The Daily Bongo
July 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013 -- Evening
POV Show
The BB show this evening starts after the nominations. Howard says that the controlling group nominated the person who was least controlling (him and Spencer). Helen goes up to jump around the HOH room because Aaryn did what Helen wanted with the nominations. Elissa was also super-shocked that Aaryn didn't nominate her. They tell Aaryn that she is in cool with them. After Helen and Elissa come leave, Amanda comes in to cheer because Amanda has wanted to be rid of Howard and Spencer since the Moving Company. Meanwhile Howard goes into the Have Not room to pray and talk with God. Jessie comes in then, and she told Howard that the opportunity meant so much to her, and she's sure that it means so much to Howard. Howard just listens to her. Jessie says in DR that she knows Howard is not a rich man, and it would mean so much to him to get the money. Howard said that he will try to fight, but that she should do what she can for herself. Spencer talks to McCrae, and McCrae said that he hopes to separate Spencer from Howard because he thinks that when Howard leaves, Spencer will be more loyal to him. McCrae lies to Spencer about wanting Elissa and GinaMarie up. Spencer says that they say Howard is a beast, but Howard hasn't won anything. Spencer realizes that the only reason McCrae and Amanda want Howard out is because Howard can't be controlled by them. Spencer and Howard talk while playing pool. Spencer says that he doesn't want him or Howard to go home. Howard thinks that it will work out. Howard said that he is going to say what he needs to say to get things working his way. Howard doesn't understand who is campaigning against him in the house. Howard wants to set the record straight. Howard goes into the kitchen, and tries to talk to everyone. Howard talks, but as Judd says in DR, he doesn't know what Howard is talking about. Andy says that Howard could be just saying "blah, blah" because it doesn't make sense. Howard is just saying that he didn't say anything against anyone or campaign against anyone. Even Spencer realizes that the speech was a flop. Howard thinks the message was delivered and received. Poor Howard! Amanda goes up to the HOH room, and she talks to everyone telling them they were confused with the message, and nervous that Howard is trying to attack them. Amanda is elated because everyone thinks Howard is after them.Andy and Spencer play pool, while McCrae and Amanda are cuddling on the hammock. Amanda wants to know who is MVP. Elissa says that she thinks it's Andy this week, and Howard had it last week. Amanda doesn't think Andy has the MVP. While they fixate on the MVP, it's time to pick players for the veto competition. We find out that America nominated Amanda for eviction. Everyone seems a bit surprised to see Amanda nominated. Amanda thinks Howard is MVP. Howard thinks that someone up there loves him because Amanda is a bigger target. However, those people are super stupid! Candice, who wants to win the veto to save Howard, and Jessie. Helen is the host, and she annoyingly squeals. McCrae tells Spencer that Howard just fucked himself and Spencer over. McCrae said that he would bet anything it was Howard. McCrae said it was obvious. Spencer says it's not Howard, and that McCrae is just a punk trying to scare and intimidate Spencer. I'm starting to think that the controlling group is worse than the Nerd Herd from Season 6. McCrae and Andy talk about how Spencer was played by Howard. Amanda doesn't think it's that obvious that Howard put her up. Amanda says that everyone is going crazy. Amanda wants to get to the bottom of it because it's driving her crazy. Howard tells Amanda that he is not MVP. Howard thinks it's either still Elissa or America. Amanda tells Howard that people think he is sketchy. Howard says it's because he is a straight talker, and they can't believe it. Amanda says in DR that's why she has to get rid of Howard because she can't control him. In my opinion, this is why Amanda has to go. That would be the power move that would really shake up the game!
Andy is one of the first people up in the morning, and he goes in the backyard to think and strategize, but he was frightened when a bird flew at him. Stupid segment. Then it was time for the POV competition. Helen is dressed like Einstein. There is a science setup. They have to rebuild the veto. The first part of the backyard is the lab. They enter a capsule, and then they exit the other end in a Jurassic landscape. They have to collect the all the color pieces for their veto around the yard, and build the veto (it's a puzzle shape). The first person to complete the veto puzzle wins. Everyone had the same strategy: get all the pieces, then build the puzzle. Andy thinks Candice and Jessie are perplexed and generally confused. Candice cannot figure it out. Jessie is frustrated and feels pretty dumb, but Howard looks like he is doing worse. Amanda looks like the pieces are just coming together for her. Spencer sees Amanda doing well, and Spencer kicks it into high gear. McCrae thinks Amanda has a good shot to win. But then Amanda realizes that she didn't get all the pieces of her puzzle. Spencer realizes that he is missing a piece, and he finds it. Spencer completes the puzzle first and wins the veto. Candice realizes that she is in jeopardy and can't save Howard. Howard admits it's going to be a tough week. Aaryn doesn't want to have to replace Spencer and get more blood on her hands.
McCrae and Amanda are up in the HOH to find out who Aaryn is going to put up. Aaryn says that Candice is behind so many problems in the house. Helen says that she wants to do what the house wants. Amanda says it's a no brainer because Candice is a vote for Howard. Spencer, Howard, and Candice talk. Candice thinks that she is going up. Candice knows that Helen is the puppet master. Spencer wants Jessie to go up as a pawn. Spencer says he's going to talk to Aaryn and try to scope it out. Howard tell Candice that she needs to do what she can to save herself. Candice goes to talk to Helen. Candice said that everyone says Howard is a threat, but he hasn't won anything. Helen claims Aaryn is going to do what she wants to do. Candice said that Helen has Amanda and McCrae. Candice says that Helen can join with Candice, Spencer, and Howard. Candice tells Helen that everyone knows Helen is controlling the house. Helen claims that is not the case. Candice said that she is more of an ally to Helen than Aaryn or Amanda, but that Helen is throwing her over for everyone else. Helen says that she is going to tell everyone that Candice is threatening her. Amanda thinks that Candice is so dumb for threatening Helen. However, Candice didn't threaten Helen; she just tried to make a deal with Helen. Helen and Amanda are the evil twins in this house. I would love to see them both go ASAP!
Amanda says that Candice is a bigger target than Amanda. Candice thinks that if she goes on the block, she will go home. Howard knows that Aaryn is being controlled by Helen and Amanda. He knows Aaryn won't go against the grain. Time for the Veto meeting. Spencer takes himself off, and Candice goes up in his place. We can expect Howard to be going home tomorrow, especially with this Nerd Herd group. Candice is surprised that her good friends Helen and Elissa had a hand in it. Aaryn says that Candice is a time bomb waiting to explode. Amanda is now sure she will remain in the house. Oh please, no! Eviction is tomorrow.
Sunday, July 28, 2013 -- Evening
Amanda's HOH Show
On the live feeds, Amanda, as she has been doing since week one, told Aaryn who to put on the block. Spencer and Howard were the lucky duo, with Howard the intended target because Howard is a "strong competitor." Meanwhile, America nominated Amanda as the MVP's nominee. If the goal is to get the strongest competitor out of the house, that would be Amanda because she has been aggressively dictating to the HOH what to do. On tonight's CBS show, we will see the post HOH competition talk, the Have/Have Not competition, and Aaryn's nominations.The show started with Kaitlin's eviction, and Helen's wish that Aaryn would keep up her end of the bargin. Elissa wasn't happy for Aaryn to stay in the house. Aaryn was happy to be HOH because it took her from the bottom of the barrel to the top. Helen reminds us that the deal with Aaryn was to put up Howard and Spencer if she stayed in the house. Candice wanted to have a breakdown because Aaryn got the perfect score. Meanwhile in the bathroom, Jessie cheers for her, and says in DR that she has to stay on good terms with Aaryn in future. Meanwhile, Candice and Howard talk about the upcoming week. Jessie told Candice before the eviction that Helen and Aaryn have a deal for Helen to make Aaryn's choices for her. Spencer goes to talk to Aaryn, and she tells him that she doesn't want him to go home, but she is under huge pressure to put up Howard and Spencer. As Aaryn says, you can't make your own decisions because you have to keep yourself safe. Spencer says in DR that doesn't sit well with him because Aaryn is HOH. Helen goes to Aaryn, and says that Candice told Helen that Candice and Howard better not go up on the block. Helen is so mad because she assumes that Elissa told Candice. Helen throws Elissa under the bus more on the live feeds than we see in the show. Elissa is cooking, and Candice goes to talk to her, while Aaryn comes into the room. Aaryn said that Elissa makes it really weird. As Aaryn says, Aaryn is HOH, and Elissa needs to be different. Aaryn comes out to ask who wants to see her HOH room, but everyone is hiding upstairs to surprise her. Aaryn has a clown in her HOH basket, and Amanda thinks it is scary. Then Aaryn talks about getting Zingers, and she said shw axed for them. Then Aaryn turns to Candice and says she got "axed" from Candice. Candice ignored it. Helen then bashes Elissa to Judd, Amanda, and McCrae. Elissa did not rat out Helen. So Helen tells them not to tell Elissa anything.
As usual, McCrae and Amanda are back to using the HOH room as if it is their own. Both are in the bathtub taking a bubble bath. They don't have any game talk, and just say that they love each other, and that Amanda's mom is going to have to deal with McCrae not making money. Later, Spencer and Aaryn talk in the HOH room. Spencer wants to save himself and keep off the block. Spencer tells Aaryn to look at the pictures downstairs to see who goes. Aaryn tells Spencer that she made deals with others in the house to keep herself save. Spencer tells her that she could keep herself safe by making deals with others in the house. He leaves the HOH room saying he's not mad at her yet. Howard goes to talke to Aaryn to make sure that his name doesn't come out of her mouth. Aaryn tells Howard about Candice's threat that Howard and Candice better not go on the block. Candice suggested Spencer and GinaMarie. Aaryn tells Howard that she had to make deals. Howard said that she should shake the house up. Aaryn respects Howard, but she feels that she is stuck. Howard tells her not to let others control her. Aaryn says she won't, but she is.
