The Daily Bongo
Big Brother All Stars
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Sunday, September 17, 2006 -- Late Afternoon
I am suffering from Big Brother withdrawal. So I have been checking out the blogs of some of the players to see what comments they have to make. Marcellas Reynolds tells us that he was actually sick during his stay in the house with a lung infection. This gave him a sore ear, and he didn't get treatment until he was in Mexico. At that point, he saw a doctor who gave him antibiotics. The other thing that Marcellas says is that his strategy in playing the game was to fly below the radar. The problem, he says, is that the producers didn't show us his diary room strategy sessions, so that's why we think that he had no strategy other than talking negatively about his girl, Janelle. James apologizes to Janelle and her fans for the things that he said about her. Dr. Will says that he is still in love with his girl, Erin Brody. He hopes that she will realize that his actions with Janelle were just strategy to win the game. Janelle's website has a clip of the interview from the View with Janelle, Erika, and Boogie. Rosie O'Donnell is very annoying and doesn't let anyone do alot of talking other than herself.Wednesday, September 13, 2006 -- Evening
The folks at Real Player were trying very hard to get people to continue paying for their service even after Big Brother All-Stars was over. They promised their customers that there would be a nice surprise after the finale. Well, they did something very interesting indeed. They started replaying the live feeds from day 1. So if you have paid for the Real Player Gold service, you can continue to watch Big Brother. It is a very interesting concept, and I think that I would continue to watch it they provided the live feeds from past years. It doesn't bother me to know how it ends. It's just fun to relive some of those fun moments.Tuesday, September 10, 2006 -- Evening
It is time for the final episode of Big Brother All-Stars. The end of the show always signifies the end of summer for me. We get a recap of the season. I hate Erika because she has spent the last five days bashing Janelle. The first thing we see on the show is the arrival of Janelle. Marcellas said that he didn't want to see Janelle. Everything other than him thinks that it is going to be Janelle. George thinks it will be Boogie. It is Janelle. She comes in with a gorgeous short red dress and a tiara. Janelle gives Marcellas a big hug. Janelle gives a replay and Will said that Erika threw the final competition and that Boogie was left to throw out Erika. Janelle said that Erika should not win and that a floater shouldn't win. Danielle said that both Erika and Boogie played the game the same way and that when a female does what a man does it is seen as worse for the woman. Danielle said that it is their fault for not kicking Erika out on the three times she was on the block. Janelle said that at least Boogie was loyal to Will. Marcellas said that everyone said that they lied to everyone. Will said that Boogie did whatever he needed to do to win. James said that Erika tried to ride everyone's coattails. Marcellas said that they are all there by the way that Boogie and Will played the game. Janelle said that they shouldn't not have Boogie win because of how he played. Will said that Boogie and Erika played the same game and that he just thinks that Erika is disgusting. Howie said that Erika should win because they left her in the game. George said that Erika whispered in everyone's ear and they believed her. Marcellas said that certain people came in alone and couldn't play tandem. Will said that it made him and Boogie an obvious target and they made it to the end. Danielle said that they should not make it personal in the end because that's not a good thing.We get to find out about the questions that the jury made to Boogie and Erika. Marcellas goes first and asks both the same question. "Strategically what was your best move of the game?" Erika replies that it was convincing Janelle to evict will. Boogie says that it was not using the special power and alligning with Janelle. George congratulates them on finding love. George wants to know if Boogie will ask Erika to marry him. Boogie says he will not proposal and has a bro mance with will. George asked Erika about voting him out while saying he was safe. Erika says that they didn't have a deal when she voted him out. Mike made a face and Janelle did a thumbs down. Will called Boogie and asked if he was in the final two. Then they laughed. Janelle asked Erika if kissing butt and throwing competitions was part of her strategy. Erika claims that the only competition that she threw was the one with Danielle getting HOH. Erika claims that she had Janelle's butt, as Boogie made eyes at her. James asks Erika about Alison's strategy to float and hookup to make it to the end. Erika says that she just likes Mike and that she didn't use the Alison strategy that Erika abhorred. Danielle asks Erika if it was her decision or Chill Town's to get rid of her. Erika said that she made Chill Town believe it was their decision. Boogie was asked about being Danielle's Jason. Boogie said that he thinks taht Danielle has several Jasons in the game and had to go and wouldn't apologize. Howie asks Boogie about bros before hos. Boogie said that Howie's arms were bloody and Howie may never get nominated. Boogie said that he got George to nominate Howie in just alittle time and Chill Town took the advantage. Erika said that she didn't come in with a strategy and went after the puppet master. Erika said that she has to get the veto in the final four and that Erika, in pure puppet master form, had Boogie nominate Will and Janelle to vote him out. Erika asks who should win, Will's puppet or the one who took him out. Duhhh! How much of an idiot does Erika think we are. Janelle won the veto and took herself off, and there was only Will to go up. Boogie said the truth was that he lied to everyone but Chicken George and Will. Boogie said that it was all one big alliance. Boogie said that he had respect for all. Marcellas motivated Boogie, Howie entertained. Janelle and James challenged, Danielle and George inspired him and will did all the above. Boogie asked them all to vote for him. After they go off, they all look at each other. Erika is so deluded. We now how the jury come on the stage in the order in which they were evicted: Marcellas, Howie, James, Danielle, George, Will, and Janelle. She has a black dress, just like the red one.
