The Daily Bongo
Big Brother 22 - All Stars
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Final HOH: Cody
1st Round HOH: Nicole
2nd Round HOH: Cody
Winner: Cody
Check out the CBS Big Brother Page to watch BB22 episodes
Saturday, October 4, 2020 -- Afternoon
Triple Eviction
BB had a triple eviction on Thursday, but it wasn't very thrilling. Kevin was sent to jury with a unanimous vote. Then Memphis won the first HOH. He nominated David and Nicole. Christmas won the veto and keep the nominations the same. Cody, Enzo, and Dani voted to evict David, so he was out. Then Tyler won the second HOH of the night. He nominated Dani and Nicole. Tyler also won the veto, so things stayed the same, and Dani was sent to jury. The next HOH was after the show, and Cody won that. He nominated Christmas and Tyler, with Christmas as the target.Friday, September 25, 2020 -- Morning
So Predictable
Obviously, Da'vonne was evicted last night, and Kevin was saved to go home next. Cody won the HOH, and it's just so boringly disappointing. I wonder if someone is going to drag David to the end because it's so obvious that David did nothing that deserves a win.Saturday, September 19, 2020 -- Afternoon
Ian was voted out, and he's the first to go to jury. Memphis won the hOH, and he put Da'vonne and Kevin, because Da'vonne used the veto on Kevin. I'm sure that if one comes off, David goes on.Tuesday, Septemer 15, 2020 -- Afternoon
Shocker! Game Play Happens!
Da'vonne used the POV on Kevin, and Ian was put up on the block. Ian is probably going to go home because the Dani, Nicole, Cody, and Memphis seem to have issues with rocking Ian does, which is due ot his autism. They have been making fun of him, until BB interfered with the game to warm them that they were looking like assholes.Sunday, September 13, 2020 -- Afternoon
Disruptor Used
Dani nominated David and Kevin, and David used the disruptor power to take himself off. Dani put Tyler up in his place, and Da'vonne won the POV. So now the question is will people vote out Tyler or Kevin. Unless Da'vonne uses the veto on Kevin, but I don't think that would be very smart of her.Friday, September 11, 2020 -- Afternoon
Bayleigh Goes Home
Bayleigh was voted out with a unanimous vote last night, and the show ended with an endurance competition. Of course, Da'vonne was the first to drop, and David followed shortly after that. What a bunch of losers! Can they make an attempt to win one of these competitions, or will they just roll over and leave their fate in the hands of others? Well, obviously it is the latter. The HOH competition went on for a while, but you knew it was going to end with the side that has been controlling the game from the start still in charge, and that's the way it was. Dani won the HOH. And the first talk was of putting up Kevin. Now who will she put up with him? Da'vonne? David? Or someone from her "alliance"? This has got to be one of the worst seasons of Big Brother, which is all the more disappointing because it was supposed to be an All-Star season. I say supposed to be because no one here is playing like an all-star, and we have a few who I think it would be a stretch of the imagination to even consider them all-stars (such as David, who hasn't won anything except for a power--which I guess is at least saying something.)Tuesday, September 8, 2020 -- Afternoon
Bunch of Losers
So Christmas wins the POV, and obviously, Da'vonne and Bayleigh remain on the block. But on Sunday night, Tyler went crying to Da'vonne and Bayleigh saying he done them wrong, and they are fighting for a bigger reason this season (race) so they deserve to stay in the house, and he wanted to talk Christmas into taking one of them down, and putting Tyler up and voting him out. Christmas didn't fall for it, and if Da'vonne and Bayleigh should be playing the game themselves and fighting for themselves. But they didn't do that all season, so...I fast forwarded through the show. The new Basement powers, to be used only in the next three weeks, were won by David (gets to save one person at the eviction ceremony), Dani (to play in back-to-back HOHs), and Christmas (to shield herself from the block if the veto is used.)
The show started with Dani, Nicole, and Cody all upset because Kaysar called them out before he left the house. Then Tyler, Bayleigh, and Da'vonne talked about how they were taking each other out in the round robin HOH that Christmas won. Cody realizes that he should have picked someone not in one of his alliances, but that's not what he did. These people aren't all stars. They are loser stars.
Bayleigh or Da'vonne will go home on Thursday, and they only have themselves to play for poor earlier decisions.
Friday, September 4, 2020 -- Morning
HOH Lameness
I have never been as bored with Big Brother as I have been this year, and I had such high hopes and excitement. Personally, I was really looking forward to some of the old school BB players, like Janelle and Kaysar being back in the house, but the old school game of voting for your alliance or to keep someone in the game is long gone. Nowadays, it's vote with the house. So everyone, regardless of whether they think the person being voted out will help their personal game, votes with the house. So we have Cody, Nicole F., Tyler, Dani, Memphis, and Christmas just dominating everything, and picking off the others. Enzo is on the outskirts of this group, but the rest are just there to be eliminated.The overview of yesterday's show is that Kaysar was voted out by a vote of 10-0, and Christmas won the HOH. Now the pressure is on her by the others to nominate Da'vonne and Bayleigh. And that's what happens when you vote out the folks who would be on your side: you get nominated. Does Christmas have the guts to put up another target, like Ian or someone from her "alliance"? I doubt it. Maybe at the most, she will put up Ian or David. But that's low hanging fruit. So much for all-stars. As I've started to say, this is the lame-star edition of BB.