In the BB house, a police alarm goes off. Poppy Montgomery comes on the living room screeen. Andy knows her from other shows, and because she is a fellow ginger. It's time for the Have/Have Not competition. They have to grab colored bandanas, and get into teams. The house guests are dressed up like police men. In part 1 of the challenge, they have to get all of their evidence stacked on the desk. The losing team in the second part will be the Have Nots. Howard, Jessie, Helen, and Spencer are on the purple. Andy, Elissa, McCrae, and Aaryn are on the Orange team. Green is Candice, Judd, GinaMarie, Amanda. Orange finished first, Green second, and Purple last. The Orange team got pictures to show the place of 10 of the 24 items. The second part is to put everything back where it belonged. Orange gets their stuff right by the second try (only getting 2 wrong). Green is confused. they have 6 wrong the first time. GinaMarie admits she doesn't know where anything went. Purple got 2 wrong the first time, and then got it right the second time.
Elissa and Jessie are in the bathroom. Jessie is brushing her teeth while Elissa does yoga. She'll do it anywhere. She does it regardless of whom watches. Candice and Howard talk. Howard advises Candice to do what she has to. Candice says that McCrae and Amanda should go up. Howard tells Candice to take her bed. Candice goes up to talk to Aaryn telling Candice that she has to do what makes the most people happy. Aaryn says that she doesn't want to put up Howard, but feels she has to. Candice says that someone has to break up McCrae and Amanda. Candice says that maybe the people Aaryn thinks are keeping her safe are not keeping Aaryn safe. Aaryn says in DR that she has a Candice switch, and that Aaryn does not consider Candice part of her world. Candice realizes she is getting nowhere with Aaryn and leaves. Candice talks to Howard, and tells him that there is no moving Aaryn. Howard says that's not how Aaryn was talking the day before. Candice now feels that talking to Aaryn put a bigger target on Howard's back. Candice tells Howard that whatever happens happens. Howard says are you telling me to leave you alone. I feel for poor Howard because he can't figure out what to do with Candice. Aaryn is talking to Andy, Jessie, and GinaMarie. Aaryn said that Elissa would put her up, and they tell that Elissa is crazy. Jessie said that they have kept her safe for the past few weeks. As Aaryn says, she knows that she is not Howard's direct target, but Aaryn is Elissa's direct target.
Time for the Nomination Ceremony. Aaryn's dilemma was in doing what the others want, or doing what she wants. She claims she will do what she wants. The keys come out in this order: GinaMarie, Jessie, Andy, Elissa (who has a weird look on her face at that), Candice, Helen, McCrae, Amanda, and Judd. Aaryn says that she nominated Spencer and Howard because it's what is best for her game. Howard says God didn't tell him it is time to go home. Elissa is shocked that Aaryn didn't put her up. Helen is happy that Aaryn stuck with Helen's (actually Amanda's) plan. Wednesday will be the POV competition, which Spencer will win, and Amanda as the third nominee.
Thursday, July 25, 2013 -- Evening
Eviction NIght
The house seems pretty set on sending Kaitlin home tonight, even though Elissa was trying to get Aaryn out up to the very last minute. We'll have to see how it comes down on the show now.Julie lets us know that Aaryn was the first MVP choice, and Elissa was the second. As Julie says, now the Mean Girls have to make it right with those they have wronged. Kaitlin doesn't want to scramble for votes because she was told that she was the pawn. Aaryn goes to scramble for votes. Aaryn said that GinaMarie is negative, but that Aaryn hasn't said anything negative for weeks. Aaryn tells Judd and Jessie that she will never put them up. Aaryn said that Kaitlin is a big threat. Judd admits that Aaryn is making goog points. Plus no one likes Aaryn, so it's good to keep her up. Helen interrupts the talk, and Elissa follows. Helen asks Judd who he wants out. Judd said that Kaitlin needs to go first. Elissa wants Aaryn to go. Elissa says that Aaryn is always talking about her. Also, Eliss says that Aaryn is always saying things against Candice and Howard. Judd goes down to talk to Howard and Candice. Judd says that he likes Kaitlin better as a person, but she's also a better competitor. Judd says that he knows Aaryn has said derogatory things, but to keep out personal things. Howard can see getting rid of a competitor, but Aaryn is a monster in the house. Aaryn tells Helen that she won't try for HOH, or if she does get it, she will put up whoever Elissa wants. Elissa wonders if Helen is really telling the truth. Elissa says that the racial comments that Aaryn makes really get to her, and she has trouble getting past them. Helen tells Judd not to tell Howard or Spencer, but Aaryn will throw the HOH. Judd decides to jump ship from Howard, Spencer, and Kaitlin. Helen says that this alliance puts a nail in Kaitlin's coffin.
Helen goes and tells Elissa and Amanda about Kaitlin trying to align with Judd, Howard, and Spencer. She tells them not to tell anyone. So Elissa goes to Kaitlin, and tells Kaitlin that people are spreading the word that Kaitlin is scheming. Elissa wonders if it is Aaryn. Meanwhile, Aaryn is in the bathroom trying to listen in to the conversation. So Aaryn pulls Helen aside to say that she overheard Elissa and Kaitlin talking. Helen goes to talk to Elissa to find out what is going on. Kaitlin goes out to tell Spencer and Howard about what Elissa said. Helen goes in to talk to Elissa, and tells Elissa that Aaryn overheard her and Kaitlin talking. Aaryn asks Elissa why Elissa is trying to stir things up. Kaitlin says that Elissa only said that people were talking about her. While everyone talks, Judd tries to stay quiet about spilling the beans. Kaitlin says she has no alliance. Aaryn gets upset about Elissa making up things about her. Elissa said that the discussion was about Kaitlin and an alliance. Meanwhile, Howard thinks it might make things calmer in the house if Aaryn went home.
Julie asks Judd about his Grizzly Bear shirt, which everyone has been wearing. Julie said that she might wear it next week. McCrae said that he won't be able to top his birthday this year. Julie shows them video of the yogurt eating contest. They all laugh. Julie asks GinaMarie about the anchovy yogurt.
Time for the live vote. Aaryn says she wants to be there more than anything. Kaitlin thanks family and friends. She will respect the decision. GinaMarie thanks her family. She says she has drive, good points, and bad. And a strong accent. She misses Nick. The house guests vote:
- Amanda evicted Kaitlin
- McCrae evicted Kaitlin
- Helen evicted Kaitlin
- Candice evicted Kaitlin
- Elissa evicted sadly, sadly, sadly Kaitlin
- Spencer evicted Kaitlin
- Howard evicted Kaitlin
- Andy evicted Kaitlin
- Jessie evicted Kaitlin
GinaMarie is told that she is safe. Then Julie says by a vote of 9-0, Kaitlin is safe. Aaryn smirks. I really hate Aaryn. Kaitlin hugs GinaMarie and leaves the house. Julie talks to Kaitlin. Kaitlin only hugged GinaMarie because everyone lied to her face. Kaitlin said that the house has to do what it had to do. Kaitlin is hurt by Andy the most because she thought he had her back. Kaitlin thought that she was a bigger threat because of her alliance. Kaitlin finds out that everyone has been calling Kaitlin, Aaryn, and GinaMarie the Mean Girls. Kaitlin is hurt. Julie talks about Kaitlin participating in ugly behavior. Kaitlin said that she has some regrets about picking the wrong side of the house. Julie asks Kaitlin about Jeremy. Kaitlin says that she is going to Vegas, and she realizes they live states away, so it's an open door. Helen tells Kaitlin in video that Aaryn had an offer they couldn't resist. Candice blamed the Jeremy connection. Judd wishes he could have worked harder for her. Aaryn said that she will like to see Kaitin later.
America is going to MVP again. Let's see who goes up this time.
Time for the HOH competition. The backyard is setup like a casino. One at a time, they roll a single ball to get it to land in a roulette wheel. The person who lands the ball in the highest numbered slot wins. Andy rolls first. He gets a 23. McCrae get a 28, and he's in the lead. GinaMarie gets a 3. Candice gets 27. Spencer gets 34. Aaryn takes forever to throw the ball and gets a 36. She got a perfect score. Howard gets 17. Jessie 2. Helen gets 28. Amanda gets 1. Elissa is last, and she gets 0. Aaryn is the new HOH.
