The Daily Bongo

Shelby calls the others idiots

Thursday, October 27, 2016 -- Afternoon

Per usual, I was not able to watch the full episode last night, but that's what on demand is for! The show started with Kryssie and Neeley crying over Shane leaving. Danielle wants to target the others. Scott tries to talk to Kryssie, but she was upset that Scott targetted Shane for "personal" reasons. Kryssie thinks that Scott should have gotten rid of Danielle. The ball smashers (Shelby, Morgan, and Alex) overhear, and Shelby comments that the other side are idiots. Yes, they are! Kryssie cries over Shane because they would never have gotten along in real life. Scott is bad because Shane is a real person.

Paul enters the house Paul comes into the house to MC the HOH competition. The HOH competition is the perfect shot game. Balls are doing to rain down, and inside the balls are tokens. Alex has to wear beer goggles in the HOH competition because of the previous POV competition. It's the same competition from last year where they have to roll a ball down the slide. Jason seems to think that Scottie and the hotties have been in charge, except of the three evictions, two were from the "hotties" side. Justin collected up a few tokens, and he tried first. Alex has been finding tokens and giving them to her teammates in the hopes that they can win (since Alex can't see). Scott had to collect up the balls for Paul. Shelby almost got it on her try. Scott was worried that Danielle was doing an amazing job. On her third ball, Kryssie won HOH. That side of the house went crazy. Kryssie was annoying. I don't like her. Scott knew that Kryssie would go after him and Alex. Alex says that this is her worse nightmare come true.

HOH competition Scott realizes that he has to mend fences. Meanwhile, ironically as you will learn, Neeley and Jason dance and twerk. HA! The ball smashers realize that they have to rely on the care package. Kryssie and company talk about how the other side has to be quaking in their shoes. Kryssie's target is Alex.

Time for the care package. Alex gets the care package, and she is safe. She has to be the HOH's servant. As Alex says, it does save her although she has to be close to Kryssie. Kryssie looks pissed. Alex tells the other girls that they may have to cut Scott to make the week work for them. Neeley tells Kryssie and Jason that Kryssie should put up Scott and Morgan. Jason says that Scott might win the POV. Kryssie says that it looks like the two of them are working her. Kryssie says they should let her play too. Kryssie is such a bitch! In the DR, Neeley has a witch's hat. She's also a bit of a freak.

Neeley and Jason celebrate Morgan and Whitney got to talk to Kryssie. They want to talk to Kryssie about a deal. They say they will vote in Kryssie's favor. They also tell Kryssie that she will be safe. They say they love Shelby and Scott, but they have to keep themselves safe. Kryssie claims that Scott has made some really bad choices. Kryssie tells them that if they win veto, they cannnot take Scott down. And Shelby would be second in the crosshairs.

Then we get a segment with Justin dancing and singing "bout to eat some pizza." Meanwhile Alex does not want to touch feet. Alex has to tell a joke, but she doesn't know one. So Scott gave her a joke. Then Alex has to bake a cake. As Alex says, it is a plus because she learns how to bake and gets to annoy Kryssie. Then Alex had to be a human ottoman. It seems Alex hates feet.

Neeley witch hat Scott realizes that he is going to go up. It's down to Scott, Morgan, and Shelby. Kryssie tells Morgan and Shelby that Scott has to go. Kryssie said that she did not want to put Whitney up because Whitney is so emotional.

Time for America's nominee, which is Neeley. Neeley realizes that she has to work to get off the block. Kryssie wonders if America is seeing something that Kryssie is not seeing. Time to pick the people who will play in veto. Kryssie picks Justin and then Scott's name, and Scott picks Shelby. Jason says asks Justin how America loves Shelby. Jason says that Shelby is trash. Kryssie thinks that America thinks Shelby is boring. Jason says that Shelby is a prostitute masquerading as a waitress. The ball smashers hope that Neeley does not win POV.