Monday, August 31, 2020 -- Evening
I wasn't able to watch Big Brother yesterday, and still have not had a chance to catch up. I'm going to just report on what I know, and maybe skip this episode. Enzo won the HOH, and of course, the only easy nomination is Kaysar. And of course, the easy person to put him up against is Kevin. Well, Kevin won the POV on Saturday evening, which threw a wrench into the plans. Now in the stupid move of the century, Enzo nominated Christmas, because of course, no one will vote for Christmas. My god! Are any of these people all-stars? This was an opportunity for a big move, but no, but no! I am really disappointed.Thursday, August 27, 2020 -- AFternoon
Friday, August 28, 2020 -- Morning
Bye Janelle
The show was live yesterday, probably because the HOH competition ended with the show still going on. Of course, Janelle was evicted, which breaks my heart because she is my all time favorite player. Kaysar is second though, and he's still in the house.Even though it's live, there isn't an audience. Now that would have been nice. Janelle looks really nice in a low cut blue dress.
Christmas feels Janelle should go. Kevin wants to keep Janelle because at least Janelle has talked game with him. Bayleigh also really wants Janelle to stay. She talks to her alliance, and they all say Janelle. Bayleigh says that means three females have gone out of the house. Da'vonne also realizes that she will be surrounded by guys, and that's going to be a bad thing.
Kaysar talks with Christmas. Christmas says that if Kaysar stays, he may continue to stay. Kaysar wants to change his approach so he has a long term stay in the house. Ian's plan was to lay low. His plan is to act dumb, and he does it. Meanwhile Janelle is trying to campaign to stay in.
David goes to talk to Bayleigh about Tyler telling him that Da'vonne was trying to get David out. Bayleigh says that David and Da'vonne have to talk. Now that is really dumb because that outs Tyler talking to David. Da'vonne says that David doesn't trust her. Tyler lets Cody and Tyler's names out to Da'vonne. Da'vonne said that David told her to calm down because she was so much on his side. Da'vonne starts to cry. David says he's glad they had the conversation. David just says it's so hard, because he doesn't know how to play BB, and he should never have been an all-star. Tyler sees David and Bayleigh having a heated discussion.
Bayleigh talks with Da'vonne about being scared. Bayleigh says that she can't do this without Da'vonne, and she doesn't like Da'vonne's name is out there. Tyler tells Cody that David is dead to him. Tyler tells Cody that David threw him and Cody under the bus. Cody is outraged that David claimed to be cornered by Da'vonne. Cody and Tyler say that David is a rookie, and that was the problem. Tyler is not sure it's best to get rid of Janelle. I would have sent David home because he didn't belong.
- Dani evicts Kaysar, which is a huge shock! That even threw Julie Chen who said that Dani would not vote for Janelle. I'm sure we'll find out why on Sunday.
- Nicole evicts Janelle
- Enzo evicts Kaysar
- Da'vonee evicts Janelle
- Memphis evicts Janelle
- Bayleigh evicts Janelle
- Cody evicts Janelle
- Christmas evicts Janelle
- David evicts Janelle
- Kevin evicts Janelle
- Ian evicts Janelle
Time for the HOH competition. The house guests have been divided into two groups of six: Nicole, Da'vonne, David, Ian, Enzo, and Kaysar are in the first group. They have to throw three balls up a ramp and put them into their holes at the top. The first three to finish move to the next round. Then then other six go, and the first three move on. And then in the final round it will be the first person who wins HOH. Kaysar got all three in first, and the results will be shown on Sunday.
Thursday, August 27, 2020 -- AFternoon
Rigged POV?
Again, I'm being in watching the BB show. We'll get to see the POV competition that Cody already played and won in his season. I'm calling it rigged. I keep on thinking how different and fun it would be if Janelle had won the HOH, or if she and Kaysar didn't both use their safety suite pass in the first week.The show started post nomination ceremony. As Tyler admits, Kaysar and Janelle are workign together, and they figured everything out. Janelle calls it a safe move, and Janelle says she is not Nicole F., and she will never cry.
Da'vonne goes to talk with Tyler, and Da'vonne wants to remind him that they are on the same side. Da'vonne wants to know who will go up in one of them come off the block. Meanwhile Da'vonne wants to be on the good side of Kaysar and Janelle. As Janelle says, they don't have anyone, so one of them has to come off the block for both of them to survive the week. Bayleigh says that she loves Janelle, and she would want to keep her in the game.
I liked the segment with Janelle putting a mask on her face, and Ian telling her it's almost pure acid.
Time to pick for the veto. Tyler picks Cody, Kaysar picks Bayleigh, but he mentions in DR that he doesn't trust anyone. Janelle picks Memphis. Dani tells Bayleigh that she needs to win, but Dani doesn't know if she can trust Bayleigh to not use the veto. Bayleigh is feeling cornered, and in DR, Bayleigh says that she will do what is best for her game.
Kaysar says they have the worst pick for the veto because of the skills of Tyler, Cody, and Memphis.
Time for the POV competition. Christmas is the host. They compete head to head, and they have to move the puzzle pieces around to make a pink, yellow, and blue cupcake. They can only move one at a time, and can't put any on the ground. Kaysar is against Tyler, Cody is against Bayleigh, and Janelle is against Memphis. Kaysar knows Tyler is fast, but he put them on the wrong bases.