Julie talks to Jeff Schroeder about Aaryn holding up her deal with Helen. Jeff says Aaryn maybe shouldn't hold up her end of the deal because he would, and he never won. Jeff said that people should realize they don't need the house rules to vote someone out. Jeff said you go crazy in the house. Then Jeff is asked about Jordan. It seems that Jeff and Jordan are still together. Julie tries to get Jeff to say that he is engaged, but he isn't yet. Jeff likes McCrae because he has Amanda in front of him as a bigger target.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 -- Evening
POV Blowout
The BB show started with Judd hoping the nominations would keep him safe. Howard is happy not to be on the block, and hopes the MVP does not put him up. Aaryn was not happy that Judd mad her look sketchy. Aaryn goes up to the HOH room, and Judd tells Aaryn to trust him and not to cry. Judd claimed that the plan was to win POV, and then he would backdoor someone. Judd tells Aaryn not to tell anyone because it's supposed to be a surprise. Judd is just trying to cover his ass. Amanda assures Kaitlin that she won't go home, and that Amanda will tell Kaitlin if she is going home. Aaryn comes in to talk to Amanda and Kaitlin because Amanda claims both will stay because she is going to backdoor Howard. Funny, since Amanda is NOT HOH or MVP.Elissa starts acting weird because she did not get MVP. Judd and Amanda ask her about her weirdness. All Elissa says is that she doesn't know. Finally Amanda asked if Elissa had MVP, and Elissa says no. Elissa says in DR that if she doesn't get MVP, she is afraid her alliance will discard her because they only want Elissa for MVP. Amanda goes and crawls all over McCrae and admits to him that Elissa without MVP is of no use to her. Spencer talks to Howard about how Elissa and Amanda are the problems. Howard says that Amanda and McCrae are the problem in the house. Spencer tells Howard that they just need to go with the house. Howard wants Kaitlin to stay. He just wants to be in the know so he can go against Amanda, Elissa, and McCrae. Spencer and Howard go up to HOH to talk, and they are there before Judd comes in. Kaitlin comes in then too, and Spencer starts talking alliance with Judd, Kaitlin, and GinaMarie. Kaitlin said that Helen, Elissa, Amanda, and McCrae run the house. Howard says that any blindman can see that Amanda runs the house. Spencer says that since they are on the outs, they need to come together and overtake the throne. Howard tells the group that he wants to flip things. Judd admits in DR that maybe Howard isn't the person he should be worrying about right now.
Helen, Andu, Candice, and Jessie talk about MVP. Helen seems to have figured out the MVP twist, and explains it very well. Time for the Veto Competition. We find out Elissa is the nomination. People were shocked that Elissa was up. Elissa felt betrayed. The other two house guests competing are Helen and McCrae. Andy is the host. Candice and Amanda go to console Elissa. When GinaMarie goes to give Elissa a hug, Elissa flinches. Elissa tells GinaMarie that GinaMarie was MVP and must have put her up. GinaMarie isn't. Elissa says she wants to go home. Candice tells Elissa to fight like her sister, Rachel. Aaryn goes to Amanda and McCrae to complain about going home. Amanda asks who is MVP, and Aaryn said it is not her. Amanda thinks that Elissa nominated herself, which is incredibly stupid. GinaMarie goes up to HOH and tells Kaitlin and Judd that Elissa is saying GinaMarie is MVP. Kaitlin also thinks that Elissa is the MVP and nominated herself.
Finally time for the Veto Competition. There's a huge mud pit in the backyard. The house guests are dressed up. They have to crawl through the mud, and get bags with point cards. They can either keep or discard the number. They get to keep four, and the one with the highest number of points in eight minutes wins. If there is a penalty on the point cards, they have that penalty. Helen says that this is not an election she wants to lose, and that she wants to take Elissa off the block. McCrae took 0 points with $5000 attached. Andy loves seeing the girls get dirty, and he especially loves that Aaryn is trying to keep her face out of the mud. Judd takes 18 points with solitary confinement for 24 hours. Elissa takes 20 votes with no POV competition next week. Elissa locks in all four ballots, then Judd locks in his four. Aaryn put her fourth ballot in. Helen took 10 points with an 8:00 p.m. curfew. Helen has 29 votes. Kaitlin had 25 votes. McCrae has 20 votes. Everyone applauds McCrae getting $5000. Aaryn got 32 votes. Judd got 38 votes. Elissa has 40 votes, and will have to sit out the next veto. Elissa was so excited to win the veto because she needed it this week. Judd isn't happy about being away from everyone for 24 hours. He won't know what is going on, and he isn't happy about the alarms either.
Judd was in with a clock with a nine minute snooze, bread and water, and a portable potty. Helen has to go to bed at 8:00 p.m. and not talk to anyone. Judd is tired and delirious from the constant alarm.
It's McCrae's birthday, and Amanda dresses in a one piece bathing suit. Elissa comments that Amanda looks like a stripper, which she does. McCrae is camped out in the HOH room. Spencer and Howard put bandanas over their faces and tie up McCrae. Then Amanda comes in with a whip and gives him 24 smacks on the butt. McCrae asid that last year on his birthday, he stayed at home and watched the live feeds all day. Elissa keeps on saying that Amanda looks awful and very stripper-like in the outfit, and Amanda leaves the HOH and starts to cry. Amanda goes into the toilet and cries. McCrae goes to console her, and says that Elissa is just jealous of the attention that Amanda is getting and that Elissa is digging her own grave.
Judd finally gets out of solitary, and he chows down. Time for the POV meeting. Helen is worried that she could go up on the block next. Elissa takes herself off the block, and GinaMarie goes up on the block in Elissa's place. Howard is glad that he didn't go up on the block. Aaryn hopes the target on her back is smaller. Kaitlin thinks it's fishy that GinaMaria went up in place of Elissa instead of Helen. So who will go home? On the feeds, it seems that Kaitlin will go home unless a few votes flip her way.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 -- Evening
Andy Roddick Beat Me With a Frying Pan by Todd Gallagher
I just finished reading the sport book, Andy Roddick Beat Me With a Frying Pan by Todd Gallagher, and I really enjoyed it. Read my review.Sunday, July 21, 2013 -- Evening
Nominations Show
It's time for the BB show this evening.The show starts with Jeremy leaving, and Kaitlin feeling guilty. Aaryn is glad to be in the house. Helen says she doesn't want to get cocky, but she does by saying her plan to get rid of Jeremy worked. The first joker is Amanda who says Jeremy looks good in black and white. Spencer realizes that only guys have gone home, and that some women need to go to prevent a powerhouse female alliance. Judd is really excited to have won HOH, and Jessie is excited too because Judd is her buddy. GinaMarie says that she has to work on Judd to keep her, Kaitlin, and Aaryn om the house. After the HOH comp, Judd does give Jessie a peck on the check. Kaitlin thinks the house owes her a few weeks of safety because that's what Helen promised her. I'm getting tired of Helen and Elissa. McCrae is worried about the twist with the MVP. McCrae tells Amanda and Andy that he thinks Judd will put up Gina and Kaitlin. Amanda wants to tell Judd to put up Howard and Aaryn. Amanda says that she has to keep Judd in check. In DR, Judd says that Amanda may run McCrae, but she doesn't run J-u-double d. Candice and Howard talk about who Judd will put up. Howard says that he has to stay cool with Judd to keep himself safe.
Judd takes everyone up to his HOH room. Jessie thinks high school Judd looks adorable. Judd reads his letter from his mom, who tells him how proud she and the dad are of Judd and hopes he goes all the way. BB puts subtitles under Judd when he talks because his speech is so slurred. Spencer and Howard hope to keep the focus off the two of them. Howard says that Kaitlin would be a good target. Elissa tells Judd, Spencer, and Howard that she will tell them if she gets MVP. They talk about the twist being a power because they have no idea that it's America voting for the nominee.
GinaMarie is talking about a dress, and she can't say auburn. Candice says that even as a speech therapist, but GinaMarie is impossible. GinaMarie makes up words all the time because she's really stupid. Howard and Candice talk, and Howard asks if Candice likes him. She says that she doesn't sleep with others. Howard admits that he is willing to explore the friendship while he is in the house. Candice thinks they have a lot in common because they are Southern and Christian, and have been affected by the racial things in the house. Aaryn talks to Judd in the Have Not room. Poor Judd can't talk to people in his HOH room because Helen, Amanda, McCrae, and Elissa are camping out there. Judd talks about getting rid of Candice or maybe back dooring Howard. he admits to Aaryn that he is friends with Howard. GinaMarie is still talking about Nick with Kaitlin. Aaryn comes in and tells them that Aaryn is probably going on the block. Aaryn thinks that Aaryn, Kaitlin, and GinaMarie will be the three on the block. GinaMarie tries to tell Aaryn that she is wrong. Aaryn tells GinaMarie to stop talking. GinaMarie keeps on trying to tell Aaryn to just drop things and think positive. Aaryn and GinaMarie start to argue over the nominations.
Time for the Have-Have Not competition. They had to break up into three groups, and we didn't see that no one wanted to join GinaMarie, Aaryn, and Kaitlin's team. Helen finally joined them. They have to eat frozen yogurt. They have vanilla chocolate twist in one, and anchovy habenero yogurt. They all have to try every flavor, eat as much as they can, and weight themselves at the end. The team with the least weight gain will be have not. Amanda was just eating the vanilla chocolate while Howard eats the anchovy. GinaMarie just put her head under the twist machine and eats it. Amanda is flipping out on the anchovy and claims she can't eat because she will throw up. People keep on talking about throwing up. Aaryn keeps up the fake throwing up. McCrae is trying not throe up, and Howard tries to tell McCrae to hold it in. Spencer, Andy, Candice, and Jessie gained 11 pounds. GinaMarie helped her team eat 13 pounds. Elisa, McCrae, Howard, and Amanda 12.9 pounds. Andy and company are the Have Nots.
Amanda decides that Judd should not make a royal mistake, and that he should listen to her. Amanda says that she would put up Howard. Judd says Spencer and Candice will be after him because of Howard. Amanda says Judd should make a big move and get out Howard. Amanda isn't HOH though, and she won't be the one getting the blood on her hands. Amanda wants Howard out for personal reasons. Howard wants to break up McCrae and get Amanda out.