Boogie and Erika are congratulated for making it to the final two. Each jury member has a bag with two keys. They then have to insert a key for the person they want to win and they get to make one statement to the finalists. Marcellas goes first. He congratulates both and says it is just a game and floored they made it to the final two, and did the vote based on the answer to his question. Howie says that it is hard to give a half a million to someone who owns six restaurants. Howie says he loves Erika but thinks that America hates him. Howie plugs and says they can chat with him there. Danielle congratulates them, and said it was a hard decision. She said there should be strategy, winning competitions, deception, and ultimate floating. She congratulates them again. George says congratulates and says that BB1 was a completely different game. He thinks the money should go to the person who needs it the most. He played the game with respect and has to give his vote to the player who plays the best game. George has trouble getting the key into the box. Will says that Boogie helped him win 5 years ago, and that Boogie will always be his buddy. Will says that Erika can still call him the puppet master. Janelle gets a big round of applause. Janelle congratulates them both and said that her vote isn't for personal reasons but a vote for the best player of the two. James congratulates them and said that one person couldn't help for strategy and the other say he couldn't help for personal reasons. Now that the votes are in, they get to hear from the folks who left before the jury: Alison, Nakomis, Jase, Diane, and Kaysar.
Kaysar's hair is coming back. Kaysar said that he would like to reveal that someone came into the season with a chip on his shoulders and tells Janelle to look over her shoulder. We then see James saying all the bad things about the BB6ers and Janelle. Janelle said that she thought James didn't like her when they talked, but that James is a whiner. James said he won't get personal and that he apologized to Janelle. James said that when the alliance lies to you, you have to move on to someone else. Janelle says that it is just a game. Then it is Jase's turn. Jase says his mom has a Chill Town t-shirt. Jase makes a phone call, and Kaysar says it is for Diane. Jase and Diane admit that they were in an alliance. Jase gives credit to Will Kirby as a bad ass player who played the game. We then see Boogie and Will clips in the Diary Room. They are hilarious. None of the five thinks that Erika deserves to win. Nakomis said that Janelle and Will should be final two. Diane said maybe Boogie. Alison said that Erika was played all summer long and would love to tell her that. Julie brings in Erika and Boogie. Alison congratulates Erika and Boogie and congratulates Boogie on using Erika. Alison tells Erika to use her money to buy some dignity. Then we see Boogie saying really awful things about Erika. Erika said that she is in the final two and that they played each other. Boogie said that some of the harshest comments were made after Will left. Julie then tells the jury that there is a prize up for grabs. It is a $25,000 jury prize for the person most deserving to win.
It is now time to reveal the winner. They will now know how each juror voted. Marcellas voted for Erika. Howie voted for Boogie. Danielle voted for Boogie. George voted for Boogie. Will votes for Boogie who is the winner. Boogie then comes out of the house and Will is right there. Erika looks abit pissed. The "she thinks she is a puppet master" ho. Erika comes out as runner up to no fanfare. Danielle and Marcellas hug her and then everyone else ignores Erika.
We learn that Janelle and James also voted for Boogie. We then learn that Janelle the $25,000 jury prize. Everyone congratulates her. It was such an obvious win. Boogie said that he is going to buy stuff for family and friends and is going to open three restaurants in Atlanta. Erika is asked how she feels and says she is relieved that it is over. Boogie poses with his parents as the show ends.