Janelle knows she is in trouble because no one else in the house is on her side.
Christmas, Dani, and Nicole talk about Memphis trying to throw the competition to let Nicole win. As Dani says, Janelle is gone because no one will keep her. Janelle tells Kaysar to cheer up, and he's feeling down for losing the puzzle. Janelle says maybe she couldn't have come in. Kaysar says no because he so enjoyed seeing her again. Kaysar said he was never in the house with out her. Kaysar says he will burn down the house. Kaysar says that it doesn't matter to him if it would be better for his game if Janelle weren't in the house.
Enzo tells Tyler that Memphis was trying to throw the competition. Cody tells them that he could take someone down, but Tyler doesn't trust anyone in the game.
Christmas' punishment is to have an all-star baby. The baby wants to be feed, changed, and played with. Then they keep on giving her more babies. It was quite a funny segment.
Janelle tells Cody to use the veto on her, and she will work with Cody. Janelle would love to take out the floaters. Janelle is a huge target, and she might be safer to keep than Memphis, who they think is a snake in the grass.
Time for the POV ceremony, and of course, Cody does not use the veto because he doesn't want to ruffle any feathers. Bayleigh wants to keep Janelle in the house.
Monday, August 24, 2020 -- Afternoon
Janelle's Last Week
I'm pretty sure that this is going to be Janelle's last week. Tyler won HOH, he nominated Janelle and Kaysar, and Cody won POV on Saturday. That pretty much seals Janelle's fate because Nicole is really against/afraid of Janelle. I'm not sure how much longer Kaysar can stay in the house, although you would think they would realize that they have bigger targets in the house than him.But on to last night's show. It starts post HOH competition. Tyler is going to put them up because Janelle and Kaysar put have figured out the alliance. Kaysar says he's not one to grovel or beg. Tyler and Enzo talk to Bayleigh and Da'vonne to get them in an alliance with Dani, Cody, Tyler, and Enzo.
Time to pick have-nots. David doesn't pick, and Enzo volunteers. Cody volunteers for Kaysar. Bayleigh is picked by Christams. Nicole says that she wants to pick someone who talks about her, and picks Janelle. Janelle says that Nicole plays a snake game. As Janelle says, Nicole doesn't like confrontation, but Janelle does like it. As Janelle says, she can't stand Nicole's nasally and whiny voice. And Nicole was whining that now Janelle will yell at her all week, just because Janelle tells Nicole to stay saying she didn't mean what she said in nominating Janelle. Janelle and Kaysar try to talk to Memphis, and Memphis says that he will use the safety suite on them. But Memphis isn't planning on winning. Janelle noticed that Memphis was lying because he wouldn't make eye contact with her when he said he would use the safety suite on her.
Then there is a segment on having a bidet in the bathroom. Enzo used the bidet, but he thought that water was too hot, and he jumped before it ended, and water went all over.
Tyler talks to Dani and Cody about how they need to move as one with the double dipping that they are doing. Dani overheard Janelle, Kaysay, Kevin, Da'vonne, and Bayleigh talking about the HOH prior to Nicole A going out. Dani says that Da'vonne is dangerous. Dani says that Da'vonne is playing everyone, just as they are.
Nicole really does have a really annoying, whiny voice. The safety suite competition has the competitor going through a laser field. If you break a laser beam, you have to turn off the alarm and restart. The person with the fastest time wins. The ball in the safe is huge. Nicole was having issues getting back though the laser field with the ball. Memphis doesn't want to win because he doesn't want to save anyone. Memphis didn't trigger the laser field, so towards the end, he just sat down and rested for a bit before stopping the clock. Enzo only set off the lasers once. Dani wants to win to benefit herself and to get someone to be on her side. The results: Nicole: 15:36 minutes, Memphis: 14:33, Enzo: 4:41. and Dani: 6:04 Enzo won and chose Christmas. Tyler noticed that Da'vonne did not look happy, which confirms his suspicions about her.
Of course, we knew Tyler was going to nominate Janelle and Kaysar, and he does. Janelle says it's a nice picture, and Kaysar agrees. Kaysar says he's flattered at the amount of attention he and Janelle get when they enter the house. I'm really sad that they had a comp for POV that Cody already played and won as the POV comp, with Cody in the POV comp. Can we say rigged? Although you would think CBS would want to keep Janelle and Kaysar since they have to be good for ratings.
Friday, August 21, 2020 -- Morning
Eviction and a Disappointing HOH
I found out the results last night, but I wasn't able to watch the show until this morning, and boy, was I ever disappointed in the HOH results. It means that Kaysar and Janelle are going to up on the block this coming week, and unless one of them wins POV and a bigger target goes on the block, one of them will go home. I think that it will probably be Janelle who has the most to fear because Nicole F can't stand her. And I can't stand Nicole's whiny, squeaky voice.but on to the show. Janelle realizes after the POV that Memphis doesn't want to play with them, and Nicole F realizes that Memphis doesn't want to have to save his alliance. Nicole claims that she is going to fight. Ha! Nicole A tries to talk to Da'vonne, and Da'vonne says that she won't vote out anyone who is black because she wants an African American to win. Nicole A made a good point to her that if she wanted an African American to win, it should be Da'vonne. Meanwhile Kaysar is trying to setup another alliance with Da'vonne. Kaysar tells her that Tyler, Dani, Nicole F, and Cody are in an alliance with David on the side. kaysar wants to get Da'vonne, Bayleigh, Christmas, and Nicole A in with him and Janelle. Da'vonne goes to talk to David, and David won't tell her anything. Da'vonne doesn't realize that David is in for him being the black winner, not taking anyone else black with him. David said that he doesn't want them to be on the block together. As Da'vone says, she has three seasons in the house, and David has only 5 weeks, and not even playing. Bayleigh talks to Da'vonne because David was telling Da'vonne to calm down. Da'vonne says that David does nothing to contribute to her game.