Alex as Kryssie's servant They played one at a time. They had to climb a wall, read clues about the three houseguests who have already been evicted, and then go back to get the answers one at a time. If they fall, they get a three minute penalty. Morgan goes first and get two questions wrong. Neeley drops the card, on Cornbread's answer. She gets a 3 minute penalty. Then she fell a second time and got another 3 minutes. Justin does not want to win, and he doesn't know any of the dates. Justin says this isn't the competition for him. Kryssie wants to win to make sure Scott goes home. Kryssie has a good strategy, and she opens all the clues. Kryssie falls, and she whines about how her hands are cut up. (Not!) She is not happy. She falls a second time. Kryssie falls a third time, but she is a whiny baby and can't complete the task. She claims she is fucking bleeding everywhere. Morgan competing in POV She just stands there and whines, cries, and complains. Shelby seems to do well. Last up is Scott. Scott admits that the physical part of the competition is the hardest for him. Results: Justin was disqualified. Scott did 8:51. Shelby did 12:18. Kryssie was disqualified. Neeley had 26:15. Morgan got 8:35, and she gets the POV. Scott is happy that Neeley is still on the block.

Scott thinks that the vote is going to be 3-3. Scott says that he will make next week Danielle's last. Scott decides that he is going to pick on Danielle to get America's vote. Danielle, Kryssie, and Jason all tell Scott that everyone is voting for Scott to go home. Kryssie's hand sans blood Neeley, Kryssie, and Jason talk about who to put up. Kryssie wants to put up Whitney so Whitney won't tick off her alliance by voting Scott out or tick Kryssie off by voting out Neeley. Neeley and Jason want Shelby to go up. Kryssie says that no one will vote for Whitney, so now Kryssie just has to get everyone to vote out Scott. Morgan and Scott talk. Scott says that Morgan will be his number two because Alex is his number one. Morgan realizes that it will be a 3-3 tie with Scott's fate in America's hands.

Time for the final eviction. Scott just says thanks for the memories. Neeley goes on and on about how Scott wants tv time and how horrible Scott is. She says that Scott does not deserve to be in the game. Neeley was upset that Scott applauded Kryssie's invisible hand injuries. Time for the vote:

Whitney, Scott, and Neeley on the block Of course, America breaks the tie and evicts Neeley. Scott applauded when Neeley was evicted from the house. Scott tried to explain that he came after Kryssie so there was no way he could applaud. Kryssie says that she heard Scott clap. Scott says "revisionist history." Jason claims that ever if he didn't clap then, clapping now was wrong. I really don't like Kryssie, Neeley, Danielle, or Jason. Those four could leave in my opinion.

HOH competition

Thursday, October 20, 2016 -- Afternoon

Week Three
I was not feeling well last night, so there was no way I was staying up to watch the full episode. Fortunately, we have on demand. The show started with the reaction after Monte went home. Kryssie is annoying, and she talks about riding the America wave. Alex realizes that America's vote went against Monte. Morgan realizes that their side has to win. Scott tells the girls that Shane went to Scott telling Scott to vote against Monte. Scott says that he couldn't vote out Monte. Scott realizes that he has to stick with the girls. Justin is happy that Monte is gone. Shane told Kryssie that they can't trust Scott. Kryssie thinks Scott needs to be put in his place, and he is not a smart player. I hate Kryssie!

Scott and the ball smashers Time for the HOH. The game is played in round, and the house guests have to declare which barcode is the longest. The house guests have a means to measure the barcode lines, and the game is played in rounds. They have 15 minutes to guess. It seems that none of them appear to have a good challenge. Shelby is the first to buzz in, and she is wrong. Jason plans ot measure with his eyes, and make a guess. He's wrong. Danielle and Kryssie are working together because they are idiots. Danielle also tells Shane how to measure with a chain. Scott guesses wrong. Then Danielle guesses wrong. Then Shane guesses wrong. Neeley guesses wrong. Whitney is talking too slow. and working too slow. So Kryssie, Morgan, Whitney, and Justin run out of time. Jason thinks he should know barcodes because he has worked in a grocery store too long. Shane realizes the idiot crew are not working together in a methodical matter.