In the backyard, Howard says he will do yoga with Elissa because he wants to bond with her. Elissa is a yoga teacher, and she's teaching Howard the simple movies. As Howard says he never used those muscles. Candice says she likes looking at Howard without his shirt on. Howard says Elissa is amazing because she is so flexible. Elissa and Jessie are in the HOH room talking to Judd. He is subtitled because you just can't understand him. Judd doesn't want to screw himself up. Elissa tells Judd that he needs to put Aaryn up. Judd said that Aaryn is not powerful, and Elissa and Jessie seem anti-Aaryn. Amanda, McCrae, and Andy talk about who Judd should put up, and Amanda says that Judd HAS to put Howard up. Andy said that Judd does not think Howard is after him. Amanda says that jUdd has to get his hands dirty. Judd comes into the room, and he doesn't want to tell Amanda who he is putting up. Amanda says they have to get rid of Howard because that breaks up Howard and Spencer, and Howard is manipulative. Even Andy sees that Amanda is playing too hard. Also, the people would have to be dumb to see that Amanda is the one who really needs to go because she is always being the nominations, but never getting her hands dirty.
Time for the nominations. Aaryn thinks she will be on the block and will probably go home. Howard doesn't care who is on the block as long as it's not him. Amanda gives her power hungry rant about Howard. Judd says he's in the house by himself, and he has to play his own game. The keys come out in this order: Spencer, Jessie, Elissa, Candice, McCrae, Andy, Helen, Howard, GinaMarie, and finally, Amanda. Sending a good message, Judd. Amanda was very ungracious. Judd said that he thinks Kaitlin has a good social game. He called Aaryn a Texas tornado. Aaryn thinks a blind kid who can hit the target on her back. Judd hopes to make it through the rest of the week. Kaitlin said that she is being dragged down by her association with Aaryn and GinaMarie. Amanda is happy because she wants to back door Howard. Smirk!
Thursday, July 18, 2013 -- Evening
Bye-bye Jeremy
Spencer and Aaryn were packing their bags today for tonight's eviction ceremony. However, Jeremy is definitely the person going home as they have all discussed in the house.
Julie Chen had on a very nice dress for this episode. As Julie says, the hunters have become the hunted. Helen annoyingly squeals about Kaitlin using the veto. Helen calls Jeremy the biggest bully. I think the house guests use the word bully far too much. Jeremy said that it's not over till it's over. But it's pretty much over for him. Aaryn and Jeremy talk, and Aaryn says that people hate people who are good at things or cute. Aaryn thinks that the wimps are targeting Jeremy because he is good at competitions. Jeremy thinks he may have been too feisty, and that he has to show his softer side. Jeremy dresses up in baby clothes, and says he's trying to do whatever he can to try to stay in the game. Amanda and McCrae are in the hammock, and Amanda says that Jeremy coming to thme in baby diapers either means he wants to campaign or breastfeed. Jeremy is trying to campaign. He has an uphill battle. Aaryn does an exercise routine to show people what a fun person she is. Not! Aaryn calls Helen amazing. Aaryn is really working it trying to make it seem like she is something she is not. Everyone talks about GinaMarie being crazy because GinaMarie is making a Nick shrine. Amanda wants to have fun and hide the items from GinaMarie's shrine. GinaMarie goes into the room, and immediately sees that Nick's cup is gone. GinaMarie does not think it is funny. She asks Aaryn where Nick's hat and cup is. GinaMarie starts to cry because she really needs the cup. Amanda says that they have to giver GinaMarie the stuff back. Amanda goes and hugs here, and says they were just kidding her around. Aaryn said she didn't have anything to do with it, and Amanda said "oh, we all had a hand in it." Amanda and McCrae talk about how mean-spirited Aaryn is, and how she wanted Amanda to take the fall for the cup and hat. Jeremy campaigns to Helen and Elissa saying that he would not go against them till the end, and they could flip the house. Jeremy said that they all deserve to be there more than Aaryn. Jeremy says that his attitude would change 180 degrees. He claims he would be humble and gracious. Helen admits in DR that it is an offer that is hard to pass up, but she will.
Julie goes to the living room. Julie asks Elissa about her first week not on the block, and Elissa said that it is amazing. She is enjoying a week in the BB house. Julie asked Candice about the bed flipping. Candice says she is moving beyond it. Kaitlin talks about the difficulty of using the veto on herself. Julie asks Howard about his faith and playing the game. Howard says some lying has to take place, but he is conscious free now.
Julie talks to Amanda's and McCrae's parents. McCrae's dad said that Amanda has her looks and age working over McCrae. The dad said that McCrae is a unique individual. His mom said that Amanda crawled right into bed with him, and what is a boy to do? Amanda's mom said that Amanda dated a lot. Her dad said that she usually gets what she wants. McCrae's mom hopes that Amanda's strong personality doesn't overwhelm McCrae. McCrae's dad thinks Amanda wears the pants in the pair. Amanda's mom hopes that McCrae is the CEO of a software company.
Time for the final brief statements. Jeremy said that it's not a shock what will happen, but hopes they can all be friends after it. Aaryn wants to thank everyone and her family. Spencer thanks a laundry list of people. Time for the vote:
- Candice evicted Jeremy
- Andy evicted Jeremy
- Howard evicted Jeremy
- Elissa evicted Jeremy
- Kaitlin evicted Spencer
- GinaMarie evicted Jeremy
- Amanda evicted Jeremy
- McCrae evicted Jeremy
- Jessie evicted Jeremy
- Judd evicted Jeremy
Then we learn that the viewers will vote for the person that they want to vote on the block. So we are the MVP this week. I wonder if everyone will vote for Aaryn. The HOH cannot be nominated, so if that person gets the most votes, the person who is second in votes will go up.
Time for the HOH, and it's America's vote on the royal titles. Julie will give two house guests two names. The questions:
Who would be crowned the Earl of Egotism because they are most likely to want their face added to Mount Rushmore? (Aaryn or Jessie)
Answer: Aaryn
Who would be crowned the Baron of Boneheads because they are most likely to skydive and forget to wear a parachute? (Spencer or GinaMarie)
Answer: GinaMarie
Who would be crowned the Lord of Laziness because they are most likely to go straight from living in the Big Brother house to living in their parents' basement? (Judd or McCrae)
Answer: McCrae
Out: Andy, Candice, Amanda, Elissa
Who would be crowned the Knight of Naughtiness because they are most likely to strut around town in their underwear? (Amanda or Kaitlin)
Answer: Amanda
Who would be crowned the Duke of Dork because they are most likely to stand in line for ten hours to buy a Zingbot action figure? (Andy or Helen)
Answer: Andy
Out: Aaryn, Jessie, and GinaMarie
Who would be crowned the Sultan of Sexy because they are most likely to be featured on the cover of Hot Highnesses Weekly? (Elissa or Howard)
Answer: Elissa
Out: Howard and Spencer
Time for the tie-breaker. In Scary Dairy, how many gallons of milk would it take to fill all three vates that Howard, McCrae, and Spencer were standing in. Judd was the closest and the HOH.
Julei warns the house guests to expect the unexpected with the MVP, but gave no more details.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013 -- Evening
POV Show
Tonight was the POV show. The feeds have been really boring this week. The plan is to vote out Jeremy, and there really hasn't been any game play. Helen is annoying with her consensus building. It works in politics, but not BB.On the show tonight, we saw the action post nominations. Helen says that Aaryn is her target for now, but because she is the most hated person, it might make sense to keep Aaryn in the house. Kaitlin vows to win the video. Aaryn thinks that because she has a strong personality, a huge target is on her back. In one of the bedrooms, Jeremy and Kaitlin talk. Jeremy thinks the MVP will put him up. Jeremy thinks Elissa will be the MVP, which she was. Helen goes up to the HOH room to discuss the third nomination with "her side of the house." They think it will be Elissa. Helen talks about Howard voting for Nick. Helen wants to get rid of Jeremy, but thinks maybe Spencer should go up. Amanda wants to backdoor Jeremy, but thinks the second threat is Howard. McCrae seems to be doing a lot of nodding. Helen says she wants to talk with Spencer to find out what he has to say. Helen asks Spencer to tell her all the things she doesn't know. Helen said that she didn't nominate Spencer, but it crossed her mind. Helen cried because she trusted Howard and Spencer. Helen claims they are fake tears in DR, so she can make Spencer do what she wants. Helen says that she will give Spencer a second chance. Spencer thinks Howard needs to come clean or it will make him and HOward look bad. Spencer advises Howard to go and talk to Helen. Howard is upset because Helen knows that he lied again.
Elissa won the MVP again. Elissa is happy that she and Helen get to pick all three nominees. McCrae tells Elissa that he doesn't want to influence her MVP. As Elissa, McCrae, and Amanda talk in the storage room. They want Elissa to put up Howard. Elissa doesn't like that Amanda, McCrae, and Helen were talking about Elissa's vote without Elissa. Elissa feels that they want Elissa to do her dirty work, and Elissa feels very used. Howard goes up to the HOH room. In front of a crew of guys, Howard admits that he was part of the Moving Company, and that he was very loyal to the group. Howard said that Jeremy was a bully, and he had problems with that because it conflicted with what is in him. Howard says that he is on their side. Helen starts her crying. Elissa asks to speak with Helen, and send out Howard, Andy, Judd, and Jessie. Elissa wants to know that Helen wants her for herself, and not for the MVP vote. Helen says that it is Elissa's HOH just like Helen's. Elissa doesn't feel comfortable with Howard going up. Elissa and Helen agree that they have to backdoor Jeremy. Elissa said that she doesn't want to put up Howard, and says that Spencer will be just as good. Helen says to tell Amanda and McCrae because they want Howard up. Amanda, Andy, Elissa, and Helen talk. Elissa says that she doesn't want to up Howard because she's putting up all the strong guys and putting a target on her back. Elissa in DR says that Amanda and McCrae have an agenda, and Elissa doesn't feel comfortable. Amanda thinks Howard is a big threat to her and McCrae. Elissa said that she feels that she made moves, and she is just not comfortable putting up Howard. Amanda accuses Elissa of saving Howard, and Elissa said she's not saving him if Howard isn't supposed to go home. I agree with Elissa. It's her choice, and she needs to show them that they can't control her.