The next segment has Nicole A talking with Kaysar and Janelle, but Nicole A doesn't get it. Kaysar knows that it's him, Janelle, and Kevin. Nicole A tells them that she doesn't want them to help her because she doesn't want to be seen in an alliance with her. Nicole A is being told not to trust Janelle. Nicole A thinks that Janelle is destroying her game. Kevin tells Nicole A that Janelle and Kaysar shouldn't support her. Nicole A is an idiot. And so is Kevin. Janelle tries to tell Nicole A that she tried, and Nicole A is angry at her. Kaysar reminds Janelle that it's not Janelle's fault. Memphis has the only say in this. Janelle feels bad because Nicole A doesn't think Janelle has her back. Kaysar says that this is the first time that he saw Janelle cry.
Julie says that the house seems tense, so you tries to lighten the moment by wishing Dani a happy birthday. David gives his speech. Nicole wants them to play All-Stars, not All-Scared. It's time for the vote:
- Tyler evicts Nicole
- Enzo evicts David
- Christmas evicts Nicole
- Kevin evicts David
- Janelle evicts Nicole
- Da'vonne evicts Nicole
- Kaysar evicts Nicole
- Bayleigh evicts Nicole
- Cody evicts Nicole
- Ian evicts Nicole
- Nicole F evicts Nicole
- Dani evicts Nicole
They have to slide a mug down each of three counters. The one with the highest score over the three counters and with the fastest time wins. Here are the scores:
HOH Competition Results
- Cody: 4 points
- Enzo: 8 points
- David: 6 points
- Christmas: 8 points
- Da'vonne: 7 points
- Kevin: 7 points
- Ian: 10 points
- Nicole: 9 points
- Dani: 4 points
- Tyler: 12 points
- Bayleigh: 7 points
- Janelle: 11 points
- Kaysar: 5 points
Thursday, August 20, 2020 -- Morning
All-Stars versus No-Stars
One of the issues with this version of All-Stars is that a few no-stars were included in the mix. People like Nicole A. Bayleigh, and David. Nicole A really seems to be clueless and on the feeds, she is constantly ragging on Janelle and Kaysar, who were on her side and trying to save her.It's amazing the level of stupidity Nicole A shows.Now on to last night's show. The show started after the nomination ceremony. Memphis is not happy that Nicole A is the only one who can play in safety next week outside his alliance. Nicole A cries and wonder if she sucks that much at the game. Yep, you do, Nicole A. Dani doesn't like how Memphis called David a rookie. Then Tyler and David talk about smoking Memphis in the veto. Tyler says Memphis is lame, maybe that's how they played in 1943. David cries because he was called a rookie, which basically he is. He hasn't won a single competition, and in fact, he was never a real BB contestant because he was the first out last year!
Janelle says that she adores Nicole A, and if Nicole A leaves, it would be bad for Janelle and Kaysar's game. Janelle and Kaysar go to talk to Memphis. Memphis says that everyone else in the game has played the game. David is the only one who hasn't. Memphis tells Janelle and Kaysar he doesn't care who leaves. Janelle says Nicole F already won the game, and Janelle said that Nicole F has Tyler, Dani, and Cody, and Janelle walked in on them. Memphis is not going to go after Nicole F, and he is shocked that Janelle already figured out most of the alliance. Memphis wants to keep Janelle around a while because she and Kaysar have been giving him information.
Then we have a segment with Nicole A crying to David. Well, one of them will be going.
Next is a segment on Enzo being a father. Nicole F talks about marrying Victor and getting pregnant immediately. Kevin talks about him and his husband trying to plan for kids. Kevin thinks he has to win so he can get the baby.
Memphis talked to Cody about how Kaysar and Janelle are opening up to him. Memphis tells Cody to keep this close to the vest. Cody thinks this is a huge problem because Janelle and Kaysar know the majority of the alliance. Cody says that he would rather get rid of Janelle. Memphis, however, isn't ready to get rid of Janelle or Kaysar. Cody says that he can't keep the information to himself, and he goes and tells Dani, Tyler, and Nicole F. Tyler wants to play in the veto and backdoor Janelle or Kaysar.
Time to pick players for veto. Memphis picks Ian. Nicole A picks Tyler. David picks Nicole F. David says in DR that it's do or die, win or go home. Well, good luck with that!
BB All-Star Wars is on the screen in the living room. So Ian's punishment for being a plus one is to audition for a Star Wars as Derek Spacejammer. He has to keep on doing the audition until BB tells him that it's over. Poor Ian has to get others to participate, which means it's a punishment for everyone.