Saturday, September 9, 2006 -- Evening
Sequester house for the Big Brother All-Stars doesn't have as tight of a security control as one would hope. Will and Danielle were spotted on the town in Palm Springs while they were supposed to be in sequester. when the producers found out, they put a stop to the activities. It makes you wonder what they might have found out about the game while they were out. Meanwhile it is utter boredom in the BB house with only Boogie and Erika prancing around and congratulating themselves on being such great game players. Boogie played the game--mostly with the help of Will. He had a definite jerkish behavior, especially when things didn't go his way. Erika was just a stupid girl who was used by the guys and just managed to scrape by to get into the final two.Thursday, September 7, 2006 -- Evening
Show recapThe final three are on the live episode of Big Brother All-Stars tonight. Today is day 67. We have a recap of Will being evicted from the house on Tuesday. Boogie said that he got a weird feeling in his stomach when Janelle started to talk. Erika said that she was in awe of Janelle. Erika in DR says that the game is such fun. Janelle said that she felt bad because she said that she wasn't going to evict him. Boogie said that Will was worried, but he thought that he owned Janelle. Boogie admits to being totally flabbergasted. As Erika walks past Boogie, she says checkmate. Boogie said that Erika is a ho and he used her to get what he wanted and America knows that Erika is a ho. Erika said that she thinks Boogie is upset with her and the baby plans are probably on hold. Boogie said that this is the first time that Chill Town was played. Boogie gives her credit for being a backstabbing witch. Janelle apologizes to Boogie and said that she thought they would team up on her in the end. Janelle in DR says that she and Erika have the last laugh because what goes around comes around. We get a recap of the first HOH competition and Boogie jumping off the volcano. Boogie said that he made a very quick decision because he knew that he was the most hated. Boogie said that he knew both of the girls would do their best in endurance and he will take his chance with part two. Erika is shocked that she won it. Janelle wanted to win an endurance because she hasn't in the past, but she lost it. Back in the house, Boogie is throwing things around and very upset. Boogie said that it is clear that the girls setup some sort of deal. Boogie is going to miss Will and wished that they could have been in the finals. Janelle said that she was extremely surprised that Boogie jumped off. Erika tells Janelle not to stress because she will beat Boogie. Janelle says that Boogie is pissed and Erika says good. Boogie has never been in the BB house without Will and he cries in the DR. He blubbers like a baby and says that his emotions are all over the place and he doesn't feel good. Janelle said that women should feel great for what she and Erika have accomplished. Boogie says that he has to figure out how to get to the end. Boogie then does a DR where he pretends to make a phone call that isn't answered.
Boogie and Janelle are going to face off in the second HOH competition. Janelle and Boogie go into the backyard and there is a Solstice convertible hanging in the air. The winner not only wins the competition, but also wins the car. If they don't complete it in less than 5 minutes then Erika wins. They will play the game suspended in the mirror. A laser beam goes first to the first winner of BB. They then have to race on this arm thing and has to aim the mirror to send the laser beam to the second person who won the show. Janelle said that she has to win so she has the final say on who leaves. Janelle says that all the names were in weird positions and that the game was hard because she's not as physically strong as Boogie and it was hard to pull herself around the mirrors. Janelle knew that it went from Eddie to Will to Lisa to Jun to Drew to Maggie. Janelle finished. Boogie has little ponytails all over his head. Boogie realized that he didn't have the right positioning to Lisa. Boogie realized that he didn't want to lose time because when you go up against Janelle, you don't want to lose any time. Boogie finishes and yells out "beat that." Mike had a time of 1:57. Janelle had a time of 3:45. Janelle didn't look happy because she knew that she didn't have the same body strength. Janelle feels bad that she has to watch Boogie and Erika compete and that neither will take her to the final two. Boogie gets to go into the car as the girls congratulate him. Boogie says that he is going to take Erika to the final because he is not going to take the girl who won 9 competitions. Boogie says that Erika won't get his vote if she evicts him or Will's. Janelle is probably going to be evicted because Erika admits that she is still attracted to Boogie. Boogie tried to talk Erika into throwing the competition so he can get rid of Janelle. Janelle and Boogie both admit to really missing Will. Boogie said that it is a strange feeling to not have Will around. Erika says that she is not sharing a bed with Boogie because she doesn't know why and that it is awkward and things change. Boogie says that they are both getting focused.
We now to get see Will entering the jury house. James is in the frig looking for breakfast food, and George is cooking. Danielle wants to have a good time and everyone to enjoy being losers. They go out of the house, and Howie said that he would hate to see Janie coming through the door. When Will enters, everyone celebrates. Marcellas said that he couldn't be happier to have Will there. Will says that he got the worst boot. Will tells them they won't believe it when they see the tape. Will says he is embarrassed, but it was a great time. They all gather to watch the DVD. Danielle loved that Boogie put up Will. James then says that Janelle is trying to get votes. Marcellas loved having Dr. Will's eviction dedicated to him. Danielle said that girls talk and they did what they had to do. Will says that he will give credit where it is due because the girls spanked his cheeks and they are still red.