Scott thinks that if he keeps going, he is going to get it. They are on the third round, and no one has guessed it. Thought that that the 72 board was the longest, and he is right. Scott hopes to keep all his allies okay. Justin realizes that for three weeks in a row the other side has been winning.

Alex and Morgan wonder why no one seems them as sisters Alex is happy that Scott is HOH. Scott is hoping to not bite off more than he can chew. Scott and the girls dance to celebrate. Whitney admits that you have to consider who America will put up. Shane tells Danielle not to worry because he will win the veto. Kryssie cries because Scott will put her up. I hate Kryssie. Kryssie is sure that America is on her side. Whitney, Morgan, Shelby, and Alex call themselves the ball smashers. They call Scott their boy. He is trying to decide his nominations. The five say that they are still targeting Shane and Danielle. Scott, in DR, says that Shane is crappy because Shane was not loyal to Monte.

Shane goes up to talk to Scott so Shane can keep himself and Danielle safe. Scott talks about how things have changed. Scott tells Shane that he couldn't vote out Monte. Shane tells Scott that if Scott keeps them safe, Scott gets two votes. Scott isn't a dummy, and he doesn't want to give Shane any information on his nominations. After Shane leaves, Scott says that Shane is going home next.
Danielle, Neeley, and Kryssie on the block
Morgan and Alex talk about how surprising it is that no one has figured out that they are sisters. Yep, this crew is dumb. The BB Care Package arrived. Scott got the care package to pick the type of veto: Diamond Veto (the person can remove the nominee and name the replacement), Double Veto (two people win), and Boomerang Veto (the winner can use it twice). Scott says that he wil use it strategically. Danielle thinks that Scott got the veto to keep their side safe because they can pick their poison. Jason tells us that everyone on his side needs to win. Neeley thinks Scott will use the Diamond Veto. Scott tells his four girls that he will use the double veto because that's best for him. Scott says he wants to put up Kryssie because they don't get along. I hate Kryssie. Neeley is the second choice.

Jason and Scott talk about the plan. Scott wants to build trust with Jason. Scott tells Jason about the alliance with Monte, Cornbread, him, and Shane. Scott says he's going to go with a backdoor. Scott tells Jason that Justin and Jason are good. Jason says that he understands the choice. Jason tells Shane that Scott is going to put up Kryssie and Neeley and backdoor Shane and Danielle.
Jason points out the types of veto
Time for the first safety ceremony. Scott picks Justin first. Then he picks Alex, Whitney, and Jason. Jason is bummed that one of his people are going up. Scott comes down the steps, and Justin is happy to be safe. Danielle and Kryssie cry over their lot in life. Danielle claims how exhausted she is. Kryssie is soooo sure that America will vote one of the ball smashers.

For the second safety ceremony, the safe folks are Morgan, Shane, Danielle, and Shelby. Kryssie calls Scott a chump and says that he and Alex are going down hard. Scott says that Kryssie is a hard player, but she has trouble in social situations. Kryssie in DR says that she hopes Scott stays a virgin. Scott asks Kryssie if she wants to talk. The reason was because Kryssie was running around saying she was going to check the rules to get Scott thrown out.

POV competition Time to find out America's nominee. It's Danielle. Danielle doesn't understand why America put her up. As Morgan says, finally someone from the other side goes up. Shane wants to keep Danielle up there so he is safe. Time to pick the nominees. Scott picks Alex and Justin. Neeley and Kryssie complain about the ball smashers gloating. Meanwhile only the other side has gone so far. Neeley doesn't like how the four girls are tacky. I really don't like Kryssie.