Memphis then tells Tyler, Christmas, and Nicole F about Janelle trying to backdoor Nicole F. Memphis tells them that they can't worry about one person talking to him. Memphis doesn't seem upset that Cody outed the secret. Memphis says that he wants to just keep the nominations the same. Tyler says that he is going to try to win to take David off the block. They are worried that Memphis isn't as concerned about protecting his fellow alliance mates.
Time for the veto competition. The backyard is all lit up. They have to stand in the center of a lit star and balance a sphere on a paddle. The last person to still have their sphere wins POV. Memphis just wants to win the POV to keep the noms the same because he has two sides of the house trying to backdoor the others. Nicole A is no BB all-star, and she is out first. Nicole F really wants to win to backdoor Janelle. Nicole F sucks at it she says. Nicole F is out next. Memphis says he has a bug climbing on his nipple and that's bothering him. Ian is out next. Tyler says he has the competition won. David also knows he can win, nad then the ball bobbles, and they go to commercial break.
Only 16 minutes and 30 seconds passed, so the first three went out quickly. So it's two people against Memphis. But it's David, who has never won anything. David screams to throw Memphis off his game. Memphis says that's an amateur move. David thinks he's doing well. Then he stares at Memphis and loses his ball. Tyler is moving around a lot. Memphis is not giving up. Both balls wobble, and Tyler drops his ball. Memphis wins the POV. David doesn't want to admit he lost focus, and Nicole A cries because that's the only tactic she has. Boo-hoo!
More Nicole crying. She claims she's not a sore loser; she's just embarrassed. As Nicole A said, she dropped it two seconds in. Boo-hoo!
Nicole F starts whining about how she might be backdoored. Nicole doesn't trust Memphis. Christmas tells Nicole F to not worry. Memphis tells Dani that people need to stop freaking out. Dani says if Janelle gets HOH then one of them goes home. Dani tells Memphis she wants to backdoor Janelle and Kaysar. Memphis says if he goes after Janelle on week 2 and misses, then she will come after him. Dani tries to talk Memphis into thinking what she wants, but Memphis doesn't like someone telling him what to do in week two on his HOH.
Cody wants to strike now while the iron is hot. Cody tells Memphis that he would backdoor Kaysar.Cody says if they win the HOH, who will they target. Memphis says it may look like his is not loyal to his alliance, and they may question him motives. Right as the POV ceremony starts, Ian has to do his punishment. Fortunately, it's over quickly. Of course, at the POV ceremony, Memphis does not use the veto. He sticks to his decision. Memphis isn't ready to put the line in the sand, and he makes his own decisions. Dani calls Memphis a rookie because he didn't do what she wanted. Nicole F doesn't know if she is going to in an alliance with Memphis after this.
Monday, August 17, 2020 -- Afternoon
Who is in Trouble?
Sunday night's show started right after the HOH. Memphis was stoked because this is the first time he won HOH. Memphis wants people to sweat and see how it feels to be on the block. Meanwhile Kevin feels fully relieved that he's in the house. Dani is happy because she's in an alliance with Memphis, Cody, Nicole F., Christmas, and Tyler. David is sweating though because he doesn't know Memphis well. Janelle says she gets on well with Memphis because they are old school BB, and they get along. There's no reason for Memphis to target Janelle. Bayleigh is okay with Memphis too.The exiting Have Nots have to choose who replaces them as Have Nots. Memphis was a have not, so he chose David. Memphis wants to put David to the test. Ian asked for volunteers, and Nicole F. took the bait. Nicole A. chose Christmas. Kevin chose Kaysar. As Memphis says, pay back is a bitch. I'm really liking Memphis.
BB then had a segment talking about race, and Da'vonne cried over how people got in her head about dark her skin is.
Memphis talks to Nicole F and Christmas about the people playing the safety suite this week. Memphis says that they have to cover up their alliance. Christmas is up for playing. Nicole F wants to save her safety suite for next week. Memphis says that he wants others in the alliance to play so it doesn't look like they have an alliance. Dani doesn't want to play either.
Nicole A goes to talk to Memphis about nominations. Memphis tells Nicole A that he is just telling everyone that they should play in the safety suite. Nicole A says in DR, no, I'm not taking orders from you. Idiot! Ian goes to talk with Memphis. It seems Ian has not been talking with Dan, but Memphis has been friends with Dan for 10 years. And I'm sure he got some tips from Dan. Iam realizes that Memphis wants everyone to play in the safety suite this week so Memphis can be unimpeded in next week's.
Janelle and Memphis seem to be on the same page, and see how things go down in the upcoming weeks.
Kevin, Cody, Ian, Christmas, Da'voone, and Bayleigh all swipe in. Nicole A wonders if she should have, but her gut says no. Nicole A feels safe.
Ian talks to Christmas and says that if she wins, would she save him. Ian says that he doesn't know Memphis' stance. Ian make a promise to Christmas. Christmas doesn't want to use the plus one on her own alliance, and Christmas likes Ian, and she says that she needs safety outside her alliance. The safety suite is huge! The goal of the game is to deliver and balance each tray of drinks to the corresponding table. If the drinks fall over, they have to start over, and the person with the fastest time wins safety. The game requires finesse.