It is time for the head to head meeting between Erika and Boogie. The game is to guess who made which six statements from the jury house. They get to choose how the juror ended the statement with either A or B. 1: George said, the most annoying thing about the house was A. Howie, B. the mess. Answer: B. Both got it right. 2: Danielle said, the moment she would hate to have her friends and family see is A. when I was drunk, B. when I cried for two days. Answer: A. Both got it right. 3: Will said the most shocking moment in the house was A. the fast forward eviction, B. my own eviction. Answer: A. Boogie got it right. 4: Marcellas said the most annoying thing about the house was A. absolutely everything B. Mike and Will's love affair. Answer: B. They both got it wrong. 5. James said the hottest girl in the house was A. Diane B. Marcellas. Answer: B. They both got it right. 6: Howie said the most shocking moment in the house was A. when Chill Town threw me under the bus B. when George won HOH. Answer: B. Both got it right, but Boogie got the final HOH. Janelle goes to the living room, and Boogie has to make the decision on who goes and who stays. Janelle looks resigned to leaving.
Erika goes first with final words. She tells Boogie that it has been a long night and that she has been in an alliance with him since the beginning and always had his back. Janelle said that Erika realized from the beginning that Will and Boogie were playing everyone and she will use that against him when she goes up against him. Boogie says that both are incredible players. Boogie said that he held Erika responsible, but is not there for vengence. Boogie says that Janelle is too good of a player and that she has to go. Janelle hugs them both. Boogie tells Janelle that she deserves to win. Boogie promises Janelle champagne. Boogie and Erika smooch after Janelle leaves. It is so sad to only have Erika and Boogie there. Boogie then says that Janelle is amazing. Janelle thinks that it was strategy because he would have had a harder time beating Erika rather than her. Janelle is the BB champ with the most competition wins. Janelle said that she was too trusting. Janelle said that her biggest mistake was putting up Marcellas instead of Boogie. Janelle said that it is hard to think, but that trusting Chill Town and thinking they had her back was hard. Janelle doesn't want to say how she feels about Will because she is too embarrassed. Boogie said that he is shocked that Janelle isn't going to win. Boogie thinks that Janelle was one of the few people who got it like him and Will and he hopes to be friends out of the house. Erika says that she adores Janelle and that other women just adore her. Janelle said that she loves them both because they are both so sweet. Janelle said that she got along better with Erika in the past few days.
We hear that the new America's choice is to pick the juror that deserves to win, and that person will get $25,000. I hope that it is Janelle just because she was such a good player, and really seems like a nice girl. We find out who wins the America's Choice on Tuesday when the winner is announced.
End of show recap
Thursday, September 7, 2006 -- Morning
It seems that Boogie won the HOH competition last night so this evening on the live show it will be between him and Erika. I'm wondering if he will take Erika to the final two because he has to realize that there are more people in the jury house who may vote for her. It's hard to tell. If Erika wins, she will probably take Boogie because he has to be hated by the most people. Although, you can't tell with that because Janelle did alot of Chill Town's dirty work.Wednesday, September 6, 2006 -- Evening
I thought that there would be a second HOH competition on the Big Brother All-Stars live feeds today, but so far there is nothing. The only thing that I can assume is that the competition will be held later this evening. I've been keeping an eye on the feeds, but they are now very boring. Boogie appears to be over his tantrum from yesterday and is trying to scheme for Janelle to take him to the final two. As he tells her, Erika has alot of friends in sequester and thinks that will go against Janelle. We'll have to see if she falls for it. I have to admit that Janelle's move from yesterday of evicting Will was such a shocker that everyone on all the BB web sites are talking about it. The other news is that the shows have been pulling in good ratings this year, and yesterday's show had one of the best ratings since September 2004. There were nine million viewers to yesterday's show. Big Brother usually doesn't attract high ratings because it is a summer show and alot of people put it down. However, I love it. It's my favorite of the reality shows.Tuesday, September 5, 2006 -- Evening
Show recapOnly three more episodes of Big Brother All-Stars are left. Tonight's episode starts with the comment that it is live. We know that from the live feeds because Erika and Will are still in the house. It is day 65 and one week from the final. Finally we get to find out about the sequester house. We hear that James, Marcellas, and Howie were evacuated because of Hurricane John. We see all three of them packing up and relocating to a new jury house. Marcellas said all they have is Hurricane Howie now. Marcellas wants more chlorine in the pool to "kill" Howie. Howie tells Marcellas to stop being negative. Marcellas goes on about Howie being an idiot. James sits there while Howie and Marcellas argue and James tries to read a book. It is now time to see the entrance of the new jury member. James said it would break his heart to see Danielle come through the door. Danielle tells James that she was scum bagged. Danielle felt honored that the guys felt bad for her. Then George shows up--sneaking around the house. Howie says that he knew that George would join them. George has the DVDs of the show. We just see Marcellas constantly making faces. George and Howie now seem to be having arguments and Marcellas smiles. George walks away from Howie and says that he doesn't need to listen to any of this. Howie won't let it drop. There is alot of drama and yelling going on in the house. James said that Howie needs to learn that lying and backstabbing is part of the game. George has to sit away from Howie. Howie is definitely acting like a crazy person. It would be great to see live feeds of the sequester house.
