he already promised to use the veto. Meanwhile, Christie is outing her alliance to another person. Sam recommends Ovi because basically Ovi just knocked on the door and got his attention. I'm not a fan of whining Christie.
Time for the veto meeting. Sam uses the veto to save Cliff. Christie acts like she was stabbed. What a loser! Christie puts up Ovi, saying she wants a balance of a girl and a boy. Ovi says it hurts because he thought he was in an alliance with Christie. And Ovi can't use his nightmare power. The voiceover says there will be a shocking new twist released tonight. We'll see. Probably something with David and a competition to get back in.
Monday, July 1, 2019 -- Morning
The show starts with Jackson happy that Christie is HOH because thet should kepe them safe. Ovi did go to talk to Christie as she was sill in a towel after showering. Ovi wanted to say that he was there for her, but he wasn't very good at it because he started out by saying she had a good body, and then he was in the way as she was trying to dressed. Kathryn wasn't happy because she was the second one to fall. The girls all get together and talk about how dumb Jack is and that he would be easy to manipulate. Isabella was not happy with the conversation because Jackson and Jack are her guys. They are calling Jackson Michie. Christie doesn't want blood on her hands, so she figures Kathryn will be easy because she's running her mouth.Jack wants to add Tommy to the alliance of six. Tommy thinks that he can rely on Jack because of how Jack looks. Nick talks to Analyse about joining the alliance. Eight is a large number. Christie thinks an eight person alliance will keep them safe. Nick comes up with the alliance name of Gr8ful. Poor Ovi really seems like the odd person when he wanders in from the HOH bathroom.Christie talks to Cliff about putting him up as a pawn, and she starts to cry. Cliff really doesn't want to go on the block while he says he trusts them all and that he really wouldn't want to go up. Christie talks with Kathryn about being a pawn. Meanwhile Kathryn is the person who is the target. Kathryn doesn't like Christie and thinks that Christie is a mean, conniving bitch. Cliff and Ovi are in bed across ffrom Nick, Tommy, and Jack, and Ovi can hear Nick, Tommy, and Jack talking about a group of eight. Ovi talks to Analyse about it, and she realizes that she has to warn the others that Ovi overheard them. Christie and Michie are upset over Nick talking when Ovi was in the room. Meanwhile Jack keeps quiet because he was one of the three doing all the talking.
Ovi's power is after the nomination ceremony. He can inact the nightmare power after the nomination ceremony, and the HOH will have to redo the nominations. This power is good for the first six nominations. Ovi says that if he's on the nomination block, he'll use the power. Ovi tells Cliff and Isabella that he couldn't figure out. Kathryn said that she thought she had them all right each time. Ovi gathers Jack, Michie, Analyse, and Christie together. Ovi said that it was Nick and Tommy talking. Ovi didn't know he was talking to half the eight. The four pretend to form an alliance with Ovi. They call it the Fan Five. Ovi isn't not very smart.
Kemi goes up to talk with Christie. Kemi throws Ovi under the bus saying that no one knows who Ovi would put up. Jack doesn't like that Kemi is coming up and talking game and throwing people under the bus. Christie thinks Kemi is a player and a schemer, and that puts a target on Kemi's back.
Time for the nomination ceremony. Christie puts up Cliff and Kathryn. Christie says it's not personal, and she wanted it to be not biased. What a wimpout! Cliff says he's stubborn, and he's going to try to win the POV. Poor Ovi isn't going to use his power (because spoiler alert: he goes up afte. Kathryn says she's a savage, and she's going to win POV.