Christmas came to play BB, and she started with the table with the most drinks. She wanted to do the harder task first. Ian is not doing well, but he thinks knowing physics would help him, and it should. Da'vonne uses her feet to help her. The results: Da'vonne: 8:41 minutes. Bayleigh 2:48. Christmas: 1:38. Kevin: 2:22. Ian: 3:16. Cody: 2:44. David: 2:53. Da'vonne thought she won, and she was the worst. Christmas wins, and she does give Ian her plus one. Ian is happy that it worked out his way. And Ian is happy to get his punishment. Memphis hoped that Christmas didn't pick someone he had his eye on. It seems Memphis does want to get Ian for beating Dan.
Christmas goes to talk to Memphis. Christmas was happy that she won. Christmas explained why she picked Ian. Memphis tells Christmas that from her angle he is with her. He tells her picking anyone is a crap shoot. Memphis says that he can't be mad at Christmas, and he's going to make his decision at the end of the day. He also says he won't make a crazy decision. Cody meanwhile tells Memphis that he can't understand why she chose Ian. Memphis really wanted to go for Ian. Memphis says that he told Nicole A to play, and she didn't.
Time for nominations. Memphis nominates Nicole A, and she looks sick. The next is David. Basically Memphis nominated David because he was the first out in his season. David has to prove himself. Nicole A. cries because she isn't going to be bullied into playing. She wants to float to the end!
Friday, August 14, 2020 -- Morning
First Eviction
The eviction episode was on early yesterday, 8:00 PM. Usually, it's on at 9:00 PM, but since they don't have a live audience, maybe that's why the time is different. The show started after the veto meeting, and Enzo said he didn't use the veto because Cody would have gotten more blood on his hands. Keesha doesn't want to be the first all-star to leave, but that's how the dice get rolled. Janelle talks with Christmas, and Janelle had a very good insight in the DR. She said that old Janelle would have yelled and screamed that Keesha should stay, and Janelle would have gotten the votes. But now Janelle wants to change it up, and let Keesha do the work herself.We then have a segment with Tyler and Bayleigh trying to make up. Tyler says he was sorry, but Bayleigh was a hysterical person last time. Bayleigh says all the old feelings have to go, and they can have a secret alliance.
Keesha doesn't seem to know who the houseguests are, and she calls Tyler Taylor, then Trevor. That explains why Keesha is out the door. Da'vonne talks with Cody, because it seems that Cody wants a side alliance with Da'vonne and Bayleigh. Cody tells Da'vonne that he has her back. They bring Enzo into a final four alliance. Cody also go around talking with Christmas about who to keep, and Christmas says that Keesha would be easier to beat, so that's the person they should keep.
- David evicts Keesha (voting for the first time ever)
- Nicole A. evicts Keesha
- Ian evicts Keesha
- Nicole F evicts Keesha
- Tyler evicts Keesha
- Christmas evicts Keesha
- Kaysar evicts Keesha
- Bayleigh evicts Keesha
- Da'vonne evicts Keesha
- Janelle evicts Keesha
- Enzo evicts Keesha
- Dani evicts Keesha
- Memphis evicts Keesha
Time for the HOH competition. It's a video of folks having a BB watch party. They will be asked questions about the watch party. There are seven questions,and who ever is not eliminated wins. Kaysar and David are eliminated. Enzo and Dani are the eliminated next. Question 3. Nicole F and Christmas are eliminated. Now they watch a second video. Kevin is eliminated next. Janelle and Ian are out next. Nicole A, Tyler, Bayleigh, and Da'vonne are eliminated, and Memphis is the new HOH. It's his first HOH ever.
The Safety Suite competition will be something related to balancing drinks. We'll have to see who goes for it.
Thursday, August 13, 2020 -- Afternoon
The show started right after the nomination ceremony. As Cody says, he wants to kick the game off. Nicole F. was hoping that it would be Kaysar and Janelle, basically because Nicole F doesn't trust Janelle. Kevin is upset because he feels that he has let everyone down, and let himself down. Cody does like Kevin, and he doesn't want Kevin to view Cody as an enemy. Kevin said that he will try to keep swimming, and see where it gets him.
Janelle feels bad about Keesha, and Janelle told Kaysar that they should try to keep a low profile. Keesha goes to talk with Cody, and Cody tells her that it's nothing personal. Cody says that it's because he really hasn't had a chance to talk with her or Kevin. Cody is hoping that Keesha goes home. Kaysar and Da'vonne talk about how Da'vonne seems so cool. Kaysar says that he doesn't want to be the poster child for good people from Iraq. Kaysar says that people are shouting, but you have to get to the place where you hear peopple's whispers. Kaysar doesn't want his child to grow up in the world as it currently is. Da'vonne said that it's good to have the opportunity to just talk, not about game.
Enzo wants to work with Cody and feels they can be the final two.
Ian talks about being on the spectrum, and that it really bothered him that people had issues with him rocking the hammock, but it was something that calmed him. As Ian says, it's a difficult discussion, but Nicole A. said that Ian is amazing for sharing his autism story.
Kevin is feeling very alone, so he's trying to talk to anyone to help him. Kevin tries to awkwardly talk to David and Enzo in the bathroom. He basically says that he is not going after Enzo or David. Enzo doesn't want to make any promises that he can't keep. However, no one wants to commit to being houseguest's choice for Kevin. Kevin cries again.