It is now time for veto strategy. Will is telling Boogie that Operation Double Date worked too well. will says that Erika could send him home. Erika says that Janelle could win POV and send out Erika. Will says that if he wins POV he will send Janelle home. Boogie says that none of them can beat Janelle in the finals. Janelle asks Will what Erika is complaining about. Will says that Erika is complaining about how if Janelle wins the POV she will win the whole thing in the end. Janelle says that she is sick of Erika. Will says that he will send Erika home with no second though. In DR, Janelle says that Erika thinks she can win against Chill Town, and Janelle realizes she can't. As Janelle said, Erika is going to second place. Will and Janelle are in bed together. Janelle admits that emotionally Will has her and uses it against her. Janelle does says that she is trying to be more emotionless, but it is hard. Will and Janelle are closer than Janelle is with Erika so that means that Janelle is more likely to eliminate Erika. Janelle does like Will and Will is trying to keep some sense of sanity.
Finally we are getting to the power of veto competition. As we hear from Julie, the veto winner is all powerful because that person could send the other houseguest home. The competition is "when the stars align". They have a star and have to put the face on the star and completely line up the stars to the 10 points so that the correct face answers both sides of the competition. The faces are in a tub of goo and can only be brought up one at a time. If they get it correct, they hear a ring, if not they hear the buzzer. The faces would only go in one pattern. Janelle saw the week 5 HOH and evictee so it had to be Kaysar or Danielle. Janelle picked Danielle. Boogie said that he wanted six or seven up there and then try to figure out who they go, he didn't want to figure them out at the beginning. Will didn't care who won because he thought that he wasn't leaving. Erika was going for easy clues first. Will got nine incorrect the first time, Janelle got four, and Boogie had 7. He also didn't realize that he had missed a face. Erika gets four incorrect. Janelle had trouble with Diane and Nakomis' stars right. Erika has the same problem. Janelle figured it out first and she won. Boogie said, of course. Janelle ran over to Will and gave him a kiss. will knew then that he would be safe. Erika felt frustrated for being close and not getting it. Janelle was relieved to win because now she has made it to the final three. Erika said the veto was important because Janelle could come off the block and was the vote to get rid of someone. Erika tries to appeal to Janelle's sense of logic. Erika said that she knows who Janelle is going to vote out. Janelle said that she doesn't know. Erika tells Janelle that if she sends Will to the house everyone would love her. Will tells Boogie about Janelle's comments and that Erika is not sweet. Boogie says that he is going to be nice and supportive to Erika and Janelle will get rid of her. Janelle tells Erika that she can't take Erika because she doesn't think that Erika will take her to the final two. Erika promises that she will. Erika questions Janelle over who has lied to her and makes Janelle say that it is Will and Boogie. Erika promises that she will take Janelle. Erika said that she is going to put up a fight and not let the guys get her out of there. Erika tells Janelle that the guys think that both of the girls are jokes. Erika says that Will is just telling Janelle stuff but that he can't guarantee that he will take her to the final two. Erika keeps on promising that she will take Janelle to the final two. Will says to Boogie that he is going home and that he has no control. Will says that double date is turning into double mistake. Will tells Boogie that he doesn't know what to do. Erika says that it is girls against the boys. Janelle isn't sure because Erika promised on her mother to take Janelle to the final two. Erika keeps on at Janelle telling her that it is Janelle's best move to get rid of Will. Erika reminds her of the things that Will has done to her. Janelle says that it is compliated. Erika and Janelle compare notes on what they have been told by the guys and they realize that they were being told the exact same thing. Janelle and Erika both say that they hate them. Janelle says that she is embarassed and that everyone must have been laughing at them the entire game. Boogie said that he felt stressed when he was on the block. Julie asks about the four of them being close and if the bonds would continue outside the house. Will thinks that he and Janelle would be good friends. Janelle agrees that they will be friends. Erika says definitely friends with Boogie for sure. Boogie says that if he is in the final two, they will see how Erika's vote goes. Will then says that he hates everybody. Janelle is most surprised that Danielle isn't there. Janelle thought that Danielle would make it to the end. Janelle admits that she is going to use the veto on herself and get off the block. Boogie has to put up Will. Janelle now has to vote out one of the two in a few minutes.