Time for the Veto competition. The house guests find out that Spencer is the MVP nominee. Aaryn is hoping it's a bigger target. Spencer thought it was going to happen because of the Moving Company. Elissa decided to nominate Spencer because she wasn't happy with the pressure everyone was putting on her to nominate Howard. Helen pulls GinaMarie and Candice play. Jeremy wanted to play so he doesn't get put on the block. Helen is really excited because that means Jeremy will be back doored. Judd is the master of ceremonies. Helen tells Spencer and Candice to win the POV so they can send Jeremy home. Spencer wants to win the POV to take himself off. Jeremy tells Kaitlin and Aaryn that he is going to be going home. Aaryn and Kaitlin feel bad knowing that if they win veto, Jeremy goes home. Kaitlin talks to GinaMarie about winning the veto and not using it. GinaMarie has to choose between Kaitlin and Aaryn. Kaitlin hopes that either she or GinaMarie wins.
Kaitlin is talking to Amanda about winning the veto and not taking herself off the block. Amanda says that Kaitlin will go home because she ie part of a couple. Aaryn is alone, and not as much as a threat. The competition is done one at at time. The players go to the backyard. The player has to hit the button to start the clock, bounce on a trampoline to look over the wall at the Jones' house. Then the player has to copy the artwork from the Jones on his/her wall. The player who replicates the art in the shortest time wins. Candice noticed that the art was famous pieces with the house guests faces put in. She gets it wrong on the first try. Candice realized that the paintings were slightly different. Aaryn was next. Candice had put out all the paintings and then picked them from the ground. Aaryn was having issues with it, but she eventually got it. GinaMarie notices the picture of Nick and says it gives her inspiration. She says by the grace of God and Nick, she did well. Then it was Spencer's turn. I'm surprised that he could bounce high enough to see over the wall. He got it wrong the first time, and he was having trouble with bounding on the trampoline because it was too strenuous for him. Then it was Kaitlin's turn. She finally got it on the third try. Then it was Helen's turn. Helen was having trouble with jumping and memorizing at the same time. Time for the results: Candice took 8:46. GinaMarie took 8:56, Spencer took 12:19, Aaryn took 9:50, Kaitlin took 7:09, and Helen took 8:55 so Kaitlin won the veto. Of course, Helen was concerned that Kaitlin would not use it. Kaitlin said that it would be hard to decide if she should use it and send Jeremy home or not use it and go home herself.
Kaitlin and Jeremy are smiling, and Jeremy says that he wants to make love with her now. Jeremy said that he didn't come to BB to get back doored by wimps. So he claims he will put on his charm to get Kaitlin to do what he wants. Kaitlin wants Helen to put Howard up. Jeremy noisily kisses Kaitlin. Kaitlin goes to the HOH room. Andy is there with Helen. Helen says that if Kaitlin uses the veto, the house wants Helen to put up Jeremy. Helen says that it is down to Jeremy or Howard. Helen says that Jeremy has been the person who has been mean to her. Kaitlin says that if Helen keeps Jeremy, he would really owe here. Kaitlin said in DR that she got sick to her stomach because there was no possible way to save him. Kaitlin goes to the storage room, and tells Jeremy that she can't save hi because it's what the house wants. Jeremy tells Kaitlin not to be upset. Jeremy said that he is a champion, and losing is not in his vocabulary. Kaitlin wonders if she stays in the house if she would be the one to go. Kaitlin wanders if she should bit the bullet and go against Aaryn and Spencer. She does use the veto though.
Time for the POV ceremony. Kaitlin feels that she is in a lose/lose situation. Either she goes off, and Jeremy goes on, or Kaitlin goes home. Kaitlin says that it was a difficult decision, and she is going to use the veto on herself. Helen names Jeremy as the replacement. Aaryn looks sad, but she's glad because Jeremy is a bigger target. Kaitlin hopes to campaign to keep Jeremy. Howard hopes to mend some bridges, and is glad he isn't on the block. Aaryn is worried that Jeremy will talk his way out of leaving. Jeremy says he's not done until he goes walking out the door.
Sunday, July 14, 2013 -- Evening
More Racism
On the live feeds, we know that Helen nominated Aaryn and Kaitlin. Elissa is the MVP, and she nominated Spencer. Kaitlin won POV. But for now, onto the show.The show started with the eviction of Nick. We see Gina crying. Then Jeremy is irritated because the Moving Company ditched him and broke him up. Gina is sobbing like a wounded seal. Kaitlin starts attacking Jessie about not voting for Nick. Gina starts complaining because the house did not realize how wonderful Nick was, and how he needed to stay in the house. Aaryn was feeding her lines. Gina was screaming abuse at everyone calling them cockroaches, and how she was going to get them. McCrae said that he voted for Nick because it was a choice between the Moving Company and Amanda. McCrae chose Amanda. Spencer says that he switched his vote because Helen gave him a moving speech. Spencer goes to talk to Howard, and told Howard he could vote for Nick. Howard voted for Elissa to keep some mystery and give himself some wiggle room. Helen wins HOH and calls the key the best jewelry since her wedding ring. Jeremy says it's a miserable moment for him. Jeremy said he is going to try to do his best. It's all he can do. Elissa, Helen, Candice, Jessie, and Amanda celebrate in the Have Not room. Jeremy came in and applauded the game play of Elissa and Helen. Jeremy said that he has is giving Elissa kudos because he has life until the fat lady sings.
Meanwhile Kaitlin and Aaryn are complaining about Helen and company taking out the strongest players until only weak players are left. Gina enters the room crying into Nick's used shorts. Gina wipes her eyes with the shorts and blows her nose into the shorts. The action starts with Jessie trying to reclaim her bed, which Kaitlin and Jeremy are trying to take over. Kaitlin and Aaryn start picking on Jessie about how nice they were to Jessie. Jessie said that she was always low in their alliance. Judd comes into the room, and Kaitlin tells him to get out. Judd stands his ground. Then Aaryn flips Candice's bed. Jessie takes her bed back, and Kaitlin comes in and tries to lay with Jessie even though Jessie keeps on telling her to leave. Jeremy comes in, and Jessie tells him she isn't comfortable. Candice finds her bed flipped. Candice says that she doesn't want her bed flipped. Aaryn starts talking like a black girl, mocking Candice, and saying her bed has crabs. Howard comes in and tries to get her out of the room. Gina gets in her face, and Howard comes and physically carries Candice out into the Have Not room. Howard says that the only people he has to protect are Candice or Helen because he can't control himself trying to defend Candice and Helen. Candice starts crying because she wants to stand up for what is right, and she just wants to sleep in her bed with Howie. Howard says that he has to keep on shutting his mouth because he can't take the racism. He tells Candice that they have to be smart and play the game. Howard was trying to get Candice to see the bigger picture. When Candice leaves the room, Howard cries. Jessie is trying to talk sense to the girls, and then Amanda comes in, and she really starts truth talking. Amanda tells them all that they talk shit about each other. Amanda tells them that they are bullies. Amanda said to Aaryn that she is racist. Aaryn claims that she has never said or done anything racist. Amanda said that America will judge. Candice is crying in HOH, and she tells Elissa, Andy, and Helen what happened with the bed. Helen said less than three hours into her HOH, Aaryn is throwing around racial slurs and flipping beds. Helen says that everyone who has ever been discriminated against is rooting for Candice.
Amanda and McCrae are talking and McCrae makes Amanda promise not to be upset. McCrae tells Amanda about the Moving Company. McCrae tells Amanda the details about the Moving Company. Amanda said her first reaction was "good job McCrae because it got past her." McCrae says that it broke up because they wanted McCrae to get rid of Amanda, and he said Amanda is his queen, and he had to protect his queen. Gina was crying on the couch, and Candice went to console Gina because she feels for her. Aaryn then apologizes to Candice because she doesn't want Candice to do things that might get Aaryn out of the house. Candice accepts the apology, but she doesn't believe her. As far as Candice is concerned, Aaryn is not worth acknowledging in future.
Time for the Have/Have Not competition. The backyard is setup like a farm yard. They have to use buckets to toss spoiled milk from a large tub at one end to a bucket brigade with their team. At the end of the yard is a small bucket. The last team in the challenge will be the Have Nots. Candice does not want to be a Have Not. Jeremy has to sit out the competition. Howard says that he is going to throw the competition because he has Aaryn and Kaitlin on his team, and they need to be Have Nots. Aaryn said that Howard is a joke and that Aaryn has more of the milk than in the jug. Red team finished first. That was Andy, Elissa, Candice, and Spencer. Meanwhile, Howard on the Blue team is trying to do his best to throw the competition, but McCrae really sucks. Howard failed at failing, and Blue team won, so Gina, Kaitlin, and Aaryn got food. Meanwhile, Judd, Amanda, McCrae, and Jessie are Have Nots. Aaryn says to her mean girl friends "K A R M A that's what happens when you're a mean person." Well, if that were the case, Aaryn would be on a bread and water diet.