Time for the POV. They have to build a puzzle in a round. Scott chooses the double veto so either Alex or Scott can win the veto. They draw names for the order in which they complete. The order: Kryssie, Danielle, Scott, Neeley, Justin, and Alex. Danielle is crying because she is playing for her son. Kryssie is up first, and she challenges Alex. I hate Kryssie. Kryssie says that she's played puzzles a bazillion times. Alex easily beats her. Danielle picks Scott. Danielle beats Scott. Neeley picks Alex. Alex says she will not go down without a fight. Alex quickly beats Neeley. Justin is up next. Justin picks Danielle. Danielle was hoping Justin would pick Alex. So Alex won the first veto. Justin did not want to pick Alex because he was afraid that Alex would beat him. Justin wants to look out for himself. Justin beats Danielle. Justin is happy that he is safe. Danielle was not happy that Justin did not throw it to her. Danielle cries. Danielle says she left everyone down.
Justin and Alex win veto
Danielle does not understand why Justin did not throw the veto to her. Jason tells Justin that Danielle thought that Justin should just stand there and let Danielle win. Jason thinks Danielle is more calculating, but Justin is not. So Jason wants to get rid of Danielle.

Justin talks to Scott and the ball smashers. Justin says he is going to use the veto on Kryssie. Scott says that he is going to up Shane. The girls tell Scott that they are going to say they are voting Danielle when they are going to vote out Shane. At the POV Ceremony. Alex does not use the veto, and Justin uses in on Kryssie. Danielle wanted a couple of days of sanity.

It's now time for the live eviction. Shane calls Scott and Alex out, calling Alex the puppet master. After Shane stopped his spiel, Scott says that Monte felt the same way. The vote:
Shane, Danielle, and Neeley on the block America put in a vote for Danielle, and Scott made the decision and he evicted Shane. Shane told the others that he would only hug his alliance. Shane and Danielle suck face before Shane leaves.

It seems that Kryssie won the HOH, and i'm not happy about that, but what can we do, except vote for Danielle to go up again.

Monte hosting HOH

Thursday, October 13, 2016 -- Evening

Weekly BB OTT Catch Up
I am having great difficulty in following BB OTT. I have enjoyed what I have seen, but the produced shows being on starting at 10 PM on the East Coast is just not conducive to me getting a chance to watch it on time. I have been following podcasts, and I know what's going on, but I feel a real disconnect.
Yesterday night's episode started with a lengthy recap of the first episode before getting to this week's episode--five minutes of recap! I mean really!

They started the new stuff by showing Cornbread telling the rest of the house guests to fuck themselves. Danielle was confused on whether America voted for her, or if it was someone with a hinky vote. Alex said in DR that she wanted to cause chaos in the house. The HOH competition had the house guests holding a crown to a photo of themselves with a long sword. The house guests had two minutes to get setup. Danielle tells us about an alliance between her, Shane, Justin, Kryssie, and Jason. HOH competition They are also close with Neeley, so they want to win HOH. Shelby is the first one out. Jason is out next. Shane was out next. Justin was dancing while Whitney was barely moving. After one hour, they were only able to hold the sword with one hand. Kryssie's shoulder is burning. Morgan, Scott, then Kryssie are out. Danielle is out while she is adjusting her hoodie. It's down to Whitney, Alex, Justin, and Neely. Monte knows that Justin does not like him, and will put up Monte. Whitney is out because she had the sword handle in her stomach. While Justin was dancing, he dropped his crown. It was down to Alex and Neely. Alex tells Neely that she won't go for Neeley if Neeley gives it to her. Justin tells Neeley not to do it. But Neeley is listening to her. Neely said that regardless who wins, Neeley will not put up Alex because Alex is a strong woman. Then Neeley lost it. Alex won. Neeley felt bad for letting her people down.

Morgan feels like she kind of won because her sister won. Alex says that she won't go for Neeley because she has bigger fish to fry. Jason talks to Shane and Danielle about how Alex won't go after the showmance. Shane doesn't talk to Alex, and he's not sure where she will go with the HOH. Kryssie tells Neeley that Neeley fought for the girls without body transformations. Neeley is proud of herself because at one point Neeley used to be 250 pounds.
Have not room
Alex wants to go after Justin and Danielle because they are the showmance. However, Alex doesn't know about the vote that America has.

The house guests hears from Julie about the care package deal. It gives someone an advantage. Scott said he voted 20 times a day for the care package, and it's going to be funny to think that he may get one.