Who will be evicted? Erika says that Janelle should keep her because Janelle is a fierce competitor and a great player. Will says that there is alot of hatred against Will in the jury house, and he wants to stay where it is safe. Janelle says that it a hard position and that Will is the closest in the house and that after tonight she is done with mistakes. Janelle said for Marcellas and Howie, she is evicting Will. Janelle apologizes to Will. Boogie looks shocked. Will has been evicted. That is a shock. Boogie congratulates Janelle and shakes his head. Janelle and Erika both say that both of the boys were surprised. Janelle said that it was awesome. Boogie just looks like he is in shell shock. Will is talking to Julie. Will says that he had a target on his back and it caught up with him. Will says that he can't be surprised. Will said his strategy was to win nothing. Will said that it seemed they had operation double date sewn up. Will said that you control what you can. Will said that he underestimated Erika because Will thinks that Janelle will regret it because he thought that he and Janelle were going to be friends. Will said that Janelle and everyone else was awesome. Will says that playing Janelle was a game all along. At the end of the day it was just a game. Will said there is chemistry, but doesn't know how real it was. Will says that Janelle was playing him as much as he was playing her. Will is shocked to have made it to fourth place. Will says that he doesn't know what to say about the relationship with Erika. Will says that he doesn't think either of them would have made it as far as both did without each other. Boogie says that they both got a friendship that lasted from season 2. Erika tells Will that the gig is up and that Boogie has been found out, and didn't think the two girls would get together and talk. Erika hopes Howie doesn't hurt him too badly. Janelle feels that she got talked into things by Will and Boogie that she would not have done and that she hopes Will will be her friend outside of the house. Will says that it is water under the bridge for him.
It is part one of the three HOH competitions. Everyone now has to head out to the backyard for the final HOH competition. There is a huge volcano outside. The winner of round one goes to the final round. The winners of round one and two face off in round three. The volcano is Mount HOH. Each has to climb onto one side of the volcano. They have to have their back to the volcano. They have to grab onto the key above their heads. If they let go of the key or touch the floor below they are eliminated. Both hands have to be on the key for now. They all say they have a good grip of the key, and the competition begins. Smoke comes out of the volcano. Boogie jumps down and says that they both have to take him to the final. Boogie tells Janelle that she has to take him. Janelle said that she is hanging on and doesn't care. Erika reminds Janelle that Boogie has played them both. I can't believe that Boogie let go like that and made the statement that he did because that will set both girls against him. Obviously Boogie is just being a baby.
Thursday at 8, the final HOH will be determined and that person will pick the person who sits on the final two with him or her. Janelle was caught removing her hand from the key after Boogie jumped off and is no longer part of the competition. Erika has won the first part. Now Janelle is going to have to complete against Boogie in the second match. Boogie is looking so bitter and babyish.
End of show recap
Monday, September 4, 2006 -- Late Afternoon
All is quiet in the BB house. The houseguests are complaining about how there isn't an America's Choice or luxury contest this time. In the past, there was an America's Choice where the public would get to vote on sending a houseguest to make an appearance on a soap or other show. The luxury contest would usually be a wardrobe one where the houseguests would get to load up on clothes. It seems that everyone is just feeling down because they realize that the show is ending earlier than usual and that there isn't much more left for them to do. All that remains is the final endurance competitions that determine the two who get to duke it out for the final HOH. That person then picks the person who will be part of the final two. The most exciting part of the day so far was watching Janelle curl her hair and telling Erika that she has extensions in her hair. Also, Janelle admitted that her natural color is light brown. Come on BB--give these guys something to do!Hair, there, and everywhere
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Sunday, September 3, 2006 -- Evening
Janelle and Will spent most of the day in bed. When the houseguests weren't sleeping, they were eating or making food. The activity level in the house is practically non-existant.Sleep, sleep, eat