Jeremy goes to talk to Helen. Jeremy outs the Moving Company to Helen. Helen said in DR that she knew it, and Candice called it. Jeremy thinks Aaryn put a bigger target on his back. Helen asks how he would feel if she put Kaitlin up. Jeremy said that if Helen helps him, he will help her. Helen wonders if she can use Jeremy in this game. Howard goes up to talk to Helen. Helen asks Howard about the vote. She says that she wants to know about the vote, and Howard has been lying to cover his tracks. Howard calls Helen into the bathroom, and he admits that he voted to keep Nick in the house. Howard asks Helen to keep him in the house because he has nothing to go home to. Howard denies that there was no guy alliance. Helen admits that she was really disappointed in Howard. As Howard says, lying conflicts with his religious feelings, but he feels he has to for the game.
Time for the nomination ceremony. The keys come out in this order: Elissa, Andy, Candice, McCrae, Amanda, GinaMarie, Judd, Jessie, Howard, Spencer, and Jeremy. Aaryn and Kaitlin are on the block. Helen says that they are strong competitors, and wants to give them a chance to win the POV. Kaitlin feels she chose the wrong side by being with Aaryn. Aaryn said that it would be stupid not to vote her out. Jeremy said that he didn't go into BB to get married, but to win $500,000. Who will get voted out?
Thursday, July 11, 2013 -- Evening
Eviction Night
There has been a lot of flip-flopping in the Big Brother house overnight. It has gone from Elissa to Nick because Amanda has been constantly battling to get rid of Nick and to keep Elissa and the MVP. They are starting to realize that the MVP vote is more powerful than the HOH, and since they KNOW Elissa is getting it, it would make sense to keep her and to control the nomination. Let's see if it really goes down like that on the show.The show started with a recap, and then the reaction post POV ceremony. Jeremy says it doesn't matter if Nick is on the block because Elissa is going home. Nick also feels good because the Moving Company is behind him. Helen's mission is to make sure that Nick leaves, and Elissa stays. Candice talks to Amanda and explains that the girls need to get the boys out because the boys are really sticking together. As Candice says, if they get Nick out, that's two boys down. Elissa talks to Elissa about how the girls need to stick together. Candice said that Jessie wants to be with the popular vote. Helen isn't sure about Spencer. Candice and Helen are talking in the Have Not room. Helen says that she trusts Andy more than anyone other than Elissa. Andy asks Helen if they want to get rid of Nick, it might be risky this early. Helen tells Andy that if Nick goes, they will still be going after Elissa so they won't go for Andy right away. Elissa goes and talks to Jessie, even though the others told her to lay low. Elissa tries to show that there the best option is to get rid of Nick. Jessie says she was 100 percent against Elissa, but is wavering now. Helen and Jessie talk. Helen says that Jessie is low on the totem pole for the others. Helen said that her group will protect Jessie. Hellen is excited that with Jessie on her side that they will keep Elissa. If it doesn't work out, then they know that a lot of people are telling lies.
Howard says that the one hiccup in the Moving Company is McCrae and Amanda. Howard and Nick talk about how McCrae thinks he has control of Amanda, but that Amanda is a strong girl physically and mentally. Spencer walks in, Howard leaves, and Spencer agrees with Nick that they cannot trust Amanda. Spencer says that the Moving Company has to talk to McCrae about Amanda. Spencer tells McCrae that he will have to cut Amanda loose. McCrae says that Amanda is his closest ally, so he's trying to calm the guys down. As Howard says, he trusts McCrae, but Howard knows women. Amanda is talking to McCrae trying to talk him into keeping Elissa over Nick. Amanda says that she feels that McCrae is not telling her something. McCrae feels like he is caught in a vice, and he doesn't know what to do. As McCrae says, he has to pick a side: Moving Company or Amanda. He's in the middle, and it is killing him.
Julie talks to the house guests. Jeremy says he wasn't worried about being nominated because he came to compete, and he is ready. Julie asks Jessie about why love is running rampant in the house. Jessie says that it's nice to have a companion to pass the time. Julie says that you can have friends and not romance. Amanda is asked about forgetting that you are being filmed 24/7. Amanda says that all the time she forgets. Aaryn, the racist, claims to just be herself, and that people know what she is like. Julie pauses before saying "yes we do." Snap, Julie! Aaryn is going to be in a poop load of hate when she comes out of the house. Maybe it will wake the girl up, but I doubt it. Julie talks about the controversy over the insensitive remarks. Candice tells the others about Aaryn's racist remarks. Howard backs her up, and they show Aaryn's remarks that the fish tank is segregated with the white fish on the top. Candice thinks it's vindictive. Amanda goes up to talk to Aaryn about her racist remarks. You can tell that Amanda is awkwardly bringing it up. Aaryn says that it's obnoxious, and she says she is not going to say anything about it being a joke that she is not going to acknowledge. Aaryn blows it off. She calls it immature, and says others calling her blonde is the same. Aaryn also said that she wished that she cared about it, but she didn't.
Elissa talks first about wanting to play the game without being targeted as Rachel's sister. She thanks a slew of names, and she calls Nick the big threat. Nick tries to be upbeat, telling stories about them. Helen says she is a huge Big Brother fan. She loves them all and will see them on the other side of evicted. The vote starts:
- Jeremy evicted Elissa
- Kaitlin evicted Elissa
- Andy evicted Nick
- GinaMarie evicted Elissa
- Judd evicted Nick
- Spencer evicted Nick
- Jessie evicted Nick
- Howard evicted Elissa
- McCrae evicted Nick
- Amanda evicted Nick
- Candice evicted Nick
The house guests were awakened last night, and they had to memorize items on the conveyer belt. McCrae realizes that it will be part of the HOH competition. Every time they would fall asleep, buzzers would wake them up to go out into the yard. Now for the HOH competition. For each question, they have to answer true or false. Question 1: One of the suitcases had a sticker that said Paris. False. Judd and Jeremy are out. Question 2: There was slop in the same delivery as the teddy bear in the blue shirt. GinaMarie, Andy, Amanda, Spencer, and Elissa are out. Question 3: A box in the second delivery saying This Side Up was upside down. Trus. Candice is out. Question 4: There are seven boxes marked biohazard. False. Everyone got it. Question 5: The cup at the reception desk had a spoon in it. False. It was a pencil. Everyone got it right. Question 6: Both a tuba and a box of green shirts was on the fourth delivery last night. True. Everyone got it right. It's a tiebreaker question. Each of the BB cola boxes was marked with a quantity of cans. How many cans were delivered last night? 168 can. Everyone but McCrae got it. The total time in seconds for Jeremy to win the In the Balance veto competition from start to finish. Answer: 895 second. Helen won with a guess of 800. This was a really tight HOH.
As the show closes, Helen is consoling GinaMarie who is still sobbing.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 -- Evening
POV Show
Time for the POV ceremony show. The show starts after the nominations. Elissa expected the nomination, but thought that Helen's nomination was vindictive. Helen thinks that both she and Elissa will make it. Elissa realizes that she has to put her feelings aside and try to win POV. Candice, who is really smart, realizes that there is an all guy alliance, and that they got Aaryn to put up two women. Jeremy, Nick, and McCrae are in storage, and making jokes about hos the women are going crazy. Jeremy said that the girls are going to go home one by one, and he can't wait for them to go home. Hmmm...who would Jeremy have sex with then? Helen goes into the HOH room to talk to Aaryn. Helen said that prior to nominations, she talked to Aaryn about working together. Helen says again that if she makes it through the week, she will be willing to work with Aaryn. Helen thinks that it is stupid to take out the person who nominated you. Helen says she isn't vindictive, and it's all about building bridges. Spoken like a true politician. Aaryn said that she is looking forward to working with Helen because no one would ever expect it.Of course, we all know that Elissa is the MVP. She is all excited about being the BB MVP. Elissa says that she will be playing for America since they like watching her. Elissa told Helen that she was the MVP, and this time, Elissa is not going to tell anyone. Elissa said that she wants to put up Jeremy. Helen tries to talk Elissa into putting up Kaitlin, and hope that they can back door Jeremy. Helen then started to think that it might be too dangerous because of someone doesn't use the POV, they won't be able to get Jeremy up on the block.
GinaMarie and Nick are talking about Jeremy. GinaMarie admits in DR that she has a little bit of a crush on Nick. Nick says in DR that he feels like a pimp. First Jessie was following him around. Now he has GinaMarie following him. As Nick says, although there is love in the air, he does not feel the same way about her. GinaMarie says she wants to kiss him, and it would be so great, but he tells her they have to chill. Nick just seems really uncomfortable. Candice hopes it will be a strong boy who goes up because the girls need a chance. Jeremy is revealed as the third nominee. Time to pick players. Aaryn pulls two chips out of the box. Amanda is the first, and Nick is the second. Nick claims he will do whatever to get his homeboy off the block. GinaMarie is the hostess of the competition. Elissa is worried about her choice because Jeremy was so fired up. Jeremy says he's a manimal, and he will win. Kaitlin claims that Elissa was shaking in her boots. Aaryn said that Elissa needed to win the POV, and Jeremy would easily win. Kaitlin and Aaryn talk negatively about Elissa. GinaMarie tells Nick that she would like the nominations to stay as they are. Elissa asks to speak to Nick, and says that the MVP was told to put NIck up, but she did not. Elissa said that she would keep him safe for two weeks. NIck didn't want to say anything. Elissa asked if the means he didn't want to play with her. Nick says that if he wins, he's safe if he plays the POV. If he does not win it, then Elissa can think he threw it. Nick thinks that makes him safe either way.