Shane and Danielle go up to talk to Alex. They try to say that they will always have a target on their backs because they are a showmance. Danielle says that they will give Alex their vote. Shane thinks that he and Danielle are in the clear after the talk. Monte thinks that Alex is going to put up Shane and Daneille. Monte wants to convince Alex to leave Shane alone. Monte tells the girls that Alex should put up Danielle and Justin or Danielle and Jason. Alex thinks that it is so obvious that Monte wants to keep Shane. Alex says that Monte thinks he runs the girls, but he doesn't.

Justin singing ass and titties while naked The next segment shows Justin going into the shower and dropping his pants before getting into the shower. Monte says that it's disrespectful to Morgan that Justin took his pants off before getting into the shower. Shelby was very upset to hear about it. Monte kept on saying that Justin was showing his junk to Morgan, but it really wasn't that bad.

Time for the care package. Kryssie gets it. Kryssie is excited. i'm not a fan of Kryssie. The care package lets Kryssie save a friend from nomination. That's really not a good package for her because it doesn't save Kryssie at all.

Alex wants Kryssie to save Jason so Danielle, Shane, and Justin can go up. Alex wants Jason to feel safe. Alex claims that she will not put up Kryssie. Then we have the have nots. It's Monte, Morgan, and Scott. Scott claims he is going to try to step up his strategic game. Neeley thinks that America didn't like how Scott was playing both sides. The have not room is setup like Halloween with spiders and rats. The beds are like trampolines.
Justin and Monte make up
Monte says Justin gets his clothes by stealing them. Danielle overhearing it is very upset. Of course, Danielle wants to tell Justin what Monte says. Justin says that Monte is racist. Justin says that Monte would never say that to Justin's face. Justin tells Monte not to look at Justin. Justin is upset though. Justin says that he is not getting in trouble. Monte tries to spin it as Justin being part of a gang, and that's why Justin is acting that way.

Justin tells the others why he got upset. Neeley asked Monte if he was racist because she and Justin thought Monte's comments were racist. Monte says that he hasn't done anything immoral. Justin does not appreciate that, but Justin shakes hands and hugs Monte. Justin is the bigger man.

Kryssie saves Jason from eviction this week. Kryssie thinks that America gave her the save a friend to show Kryssie's loyalty. Jason is happy to not be the second evictee. Then we have the safety ceremonies. Alex is going to keep the emotional and hot headed people like Justin and Monte to the second day. She says Whitney, Morgan, Neeley, and Kryssie. Danielle knows she can be on the block. Shelby, Justin, Monte, and Scott are safe the second day. So Shane and Danielle are on the block. Shane tells Danielle not to let it get to her. Shane is not worried because he hope Monte or Scott is America's choice.
Jeff hosts the POV
Shelby says she wants to sit on the normal couch, and doesn't want to sit by Jason, Justin, or Kryssie. Monte is America's nominee. Time to pick players for veto. Alex picks Scott, and then her chip. So Alex picks Shelby to play. Jason tells Shelby that he is tired of her little comments. Jason says that Shelby always wants to press Jason's button. Jason comments about Shelby making comments about Shelby's negativity and passive aggressive behavior.