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Only nine more days are left in Big Brother All-Stars. Tonight's episode starts with a recap of Thursday's show. Will said that it shouldn't have been a surprise that they told someone they were safe and voted them out. Janelle said it was a no brainer to get rid of Danielle. Danielle as she leaves says that she is voting for the best player, and Boogie says in DR that he had to get rid of Danielle. Boogie told Erika that she didn't waste her HOH. Erika thinks that Danielle will vote for her since she said that she would vote for the strongest player. Yeah, right! Will says that he didn't know what the overdrive would be, but it was a week's worth of competitions in one hour. Boogie said that there was a slight concern that Janelle might go after Chill Town. Janelle said that she thinks about the past houseguests every night so of course she got all the questions right. Will says that he works slowly and methodically so going fast went against him. Will says his flirt game is strong, so Janelle listened to him. Janelle really wanted to get rid of Erika instead of George and wanted to put her up against Boogie. Will says that Janelle is in love with him so she listens to him. Boogie says that Will has done good work with Janelle. Janelle apologizes to Chicken George. Will thought he was going to get his first victory in BB history. It seems that Will broke his thumb in the process. Erika sais that it happened so fast that it didn't occur to her that she was in the final four. Boogie said that Erika didn't realize how winning the POV saved her. Janelle was disappointed that Erika won the POV. Boogie said that he knew he was going to be nominated because Will and Janelle are tight. Boogie said that it was tough saying good-bye to George. Janelle said that she loved George because he was so pleasant and didn't have a bad word against anyone. Will says that he will miss George alot, and George is the only person he didn't lie to. Will says that he had his ducks lined up in a row, and that he was able to help Chill Town dodge a bullet. Janelle said it was like getting rid of the parents and leaving the kids in the house. Will and Boogie celebrate in the DR about winning. Janelle said that she didn't think she would make it to the final four because the odds were against her. Boogie said that it is operation doubledate in the final four. Erika tells Boogie that he is taking her to the final two. Erika doesn't think that she can beat Will or Janelle. She wants the two lovebirds at the end. Boogie says that Erika thinks he will take her to the final two, but that ain't happening. Then we see several shots of Erika and Boogie grossly making out. Erika looks like she is trying to swallow Boogie. Boogie says that he had two targets in mind from the beginning, Diane and Erika. Boogie says that the number one thing about showmance is to never have real feelings. Erika thinks that they have real feelings. Janelle and Will snuggle up in a small bed together. Will and Janelle are in DR together and say they aren't in to each other. Will says that flirtmance is like showmance, but it is just flirting. Will says that he might be having a showmance with Boogie since they are in the hot tub together all the time. Will calls it a "bromance."
Janelle and Erika are in the backyard smoking cigarettes. Erika used to smoke, but then became an avid non-smoker. Since it was so stressful in the BB house, she started to pick up smoking. Boogie didn't know what was going on with the cigarette smoking. Boogie said that he can't stand the smoking and doesn't date smokers. Erika says that it is disgusting and Boogie said that it looks like Erika aged five years. It is time for the HOH competition and they all have to put on referee costumes. Janelle wishes Will luck. Out in the yard is a football field. It is time for the HOH bowl. Janelle gets to ask questions. They will be asked which day something happened. If they are off they are penalized one yard for each number that they are off. For example, if they answer day 10 and the answer is day 7, they get penalized three yards. The person with the fewest penalty yards wins. Question 1: On which day did the first All-star get evicted. Answer: Day 11. Will and Erika were off 2 days. Boogie got it correct. Janelle wanted Will to win. On which day did the gnomes throw pies in houseguests faces. Answer day 47. Erika was off 1, Will off 2 and Boogie off 6. Boogie says that they have to win. On which day did Marcellas shave Kaysar's head. Answer: 20. Boogie got it right. Erika was off three, and Will off 1. On which day did they find a female sheep? Day 39 is correct. All got it right. On which day was slop introduced to the houseguests. Day 12. Erika and Mike got it right. Will was off 2. On which day did the houseguests play the veto when they were kept up all night. Answer: Day 27. Erika was off 2, Will was off 1. Boogie got it right. Time for the final question. On which day were the bed replaced with cots? Answer: Day 34. Will and Boogie got it right, and Erika was 12 off. Boogie won the HOH and is guaranteed to make it to the final three. Will says that HOH isn't that important because Boogie won't nominate him. As Will says, the POV winner has the power. Erika knows that she is going to be nominated and you gotta love those badboys. Mike was off 6, Will off 7 and Erika off 17. Will says if you eliminate enough people you will eventually do okay. Boogie and Will go into the storage room and do their dancing. Will tells Boogie that either Janelle or Erika will be the one going out. Will says that the goal is to make Janelle and Erika suspicious of each other by playing them.