Jeremy and Kaitlin are in the HOH bed kissing and making out. Kaitlin feels nervous about going up next. She is sure that she is going up on the block. Elissa is sure that Elissa will target her. Then we have to hear noisy, wet kissing, which is really, really disgusting. Jeremy tells her that he will let her know if she is going home. Jeremy said that Kaitlin can't let him enjoy the victory. Jeremy talks to Nick and says you have to keep Kaitlin safe. Nick doesn't like that Jeremy is talking like it's dictatorship. Even Howard is put off by Jeremy giving others the orders. Jeremy tells McCrae that if Elissa doesn't go home, he's blaming the Moving Company. McCrae realizes that Jeremy is a huge problem because he is going to compromise the alliance. Candice talks to Elissa about how they have to put up a strong male and break up the mens alliance. Candice realizes that Jeremy and Nick might be working together. Elissa says that putting up Nick and outing his alliance with Jeremy might put a bigger target on his back. Elissa realizes that she made a deal with Nick, so she is going to have to break that.
Elissa approaches Nick and tries to scope out if he will vote out Kaitlin. Nick won't give her a straight answer. Nick asks when Elissa needs to know because he needs to know if he can vote for her. Elissa goes and tells Helen. Elissa realizes that Nick is going to vote for her to be evicted. Time for the POV ceremony. Kaitlin is afraid that she will go up and go home. Jeremy removes himself from the chopping block. The MVP choice is Nick as replacement. The meeting is over, and tomorrow, Elissa will probably be going home. Helen says that Elissa is the only one in the house that she can trust. Candice is proud that Elissa put up Nick. Candice just hopes the girls will come together and get rid of the guys. Elissa says it's time to kick it into high gear and get Nick out of the house. Bye-bye, Elissa! Good luck with that plan!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013 -- Evening

Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
I like to read in general, and I love to read kids books when I need a good spot of relaxation. As I was scanning the shelves of the library, I saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. Of course, everyone has heard of the book, and how insanely popular it it. Well, I had not had a chance to read it, and in fact, never considered reading. However, I picked up the book; and when I saw that the book was all in Comic Sans typeface with drawings galore, I figured I needed to give it a try. I'm glad that I did because the book was very enjoyable.Kinney started the story as an online daily entry. The book is in the same format. Greg Heffley, the "author" of the diary entries, writes about his entry and first year of middle school. For those who don't know, middle school is the the time between grade school and high school, usually around grades seven and eight. Greg is just trying to fit in. As he says at the start, usually the fastest boy would get the girl in grade school. In middle school, things become more difficult, and it's not easy to be the fastest or smartest. Greg's best friend is Rowley Jefferson, and they have various adventures muddling through the confusing world of average adolescence. Greg has an older brother, Rodrick, who is really into music and picking on Greg. Greg also has a much younger brother, Manny, who is spoiled rotten by the parents, and who embarrasses Greg by calling him Bubby.
I read through the book in an afternoon. Kinney has a great way with telling funny stories and really connecting to the average child who wants to fit in with the others, but doesn't know how he can do it. I laughed out loud throughout the book, and I found myself rooting for Greg, even when he wasn't the nicest, most responsible kid. I know that I, for one, can't wait to read more of Greg's adventures, and I already put a request in for the second book in the series: Rodrick Rules.
Sunday, July 7, 2013 -- Evening
HOH Show Update
The BB show started with the HOH competition. The house guests were in various DR session explaining the situation. Elissa wanted to win the HOH more than birds need their feathers. She realizes that if she does not win, she will be nominated. Aaryn, the racist, is happy that she is paired with Jeremy because she will be out if she doesn't win. Aaryn can't believe that people voted out David. Spencer keeps on talking about getting the "threat" of stupid David out while the Moving Company will weaponize Elissa. Nick goes to talk to GinaMarie because she is upset about Elissa being in the house. Nick says GinaMarie is his closest outside the Moving Company alliance. Andy says that he really wants to win because Aaryn and Jeremy are going to be after him. Jessie, Howard, and Judd thought that they should go for the big scooper. Helen thought that since Spencer was the worst for an endurance comp, they needed the big scoop. Because it was one of the slippery slide comps, CBS showed plenty of falling on their ass videos. Amanda decides to stay on all fours so she won't fall or pop an implant. McCrae likes seeing Amanda all greased up. Helen tries to tell everyon to have fun. Roll eyes at that one. The point is to win, not have fun. Judd and Nick were getting close to getting the big scoop. Judd thinks they can catch up, and it loks like the big cup is working. Judd and NIck are catching up to Aaryn and Nick. Andy keeps on telling Elissa to keep it cool. Andy says that he and Elissa have to win because it will be a reign of tyranny with Aaryn and Jeremy.One hour and eight minutes later, and it is getting close to the finish. Andy and Elissa are in a tie with Aaryn and Jeremy. Andy can touch the ball, but he can't get it. Jeremy managed to get his fingers in and get the ball. Aaryn, the racist, starts to cry about winning. Elissa said it is her worst nightmare. There is no word on the cheating scandal that the house guests have been mentioning on the feeds. Jeremy says that Aaryn can be HOH so he can compete next week. Aaryn tells everyone who voted out David to raise their hands so she can pick them as Have Nots. No one did. Aaryn picked Helen, Candice, Andy, and Elissa as the Have Nots. You know that the racist would pick the people who she has made racial and sexist comments against. Aaryn is talking to Candice and Spencer, and Candice says that she and Spencer voted for Elissa. Candice tells Aaryn this. Aaryn doesn't believe it. Spencer did vote to evict David. Helen begs for MVP, and cries. Elissa cries with her, and says that at least one of them should get MVP. David goes to Aaryn to be "truthful," which means lying. Andy said that he did not feel that Aaryn was on his side, and she knew that Elissa wasn't gunning for him. As Andy says, he has to keep his friends close, and his Aaryn's close. Aaryn comes out and asks who wants to see her HOH room. Helen and Andy don't want to see the HOH room. Andy said that he didn't want to go up to see pictures of the Devil as a baby. Amanda said that Aaryn's creepy clown is like Aaryn, the racist, supposed to be cute and nice, but really evil inside. Aaryn tells people that they don't have to be up there if they don't want to be. Elissa leaves saying "that was fun." Elissa commented in DR that she is afraid of clowns. GinaMarie, Jessie, Kaitlin, Jeremy, and Aaryn are talking. Nick shows up to listen in. Jeremy tells them to put up Helen and Elissa. Jeremy keeps on saying that Helen told Elissa what to do. Jeremy said his goal is to keep the Moving Company names off the block. Aaryn tells Nick that she suspects someone in the room, and that she will cut off his penis in his sleep if she finds out.
The house guests find out that liver and lima beans are on the Have Not menu. Helen says "thanks for the lima beans, I guess." Helen, Andy, Amanda, McCrae, and Judd talk about Aaryn making derogatory racist remarks. Howard says that even though the remarks may have been made in jest, they are really disrespectful. Howard says that he has to look down and keep his cool. He wants to win the game. I am really glad that they showed Aaryn's racist comments. Candice is trying to figure out what is going on. Candice talks to Helen, and Helen figures out that Jeremy and Spencer may be working togehter. Candice says that she thinks Nick is the mastermind. Helen agrees that there is something up. Candice thinks it is boy's super group. Candice thinks that it is Jeremy, Nick, Spencer, maybe Howard (who she does not want to be), and McCrae.
Jessie and Kaitlin are taking. Jessie thinks that Nick hates her because he keeps on walking away from her every time she comes near him. Jessie wants a boyfriend in the house, and has decided that should be Nick. Nick tries to get away from Jessie, and Jessie keeps on following him around. Nick said that he is single, and there are lots of single girls in the house. Jessie slurped her coffee. I HATE COFFEE SLURPERS!!! Jessie won't take a hint, and won't let Nick alone. Nick even goes into bed with GinaMarie, and Jessie just follows him to stare at him as he ignores here. Helen goes to talk game with Aaryn, and tells Helen that eventually they are going to have vote out their friends. Aaryn thinks it is sketchy, and Aaryn, the racist, is offended. Jeremy tells Spencer and Nick that Elissa needs to go. Spencer says that Amanda needs to go because she makes the house hard to control. Jeremy asks if it should be Amanda and Elissa. Spencer says that Amanda is the problem, and he can control Helen's and Andy's votes. Jeremy goes to talk to Aaryn so he can keep the Moving Company out of harm's way. Jeremy tells Aaryn that Amanda was the mastermind behind David leaving. Aaryn doesn't trust anyone. Jeremy tells Aaryn to think about it. Jeremy thinks that he can blame Aaryn's mother, and Aaryn would put her up.
Time for the nominations. Elissa is 100 percent sure that she is going up. Nick says that through Jeremy, they have been trying to get Amanda on the block. Aaryn feels she has poetic justice on her side. The keys are out in this order: Jeremy, Kaitlin, Andy, Nick, Judd, McCrae, GinaMarie, Spencer, Jessie, Amanda, Howard, and Candice. Aaryn showed her true racist colors there. Nominees are Elissa and Helen. Aaryn says that Helen is on the block because she is associated with Elissa. Aaryn wants Elissa out of the house. Elissa claims to have that much more drive and fight. Jeremy said that Amanda can be the target another day.