The doorbell rings, and it's Jeff coming into the house to host the POV competition. Shelby said that she did not see Jeff's season. Rolling my eyes. Shelby has no idea who Jeff is. Seems Shelby has never watched BB. The POV competition is a golf competition. By making holes, you get tickets. Only the POV, for 60 tickets, is a prize. The others are punishments. For 40 tickets, it's Missed the Cut. That prize means you cant' compete in next week's HOH. For 35 tickets, it's Water Hazard. Shane wins and hugs Jeff That person has to fish golf balls out of the swimming pool. for 30 tickets, it's the 19th hole. That person won't be able to see straight in the next HOH. 25 tickets is Sand Trapped. That person has to live in the sand trap for 24 hours. The last is caddy costume. That person has to carry golf clubs. Monte says that he's a casual golfer. Alex ix trying for the 10 point ticket. Shane misses his hole. So far, no one has made a hole. Danielle gets the first hole and 10 tickets. Shane says he plays golf, so he went for the 30, and he got it. Monte now thinks he has to go for the 30, but he misses. Danielle gets 20 tickets. Alex starts to go for the 30 points, and she gets it. Round 4 and Shane misses the 30 pointer. Danielle gets 10 points to go up to 30. Monte takes his shirt out, and Danielle stuck out her tongue. Whitney did not like it. Ha! Shelby finally got 10 points. Danielle got 40 tickets. Shane went for it and missed again. Shelby gets another 10 points. Shelby takes that caddy costume. Shane finally got the next 30 points, and he gets the POV. They have to keep playing until the punishments are doled out. Danielle takes the water hazard punishment because it won't mess up his game. Alex took the 19th hole. She just wants to lie low. Scott takes sand trap, but Monte with no points has to miss the cut next week. Alex wants to slam her face into a wall.
Shelby in the caddy costume
Whitney didn't like Danielle sticking her tongue out, and Danielle said that she only did it to Monte because he said bad things about Danielle. Danielle says that Monte is trying to seem like a nice guy, but he isn't. He does make remarks about being concerned about how people see Danielle. Monte and Scott try to get Kryssie up. Monte is hoping that Shane will vote out Kryssie instead of Danielle. Shane says in DR that he won't be voting Kryssie out, he'll be voting Monte out.

Shelby has to wear the caddy costume and carry golf clubs around. Scott can only leave the sand trap to go to the bathroom. Scott thinks it's one of the better punishments. Danielle has to clear balls out of the swimming pool. She has to dive in to get the balls. This happens even during the night.

Veto meeting. Scott can't attend because he is stuck in the sand trap. Shane uses the veto on himself. Alex says she has to put up Kryssie because Kryssie has America on her side, and Kryssie will be safe. Everyone tells Kryssie that America loves her. Unfortunately for Kryssie, we don't. Neeley is super upset because Kryssie is on the block.
Danielle, Shane, and Kryssie on the block
Time for the eviction. Danielle gives her speech. Monte gives his saying it has been a blessing and privilege. Kryssie gives her speech. Kryssie says that she made a deal with Alex, and Kryssie says she has made genuine friends. The vote:
It's a tie between Monte and Danielle, but America breaks the tie, evicting Monte. Alex lets Kryssie know she has 0 votes. Monte says he likes everyone one of you all. Monte leaves with dignity. Kryssie cries. I can't stand her. Monte and Shane joke around as everyone else is quiet.

Alex and Morgan or is it Morgan and Alex

Thursday, October 6, 2016 -- Afternoon

First BB OTT episode
I was not able to stay away awake last night for the first weekly episode of BB OTT. Fortunately, it is available on demand from the CBS all access app. The show started out with similar production quality start. Then we got a typical replay of live feed video with diary room feedback. Morgan is shocked at coming into the house and meeting Scott. She is a cheerleader, and she usually hangs out with different people. It's cool to see the house guests come in more quickly and to get their impressions of others. Neely thought Shane was gorgeous, and she particularly admired his hair. Kryssie said that she came in to win money, not be others buddies.

It seems that Morgan and Alex did not know that the other sister would be in the house. Morgan thought for sure that everyone would constantly realize they are related. Morgan wants to play her own game and not be known as the sisters. When Jason comes in, we learn that not much has changed for Jason since he left the BB house last year. He is still living in his parents' basement. Shane rubs oil on Danielle Cornbread thinks that Neely is like Beyonce and the bacon of the house. Whitney talks very slowly. Shelby thinks the hottest guy of the house is between Shane and Monte. Justin has a think for Danielle, and her's is the only name that he remembers. Shelby tells everyone she is a waitress instead of a lawyer, and her goal is to just play dumb. Morgan does a cheer in the DR, and she was very happy that Alex did not say she was from the same city.

As the house guests are introducing each other, they find out that there is no jury and that America is picking the winner of the season.