Time to pick for veto. Cody picks Tyler. Kevin picks Houseguest's Choice, and Kevin asks Enzo to play for him. Keesha picks Ian. Kevin admits that the only person he can trust is himself.
Time for the POV competition. The competitors have to rock on a giant banana for 20 counts. Then they have to stack produce. They have to keep on going back to rock the banana to get more time. They only have 30 minutes to lock in an attempt with the most produce stacked. They have 90 seconds to stack, and they have to go back to add more time if they want to stack more fruit. Of course, they keep on knocking over the stacks. Enzo says it's like Jenga. Kevin has 19 stacked, and his stack dropped. he should have locked it in. Cody wasn't paying attention to the clock, and he got timed out, and then Ian was timed out. Enzo locked in with a score of 18. Tyler knocks his over. Kevin has 19, but he saw that Keesha was still in, and his time ran out. Keesha says she has to stay come and she has it, but she knocks her stack over. Enzo wins POV. Kevin is so upset because he stacked more and choked.
Nicole F and Ian were talking. As Ian says, they connected through the BB community, and they are both the only winners in the group. Nicole F and Ian have made a final two deal. Nicole's top allegiance is to Cody, but she wants a backup plan. As they were talking Cody came in, but did notice the awkwardness. Meanwhile Kevin talks to Enzo, hoping that Enzo will feel compelled to use it because Kevin picked him. Enzo just says that he has to talk to Cody. So Kevin goes to talk to Cody about encouraging Enzo to use the veto on Kevin. Cody says that if Kevin comes off then Cody has to pick another person. Cody says that he wants Kevin to stay. Kevin begs and grovels. Cody wants to consider taking Kevin off when Kevin offers to not put Cody up and to use the Safety Suite on Cody.
Bayleigh and Da'vonne make an alliance based on black girl magic, because as Bayleigh says, Da'vonne's win is Bayleigh's win. Enzo goes to tell Cody that he saw Nicole F and Ian talking in the bathroom. Enzo says that he doesn't trust Ian. So would Cody have Enzo use the POB and put Ian up. Yeah, right!
Time for the veto meeting. Enzo keeps the nominations as they are. Enzo says it's just to early man. So it will probably be Keesha who goes home because she hasn't really been campaigning. Da'vonne says a storm is coming, even though it is calm now.
Monday, August 10, 2020 -- Morning
Last night's show started with Cody saying that he didn't want to win the first HOH, but he also didn't want to be the first to go home. Da'vonne says that it is something to be in the BB house with the other All-Stars. Ian commented in DR that there are ways other than winning to get far in the BB house. Janelle says that she's the only one who has been in the BB house four timess. Kaysar says hello to her, and Janelle admits that they haven't seen each other in 14 years, but that he is one person that she can trust in the house. Nicole F. cries because she felt that Da'vonne changed her life. Nicole tells Da'vonne she has her back, but Da'vonne isn't so sure. My favorite part it when they show Janelle and Kaysar talking, and Janelle tells Kaysar that he still looks the same.
The Have Not room is finally open, and it looks dark and dank. Kaysar and David talk, and Kaysar says that the players are more social and strategic then they were back in the olden days. David said that he wanted to be the first black person to win BB. Nicole says that she and Cody will be bonded because they played in the same season together. Nicole and Cody talk about who to nominate. Nicole tells Cody that she will make a girl's alliance, and he should get with the guy. They both talk about the Janelle Kaysar combination because they have played and won several competitions, AND they have a bond with each other.
Tyler and Cody talk in the HOH room. Cody says that trust goes a long way, and he needs to find out if he can trust Tyler. Tyler did make a lot of alliances when he was in the house last time.
Keesha is worried and tells Kaysar that she hasn't talked much with Cody. Kaysar agrees and says that he's not trying to stick out. Kaysar sais that he has to talk with Cody to figure out what is going on. The announcement that the Safety Suite is open for the next hour comes over the loud speaker. It's a matter of much discussion of who will compete for safety. Enzo tells Cody that he doesn't want to dishonor Cody by playing for safety. David isn't sure if he will play. The big question in everyone's mind is that no one wants to be the first to move and to look vulnerable. Janelle is not sure what to do, and she says that she will talk to Cody. Kaysar goes to talk with Cody because he has no relationship with Cody. Cody realizes that Kaysar is very strategic. Kaysar finds Cody talk with him a red flag. Then Janelle talks to him, and Cody said that if Janelle goes far, it would be hard not to give her the money. Janelle says that Cody is being secretive, so she's not sure what she should do. Janelle isn't buying what Cody is selling.
There's five minutes left for the Safety Suite. Cody and Memphis are starting to align, mostly because they were in duos in the past. Cody tells Memphis that he is thinking of putting up Kaysar and Janelle because they would be the ones who might be problems in the future. Seconds are left, and everyone is watching the clock, and with only 30 seconds left, Kaysar makes a move. There are just a few seconds left, and Kaysar sweeps in. Meanwhile Cody admits to Memphis that he was going to put up Kaysar and Janelle. Then we have a flashback to Kaysar and Janelle talking about how they felt Cody would put them up, so this was a safety measure for them. I love both Kaysar and Janelle.