Thursday, July 4, 2013 -- Afternoon
BB First Eviction

The show started after the POV ceremony. McCrae said that he felt pressured into putting up Elissa, but he hopes the NIck gets the votes to keep Elissa. Elissa feels that McCrae betrayed her trust because she was very open with him, and he still put her on the block. Elissa feels that she has to be more open with the others, and she tells them that she is Rachel's sister. Andy in DR that he wanted to be on her side. Amanda says that maybe Elissa is trustworthy and human, maybe. Jeremy ripped his shirt open, popping buttons, to look sexy for Kaitlin. Instead, he just looks like a loser. Meanwhile, they show Kaitlin wrapping her legs around Jeremy as he carries her to bed. Yep, on the feeds, it's kind of obvious that they are having sex. Elissa hates being a have not because she can't wash her hair in warm water. Meanwhile, the house guests decide to wait till midnight so the have nots could have a drink. Aaryn wanted it at 10:30, and talked Jeremy into going and getting it. Then at midnight, all the house guests celebrate, and Jeremy goes walking by not admitting that the wine so only Jeremy and Aaryn would drink it. The house guests go to look for it, and realize it is gone. Then they realize that Aarny and Jeremy drank the wine between the two of them and drank it all without sharing with anyone. Aaryn lies to Jeremy to get him stirred up, so Jeremy can go and knock down people a few pegs. Everyone realizes that Aaryn is the person who is the head of the snake and stirring the pot. Amanda goes out to confront Jeremy. Helen starts crying because Amanda is out there fighting for hem. Helen said that she would never raise her children to be as crappy as Jeremy. Jeremy and Aaryn are both despicable a**es. I hope they get their comeuppance sometime soon.
As Julie says, in the Big Brother house, David and Jessie feel safe, but anything can happen. Amanda goes into bed with McCrae, and McCrae admits that he is scared because Amanda is a mane ater. Meanwhile, Amanda starts taking off clothes. Then she starts kissing McCrae. They don't show that Amanda gave McCrae a hand job, even though Amanda has a boyfriend outside the house. Aaryn keeps on telling David that he is safe because she is sure that Elissa is going home. Judd, Spencer, and Amanda talk about what they should do with the vote. They realize that they should keep Elissa because whoever is HOH, if they work with Elissa, they can control the third nomination. Nick tells Jeremy that they are not going to vote out Elissa. They are going to vote out David. Everyone that Spencer talks to seems to be in agreement with the plan.
Andy tells Julie that the air in the house seems weird today. Helen thought that the twist would not be so big, but now she does think it is a big thing because the HOH can't control the vote. Judd sais that the Have Not room is a pretty shady airport room. Candice said being on and off the block was like being on a roller coaster. Almost time for the vote.
It's time for the nominees to give their speech. Jessie thanks them all for having fun and wants to be kept so she can party this summer. Elissa said she has been a target since day one, and that it is smart to keep the target around because it keeps the focus off of everyone else. And then Elissa evokes the names of Brenchel and Rachel Reilly, and says no one comes because Elissa and her Big Brother game, not even McCrae. David said that they should keep him because he's a real standup guy. It's time for the vote.
As house guests voted for David, the audience cheered. As they voted for Elissa, the studio audience booed. How the vote went:
- Amanda evicted David
- Aaryn evicted Elissa
- Nick evicted David
- Candice evicted Elissa
- Spencer evicted David
- Kaitlin evicted Elissa
- Helen evicted David
- Howard evicted David
- GinaMarie evicted Elissa
- Judd evicted David
- Jeremy evicted Elissa
- Andy evicted David
Time for the HOH competition. The house guests had to compete in pairs. The first member of the team, had to get BBQ sauce in a cup, go down hiw/her lane, and at the hedge, pass the sauce to second contestant who has to fill either the big jug at the end, or a little jug to free bigger sauce cups. The pairings were determined by the pulling of balls. The team that wins will choose between them which will be HOH> Andy and Elissa were paired. Jeremy and Aaryn were paired. Judd and NIck, Spencer and Hellen, Candice and GinaMarie, Howard and Jessie, Amanda and Kaitlin finished the pairs. Endurance like this is why you should get the live feeds if you haven't already.
As I learned from the feeds, Aaryn and Jeremy won, and Jeremy gave HOH to Aaryn.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013 -- Evening
First POV

The Big Brother show started today right after the nominations. As McCrae said, Jessie and Candice were not popular in the house, so they would not have alliances. McCrae doesn't want blood on his hands for the next week. Candice cries about being the first person on the block. Jessie was confused because she was trying to Elissa nominated. Elissa told Amanda that she thought that Elissa would be the first person up. With her huge, fake eyelashes flashing, Elissa says she will win BB this year. Nick doesn't care who is going home as long as no one from the Moving Company alliance is on the block. McCrae tells Jessie that she is pawn if that will make things okay. While Jessie is talking to McCrae, Candice comes in fuming to ask why she is on the block. McCrae says that he doesn't like conflict, and he does ramble on. Candice is very good at calling McCrae on the fact that he is in an alliance with the boys. McCrae just acted really freaky. Jeremy asks Jessie who will get MVP. Everyone is talking about Elissa being the first MVP because of her sister. Aaryn, the racist, can't stand Elissa. Jeremy claims that he would call the whole house together and tell them. Elissa tries to claim that she is related to Gisele Bunchen. Jeremy is stupid, and doesn't know who Gisele is.
In the DR, Elissa finds out that she is the MVP. Elissa was very thankful that she was awarded with MVP. She does go to McCrae, and she tells him about the MVP. Elissa wanted to get feedback from McCrae because she likes him and feels an alliance with him. McCrae is excited because he wants to put up a strong guy, David. McCrae tells Elissa that David is strong and smart. Elissa wants to put up Nick. McCrae tells Elissa that he can't volunteer not to put up Elissa if the veto is used because that would not work for his game.
Aaryn and David talk about what they do outside of the Big Brother house David admits that he is just a life guard who lives at home. David likes that Aaryn, the racist, likes him for what he is.
Time for the veto competition, but first they have to find out who is the MVP nomination. They find out that David is the third nominee. David is shocked because he thinks that he is the most likable person. Elissa is hoping that she can talk McCrae out of putting her up. Time to pick who play. McCrae picked two chips out of the box to determine who else would compete in the game. Elissa and Howard are selected. David goes into one of the bedrooms, and Aaryn, the racist, jumps up and wraps her legs around him. David tells Aaryn that he thinks that the others want him gone. Aaryn is upset because David told her that he can't trust anyone, including Aaryn. David goes to apologize to Aaryn because she is crying. Aaryn said that David betrayed her. David was totally confused, dude, because he was the one on the block, and she is mad at him. David tries to find out if they are okay, and Aaryn, being the annoying person she is makes David's life miserable.
Jeremy talks to Elissa, and she says that she hopes it is a competition she is good at. Jeremy asks Elissa if she is MVP. Elissa denies it. Jeremy thinks Elissa is super shady. Amanda goes to the HOH room, and tells McCrae that he needs to not win because it will put a big target on his back. Although it doesn't show anything on the show, Amanda has been sleeping with McCrae, and providing sexual favors. McCrae tells Elissa that he told Amanda that Elissa is MVP. Elissa said that she doesn't feel that McCrae has her back. Amanda doesn't like that Elissa is up with McCrae. Jeremy starts picking on Elissa, and she calls him on it. Jeremy tells Elissa to leave the HOH room is she doesn't like his picking on her, which he claims he isn't doing.
Gina calls the house guests out to the veto competition. There is a tub of honey and huge muffins. Marcela Valladolid, from the American Baking Competition, is the hostess. Howard says he is excited about seeing honeys in the honey. They have to crawl through the honey, under the rolling pin, pick letters out of a batter pool, and spell the longest word. They can only take one letter out of the batter at a time. For some reason, they all seemed to thought that it wouldn't be real honey. Obviously, they have never seen the show before. Elissa appears to be smoking people, and she said that she has to show that she can win like her sister. David is the last one in the batter. David is trying to spell competition, but can't find letters. Howard spelled sailing. Jessie spelled tumbled. Howard is in the lead because he locked it in first. Candice spelled rafts, which is less than seven letters. David, the idiot, didn't spell anything. Andy congratulates David in DR about not spelling anything. Elsse spelled potroasts. That didn't fit in the competition of only one word because it is two. McCrae spelled delivery, and won the POV. McCrae says that he feels like the stupidest smart man in the house. McCrae won the veto, and now realizes he will have to nominate Elissa, and he doesn't want to do that. He wants to keep a friend in the house.
Helen talks to Elissa and consoles her. Helen tells Elissa that the game is hard. Elissa telle Helen that everyone wants to backdoor her. But it's not a backdoor because Elissa got to play in the POV. Helen tells Elissa to use the fire in her belly. Elissa thanks Helen for talking to her. Elissa asks to talk to McCrae privately. Elissa tries to tell McCrae that he should let the nominations stand. McCrae tells Elissa that putting her up won't get Elissa out of the house. McCrae feels really guilty because he says what's the good of one good ally when the whole house is after his head. Nick goes to talk to McCrae. Nick tells McCrae not to use the veto because the Moving Company needs to get David out this week. As Nick says, they can use Elissa and the MVP in future weeks. Meanwhile David is not part of the alliance. Nick tells McCrae that if they get David out they are golden.
McCrae doesn't want to use the veto because then it might put a bigger target on Elissa, and David needs to go home. Jessie wants the veto used on her. David is confused. Nick does not want the veto used so David will go home. McCrae uses the veto on Candice, and puts up Elissa in her place. McCrae claims that it will be better for the harmony of the house if Elissa goes home. Candice says that she has honor in the pizza delivery boy. Aaryn is happy because Elissa will go home. David is confused. Elissa feels that McCrae betrayed his trust. McCrae in DR says that Elissa has a lot of life left in this game. Tomorrow is eviction night. Starting next week, eviction night returns to Thursday with the POV show on Wednesday.