As the sisters are unpacking, Alex calls Morgan by her nickname, Mo. Morgan thinks that Shelby may not have caught on. However, Jason notices that Morgan and Alex look alike. He is having Liz and Julia flashbacks. Danielle is trying to explain the difference between Morgan and Alex. Jason continues that they have the same face in the photos.

Kryssie crying Cornbread, Monte, Shane, and Scott form an alliance that Cornbread wants to call the Four Horseman. He must not have seen BB5. Monte wants to know what the people are like first. Cornbread thinks they will go far.

The HOH competition starts, and Shane drinks the blue drink. He gets the BB bug that he has to pass to the next person when an alarm sounds. Jason knew that he was going to be targeted. Jason wanted to be HOH, but Monte wanted to be HOH. Alex (or Morgan) doesn't want to give it to Jason, so Cornbread says to give it to Cornbread because he would give the bug to Jason. Justin says that he has a bad vibe from Cornbread and Monte, so he doesn't want either of them to be HOH. Cornbread gives it to Jason, and Jason gives it to Whitney. Now she has to decide between Monte and Alex. Whitney gives it to Alex, so Monte is the first HOH of the season.

The house guests learn that the first nomination ceremony will actually be two safety ceremonies. Jason tries to campaign with Monte. Jason tells Monte that Monte should keep him because Jason is an easy target. Jason tells Monte to weaponize the twist, which is Jason. Jason said that Monte should team with him. However, Monte thinks it's an idea, but he doesn't go for it. In the safety ceremony, the house guests wear a block pass that will light up when Monte pushes a panel in the HOH room with the house guest's face on it. Jason realizes that he's not safe when he is not safe in the first safety ceremony.
Monte and his coon skin hat
Danielle tells Kryssie that she really likes Shane. She says he's her ideal white boy. Danielle says that she and Shane click. Shane thinks he is having the best couple of days in the house. Alex, Morgan, Shelby, and Whitney are forming a girls' alliance. Alex doesn't trust the group. She says they are not the major gamers in the game.

Kryssie cries, and claims that some of it is for show, but she is a person, and the game is getting to her. She is not a pretty crier. Cornbread goes to Monte, and he tells Monte that Kryssie is falling apart. Monte is considering Danielle or Kryssie as options to go up against Jason. Monte asks Shane about putting up Danielle. Shane does not want Danielle to go. Meanwhile Monte is walking around with this stupid coonskin cap.

Danielle is not worried about being nominated, which is foolish of her. She thinks Shane will keep her safe. When Kryssie's necklace lights up, she acts awkwardly. Jason and Danielle are nominated. Monte comes down to say that Jason is up because he is a vet, and Danielle is up because she is smart and pretty. Danielle is really surprised that she is nominated. Danielle wonders if Shane played a factor in it. Danielle talks with Shane, and he tells her that Jason is a bigger target. Danielle thinks that Jason's social game is better.

Jason gets the right code The house guests are told to gather in the living room. Julie Chen tells them that a third house guest will be nominated by America. If the America vote house guest comes off the block with the veto, there will not be a replacement for that person. Danielle realizes that the best thing for her.

Time to pick players for veto. The reveal for the America vote is drawn out and stops randomly on people's pictures before continuing. Cornbread was chosen. He can't believe it but he thinks that America picked him because he is fun. Idiot! Danielle hopes Justin or Shane is picked. Monte does not want Justin. Whitney and Alex are picked. Whitney seems really slow, mentally.

Time for the veto competition. The POV is locked in a safe. BB made additions in the house, and the house guests have to go in to and find the clues that will help them put in the four diget code to unlock the safe. Jason realizes that the veto is live or die for him. Whitney sounds challenged. She doesn't know if the veto magnets are 1 or 4. Whitney did see the fish in the fishbowl. Then it got hard for her. Alex thought it was really tough. Cornbread counted the four letters on the veto magnets as 1. Alex, Cornbread, and Whitney start sharing clues. Jaxon gets 9, 4, and 4. Danielle works with Jason, and they compare notes. Jason cracks the code with 2449.
Danielle, Cornbread, and Kryssie on the block
Monte realizes that it's a problem now. Monte claims to have the numbers, but not the order. Monte wonders about Neely or Shelby. Shane wants Kryssie up because that will keep Danielle safe. Monte wants the replacement nominee to be the one that goes home. Monte tells Danielle that she was the pawn, and Monte says that he does not want Shane's girl to go home. Danielle is still nervous.