Thursday, June 27, 2019 -- Afternoon
Night Two
The show started with Jessica moaning to Cliff about how lots of folks said they were voting for her. Jackson said that he has to listen to what every one says. We see Jackson with an expressionless face listening to people. Kemi is the only person who isn't going to Jackson. Jack, Jackson, and Isabella formed an alliance, and Isabella is in on it because you don't turn down an alliance. They talk about Jessica, Cliff, and David going on the block. Jackson tells David that he wants to use David as a pawn, and that he has to put up the people who went against him. David would rather not, and as David said, how many times has a pawn gone home?Jackson goes to the HOH room to make his selections. Meanwhile a squirrel comes into the house as the camp mascot to take the banished folks out of the game. The squirrel taks out a bag, puts Cliff in, and drags him out of the house. Kemi is the second person because she made no effort to talk to Jackson. Jessica is third, and David is fourth. The four have to compete. It's one of those games in the dark competition. They have to follow the signs to the tree that takes them back to Camp BB. The first three go back into the game. The fourth is immediately out. We then have a segment everyone fumbling around in the dark. Cliff is the first person to make it back into the BB house. As Cliff said, he's not Glenn, Jody, or Steve. I think I like Cliff. Kemi is second. Jessica is the last person to make it back, and David is out of the game. Julie told David that he is out of the BB house, and added "for now." So what does that mean? David wanted to be the first black person to win BB.
Tommy and Christie finally talk, and it seems that Christie didn't not end well with Tommy's aunt. However, the two are putting their differences behind them and working together. Meanwhile, Jack, Jackson, Nick, Christie, Bella, and Holly are going to form an alliance together. Bella doesn't really know their names, but Jack does, and tells her who they are.
Time for the HOH competition. As camp director, Jackson is safe and not going to compete for HOH. The competition is going to be in pairs of two. The last house guest on the pole will be HOH. So I don't know why people are being paired up. Jackson has to pick the team. He picks them randomly, making sure his alliance is on separate poles. Jessica is the first person out. She thought she had more energy, but she doesn't. Jack and Kathryn fell together. Then Nick was right after them. Ovi, Sam, Kemi, and Cliff fall. Bella fell then too. Nicole is off too. It's down to Tommy, Analyse, Christie, and Holly. Christie wants to start the game strong with a win. Analyse is down. Then it's Holly. It's down to Tommy and Christie. Tommy fell to show his support for Christie. Christie is HOH.
On Sunday, we'll find out about a new power competition. And it sounds like David will come back on eviction night, which is next Wednesday. The POV show will be on Tuesday.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019 -- Morning
Camp BB
Next up is the second set of eight. Julie says that some of the house guests may already know each other. It's that summer camp theme. You go to summer camp, and you may know some of the others who are at camp. Christie is a new age person. She says it's impossible that she won't win. Sam is really annoying. He's a truck driver from PA. Isabella has a tiger mom who is not too happy with the idea of her daughter who should be a doctor going on BB. Nick is a psychologist or soemthing. Jessica is a plus-size model. Who exercises. Clilff is the token old guy. He's a petroleum engineer. Analyse is a BB fan who loved Jordan and Danielle. She plays soccer. David is a photographer. He's really into fitness, going from a fat guy to a fitness person.
All 16 house guests are now in the house. Cliff is going to try to lay low, because the old guy is usually the target. Jack and Jackson have a bromance from the get-go. Tommy recognizes Christie right away. It seems that Christie dated his aunt. Both decide that they should pretend they don't know each other. They do the round the couches introduction. The girls all like Jack, obviously. Kemi is an obvious itchy bee.
Julie lets all the house guests know that this season is Camp BB. For some reason, they have to elect a camp director, who will be safe for the first week. The camp director will also affect the first HOH competition, and he/she can also affect the games of everyone. Ovi and Isabella don't want to do it. Cliff says that he would want to do it to be safe for the first week. David also says the he wants it. Jackson also says that no one wants to do it, but you gotta do what you gotta do. The girls want girl power, and they want to vote for Jessica. Jackson talks with Jack because Jackson wants an alliance. Nicole is now thinking of going back on her word to Jessica and going with Jackson. All the girls are starting to turn their back on Jessica to go for Jackson.
They all vote in the backyard. All the people who din't get votes got splashed with colored dye. Jack, Jackson, Jessica, and Nick got votes. Jack and Nick each got one vote. Jessica got four votes. Jackson got 10 votes to be the first camp director. Jessica is pissed, and she realizes that a whole bunch of people lied to her. Jackson now has to choose to banish four house guests. The four will have a competition. Three get back into the house, and the fourth is out of the game. We have to wait until tonight's episode to find out more. The first HOH will be an endurance competition.