Will asks Janelle what would be the smallest size and Janelle doesn't think that the diamond matters and would happy with a friendship bracelet. Janelle says 2 carats is fine. Janelle is shocked that they think of that of her. Janelle said that she would elope. Boogie wants Janelle and Will to go to Vegas and pretend to get married. Janelle says they might get drunk and get married for real. Will says they will have to get an annullment. Janelle asks why would he want to do that. Long pause and Will answers so they can do it right in Minnesota. Will was not impressed with the HOH gift basket. Will tells them that they can get in the bathtub together, and they all talk Will into going in the jacuzzi. Will tells Boogie and Erika that they should have a baby. Will says that the loud clicking is Erika's biological clock. Will thinks that they should be encouraged to have a baby. Will already had a name for the baby. Chillem. Erika says that it will be a Big Brother Baby. Will says that they can celebrate the HOH win by having a baby. Will wants to deliver the baby, and Janelle can be the nurse. Boogie said that Erika is in her mid thirties and Boogie was willing to do anything for Chill Town to get far in the game. Will says that Janelle is driving Will insane because she wants him to kiss her and sleep with him. Will and Janelle get into an argument because Will calls Janelle psycho. Janelle said that it was awkward. Janelle says that she will sleep in the ant room and Will will sleep in the red room. Janelle goes off and says that she won't talk to him. Will is now afraid that Janelle will win the POV and kick him out. Janelle and Will go to talk in the storage room. Janelle tells Will that she is upset with his behavior and Will says that they should kiss and make up. Erika listens in at the door. Will tells Janelle that he would not get rid of Janelle. Janelle said that Erika told her that Will said that he wanted to win POV and get rid of Janelle. Boogie comes down and makes a noise at the door and then Janelle and Will knows what is going on. Boogie comes in and says Erika is right there. Janelle tells Will that she doesn't want to be in the house with her. Will swears to Janelle that they will get rid of Erika. Will tells Janelle that they are a different breed. Will tells Janelle that she is always used to getting everything she wants, and she isn't going to get that from him. They make up, and Will says "who's the hottest girl in the storage room?" Janelle spins around with Will's help and says that he always makes her feel happy.
Erika and Boogie are in bed against. Erika says that she can't wait to get Boogie outside of the house. Boogie said that he doesn't want to push things. Erika thinks there will be something between them when they leave the house. Boogie tells Erika that it is experience they won't forget. Boogie admits in DR that Erika will be really hurt after the show and that he is going to Hell. Janelle, Erika, and Boogie are playing cards when Will comes up. Will says that if Janelle wins the POV, she will take herself off and then vote off Erika. Janelle wants to believe them but knows that they lie all the time. Janelle thinks that it wouldn't happen because Janelle has won more competitions and has more friends in the jury house. Will and Boogie now tell Erika the same thing and that Erika or he wins the POV and Will will vote Janelle out. Erika says that they are probably telling Janelle the same thing. Will says that Janelle doesn't like Boogie and that 90% of the conversations they have isn't about the game. Boogie says that the two girls don't even question them. Erika says that she doesn't want to be nominated because it makes her look like a "ho-mance". Boogie says that he doesn't call it that and will let them be surprised.
It is now time for the nominations. Janelle expects to be nominated. Erika doesn't know what Boogie will do because you can't nominate the mother of your children, right? Boogie is relaxed because he knows what he is going to do. Will says that if Boogie nominates him he will rip his fedora off--wait, Howie already did that. Boogie said that he will do whatever it takes to be the last man standing, and has a take no prisoners approach. Boogie says that it is the final nomination ceremony. Will continues to eat yogurt. Will mugs and winks at Janelle. Boogie says that he wouldn't have picked any other three people to be with. He then pulls out Will's key. Erika looks hurt. Boogie says that he nominated Janelle and Erika. Janelle because of strategy because Janelle is a great player. He nominated Erika because she is far too special to be some girl who go done wrong. Boogie said that he wouldn't have gotten this far in the game without Will so he couldn't nominate Will. Erika looks close to tears and said that it is bros before hos, and thinks she will be out after Janelle. Janelle says that she has to put a stop to the craziness of Chill Town and knows that if she doesn't win POV she is out. Will says that he has a hot at winning it for a second time.
End of show recap
Sunday, September 3, 2006 -- Late Morning
Janelle won the POV last night. That is excellent news and means that once again, she will make it to the final three. The question becomes which person will she evict on Tuesday. It will have to be either Erika or Will. I'm hoping that it is Erika because I really don't like her, and I do like the Chill Town interactions. Also, even though Will and Boogie are together, Erika is also tied in with Boogie. Janelle might think that she stands more of a chance of defeating Will and Boogie in some of the competitions. It will be interesting to see what happens.Saturday, September 2, 2006 -- Evening
Nothing much has been going on in the BB house today. For some reason, the houseguests seem to know what the POV competition will be like because they have all been studying varying aspects of competitions and house life. That has been added to their usual eating and sleeping. The POV competition is supposed to be sometime this evening. As I write this it is 6:02 pm BB time, so they can have the competition anytime over the next six hours. However my time is now 9:02 so that means that they probably won't finish the competition until I am asleep.Absolutely nothing going on
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