Kaysar is in the safety suite. BB will play a song, and all Kaysar has to do is duplicate it. It's a remix of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. The person who does it fastest will win safety. Fortunately, he's the only one playing. Kaysar isn't sure after the first two pieces, but he works his way through. He is feeling the pressure of the clock, and he wants the fastest time to send a message to the house. Janelle also went for safety. That means that they can't play in opposite weeks. Time for the results. Kaysar finished in 7:55. Janelle took 16:36. Kaysar won, and he got to pick a plus one who would endure a punishment. He gave the pass to Janelle. Both are safe from nomination. Cody now has to pick two new nominees. Janelle has never had a punishment in the BB house. Kaysar says that he has to teach these young kids a lesson.
Kaysar is happy with his instincts. Nicole F. asks Cody how Janelle and Kaysar knew they were targets. Cody says that he doesn't know Keesha, and Kevin can be played like a pawn. Janelle's outfit is a yellow star with lights, and Janelle plays it like it's fun. As she said, she looks good in yellow.
Kevin has a conversation with Cody about how perfect and kind and nice Cody is, and how flawed Kevin is. Kevin starts to cry, and that's when my recording stopped. Now over to CBS. Kevin just felt intimidated because Cody is cool and perfect, and Kevin doesn't want Cody to feel like he did something to Kevin. This makes it hard for Cody because it made Cody feel horrible about everything Kevin was saying. But as Cody says, you have to separate the emotions from the game.
It's time for the nominations, and of course, Cody puts up Keesha and Kevin. Kevin has an instance reaction, and he seems devastated. Keesha does not want to be the first person out. Kevin says he has to stop crying and win the veto. Cody says that nominations are personal. Kaysar is happy that he was able to derail Cody's nomination plan. Kaysar says it feels good to be back in the house.
Thursday, August 6 -- Afternoon
BB All Stars Starts
This covid-19 stuff has been absolutely ridiculous, and I was really getting bummed out that it has wiped out my favorite summer activity, watching Big Brother. It didn't really make sense because if you want to talk about the number one quarantine show, it's Big Brother. These people are locked up in a house without interactions with others. So I was very happy to hear that CBS was bringing it back, delayed, but heck, I can live with that. I hear that in addition to the cast being "quarantined", the whole crew that may interact with the cast will have some form of quarantine.The other bright spot is that this is an All-Star season! AND some of my favorite players are back. Granted, I can do without Bayleigh and Nicole Anthony, but the rest are pretty good. Also, it reunites two of my all time favorite players from my favorite season, Janelle and Kaysar from BB 6
We did get an update that the houseguests were all quarantined for 14 days. The houseguests were told that once they got into the house, they could take off their masks, which is a good thing because it was hard to hear their muffled voices.
The houseguests are broken into groups of four, and they have to compete in their first competition. The first two to correctly answer the question moves on to the next round. Nicole Franzel, Da'vonne, Dani, and Christmas are the first four. They only have four minutes to compete in the game. The four of them run out to the backyard, see the screen with the clue, which room has the porcelain dogs, and once they get the answer, they have to run a ball through a maze to the right answer. The board seems to be really heavy, and they all seem to be having issues getting the ball to move the maze. Christmas the first one to get it, and she tells the others to go slow and steady. Only Christmas was able to get through the competition. It seems the four of them had to then go an hide before the next group could go in.
Janelle is up next. She has THREE kids. Bayleigh is my least favorite contestant. She married Swaggy. Oh, I misspoke. Nicole Anthony is my least favorite. For some reason, I have no memory of Keesha. She said she was America's favorite guest, but she was obviously not memorable to me. I hope Janelle does better this time than she did in season 14. Janelle is the first of the women to start working on the maze. Again, their room is at the end of the board. That's really not right. Janelle almost had it before it fell off the board. Nicole Anthony finally got it in.
Kaysar is next up. He is 39, married, and has a four-year-old. Cody is back, and he's another strong player. Memphis (who played with Dan) is back in the house. Last up is David. He was a smart guy, and he should also go far. They really did pick soem all-stars. When the guys go in, again, their maze ended higher than either of the girls'. Memphis finished first, followed by Cody. Yeah, this was definitely unfairly setup.
The six who finished are going to compete for the HOH. The HOH competition is to walk across a star field, and the first one to do it with the fastest time wins. They have only three minutes to finish. The losers who don't finish have to take an envelope. Memphis is the first to go, and the others have to go behind a wall so they don't see which stars are not solid. Memphis leaped at the end, and he had 1:12.22 for a time. Cody was next. Cody only fell once, and he got 22.06. 22 seconds was pretty good. Memphis had to take an envelope. Christmas is up next. Christmas wasn't able to beat 22 seconds.
Kevin is next. Everyone falls on the big star at the beginning of the track. Nicole is next, and you know there's no way she will win. She's the only one who was stupid enough to go for that same wobbly star at the start of track. Ian is last, and admits it's going to be tough. He's the first to get past the wobbly star, but he can't beat 22 seconds. Cody is HOH.
We did get to see it as the show ended. There's going to be a twist with a safety suite. The first eviction is next Thursday, but there will be a new way to avoid the eviction. The houseguests are told that new rooms will be revealed to them. Each of them will get a VIP pass to the first room, which is the Safety Room, and that can safeguard two houseguests. The show ends with the houseguests walking around, checking out their new digs.