Jason, of course, uses the veto on himself. As Jason said, he saved himself. Monte nominated Kryssie because she is emotionally unstable. Justin thought that they were going to vote after the POV ceremony. Kryssie realizes that strategy is tricky because the house is obviously divided. Kryssie claims to go out gun blazing.

Time for a message form Julie. She tells them that America will vote for the nominee they want to evict. The person with the most votes will receive an eviction vote. The house guests will not know who America voted on.

Bye Cornbread! The live eviction: Danielle gave her speech. She hoped everyone would vote to keep her. Cornbread says that he's had a ball. He hopes they all keep him, and he says his game is transparent. He says he has everyone's back, and loves them all. Kryssie said that it's hard to be a veto nominee. Kryssie said that she can work hard with everyone. The voting begins. Everyone goes in, and we don't see the vote, we just watch the house guests in the living room. After everyone votes, Big Brother tallies the results. Everyone sits very quietly. Monte comes out and reveals that Kryssie has 9 votes to evict. By a vote of 9-1, Cornbread has been evicted. He walks out and doesn't shake anyone's hands or anything. Everyone hugs Kryssie and Danielle.

We don't see the vote, but I did hear that Alex was the vote for Danielle. Alex was trying to throw a hinky vote. Everyone is thinking that it was America's vote. I do have to agree that although this season is hard for me to follow ion the live feed this past week, I really enjoyed the competitions, the house guests, and the weekly episode. Very well done, Big Brother!

Monte selecting nominations

Wednesday, October 5, 2016 -- Evening

Quick Weekly Wrap-up
I have to admit that I have been having more issues following the live feed only version of Big Brother. The past few weeks have been extremely busy, and I haven't had a chance to watch very much. I do know that the HOH competition was interesting. Basically, the house guests came into the house from the backyard, and found a bottle saying "Only One May Drink." The first person who drank it, Shane, was infected with a virus that prevented him from becoming HOH. Shane then had to pass it off to the next person, who passed it to the next person until only one person, HOH, was not infected. Whitney was the one who had to make the choice between Alex and Monte. She gave it to Alex, so Monte became HOH, and Monte has a really annoying personality. The whole HOH competition was a drawn out affair. It went on for several hours into the next day. That's a bit too much of a committment than I have time for.
Monte had an alliance with Shane, Scott, and Cornbread. Jason did seem to be having problems with the others in the house, and he wasn't really bonding with people as he should. Jason, Justin, Shelby, Kryssie, and Scott formed an alliance, which we will have to see over time. The whole nomination ceremony is now a safety ceremony. Over two days, the HOH has to select the people who are going to be safe. Monte's targets are Jason and Danielle.

The house guests find out that America gets to nominate a third nominee, and that person is Cornbread. Cornbread forgives America for nominating him. Whitney and Alex were selected to partipate in the POV competition.
Jason wins POV
At the veto competition, the house guests had to crack the four digit code on a safe. The clues were in the house. Jason said that his only option is to win the veto, so he has to count things that are misplaced in the BB house. Danielle gave Jason a clue that she thought the last name was two, and the code was 2449. Jason won the veto. Now someone else had to go on the block in his place. Monte decides that it is either Shelby or Kryssie. Shane wants Danielle to stay, and Shane does not want Danielle in trouble. So Monte decides on Kryssie because that is the person who needs to go home. Kryssie tried to keep herself off the block. Monte says that at least the new nominee is not the first choice. Cornbread tries to get Monte to switch to Shelby because Cornbread does not like Shelby.